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The Poisoning Case In Shelby County, Texas

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Ofihis cnsr, s) fiïi d i:i i's ■ oncrpti in, S' diabo ie 1 in ■ x cuion, rn i so m uinful v fuial in ts rosnhs, (stvs thp Ne-v OrVans Delta.) wc have ftï f 1lowingfu the particular? f rom Mr. Stillp. who tM the fi st 1 1 Infotm the pubüc of ihe tragi.; oceir rpnc, thr ugh the Delta. Miny at t'u; t:mo doubtel i ts truth, for it wis hnrd to conexivo liow nny n ind cou'd be so totnliy dpprivei!, so lest to all tbc Teel ir gs ofn'ituro and hnrmnity. as to perpétrete on innocent and üfisuspnctiiif,' vc!:rm Such wiif'lcíalo m'jrder. Ye; true it is. too truc, béflring nbout :t tbough it does all the mn'ignant nnd frightfül fsntüres of the ftfsfaeoounf : Batot Sara, May 23, 1847. I rettirned írom a fiying isit to Ha:rilton yesterday, and lenrned somo more prrticulnrs ín relation to ;hc poisoning: fifteen are dead, and somc eight or Ion are expected to dio daily ( some got better, but took a relapse and died. The poison was arsenic. I will relate th circumstances: Itappears that oíd Wükinson wns a man of bad characíer, a notorious hog thief, nnd Morris, the groom, had born twice whipped in Mississippl for negro stealing. Wilkinson was aecused of stealing tho hogs of Spot Sanders, and you will perceive, fion what follw, how he revenged himself. He sent to the houso of Sanders, who uves some two or three miles fivm him, nnd who was not at the time friendly, a half of a shoat,one lurfcey, linee chickon pirrjHt!' Ier, pnund cake, &c, enough to last ihe family a wrek, all poisoned, even tolhe butler, which was elpgintly monlded. - Tho fimily ata of it. Mrs. Sanders, 'hfe cliildron, and a neg'-r tioy, are dead; lhf others, and only child lpft, wns dying when I was at our friend Ker's. - Mr. Sanders and seven negme are yet sick - somp, it is thonght, will die. Poor Mrs. Snnders did not know that her children were dead or dying, and lold her j htisband to rear them in the nurturo and i admonition of the Lord. She reque?ted, when dying, thní her npgroes should come nnd bid her farewell; they could nol, all being poisoned. M- Snunder's mathei-, nn old niy of seventy, was a victimalso. Allen Ilaley lost a negro man; tlie min's wife was one of ilieservants at the wedding, and took him a pieie of the pnund cake; he ate two mouthfuls, nnd, not liking the taste of it, nte no more - yet that killed him. An old lady by ihe nameof Edens made the cakes, nnd she was poisoned, logether with her son ond negro girl; the girl is dend, and Ver son not expected to recover. The buiter that was left at Sander's was thrown out, and some fowls ate of it and died in a few minutes.- Allen Ilaley and his mother were the only pprsons at llie wedding not poison;d. They camélale aCtcr th? guesís wcre server), nnd ote wit! the fatnily, partakiüg of the same food they did,even to the cale. Old Wilkinson insistedon cutting a fieah cake for them, bul tbey refused to partake of it, and escaped deaüi by their refusal, The lady that rr.ade the cakes, Mrs. Edens, went on the morning of the wedding ay to lcok at the cakrs, in the smoke house, where she had put them, and found that tho covering s'ip had put on the top of them was removed from all ihe enkes except one that was covered with a custard pie ; they looked dai-k and discolored, and she took some Joafsugar, which she grated nnd put orer hem, thinking t s'range tliat they w-pre so di.;arranged. