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We find the following henrt-tourhing story in llie Pitlsburgh Commercial j nal. Il Wiw n few days after tlie De'ws of the battle of Buena Visla - tho very dny tliat brought the official list of the killed and wountled - we were sented in the office reading over the naraes with n sad curiosily, seeking out those with whom we were of oíd familiar. M cKee we rememberbd wnll - a dashing, daring Arlillery officer - he was in tlie Third when we knew him. Bot he morried, left the service, engnged in business, and at the opening of the war resumed the epaulettes nsColonelof a Kentucky Volunieer Regiment. Brave fellow ! - none braver feil on that bloody field. We were sorrowfidiy enough engaged, by these thoughls, when a young woman entered tl e office. When we sny young, we mean under thirty. She had a sniall girl by the han! - a beautlful liitle crealure about three ycars old. Mother and child, for sueh no one could doubt (o be their relationship, who observed their features, were dressed with extreme neatness, though all the liltle elegancies of decoration were bestowed npon the child. Wejust looked over the top of ihe paper to nole ihese pnrticulars,when, having been direcied to us by the clerk, she came fonvard to our de-k. We handed her a chair, and while we endeavorec' as well as we could to soo;he her very apparent ngilation, we were somewhat at a Iosj to account for its existence. After a few minutes' conversation, we discovered the renon in the fact that she was a relativa of a soldier in Capt. 's compatiy of artillery. This corps had [been engngecl, nnd we rempmbeied, litici sniTered severely. She had been informad that llie list of the killed nnd wounded hnd arrived, and she had called lo henr some intelligence of lu'.s iate. She wislied us to read over the namos. We ngain took up the pnper, and proceeded lo comply with her request. Ve shal! liever forget tlie expression of thal woman's features, as we read. Her agnny was terrible. She was not unhnndsome ; but her faoe ghaslly pale, nnd her eyes looked unutiercble despair, as she fixedthem upon (hc child, who wns plnying with a newspaper nnd langbing joyously in its lieedle-s innocence. [Ier lips were colorles?, ihe irspirntion slnrtrd on her forelicad, and as she lificd her hand to wipe the l.-.rge drops away, we could sep it tremb'ing ns thoug-l; p:i!s'oii. Thn presenlirnont of evil hnd nlready bnikon her henrt, an.-J wc knew the rclntinn must he a very nenr onp. She had nvoided giving us hPi' nam1, and so soon as we found the list, nppnllingly alono, which comprised tlie ] t'fis of iho dcsigna'ed corps, we bpgan to read. We did not know whpn we wnuld reach the falal name, if at al!, and at each individual, we looked inquiringly in the woman's fice. She snid noiliing, liowever, for some time, and we began to i hope that the name was not down, when we rer.d, John , sergeant, killed." Such a scroam! It was the wni] of a brokpn heart. One only - nnd then stil] as death. That cry was ringing in ompars for a momh. We :mmediately ran townrds her, but she arose from her chnir, mntionpd us her thnnks, nni without a word left the office. We hnd to her the announcemcnt of her husband's death. We dii net do rnuch service in tlie offii;p thal chy. TIip next morning, happening down on j ihe wlnrf, we saw tlie v.'nrmn and hor little gir!, going on boari? the Cincinnnti pncket. Shn rrcognize) u?,nnd wespoko to her. She was crushed ci'inpletely. - j Sho Imd grown twenty vearsolder in us rnany hnurs. Sho nformod us that she !ití rosidfl with her husbnnd tv. ÈTew York. Tliat s!:e wnc origimllv from tlip Wet, and on his corps being ordered to ! Mexico, she detormined to repair t'i ber friends and await tho conclusión of the' '.ir. She had henrd of ihe bittle, nnd i knew tlmt Captain 'a bnttery was! engiged, andón her nrrival in Pit'sburg, had bfen direc'ed to the Journal officp f r förther informalion. S!ie arrivcd the verv morning after the receipt of the list of killed and wnundd. We bnde hor good bye. She conlinurd lier rnu'e to her girlhood's home. now desolate, ns well os the world, In her, and we to our daily business, a sadcier man, indeed. The linie incident r?cordpd above, was recnlled tn our minds on Salurday. bv j redding in a wes'ern pnper, :he nolicc of the deatli of "Mrs. Rarnh , widow of John . n soldier, killed in the bnttle of Buena Vislíi." It w.-.s onr acquaintance - ihere could be no mistike. She hal? grioved herself to dc.ith for her husl'.nnd. We have often beer) called npon, on busiueys of n similar nnturo, bv the wives of office rs and soldiere, but none of them ever left so strong yet so painful an impression as the wife of the nrtilleryman killed at Bitena Vista.


Signal of Liberty
Old News