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Western Clöthinc Exapqmuxn DETE.OXT Tiron.D iv ■ ivitico Ihat they VV h:ir now received their enlire e and Summcr toodsand are fulljr prep 'W 10 supply Iheir ol! eüsiomc r and ibe public Wlth aiiy amoum of new ond laafnónablfl Ready MjmIc Clothlng. Consisiiagol every variery and dMcription ol garmculí, loo numernua 10 meütioD. All ol v liich tiiey nre disposcd to sell at opon ihemoai i. s and priccs. VU,i on h ld n -: len lid assortnient ol DROM) VLO TUS, CA SSIME H ES.. VESTJNGS, CASMHARETTS, TWEEDS, S Ö M M E R C L O T II S, P11IS A N D P L A I D L IN E A S, &c. &c. &c, re fully preiiared to nwike to unler upon live elioncai nolice, and must fa&hionaule mannar, ar ii.cir wel' kaown ' Clotli ing Emporium" DETROIT. ííi-nfr of Jctli -isiin and Wuodward avenues. Detriil, May M, l47. N. B. Two or ihree fust rato Toilors imy Rn 1 i inpioyment upon mniedia:e appliealk n Uj (be subscribera, cor. Jeffijrson and Woodward OALLOCK & RAYMOND. IS N ) Robbery! TÍIE Subscrfbers nr (sti'l in Market, tnd ure preparcd 10 offrr i!ie Farmiag Pol"tion ol llie coui in uniiy GREAT BARGAINS, „ PfJLLEU CLOTIIS, fLANNELK. BÁTINETS. BROAD CLOTHS, and in short neary all klnda of DRY GOODS Sf GROCERIES, BY WAV O EXCHANGE t'l'R W O O L and most kinds of Country Produce. The VVOOLF.N FACTORY sitnatcd in thü villaje fs now in tbeir posstssion, and is m sllC ; ..perMion, b) nieans ol Wliich ihoy ve ub!e ' "fier beiter inrlucementa to WOOL GEGWIRS. t!inn any oilier establishment in tho county. NOT TO BE F0RG0TTEN Those who'wish Ci.h. üky Goods or Bro lor ihcir VVool, or produce oi' nny kind' shouid '.ie snre 10 c.ill on the Subscríbela belore parehnsing eUe wlierc. WOOL CARD1NG &, CLOTH DRESSING done to order on ihc shorteet poseible notice. C a II and e i .' 3t8:f BECKLEYS & THQMAS. Ajju Afbor, Lower Town, May 20, '47. Farming Utcissils. LOG, Ciblc, Trace and Halter CFIAIiVS, Warlswonh'", Ve'IJvr's. nnd Tower'a HOES. Hay, Barley, and Mamire FOUKS, Gradlfi'and Grass SCYTHES, Lnmson's and other Snaths end Cradles. Iron .rad Cast Slee] Shovels and Spades, Drag Teeth, Crow B-irs, Peck Axes, Cliopping Axes, Croes Cut S.iwí, Hay Rakes, and all other tools lor the Farmer, enn bo bou"'.it lw at the Anvil Store. Upper Town riENRY W. WELLES. Arm Arbor, 22d May, '47. 202.1 y -1ASHMARETT AND TWEiDS. - A Kj beautiful ai'.icle lor Gontieinen's Fhmniei -.vear. just reciiived and w.ll bé r.iaimfaotured in the l.iteBt siyle an !!'.;■' po iible inannor, at tbe " Western Clothins Emporium." HALLOCK & RAT MOND. 313 tf DSTttOlf. Cor. .Uff. oml Woodward avenae. ""Siecl Cultivator Tecth. rpilE subseriber is agent for tlie Patent Stoel 1 Cultivator Tceth. and has just receivul n reshsupply, whicli he wil! stil at the manufacu-er's price. This article is coinhijf Info use tturodnoed, nnd lias receivec' the npprobation of the irst agricuUurists in t!ie United States. Anvil S oro. Upper Town. HENRY W. WELLES. Aoa Arbor, 82d May, '47. S{. 1 y Building Materials. Oí' KVERY KIND. Nnilg, Okas, White Lead, Linsecd Oil, Locks, liitclies, w.i. (i.iw blind and sasli TctmmingB, Hrads, Butts, Screws, Finisliing Nails, and all articles necefSiry for complcting a building, can lie booght at Detroit prices at the Anvil Store. Upper Town. HENRY W. WELLES. Ann Arbor, L2J May, '47. 292 ly COOPER'S TOOLS. JUST received at the Anvil Store, Upper Town, a complete assori inent of ihe celebrated Locicport Tools, made by Weed, nn 1 the Oiiio City. mide by Wall, which will bc warranted and sold at gri'ath' reduced prices. IliONRY W. WELLES. Ann Arbor, 22d May, 1817. 2921 y BLAOZSI&HHS' TOOLS. " A RMITAOE Mouré Hole" Anvüs. XTl iC Wright's" do. Cottercl Keyed Vices. West'ebest Bellows, 00 to n(ijnehe68. Kledgcs, Hand Hammers. Files and Rasps of eve'y kind, can be found at the Iron Store, sign of the Big Anvü. HENRY W. WELLES. nn Arjor. Jan. 10, 1847. 298-ly BRIGHT and Black Log Chainsr, 5-lb Ü 16, 7-lt), & 8-lfi wrappihg do. tSaríght and twisted link Trace do. llalier do. For solo very cheap at the sign of tlie Big Anvil, Uppor Town. HENRY W. WELLES. Ann Arbor, Jan. 10, 1847. 2!)8-ly fO AK BARK ! THE subscriber ia prepered to pay Three Dollars per cord lor YcIIdw Oak Bark. and $2,50 for Wliite Oak Bark, delivered at the Tan nery l'ormsrly occupied liy llenry Mann, in the Upper Village of Ann Arbor, near the Red Brewery. One lialf Cash and one hall'Barter wil: be paid for the eame. He will also pay CAStl for any quamity of HÏDES delivered as fibove. HENRY KRAUSE. Ann Arbor, June 1, lt}47. 3l9-8w ROWLAND'S best Mili Saws, 6, 6è, :ind 7 feet. Rowland'i best X Cut Saws, 6, fij, and 7 feet. Englieh C. S. Pit Saws. flj and 7 feet. Superior American Mili Saw Files, 10 to IC inclies. For sale at the sign of the Big Anvil, Upper Town. UENRY W. WELLES. Ann Arbor, Jan. 10, 17. 