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The Richmmid Enquirer contnin tha foüowing corre-pondencp, the sentimenis of wlikh it iippïovea as fullows : At the last sesaion of iIih Virgitiin Leg;slaturp, t il b' recolleitod ilvit rnsolutions wero adpted condismniog m decided lunná ilie " Wilinot Prnviao." of the re.solmi. ns were direcié'i to be enclnsed to ir.e Gove nors of the several S:ate-, to belaid heforu their rerpevtivr Legislntures. In the erlbrninnce of this duiy, ihn fbllowing correponrlence has taken Iu-o betweeu Gov. Smith la( Virgiiii", nnd Gov. A. G. Brown of M:ssissiipi. Gov. 3rown's lener hreiühes the trua Suihern spirit, and wül mei t wilh a hearty rense. - ON TUIS SUBJECT THE WHOLE SOÜTH W1LLBE UNITED. ExEruTivu Department, Eich mond, March 10, 1847. Sm:- -I rc3iecifo!ly coiumunicato ihe accompanying prenmbte and re-sol ui ion-, odoted ly tha General Assembly of Virginia n the 8ih nst., nnd rrqurst tliat you wil] lay the tamo before the Leeris'ature bfyour S't". I havo the buuO' to be your oh't serv t, V!. SMITH. His Excellency, Gv. of Miss. ExecutiveChambkb, Jack-on, Mis?.April 15. 1843. His Bcellen.-y,Wm. Smiih,Gov.of Vn., Sir :-- 1 have thé bonarïo ckwnrle-lgf the receipt ofyour lettpr cover;ng th i-psnlutions of the Geneml Aeniblv o!" Virginia, on tho -ulijfict !' slave ry.nnd reqne-ting me tn lay them befoie t'ie lcgiJ.Uire of Miisissippi a request which l slnll wilh grpat cherfuluess com.ily with hen onr lrgisloiure nssemb!ethU will uot be until J;muai-v, 1618. It nfiords me plcanuo to sny in ndvance, tho resolutinns will meet a heany respnnso from böth golitical portes in thw Stnie. Firni in their lone. elevated mwntiment,dipnifiedin their exjjrrssion, and rrilkicting cleirly nnd cogefilly the feeling-i of eveVy Southern inain on tho ntiddr'ejilv interosting sul.jct of which ihry ireai, il;ey will, l sincfn 1 trust, ohrckour Northern f.icndsin their nnd eareer, aml cause then m lede bpf'ro tlipy C'rc '.ha SoliiIi to i'io lai Citromity. Whenaliolition fi'-sl dis'urbei the qniec of the Smifh, our people give way lo passion, and in tenns fiercp -and bit'er dennuncpd thfi fnwiticwm which ihussought to dú-tuib iheir dmiestic tianqnility. No nppeal wns deomed necessary ai thit lime; no argument was rpsorird t", bef-auf-e, in the fust moment o. indignant excitment.the South fe't that hé ould not drcuss such n queslion without adBiitting the r'ght of the Nortlt to rnü in questn tle propriety of her in-ti;iri u, whifh she wa-i indisposed to do. Shp made no nppeal t what she deemednn exckss of FANATtcisM. Bu! thingsa'e chinad- 0e Btovsmenta in New York fcnd Pennsylvania- in nnd out of Cong,es_the evident pandering of Presidet:tml aspirnnts to the fivnr of abolttion, hoa dwsipa-ed the first feeling ofcnfi dêi.t éxp-ctation that ihie lik." uthfr heresies, woull expire of i's own excpsspp, nnd' the feelng of irrirmipn hns subsided intb ons of calm and dispas.iiiatedrttettninatïon- 6rst,'oehusi nll the resource of reiiüon nnd argument in exhoiting our Northcn bretlieron to let us lone on this iject;'-md ifihesp faü - f ihe spirit ofabolitioninvH ie the iouncils oflhe nntion- )-".nptiug tho Etrong p.-irty to rest from llio weak Ihn f.-uits óf its toil - its prnpprty- the Pwwi.n "f which was guar. "nffdby iheCon-tilutinn, Ihen, de,loroble mav bn ilie conseqaences, we wül (f eí .repared,havlng eJrfiaustrd eer frafernnl remedy, ló bécome enemiga dpfen 1 our rights wilh menna wliich God nnd ntura hav l'laced in our h-uids. U' ether men will forc this sad cain.tropho upon us, il is our d-Hy Iwatch in appra-h a id b" prep-nc t t to me' t it. The South musí be nn ted.- Tlie South will United in nexi Pi-esidential eleciion, if this wlmle quostion is n t unqualifirtdly withdnuvn from the contest, by a pljdge, categoricollg mad-to a'w'ain from all disturbon-e or intejfer'nce on the quertinn of slavrry duriiig tho Presidentral t'-rm. No man who sy;iipathi-es with the Fetilimeois put forth in the" Wil mal Proviso" ouglii t lnve, or in ray opinión can g'-t. a single eWtoral vote from ihe Smithprn Statf i 1 1,-now he eannet get a vote from Mississ'ppi. wc may not be in favor of . q'iiring slavë territ.iry. We may bo in ftvórof esiblishing tho Rio Grande ns the We3ern boundary up to pnmllei thirty-six dpgreps, and thence to the Paciftc, but we will n"t pubm t lo be told thnt si ve territory is not to lie acquired on thia "ron the oiher side of line. On this subje'-t thero is r.o división ot nentiment in Mississippi. It is common ground .n which Whigsand üemocrats cordinlly u'nite. The period is ap[ironching vvlicn wo ihall be calU'd upon lo rnikp a sel'-'-tion of a Presldcntinl candidate. It is impoisihlo t see what Jour years may bring forth. Mighiy revolutiont in Englnnd, Frnnoe, and oihor countries have taken place in much 'en lime, and aru now al thai point froni which it may be disastroos in tlie leat degree to mnke one step forward without first having prepared ihe ground. I ;in npposed llierefore, - nnd in 'liis I think 1 but echo the common sentiment in Mississippi,- to g-ïng int') conventioii wi:h our noriliern bretren without a prior (iisiinct utidei ding thnt ihe canrlidate el"'cted must r.ot oirly lie sound on this subject l)u; bsyond tlie lainl ofsuspi"yn. If nn aholiiionist, even in the mndified foam cif .1 "Wilmnt Proviso" man, is elevtd to the Pres;dency, (which may (io n hirf mercy prevoni,) tlie South owes it to her domeic qii:et, to th." conduct whiuli such an evenl may force her to adopt, to have no pnrt nor lot in ihe elc-ling of such a President. I am qui:e uie thutour Northern bnt'.iien will yet do us ihe ju-üre to yield lo our ivnsonalile demands. We have not akd monfy nor pnlronagf; we have not a-ke1 f. r pn nial legislation to proterl. nur labor; we havo only aked to be hl alone. A request so reosonablp in it-elf, and sO pasily granted, will .vurely nol bf? dniod - fit is, we oweit to our.-elws lo take eire tliat the slrill nol come 'hroi'gh a Prcs:d nt of our own clioosing. I Bo future pvents wliat iliey may, Mis-iippi w.ll siand ly Virginia iu mfiiiitaining her recenlly nd"ptod Reohitons, ns slie has aiways sloo.l by her in suppoituf l!e olutionsof '90. Very respc l'uüy. Yonr ob't ferv't,


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