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Anti-kidnapping Law Of Pennsylvania

Anti-kidnapping Law Of Pennsylvania image
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AN AC T to prevent kidnapping, presei-vr ihe public e ce, proltiJjit tlic exercisi? pf certa !n pnwers hpretoforn everc'h p 1 by Jinlges, qi" the Ppicp, Aldernvn. finil JaNors, in ih's Cnmmnnwetllh, and 10 rp.-a] certain s-I.ivp Seolinii 1. Re it rnnctel. &( Thnt if nnv persfin or perrons, shn'l hv fiice r violenep, tnke or canse i be taken or cried nway, and s'mll by fraud or fjíse!ret nccs, entice or ciuse to be cniicedi or ai; "nipt in tnko, ratrv nu-.iv, or emice, a-y free r.cgro or nrihüo from any pan oflhÍH f nnninnwenlih in nny other oirt nf ibis Corrimonwealth, with a design "f sel na; r Cüusjng tobo solí, or of k' ep iryj or causing ui be kept, s;ic!i free neer of inii''Hto, ns n rit servnnt lor life, er En1 anv term whatsoever, every ucli per-ion, hts aiderp, kc. ghnl! be deéimed guüiy of liig'i misjome.inor, nnd on conx iction the reo f in nny courl of quailpr B:s8Ínj of tii is commonwmltli slmll bc ! nio..:f-,! u pny ai the díscr.ítío'n of ilie niiiri, .i n v sum not !c s than Í500 nor HMro tirui Í2000, nnf-half whereöf tn be p-iid to ibe pcr.sin who shH prosecu'e tor ibe samo, and tl p half to this comtnonwealth j nul moieitcr siiall 'jnffargo n ponishme'.it by suli.'ary confineT6IH in tlip. [jrnito; ■( iii'v, at iinr.l labor, n peridd of nol 'o?s than fiv p, nï oxcöeding twelve y ar-, and on cbnviction "i' :;-. íeoo ni i oflènne, shnll be sentenced Ij ,av a like fine, and undergo a punislinrent by 8litary confíneme nt in the penileOiiary for tweniy-one ve-'irs. Sec'ion ü. Thai if nny poraon slit.ll hereaft-r knowingly sell or ass:gn.or talte n transfer of nfty negro or mulatto, Lir:!ie pnrpose of frnuduleiit.'v removing mi '!i fies nrrn or muhlta fu: of this ïtiie, witb the denign by fraud or false prctfLcs of making him or hér a slave dr servanl for life or for any term, every psrson kt offending -]ial! on conviftion . mis'ied a in i!e K9' section - and for the secondoffè) cc, il !ie discretion ol ihc cüiri, sh'ill nndei'gi) a punishment by try confinement nt hard labor in ilu er pc:iit"ní'irv fir n poriod not Iws "i:;,.n flve years tior excecding twelve . earS. Së 3. Tlmt no judga of nny of thecourts r,f this cornmonwealth oor any n'clerman or justipe of ihe peace of soici r-ommogwpalth, bliall have jurindictioD or tnke c.gnizancc nf the case of any fugitive froni labor from any of ibe U. States or lerritories, lindar íi cprlátn act of ConpasfcJ February J2th, 1T93, entiilodj "Ad act relativo to fugitivea f.on j'ibtice M)d prrsons escaping froni ilie servu.c of iheir tnasters ;" ror shall any bw: j:ilge, alderjnan, or j' slice of' tl.c e of this ci.mmonwenïtli, ís&'ící or graut anv cenific Ie or wnrrant of remnv,-)!, of any snch fugilive from labor utider t itd net ut' Congress. or undcr nnv other h-v, oqthorliy or a-t of Congress of the Ui,i!-'d S:n'ps ; and il any alderman or iustice of lie pe.Tt-e of this commpnwoalih. shall take cogirzince or jurisdic'ion of Jjbe ca e of n.:y such fugitivo, or shnll frant or is-iun any Biich certifícate or warrant o;' ienoval as aforeid, bo shnll be ripp'Tie"1 gu'lty of a misfeineinor in offu-e: a.d shnll on convictioa thrreif besentn"pd to pny at the discretion of the pourl, any sum not less tban $500 noiec"eiing $1000, oue hall' to the pnrtv pr'S' cui.iig and lbo to tire use ol" the Siule. Leri"ii 4. That f any por on or perfons cla'ming any ncgi'.j or inulnttj as n fu-TJive froni srrv'tndi1 or 1 oor. nliall nndt-ianv preipupp or nutliority whatsoeverfviolently and lumuïtuously seize upon and c:irr awav to any .lacp, or at o npl lo ceize and carrv away in a riulOUS, viilentj ftMiwltuoas and pnreasonablo mannr, so to díslurbor endawger the public pfloce, any nrgro or mnlatlo within thicoainionwealib. eiiher witb or wilhoul rhe in'cntion of t:k:ng snel. npgro or mulatto bffore any district or c'rcuit j"dge# t!:c persofl or persona so oiTcnding, shall ha deïü'.od of a mffldefheinor, and nn cwivletion shall le eñtanead lo pay n fin of not Ips than 100 nor more iba S1000, wiih cosis of proseogtioa, and be ' !,:; c I in thp countv j'iil for any ppriod nt ihe discretion of tbc eouit not exceeding t!irpe inonihs. Ppiion 5. T'M nothing in tbis aei s n'l bp contrued t tnke nwny wat is hrehv d''d ired to be ivested in the J'id""3 of th'S coniTiOiiWPalih, the right. power and aulhoritv at all lima, on applic1 ition made. to issue iIib writ of habea c Tpn=. and to eoquirs int the causes ,■ nd leg 'litv of the nrre-t or iitipri-onmcit tiCany homan beiog within lbi cnmreonwo Ith. Spc'ion C. lt shïill not bs lawfnl to OM nnvj.iil orprison of thia commonwenlth fur tbc clctontion of any personclaimed. as a fug live fYom serv'nudt or 1 bor, rxcepl I in ni-ps vl ; e jur s licti m imv lawfnlly tía Inkpn lv .- 1 1 1 y udge, under the provisioisof' iiii nel : nn'inny j.iilor, or keeper of nny prison, nr otlvr person whoshall ülloii! againsí the prnvisions of títh st-cthn, shall on conviciion piíy a fi ib of' 1500, onc-holf lor ihe use o I' thooninionwealth, and tle other balf (o the person wlio Drosecute"; and sh'l) nvireover hencfoit'i be removed Irnm offií-e, nnd be incn pable of holdiug sucli office of ja 1 or keeper of a prlson nt nny liraeduring bis natur.i] lip, Scciion 7. Tlr4 so mucli of iIip nct of tha General Asfembly, entiiled "Ad act for t!ip gndual abolition of slaiery," rnssrd March l.f, 1T80, ;is auihorizes ihc masten or owncni of slaes to brjng nnd re.tain su.-h alavés w'lin tliia conim'jnvveilth lor i lie peind of six tnoutb, in invniniii.-iiy serví lude or for ony period of time wba'soever, and so tnuc'i of' said nct ns prevente a slaic frotn gi.ving tct;. mnny Bgiiníi nny po"son wl'aSofveí', le and (he sarao is hereby reppalíd. Secfion 8. So inucli of ni 1 Uwa of Ibis I commonweallh ns are horoby oltereJ, be anfl the saie is herehy rppea'eil.


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