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Fei.i.ow CtTtZENS : - As tb( linie nppronohp fir t!ie mepting of ibe Gubernatorial Convenlion for tliis Sintf, 1 need mnke no ppologv for official!; c-ilüng your ntteniion pnrticula'ly lo the sul'ject. Flav'nc inst reiurnpfl f rom n hasly excurMon ibroogh New York nnd New En?, i land - and having valclifd the movemema ' of liic p' .] i'icn! waters'with sorae nttentinn, i [ hnve besome fu'ly snt'sfiei!, ïliat ih"ie luis ncvc, since the organizatian of the Liberty party, been n pefiod so firanght wilh interesl - so big with everiis in perspec'ive ns the preent ir.omen'. Never j hns there bean n time when it was so mporttni for the Liberty party to show a united, b')ld and wncompromising Proht, in ; favor of the eroat. fundnmenia] prini'iples of liberty nnd ihe constitntion : - Never ns therea porio'l when stick a devêïopement by the hosts of Liberty, could esert nn influenceso decdftJIy favorable 10 ïhe cause of+iutnanity and cqual rigl.ts. Il is Irue, many of' out warmest friends havo feit oud shown a strong inclination io make advances towardd a compromise of soine kind with the oíher ;ar!e;, in ilie liops and expectalior. of thereby soon(r ntiain:ng i lic strenglh requlsite to the ■(estructi m bf the slnve power - and with it. oi" slaiecy itself. Bul fV.liuw citisens, un!es I veiy much dicsive niyse'f, and mislake the signs of ihe limes, ihe Wbjg and Democratie panies are rnpidly verging !o a position whioh will save l!ie Liberty party from ihe danger and Hconsist' rn-y of such an experiment. For there is lilile or no doubt, thot Tavlur wil! be the uunoimous amalgamalion candidate of. ihe slave Stalcs; and of all ihe Whi and Democratie collon-ocracy and office seeking dimghfaces of the north. !f I nin right in thi--, w!)0 does not al once see the indispeCilsable npcessity of our remaining firm'y united and orgnnize !, in order tlial tiius we may form n nucleus of opposilionto ihi.sslavclioldingconspirney,'! round vrhiefa the forlorn hje of b;th the oíd pnriies may clusferi upon the pveni vvliich tnust follow - m'z. - ilie extinction of tliose par ie?, nnd the ci'fation of a S'ai'cnj nnd Anli-Sluveri perty out of' their ruins, Tliore are itber,ond ovrrwhelming reasons u'hy at tliis crisis tlie Liberty party should b, not o i ! y united, hut pectiHarly ennipst nnd s'-'ir-STcriiicing. Iïut I can at present, barely a'lido to tvvo or tlucp "ftliem: And it need not be odded, that the present murieron, Ireasonable w;ir of coiiquesi ap-ainst Mexico, for the avowed support nnd exlpnsion of slavery, stands pre-eminen!, nmrtng t!c motives which sliould urge us to JJnily nnd Acion. Ano:L- is, tliat many - nay, ihotisands of conscifiitious Whigs and Demócrata have beCHTifl ju-tly disgusteJ with ihoir connec! ion wilh SLwery, and lbo (Tavehólding dic!ation which has hitiicrio ruled the parlies ; nnd are rcadv, if we re ma in firro and faiiliful to ourelvns nnd the greal and gluriülM cnnsp, l join ns ngninst tliP lor.ger continuance of the Siaveholding despotism under which our country hilherto giomied nnd sufTered. Agnin, the nboniinab'e nnd sncrilegious principie rulopted nnd acted upofi by Ijoth the other parties, ';our country right or wrong," shauid impel every pairiutie and corisciemious citizen to n:-e bis utiriost efforts fur ilie destruutiotl of pnrlies, thiis basod lipona priliC-'ple (f such itcnnbe calledy of utter reck)e.8new( of all right - and confounding all distinc'ion between naton;il, na v.ell as individual, virtue ar.d vice - right an i wrong. Thn, fellow citizens, I cali upon you by these and many otber motives which can in) should nctuate patriota and chris:ians,to aronse at once to nction - and let the sta!e, the nation, and the world see by your prompi ntiendanco t the St ite Convention of the 23 June next, that your' lirinciples me not moro id!e sppculations and abalractions - bul tliat you are detei'miiied to devote your personal energie, ni wel] as your prcuniary roeans lo il. e nsfvntion of iho Siate and Nstion hy the ovcrthruw of opprfPsfon nnd slaierv. Cli'n Stalfi (Central Lib. Cum. Centervül.-, 2Ctli Müf, 1847.


Signal of Liberty
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