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We hnve alluded to Hungiry as onrf of the most important provinces of ihs Austrian empire. This vast realrn, containinga popul.-ition of nmrethan tpn BiillioiM, scattere'J over sunny and ferülo plains, and enormous mountain ranges, is, even at the present day, almost an unknown land to the rest of ihe world. Unnffected by that rapid prosrreas witli whicli the rest af Christendom is rushing oowards in the career of improvement, Hungary reposes in s deep and dreamless a sleep as when a!l Europe vasenveloped in the gloom of the dark agea. Theie is the craggy castle, covered wilh tlie accumulated moss of qetituries; frorn whose baronía! hnILs. ini periou1' lords and Iiaughty dame look down with coijteinpt upon a servile peasantry, w!io sow and reap and gnthcr in the hnrvesls, that their mnsters may bc charioted in splendor. And lherearothe cab:ns of the seiT, sca'iered around the castle, in ihe very sliadow of its battlcments : miserable hovols, conslructed of hurdles, n-t defended even by the addition of mud on the in.sido, from wind nnd rain. Somo of these wrctched habitations are on!y (iens uncler ground. Crowds of c-liildren, unwasliod, nncombed and actua'ly naked, are n round tlio door with p'g-v goals, dogs, hens and ducks, as if al! were of the same order of xis:cnco. At the first sight of the Elungsrian pensant, ane isconvinced that all stimulus to invention and all excrement to e.ertion, save lo ihc dull and lazy drudgory of a most monotonous existence, are wanting. There is no ambition. Thero is no desiro t improve. VVhen you hnve seen one, you have spen all. "From tho same littlo ha', covered with oil, folla the same matted long black hair, negligently plaited or lied in knots. And over the sanie dirty jacket and trowscrs, is wrapped on each n cloak of coarse woo'cn cloth, or hheepbkin süll rttaining ts wool." - Abbott. ÜCf" We intend to be pre-;enl at the Stale Convent on, and shall be hnppy V receive as large an amodnt on gubscrip t ion asean be paid in thme. Many who will not ti tiend can send rrmi'.iaocos b those who wil! be present. Ths is rathe a dry time of y&ar with us for receipts and they are therefore mnre needed anc welcome. ProJuce heara noiv erc!lp:i prices, and those who are so fortúnate as to receive Ihem will doubtless be reariy to distribute a smal! shnre of tlieir good for tune to the printer. (tT3 The Boston Courier, in speaking of the " Heroism" of General Taylor says, -- " [Jad General Taylor feit nny par tiality for the cbaracler of a hero in that other and Dobter i-ensp, he would have throwu his commission in ihe fice of tbp President, the moment he reccivcd an order to pnss over thi bonndary if tlie United Suites with au invading He would tlien have proved hiniselfn Irue and legitímate llero, and the wise and virtuousofall nations and nge woul.i liave combined to do him revercncR - ay, nnd when the portals of inim"italit should be opened o recoive bis dis- i embndied spirit, inay we not hclicve ihnt all Heaven wou!d e.-.ho wiih the sho u t , "The Mero Comes. ' '


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