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Band Instruments Given To School

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Wednesday November 16, 1960

JUNIOR JAM SESSION: First graders at St. Thomas School have a jam session on rhythm instruments made by mothers. The youngsters are (seated, front) Robert Young and Mary Theresa Keeley and (back) David Kennard, John Giever, and Scott Johnson.

Band Instruments Given To School

A group of rhythm band instruments was presented recently to Sister Therese Michele and Sister Mary Edwards, first grade teachers at St. Thomas School, by the education projects committee of the Mothers’ Club.

Parents of first-graders furnished the materials used in the construction of the instruments. With a little ingenuity and hard work, the mothers made tom-tom drums from shortening cans, and jingle clogs from wooden paddles which were painted and had bells mounted on them. A castanet was fashioned from steel embroidery hoops and parchment paper. A variety of other rhythm instruments were made, painted and decorated.

Mrs. Charles Pesek directed the instrument-making project. She was assisted by Mrs. Edgar Brennan, Mrs. Walter Hatch, Mrs. Joseph Hogan, Mrs. Charles Johnson, and Mrs. John Kennard.

Others who worked on the project were Mrs. Joseph Keeley, Mrs. Walter Knopik, Mrs. Chester Malanoski, Mrs. Anthony Ruddy, and Mrs. Marguerite Young.

The instruments will be used by the first-graders as part of an expanded music study program at the school.