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Senator Butler, of South Carolina, seems to have returned home from Congress with an immense amount of loathing...

Senator Butler, of South Carolina, seems to have returned home from Congress with an immense amount of loathing... image
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Senator Butler, of South Carolina, seems to have returned homo from Congress with nn immense ainount of loatiiing boltled up in his inner man. The Columbia, S. C. Chronicle gies a synopsis of his speech to his constiluents on his return, from which we e.xtnict the foüowing : "Judge Butler prnceeded to explain the causes which hnd produced the late Bchism in the Democratie party, which, as a party, he denouneed in the most nnmeasured terms as utlerly devoid of polilical decency, or polilicnl honesty, and which he thanked his Gnd lis had severed fiimself from forever. He repudiated the very name of Pemocrnoy, and said he claimed thnt of ' Republican' for himself and his friends. Of the New York Democracv, which he considered the rpecial exponent of that sect, ns organizod under ilie presint administratinn, he sjoke much in the tone of Coriolanus, of the Roman r ibble - voice, words and looks, all ndi(ating the most profound disgust - the tonteinpt he enter'ained for them. Aris'orracy alicad of itself. - A most lo 'ghable eñbrt to attain a ':cut-strav d'mly" as manifested a few dayssïnce in lie :efisal of a servant girl to " wash fi ; met-I entes!" W7:ovi]l irake tl. e next ;;"-. U oprn ''is industrious c!us ' and h' '!::'.] ! ie occasion ! are queslions of a une irnesi to those who work fur a g. - Syracu e Star." New rsF. of Ether. - A frinJ n! CJonoórd senrls ns th following account of a new and successful experiment with ether : Friend R.: I administered the ettnf to a very vicious, ugly horsn to-day, and she wes made so impressible hy it that nny opnration might have heen performed npon iipr without any apparent srnsibiüty. Mr. Bigelow, oor blncksmith. told me somctime ago that one of llie stige horses, which he was obligcd to siioe, from some cause, would keep up such an tacespant violent kicking, biting, and sqiu aling, that it was not only troublesome but dnng-erous toshoe her. I told hita to let j tne know when he shod her again, and 1 would give the ellier toher. 1 did so today, and two minutes after [ applied the j ether lo her nostrils shc as quiet and harmless as a shec-p, and was shod with perfect ease and safety. The horse was as bright os ever afterward. - Lowdl Covricr. New Application op Vapor of Ether. - Dr. Cazenova, l.c-d nngeon of the lunaiic asylum at Pau, hns tred the ! use of Vapor of Ether on a nvid giri. - This poor creaturc had heen unable to obtain sleep for five months. She was made to inhale ether, and her ngitation oon ceased. After five exhalations she feil into a complete state of insensibility, which lasted twenty-five minutes ; at the end of that time the torpor ceased, and no eymp'.oms of disorder remained. New Era tn Navigation. - On the 20th inst. the three mnsted schooner New Brunswick anchored outside Chicago harbor loaded with 18,000 bushels of wheat, with which she cleared for Liverpool. She goes by the way of the Weiland Canal and St. Lawrence.- Argus. Lady Free Masons. - A French lodgp has been installedin England; and henee forth, ladies are to be admitted as members of the lodges. Cost of Transportation, &c. - Hunt's Merchant's Magazine publishes a copy of an account of sales of 13,480 bbls of flour, by a commission house in Boston, received from St. Joseph, Michigan. The flour sold for $69,657 21 - The charges upon the snme, including $4,115 31, on the St. Joseph River, amounted to $31,067 17, nearly half of the nett proceeds. The charges occurred on last season's freights, and would have been nearly or quite a third more this spring. Some idea may be formed from h% of the cost of getting the produce of the west to market.


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