2'J6-ly New fwoods HAVE GEEN RBCEIVED BY WLtn. &. Biijjmouög Proprietor of llie MANHATTAN STO E, Cur. ol Jefléraoo AverfBe and Hatee St. Detroit. LET every body cali umi look ai ilie stoek'uf Pry Gouds wliich may bc tound ui tbe Famous OLD MANHATTAN tal ORE. The qimnlKy a Inrger, tl.c stylu protlier, and the ftioea linar ilion ivcr ! BOHNHIS, BONOS! A v. ortmenl I H kind. TorBaa, Straw, l'ediii linid, Ojcn Wotk, Englii-h BraiJ, A , &c &:., frmtliè conrerat lo t!,u fineat. Al.-o a groal BHOltffiiW ui libbons, mi's. i: m i ... .'. ■■ GIKTGHABES , LAWNS, 5AHAGES, MUS LIN. DEL AINS, 13 als orines! au 1 nll otlicr sorts of D r c s s G o o d s. l)i:. UTIFUL DRESS S1LKS, PAEAOGLg SHAWLS, 0 ƒ .: i a d s PRITS, 33vtïiutj5:si, PAiTALOOM STÏJFF, COT ro.N GOODS. COTTON YARf, wT && -h& tf 1,-y t-h-e c-a-r-t 1- ü- a-d-!- I It' fi!ks from tiic country will only give uí a e .til. nn 1 look round ruun mr nice gouds, t is all we nsk. The goode will sreak üicr own pr;i ses, itnd in tiinc casoa 0.11 of icn secure a tra Ie. lus; üite Young Hyson Tua fr four sliillings amlizpence pCi' l'oupd. ( i -i; l'oailii'is. Paper ÏInngings &c ■■ 317 W. A. IIAYMOND. E. G. BURGER, Denlitt, FIRST ROOJJ OVEIl C. M. & T. W. ROOt's STORE, JEANE & JKW KTt's BLOCK, aei-tf ann arbor. A List of Books FOR SALE BY rOWLESS ó WELLS, At The Fhrcnological Cabinet, 131 Kassen Síi-oi-í, NEW YORK. All of which are neally bound in cheop form, EXFRKSSLY to send üïtitii., at the present I.OW RATKS OF FOSTAGK, Ut the pnces ::ffi.ld tl) ench work. üur friendsat a distance mriy now enclosethe money for either of the following works. and reoeive tlietn by the return of the first mail. rnnr.Nor.onv proveo, illustrxTl.l) & PPLIBV:- 3thed.ition, enlargod. By ü. S. Fowlkr: containing over 500 pages lamo. JlUialnited by upwards of 40 engravinga. A Pbacticai St'indard wurk un the Science. Price $1. MEMORY fNTBLLECTUAL MP HOI E MEST: - fieweditiof greally enlarged :inil ïuriiove.l. Jy t ) . S. Applied to self t'iiiic.iiiou andjuvehüc instructii n. IUustrated byengrnvii.-,. A valuable work lurolc! and young. Pp. 230. 13mo. Prije 60 centa. RELIGIÓN. NATVLAl AND REVEALED: - Or the Mora! Benrings of Fbrenology, conipared with tluree enj.iined in the Scripture. 13y S. Fow.'.ef. price 50 cenia. LOVEXND PALJVrAOL.-- Applied tthi lmproement of Offsprrng. By O. S. Fow i.ktí. Of which more thao eiyhteen thou sand conies have león aoíd vvílhio a year. - Piite '5 cema. A.M.TH'EXESS:-Or the cvils and remedies o!',) .vcosaive and purverted pexuality. noluding warning and advtee to the ISIarried anl Single : a Suppleu.cnt to Love and Parcntage. - Priee 12 clihs. M.TR!.VOXV:-Or Phrenolopy andPhysioIo gy apphod . to the selectiiui of congenial conimons lor lie ; by ü. S. Fowlkh. Of which more iban 30.000 coplea have been sold in the United S tales. besides hiving been re published ia Knylaud. Price 25 cents. 8YÑVPS-I8 OF PHRENOl.OGV AND PHYSIOLOGY:-By L. N. Fowim. comprijíin a r tndansed descriptioii oftlie función? of the body and mind; also the additional dis- coveriiis made by the aid of Mognetism and Neurology. lllustrotetl. Price V cents. MARRItXGE: - A ncw edition, enlargcd and impiOved, eontaining an analysis of all ihe Social Organs, amuly illuatrateií. Also a eonciae Histort oí its forms and practices n nW ssei and nations. By Jj.N. Pricr 37 cems. PHRENULOGW&L OUWE:- Deïigned for StinJunts cf thuir own Ciliaracters. Most of tlx organsare Hu9tr;;ed with twoengravíngs,howing ench orgau,)nrge and smal!. A good thini; for beginners. Pnce i 2 con is. PHRENOLOGY AND VHYSlOLOdV:- Applied to Temperanci. or the laws of life anr' lie.ilh, of which upwariii of twenty thouxand havo been sold. No one should be without it. Frica 6 cents. TIÜHT LAClNG-.-Or the evils of compresthe orgins of animal ufo, and ihereby funotions. Kvory yonni; woinnn should linvo a cop. This work has al1 had nn exiensive sale. Price 0 cenis. SYNOPSIS OF PHRENOLOGY, A ('II. Mil' : - Deeigned for the use ot Practical Plirenologisis. With upwardi of 40 engravings. Price 6 cents, or $i per hundred. THE PUIIKNOLOGICAL .I.MN.C FOR 1847; - Containing the Likencsses of laany distiniruished naividutds, boules a beiiutíful emblomntical hcid, which shows the loeation of all the organs. Ninety thousand havi; olready been sold. Price 6 cents, or 13 copies for 5U cen's. A SOBER S,. TEMPÉRATE LIFE.- ij Louis Cornako. and riten by hiui at i ... ol 83 years; wiih a likeness of tlie Buthor.whn. by his températe habut.attained the remarkable age ol 104 years. and giving direciions as to ihe quanty oí food necessary to prolong lile. Tliiwork has bee translated into nearly every laaguage. Pp, 228. I8mo. Price 25 cenis. THE PHRENOLOaiOAL JOUHNM: - Ol '.'