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General Taylor And The Whigs

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Yi'hat a strange movcment does this seem! It involves, nn the part of Ihe Wliigs an utter abnegation of all principie, all consistency. They have denounced tho policy of miking the cnmp the steppingstone to the President cbair. Now they are nnxious to place in that chair a iran smoking wilh the blood of baltic, and known only as a warrior! - Tlir-v have authorizcd this Mexican war a ivicfted and infnmóus, but they are resolved lo crown with liighest honor him who has made wickedness triurnphant,nnd infamy "glonous." They pass sentence of condemnntiun upon Mr. Polk for liaving orderedthe march of the army to the Rio Grande - a step which they declaro was the immediate cau?e of ihe war - and tlien would make a President of the man who first recommended that measurc. They pronounce the extensión of shvery the greatest curse that enn befal! th is nation. and yet can think of nothing else than electing to the Presidency, and investing with the veto power, one whose wrole interest is identified with slavery, and who would doubtless veto any bill cxcluding it from new territory! They affect to believe that their principies in relat ion to comestic industry and tariils, finance and banking, internal irnprovemen!s and public lands, we vital to the Republic, the only true basis of its welfare; and yet they not only know nothing certainly of the politica! principies of their favorito candidato, but have taken extraordinaiy pains to l:eep themselves in the dark. Senator Cameron, ofPennsylvaniii, nublishesa letter, in which ho declares tlmt ho lias understood, from miníale friends ofUeneral Tnylor, tliat he wns. alwnys regarded os democratie in his views of public policy: and we have sepn fio oppoeiüg lestimony ( f equal weight But the Whig liaïcrs want no light apon the subject, thougli thev aro linnly convinced tlie country wil 1 be ruined unTess their principies ore carriod oit. Their ' principies.'" The commitlee of correspondente. appointed by iho great meeting at Phüadelphin, (a ■teeting roportod tobe "wittíout distinction oí" pnriy,"j to notify tjeheral Taylor f Iris nominatton, annomreto him it.-. desir; that hc sh"iild Qjftiipy !lie Prcsidentiul cliair, " w illi no [!et!g6s bul tlios" qontoined in the official r;ith, at bis ináfcgurati rn," &"viih the Det-laratiun ol Independence and the ConMiluiion" ns liis "guides;" and it clocs its lener with tbc fullowing par. gr:i;.h: "The itiidtsrsigncd, umier tliee circumstances, tukc lbo liberty of a-turing you that they neiiher deslíe nor e.xpe-t an a-.iswer 'o lliis comniunicntifai." ''■ Look, befare you leap," is a mnxim of onH;!:iry prudenco. liitt these men profiled sohugely by disregarding it in 1S40, that they must try the experimpnt ngain. They vvill lenp, Ih'n look, and perhnps fati:h- a Tyler. Such stuWficalion too (il'ien mirks the sluibby politics of ilii. country. Think of it - the whnle Whig inrty tying ii.-clf hand nnd lboijblindfokling itself, and then delivering iise'f over, soul, body, and spirit, to the safekeeping of a man whose political principies they know nothicg aboul, nnd whose abilny to govern tbey only guess at! Such a iivvenieiH may succeed for ll'.ctime, but in the end wil! prove the death of Iho pany responsible for it. - Tnrt:cs like these will teach ihc pcople to discredit its principies, and laugli at ils


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