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"the Liberty League."

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Tliis is tlie nppell.'ition cho.-cn by llial portion of the Libe.ty parly wlio have clioen to organize new. Tliey met in nationnl convention :it MacyJon, N. Y., June 8, and nomiiiated for President, Gkurit Pjmth , fr Vice President, E! hu Burbitt. These gentlemen are nol ttcrhni rally wilh ilienew organizntion, nltliougli tlicy hold iheir political views, exeept in reference to ihe funnation of n new pariv, on whicli point we are not informed. Two more noble hcnrtpd philantliropisls cannot bc found in ilie Union. Tliey well represent the spirit and feelings ofthose who pot thrm in nomination, yet if electeci, they would grently misrepresent those of the people of the United States! The Convention was not large, hut 7ó votes having been enst. The Albany Patriot was adopted as the organ of the paily. A letter was rcad froni Mr. Birncy, fully approving of the Convention as ea-íonable and nccessary, and giving in bis support to the new organizaron. We are sorry to see the Liberty Pre?s disposed to commence war forlliwitli upon the new party. Cannot tliis be dispensed wilh ? Tliey nre brnve-hcarted, true and excellent men ; and because they choose to pursue valuabla ohjects, as they havr have an undoubted right to do, in a rmnner different Torn us, ïrnst we therefore quarrel with thrin for years to come ? - What nred ofthis1? We know that the separaiion of Reformers, nll over the world, bas usunlly been followed by quarrels between the dividing parties. But can we not rise nbovc such littlenes of feeling? And if' the new party should manifest some asperity of spirit, can we not set tliem a !)eller example ? We should much regret to see the Liberty papers adopt the suily, querulous, Iliberal tone of the Garrisonian papers towards the Liberty party.


Signal of Liberty
Old News