■ large page, on good paper and lype, amply illustratecl with engravingd, adiptsd to all claMAfl, It will be fcuind very instructrvp and useful. Terms One Dullak a ear in n'ivance. COMISE' S riIYSrOLOGY :- From the lasi Edinburgli edition. with notes and observations by O. S. Fowi.kk. This is the best work extant on Health and Longevity. Pp. 820. 8mo. Price, 75 cents. PHYSIOLOGY- ANIMAL AND MENTAL: - Applied to the Preservaiion and Restoration ol Hcakh. By O. S, Fowlek. - Price, 50. EDUCATION: ITS ELEMENTARA PRINCl P LES .---Founded on the Nature of Man. By J G. SetuzHKiM, M. D. Sixih American, ('rom the third London edition, enlarged and improved by the author. Pp. 320, 12mo. Price 50, Books for sale at the Phrenogical Cabinet, atretail prices only, allor eilher . . e jchieh may bc ordered and -sent by mail, at the price afftxed to each work. RATioNAr.E or Crine, Pnce 02 cents Human Kichts, " 50 " 1'niLosnriiï of the Watkr Cc uk, " 25 " l'uACi'icF. of tuk Watí.r Cure, ' 85 " 1'hK I'UUMIGUAPIIIC CtAM ÜOUK, "' !7 " Tijk PBOSaoRAFHlp Rfahkb, " 25 " Thk l'i I 'i-.fii'MV of MeíMERISIT, " W5 " Tka imi ("üifee, " 15 " .Snsi Publishcd, Illiistmtcd Ddition oí -AMII.IAR LESSONS ON HIRKNOLCUY, lor Cfaiidren and Youlh. Exteneively illuslr;Hcjd liy o Iñrge numbcr of iigw nnd ong iihI engravings. l)iÍLrntc! for tlie use e! Schwila ond Families. By Mrs. L. N. Fovvi.kii. Price EO ctnls. FAMII IAR LESSUNSON PHYSIOLOGY. mi" Schuola fuul Familcs. Amply ïMnstrnitid by nppmprisfe engreivinga. By L. N. Fow lar Price ö cents. TKRESiUKG MACHINES, ÖLOVER BXACHINSS AND SEPAKATOKS. '"pilK euhseriher would inform iho public ihai JL h e minimies 10 manufactura ttle &bove mae. in i'.t iIib old etaji of Knnpp &■ Uayiland, ai t e Lower Villugej)! Ann Arbor, neor ihePil el Mul. 'I M.H-l-.inrs ara of. npprovcd modcK ■en ilioroucfUy te -: t;ti in tliis viciiiiiy aiid iv.irkeJ well. They are mode ot the busi niuariala and by ex.;eriéncetl wrknicn. Thsy will ba kept oonetanily o i hnnd, and hIso 1c made tu orddr nt Ihn slinítce' no ice. 'iln y will I.ü . o'.d on very re.neonjble nrms uir Cash, o r lor iiu;ls k luw i lo !■ ul'Suliitcly gond. Th Dhovu Alücliinus can c iised by fonr, si. or fight -hórsas, nnd a:c nut liobl tn lie ensïïy liroken or daoiage I. Tliy nre well atl ipied for i!ie use.iif eiiner Farmtrs er Jobher?. The SeP' nrators can he atftcfaed to nny gfnred or stnpped maeliine oí any other kind. The mi' u.Hi'd niet to llie foilou-ing persons whó liavc jiiirclms:! an usod h is Machints : MichasJ Thmnpsou, Salem, Alsxander Donna, " .1 unes Parker, " Alva l'niit, riliifi ld, M. A. Cravath. " BhirN's Altxaiiiier, " Wm. Poita, Mjl.orH, Ilinkley & Vinton, 'lir ii.ird. Martin Doty. Vpsilauii, M. 1'. & A. D. fiadley, Snlioe, ' Wm Si :■, t1:. Clinton. Isaac Uurhan, Norlhfield. Parlicu'ar at'e ttiitn w iii be paid lo Hkfairs. C asli will be p-iitl Por Old Ccstings. PrsAXfl desirous'of purcliisin machines ore re(jncstcd (■ cali and examine ihc9e before purelioeing elsewbere. T. A. IIWir.AND. Mny 17, 1S47. 3I7lf GBH3E FEATHS3HS! PAPER HANGINGS! FIRST RATF, ÏOUNG HYSON TKA AT ON'LY FOUR AND SIXPEXCE PER POUND ! By thowny no one buys this tea once hut buys asrain, and becomos a cus'omer. None better for the price can be hnd in Detroit. WILL OW WAGGONS, Traveling Baskets, and as well as lots of othfr goods besides Dry Goods may he had very cheap at the ' Old M'.khattan Stop.k.' Detroit. 817 W. A. RAYM0ND. - 5-3 Piléis -"ra # s -. :i -a "si - - iJ=5l 1=1 1 r, S.a ' o ;i 1 9íf Kp8s Albany and Troy Cut LJJ Noüsüdtü Gld. 20 Kegs Wrouaht Nails Grito 12c). 5) Boxea " Belfevewiu " Giass íroiii 7X9 i" Id X 14. HO Kcgspure Leac! in Oil. 500 Iba. " (iry. 300 Gallons Linseed Oil "20,000 TeeiPine Lunibir, seasnned, clenrsiuff. Togetlier wiih a ful! assortment ol' Locks, Latcbes, }?utts. Screws. WíikJow Blind Fasten ings, &c. for sule at witnin u Iracliün ol Detroit priccs. át tlie BIG ANVIL STORE, UPPER TOWN. HENRT W. WELL8. Aun Arbor, Mirch 13, 1S47. 3!) tí TO THE FARMíES. i)í( Lbs. Superior Wool Twine. inJ n fuU issortment of Fnrming utensils of a!i kinds, Axea, 8hove!s. PporJea Manure au, i Hay Forks. Log and Cafile Cluins. Drag Teetb Siriiw Knivc-a. Crow Bars. Puck Axcs.lloos. &c. (anuís ai the BIG ANVIL STORE, Ul'l'F.R TOWN. HENRY VV. WELLS. Ann Arbor, M.ireh Ki, 1847. 3(18 THE LIBERTY MINSTREL ONE HüiVPRED COPIKS of the fifth eái tion u[ ihis Iiighly popular work are fot fale at tb'e Siena] office at 50 cents sinlr, or $ 1,50 per clozen. Ter in s Cash. Xow is the litne lor Liberty choirs to supply thetnselves. WiH. S. BRÖWN, Allorney fy Couns e lor at L aw, ANN ARBOR, MIC1I. OFFICE wiih K. Mumy, 297-ly TO RENT. Til F. ROOM over tlie store of Beckley's & Tbomaji. Posscssion iven immedia'.ely. Muy 23, 1847. Bf.ckleys & Thomas. BRASS CLOCKS. A large lot of ■Mi hour nnd H day Braes Clucks í'or sale. BI 814 and $22 by the cose. 30-tf J. W. TIL LM A N TWO Horse Wns!ons anJ a Bucgy for sale by BECKLKYS & THOMAS. State of Michigan, ) w shtknaw c'ounty, ) ss: "VfOTICE is hereby given, thnt the underi.lsigned on the ' 24ih day of May inst., preFented a petition to the .Tudgo of Probate of eaid County, praying that Darius Pierce be apminted Administrator on the estáte of Lester Cooper, la'.e ofsaid county deceased, and that the consideration of said petition was postponed to the 2lst day of June next at onep'clock P.M. nt the Probate office of said County. to the end that all persons in'erested may then and there appear and show cause, if any they havo why h: Prayer of the said Petitioner shouid not be granted. SARAH COOPER. May 24, 847. HS.jjw NEW GOODS. BY EXPRESS FIIOM NEW YORK. SpringSFasMons. rpiIE subscritier bas just reoeived n frrsh asX Fürtment of Spring and Siininier Umiíj. and offers ihem for sale chcap, such as Broadchths of aü description ; Salinets and Cassimeres, and every llting in the I'ANTA LOON Rad VKST1NG line, and every article usually loiind in a Meicliniit TAILOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. Ile ís imw propni'd U rnnke und fit all kinds of pcnilei:iel#a parnients, anH wuuld icnder his ih.-i.'ks i hi old önttoniero and the public generally. nnd aolioitBtheir favoia. ÜJ= G ARMENT S cut to order at all times. WM. WAGNER, Dhaieu imi Tailor, llurun Sliept, Suulhol rhe PUIJMC SQUARü. Am. Aik.r, April 28, IL47. "w CLOTII, CLOTIl ! ''T'MIF, un;!r.rsi.rnod would inform ihe public 1. that tliey will continuo to manuiocture Pulled Clotii, Cnsiiiniere and Flannel, ai their ';:r[ory. Iwü nnd a linlf inilva west Iroin AnnArbor, on Uurun Rivcr nOar iho Roilroad. TERMS i The price of making cioih will be for Cflwime:e, 4 ! cta. por yard ; lor FulU.1 cloih, 37 cis. ner yard : foi while Flannel, 20 cis. per yard.- Wc will also exchnnge cloth for wool on reaionable tonus. Wool sent hy railrond occoinpanied iviili inítruclions will bc fi.omptly nitended to. Wc hnve done an exit'iisive:i)i6ÍnfiSS . 11 inanuficturin cloih for ous'oinors for guveral years, nu I helieve we zitc ;s ood Batisfnclion ns rmy Eeiablihhroenl in :he Siaie. We ihereforo invite our old customers to couiinue, and new ones 10 oonio. Lottors s!ionld bc adi'.rcssed to S. VV. Fostef &, Co., Scio. S. W. FOSTER & CO. 8#o, April, 1847. 313-tf. New EsiablishMient. clocks, WATCHES, AHD THF. subecriber would rcepectfully announce (o the citizeti8 of Dexter and viciniy that he has opened a shop n the above place, in the corner siore, formerly known as " Shcperd'a' ; where hc is prrpnred to do Ai.r, kinps of repairidg in the line of docks, watchos, jewoliy &c, on the notice. Having hnd abouttwelve yenrs ezperience in some ol the best i shops, he Uatters himself that he can give enlire. satisfacüon to all those who nay favor liini wilh their work. He hns and iscoiymmly receiymg, cloeks, watclios. and jewelry ot ill descripti jnf, which he will aell as cheap as the entrest. W. W. DEXTER. A L S O GROCERIES of all kinds: such as, Teas, Su cara, Molasses, Rai'iins, Coffue. Peppers, Spiee, Fish, Candies. Tobacco. Ciurs &c. &c. And in fact ivkrtTBme usnally keptin bScIi an estabüslimentfl-Ki uoh f.xcepted) constantly on hand and lor sale cheap. W. W. DEXTER & Co. Dextkr, March G, 1847 tf Hat, Cap, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING EMPORIUM. T. II. ARMSTRONG, HAVINÍÍ taken the Stond No 5S, Woodard Avenue, 3.doors north of Doty's Auction Room, rocenlly oceupied by J. G. Crane, as o I Jat Siore ; and added the stock of the lalter to hie own, and also engaged in nianufacturitii: every description of HATS fr CAPS, He is now prepared to ofl'ur to the Public ever' article in nis line, either' of his own or eastern manufacture, twenty five per cent les? [han have boen offere'l in this market. In his stock will be found Fine Nutra, Satín Beaver. Beaver, Otter, Brjsh nn-l Sporting Hots, Fino Cloth. Siik. 'l'lnsh, Oil Silk and Velvet Caps ; also, Rich Silk Cravara, Scaifs, flandkercheifs ; Kid, Thread, Silk, ami Buckskin Gloves ; Collors, Bosoms, Walking Canes, Umbrellas, &c. T A I LO R I N G. The Subscriber hns also secured the service? of a (irst rata l'raciical Cutter, by which he will he enabled to furnieh sarments of every stylc and i.'escription, and in the most approved and f;:ahion;il)le mnnner. He is constnntly roceiving the laiest fashions. and, errployinfr the best of workmen, he is confident tfaat he will {,'ive the beM of satisfaction to nll that mny favor him with their patronage in this brnnch of h3 bus' ess. 310-tf On Hand Again ! THE Subscriber would respectfully nolify tlie public, lliat he s located once inore in the village of Ann Arbor, and is prepnred to aocommodnie the community wilh a clioice and well selected assortment of NEW GOODS, uonsislinfr of Uiiy Gouds, Gkockkds, Hardware, liuuis and Shoks, Crocki rt. &c. &c. which he wil] all for Rl'.ADY I'AY as eheat ns the saino qualiiy of Gooda can be bad at an other store in tiran. Persons who wiah to mnke purrhasesfor Cash. at C.ihIi l'riccs, will do ïycll to ca!l bcfore purchaaiitiï clst'wbcre. ]iy keeping tbc first qnality of anieles, by scllinc at smal! profits. and by a fair and lionorabli course in business, be txpeets lo inerit a libera! share of public patronage. Moit kinds of COUNTRY l'RODUCE will be tnken in payinent for Guods. O" Don't furge.t tlie place, - on the Eost Side of Main strcc.t. a few f"o irs soulh of the Public Square, in therame atura with C. üliss, Jeweler. M. WHEF.LER. Anu Arbor. Nov. 24, 1846. ü!)--tf NOTICE. TÏ1E co-pïirlnership heretofore existin; hetween Garland & Le Fkvhk, istbisilay desolved hy mutual consent. Either partner ts BUtborized to uso the name of the firm in settling up the outstanding business. All persrniiLf!flt-i(l lo srtid firm are e.xpecled to make im. mediale payment, as by so doing they will savcost. C. J. GARLAND. 13. D. LE FF.VUE. Ann Arbor, May 1, 1847. 315-Sw NËW TIN SHOP. TUE subscriber lias commenced tho manufacture of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper, In all itsvarious branches, in connection with the "Anvil Store," and is prepared to furnish Country Merchanls and Farmers with every Ihint; in that line. JOB WORK AND REPAIRING Neatly and e.xpeditiously done. HENRY VV. WELLES. Upper Town, ) Anti Arbor, lst June, '47. 5 .292,ly .f mm Jlrbor Tl j i-J gubscriber hnving purchased th inioresla of .1. M. RocEweM n ilie Marhk Uusincs. would iniovui 'lic i nli.'ihiiants of this and adjoinins countie. th.v hewill continue ih husine s ni (he old stnnil. in llié UppW Tuwn, near ihe l'rcsbyieriiin Clmicli. umi mauufacture fo nrder : Monuments, drive Stonrs Paint Slone, Tablets, $c. Sfc. Thnse wisWng lo obtain snysrticle in liieline of business wil] find hy callin tlini he lias an as■ortltieiu ofWhit oml Vaiiejnteí! M'irble fron tlie Eastern Marbfe Quarrics. wbicb ili b wroughl in Modern siy!c, and sold ai ensicrn pri cea, adding transporlation only. Cali nnd ge the proof. W. F. SPAUI.DING. Ann Arhor. Jan. 30. 18?. '272Iy_ NEW GOODS! Cheap for Cash!! TlilO Subscribe beg leave 10 nform iheir old ciistuiiu'is, and ihe public ftanerally, ihat ihey are now receivinga laige and splenrfid a8sorlment of Engiish, American and West India, GOODS, Crockery, SJicIf Hardware, Painis, Oils, Dyestufs, Drugs and Medicines. Also i general assortinent o! IKON. suitable fdr Ironing Wagfions and l!ugiiee, NailRods, IIoikü Shoes. and Morse Nails. Bheel Iron. Tin Ware and Tin JVlate - also a general assortment of BOOTS SHOES, thick and ibui eale wolk. ánd custoin work to suitrurchasers. All of' wliicli ihey w;ll eell on tlje luwest possible terms for Cash o üartf.h. Feeling conüdent as we do, ihat wc c;in ïiiake il for liie nieresiof all those wishing to purchase any of the above meAioncd Ooods. we do most earnpstly solicit s t least au inveeiigalion of our Goods and prices bef'ore purcliasine elsewhcre. JAMES GIBSON & CO. TVo. 3. JExchhnge lêlock. Ann Arbor, Luwer To'wn, Sept. 14, H-46. 2-2-tf "CLOCKS AND WATCHES!' E%g2 rTlUE Subscribeiha8 just 6.,. -v JL received. (and is conjft "jjsiamly receiving) from Jlr- JBbSÍ iN'fw York au eletaut and % 1 5BwB wt'" 8t'ltcutl as-ortment Jcwelry, SJlocks, aiciies, &e. whicb lio inlendtí tu sell as Ivw as at any othoi establishment this side ol BufTalo for ready pay onty aniong whicli may be found theiülluw ing: a üood assortiment o Gold Finger Rings. GoldlSronsipir.s.Wriötlet Guard Cliains and Keys. Silver Spoons, Germán Silvcr Tea and Tnble Spoons (firsl qualiiy.) Silver and Gorman do Sugar Tongs. Silver SaH,MuMard and Creani e)O(ini1. Huttcr Kiiivts, Gold and Silver I'encil Cases, G,)ld Pens. il ' Vencils, Silver and Germán Silver Tlntr-bles. Silver Spectacles, Germán and Sleel do. Goggles, Clothes. Hair and Tooih Brushes, Lalher lirushos. Razoisand PookeiKnives, Fino Shcars and Scissois, Knivcf and Forks. ISritiannia Tea E'ots and Caslore. Plnted, Krnse, and Bi inania Candlesiicks, Snufien & Trays, Shavins hoxes and Soaps, Chnpman's Best RaZor Strop, Calfnnd Moroccu VValleis, SUk and Cotton purses. Violins ani Bows, Vioün and Uass Viol Strings, Kliites, Fifea. Clarionets. Aecordionf - Mnsic Books for the same, Mono Senls, Steel Pens ani Tweezers, Pen cases, Sntifl'and Toliaccu boxes. [vory Dressing Combs. Side and Bfick and PoeketCombs, Needlecases. Stelctiors. WalerPaints and limshe?, Toy Watches, a great variety of Dolls, in short the createst voriety of (oys ever brosgbl to llits market, Fancy work boxes. children's tea setts. Cologne Hair Oils, Smelling Snlts. Court Piaster. Tea Bells. Thermometers. Gemían Pipes. Wood Pencilft. ' BRASS AND WOOD CI.OCKS. &e. in fact al most every thing to piense the fancy. Ladies and Gentlemen, cali and examine for yourselves. Ciocks. Watchei on1 jewelry repnired and warranted on shon notieo. Shop at his olri stand, opposite H. Beckor'p hvick Store, in the Store occupied by M. Wlieeler. CALVÍN BI.ISS. N. B. - Cash paid for old Gold & Silvcr. Ann Arbor, July Ist, 184(5. 271-ly THE SUBSCÜIBER hasreceived his winter stock, wbich heoil'ers Cor Cash. :U i'reit'y reduced pri-es. The Public iré invited to cali, examine, and judge for ihemselves. Now en hand, ind daüy adding. SCFA.S of cvery varieiy nnd pattern, ar.d the laiest fnshion, prioe9 Ironi $'M nnd upOIVANö, OTTOMANS. LOUNGES. BUREAUS, of Bli kinds, from $1 nnd up. Centre, Uard, Tea, Dress, Pier, Dming, and Nest Tables. Wiish, Candlc, nnd Tuilci Rianil?. Bedsteads - Mnhogany, Maple, and W-i'nut. trom j2 a"d up. Piano Fortes ; Piano Covers ; Piano Stools. Doublé and singlo Matresses ol hair, sliuck, palm k-af, or straw. Doublc and single Col Bei!sten!s. do do Writing Desks. CHAIUS. - The best assortment thnt can be found west of New York and the cheapest in ibis city. Windsor Chaire, a good articlo, at $2 50 the Htt. Mahogany French Chairs, hnirseat, a first rate anide, and well finislied for $3 50, Cash only. Mahogany Rocking Chairs, hair seat and back, warrnnted good, at the low price of $12, lor the caeh only. Flog nnd Cane Seat from Ge. and up. lïird Cages, plain and gallery : 3ird Glaasos, ffobby-Horses, and Toy VVhcelbarrows, for chil drn ; Patent Shower and Hip liaths ; Boston liaih Pans, Camp Sïools, Umbrella and Hal Slands, Faney Bellows. Foot Scrapers, Cane Seat Counter and Boat Stoole. Curtain material, Table covers, Patent Post-Office Balances, Picture Frames, Willow Waoons, Cradles, Chairs, Clocks, and Baskets ; Brittannia Table Castors, very cheap. Mahogany nnd Rosewood Veneers ; Varnish and Japan : Bronze, Mahogany Knobs, Locks, Glim, Curled Ilair, and Cane Seats. Also, n large asaoriment of American Castors. expressly lor Cabinet Makers, very cheap. Cash and the highest mnrket price paid for any quantity of Wnlnut and Cherry Lumber. 1 wtll also contract for any quantity of first rate Walnut Lumber, to be sawed to order, nnd dnlivercd by the lst of June next. J. W. TILLMAN, No. 87, JeiTj: on Avenue. Detroit, January 1, 1847. 297-ly FIRZ3! FIRXS!' FJ. B. CRANE would respeclfully notify thc citizens ofAnn Arbor, and ihe euroundin": country, that ho continúes to actas geni of the HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, inl will instire Properiy against 'osses by Fire, it ihelowest rales, and wiih detpatd) ann accu■acy. '1'Iki Hartford loaoranue Company is om f the oliicst and most atable in the country, ilid íll losses sustnined by iliem will be - as ttiey eveí lave been - PROJrrt'LT i'Aii) ! Fire is ;. (langernis clement and not to be irilleil with: ;herelore, mikeup your mind lo guard against. it and ion't iiki.ay ! A íuw houra delay muy be your ruin. Mr. Cuank's OiTieo is ín Crone's ncw Block, comer ol the l'uMic Square, Ann Albor. Üfc'O-tf TEETI1! TEET1U! TEET1IH! MASTICATION and Articulation, warranted by ilieír beiag properly reS. D. BUHPJFTT, will continue thernriice of DENl'ISTRY in ,ill Ua varinus brenchea, v'.y. : Scsling. Filling. und Inserlinc "n gold plre or pivott, from onc to an (íntire sen. Oíd platea or tnisüts reniodled. and made eqml to new. OFFICE over O. I!. Thompson & Co.'s Shoe Store, Ladies who requosi it, can be waited on al llieif dwpllings. N. 13. Charges unusually low, and all kinds rtfPRaDÜCE mkert. Ann Arbor, Dec. 5. 18.5(5. 9!Ki- il TÍ1E PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN., CONTINÚES to insure upon tlie most favorable terms. dwellii g. barnt-. n:er■li;ind se. milis. siU)uU in milis, iiiiti olher kindf ol insural:!e proptriy. Applytothe ojffice of tbeir Agtncy ni Ann Arbor. in the post office buiidiag, opposite thtBank of 'iVashtttiaw. D. M'JNTIRE, Asent. April, 21, 1847, 3I2-tf Peace Declared, AND A TR3BAT3T POSIR2BD, WHEREBY S. FELCII can hold Fhkk TkaDE ísu CoMHERCI iiN esooTs, sao e , _t je.i tu er1 and I'inelings of all kinJ8. with all persons, ISaiives or Foroignerp, on tíie folfowing just and equal terms. viz : Gnod Articlet - Luw Prieel - Iteailij Pay - mul ffo TiusL. Thc subscriber having fiiüy tesled llie Credi! System to bis gF4at loss. boih of confi lenco anr! cash, and bavíng suífeied much liss by riie. ne cessity conipels him to collcct hie pay ' lt J rc. harzest," as "jFiti: harvesi and mxifai.l," very olten come up missing," leaving him sadlij in tlio Bnolbole. lie has come to the eatne conclusión that certain sentible f.'ris did on a late occasion, (tecio lal nr Ti) kus hand, ready ■pay or n'f Shwnnaking ) All persons that can conform to ihn above trealy will do well to cali on S. Fb1c-.1i. Ann Albor, Lowet Town, No. 4 Hurón Bljck. wbere they will nol be taxed for others' wvrk who never nay. N, 15. All persons ndebted in anjr wayfo the subscribir, had betier cali and pay if they are honest aud niean to keep so. í97-0m S. YV,.r. Ann Arbor, )-ower Town. Jan. i, 18-J7. Te nip er anee SI o n s c ! 1S47. 1847. STEAMBOAT HOTEL. DETROIT, M!C:r. DANSEIi BAR.í!Y, having lakiü ihis well known Stand, and ihorougbl; repaired t throuírhout. is now üxtet.eivo ly rupared id cccominodnte his friends and 1I11 Travelling Public wiih all ihnse conveni ncet 'aleulnted lo maé ihein comfortable, and ivuh prices to suit the times ! Meáis, 25 Cents. ' Bastern and Southern Stage Office kept at this Hovsc. UT3 Omnibus and frfggnge Wagnn alwnys on and [o coovey Pusáengura tu snd froiu ihe EIoum free of charge. 29íi-6m COHSTOCK & SEYJflOUK, Dealers in Fancy and Staplc Dry GgcmIs, Boots AND SHOES, HARDWARE, Crockery A' Graceries, at No. 3, Porter's Block, South side of the Public Square, 308 JACKSON, M1CII. lietnrüed TAILORING. TIIE Subscriber is desirous of infurniinir liis old customers and ilie public enerully, t'i .: lul has loca ted liinipelf on Main st.,nenr Wildte Grocery Slore. on ihe corner of Main and lluron s:reeis, svhere ali kinds of T A I L 0 R I N G in the present fas h ion can be dono o a respeciable and prompt nianner. 1'. S. CUTTING done on the shortest notice and warranted lo fit if properly madu UD, W. WILKIVSON. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. 317 HOUSE & LOTFÖRSALË. r i íME subscribir oflers to sel! her Dwelling I Hoase and íot m the Lower Villgfl O' Ann Arbot, situau-d bul a few rods lïom tlie cen tre of tuiüini'ss. and frontlng on Broadway. [i will be (ound a convenient residence (vi a family. AUo, on the ntne li. a dwelling house well adaptad u a sniall family. The preperty wiíl be sold on very reasonable ler:ns. Posaession can be given by the lirst ol September, if desired. ELIZA H. GROrK. May 39, 1?4T. 317.3ni STEEL GO'OÜS' 3$ u r s e ,S í I fe s ana Sf (KUlngl SPLENDID FANS, and any quanlity of othur goods of this sort at ■ the OLD MANHATTAN STORE, ;?17 Detroit. Gold Pens, PRICE REDUCED. IT is admitted bv all who use ihem, that Piquette's Gold Pens are equal f not superior to nnj' ever iflcred in ihis market, price $2,50. For sale whulesale. and retnil at the monutacto ry. Corner oí Jeirerson Avenue & Griswold St., Detroit. 314-lyr Also for sale by C. BLISS, Ann Arbor. COUNTY ORDERS. npiIE highestpricepaid in caEhby G. F. LevvA. is, Exchange Broker, opposite the Insuranco Bank, Detroit, for orders on any of iho counties ín the State of Michigan; nlso for State ecuritics of all kinds and uncurrentfunds Cali and set. Dec 1, 1845 241 -tl THRESHING Machines. rpHE undersigned would inform the public X liiat lic rpanulactures llorse Powers and I'hreshing Machines at Scio, of a superior kind invemed by himself. Thesj Powert, and Mncliince are pnrticularly idapted ti ihe lêc of .Farmers who wish to use thern lor threshing tlitir own grain. The power, thresher and h'xturescan all be loaded into a common sized wagon bux and drawn with one pair of horses. Tbey aie designed to be used with four hurses, and are abnndanlly trong for thai nuniher. umi may be safely used wilh six or eigbi norses vitli projifti' care. They work wilh lessslrenL'ih ui hureea according to the amount of business done than any oiher power, and will ihresh general'y about ÍM) bushels vlieat per day wilh four honre. In onc inptnnce 158 bushcls wlieat ere tlireelied in three hours wilh four horses. Tliis Power and Machine contain all the advantacea necessary to n.ake them profitoble to thi purcluspr. Tliey nre stront and durable. - They are easüy moved írom onc place to another. The work of the horses is easy on thepe iiowfis in con parison to oihers, and the price is LOWKK than auy other power and machine, have evur btf n sold in the State, according to the renl value. The terms-nf payment will be liberal fur notes ihat ure kiiown to be ab6olutely jood. I have n number of Powers nnd Machines now ïeady for énle nnd persons wishing to buy are invited to cali eoon. SKPARATORS. I nm pe pared lo iiuil.e Scpaiators for Ihoss who m.iy want ihem. The niility and advaniapes of ibis Pover and Machine will appear evid nt to oll on eiamining ■he recommendntions below. All persons are eamioned ngainst maliirg these Powere and Machines: the undesigned Ivivm' adopted the necessary n:eaeures for secuiin luiiers patent int the same within the time required by Uw. S. TX. FOSTF.R. Scio, Washtenaw Co , Micli.. June 18, 1346 r.F.COMMKNDATIONS. Durinjr tlie yeñr l?45, cach ot' ;lic undersigneií iurchí6e(l and useil cither inrlivijiínlly or joinrly viih uihfc'rs, oi:e uf S. IV, Foeter's newly in ■enled Huríe Fowers and machinen, md pclieve they are botter adapied to the use of ■'armere who wiinl Fowers and Machines for heir own ese thnn any oilier power ond llireêh;r within our knowledn, Thcy are calculated o !he used wtth iour hoiees and are of ampie itrengih for liiat nuniber. They appear to be onsiructed in siicli a manner as to render theni ícry durable wiih Male iiubiüiy of getting out of nder. Theynre eisily moved from one ploce o anofher. They can be woikcd with any numjer of hn.ids from four to ciglit, and will ihresli íboi't 200 biiahels wheat per day. J. A. POLflEMÜS, Scio. Wnshtenaw co. G. BLOOT). " f T. RTCHAEDSOJI, " " SAMUF.L HF.ALY, " " ?. P. KOSTER, " " N. A. PHÉUS. " " ADAM SMITir, " ' .1 M. liOWK.V. .ín a í WM. WALKF.R. Webster, " TIÍOS WARREN, " 1). SMALLEY, J.odi. " 1 threshed last fall tnx! winter w.ih or.e of S. W. Foster's linrsn powers. more tban fifieen raia 'I he repairs besfowerl upon t;e p'i-er amoumed tn ,,r!v íij cents, and it was in Bood order when I liad 'done threshing. I invariably used six horses. A A RON YOUNGLOVE. Manon, June (i. 1946. I purchafed one of S. W. Fosler's horse powers Iíiri fall and have uted il lor j'bhng. I have used many riifü-ient kinds ui powers and believe this is the besl running poer I hac en. D. S. BEKNET. IiuuiLurg. June. 18 X. V.'e purchdsod one cif S. W. Foster's fíorje Powers fr.8t ftll. and liavc used t and hink it is a first tatú ri.we:. .'í :-Sl' IfALI,. h.í vü!. S. IIALF,, " Rl ! BEN S. HALL. [Ianibnrg-, June, 1846. SitiíJ-ff COKi, RYK Jk WKEAT WANTKU I y the eubscrilers, iO.ÍOO bnebelí ol Cum- 10.UI O luisht-li of Rve, nnd O.f'OI bushete iil V.'lijjr. r!,livr.d ol tbe áiuani Mili. fir whicli Cu,], will U unid. IN.GALLS. I.AMB, & FiSHER. Ann Arbor, I. 1 -J7. 2)8-: I". Farm for Sale!! THE Subscribe; oÜ'eis ftVí síile bta í'arm, pimaied iwu niilrs eot ol i1'" village of Ann il( r. The farm comuna eighty neres of land well watered, ar.J fony acres under improvenient. For furiher pirriculirs rnqnirs on tlie prernses of v IlOIiF.RT B. GLAZIEH. Ann Arbor. April I. 18-47. 310-3m FOR SALE CMEAP for CASH, or erery kind ofeoan try Produce, Saddlcs, BridlesJIarness, Trunks, Valíses, Trun: Valises, Carpet Bags,$c. Also a aood íissonmem of Vips & Lashks, which will bu sold yerj low, nnd no tnistnke, nt CüOK & ROBINSO.NS. Ann Arbor, Angustia, 1646. '277-if C22BAP STOVES AT YPSlLANTl! 1 5 COOriNO & PARLOR STOVEP, ■ tf just received, by the Scbfciiber, (n'osily from A'lbany) niaking a good nsaorlment of the htesi nnd best piitterns, wbich will be toid al Low Pnces! not to be undcrsold ibis side Lako Eriel Also, Coppar Furniíure, Cnuliíron Ketílcr, íiollüw Ware of all sizes, Slove Pipe, Sht'it Iron, Zink, &c. TIN WARE! Manufactured, and constarrtly Kept on hand wliich will .liso b sold very lovP. S. - Purcbaseía -..: Jo well to cali and examine for thcir own satibfaelinn. J. M. BROWN. Ypsilnnti, Jnne 20, 1846. L7It FURNITÜRE & UPHOLSTER1NG WARE ROOMS. STEVENS & ZiO, ÍN thelower end of the Wnite Block. directly opposite the Michigan Exchangk. have on hand a large assortment of FURNITURE, of their own manu acture, which they will eell very !o' for Cash They alsakeep experienced Upholslerers, and are prepared 10 do ajl kinds of Upliolstering at the shortest nniii'e. Fnrnitnre of all kinds madfi to order of tho best material, and warranted, STEVENS & ZUG. Detroit, January, 1, 1847. 297-ly Dissolution. THE co-pannership heretofore existing.between the Subscribers under the name oí Fosikr &Dkll is lilis day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts and demands will be adjusted by either of the firm. Tbose indebted to ihem will eee, 'rom tlns new arrangement, the necessity of niakins prompt payments. THEODORE FOSTER GEORGE DELL. Ann Arbor, April 16, 1847. 312-tf ALARGE chaldron ketíle for sale by UECKLEYS & THOMAS. Ann Arbor, Lower Town. 310 CCLARK.Attorney and Counsellor, and Justice of i ho l'caco. Ollice. Court House Ann Arbo; 210tf


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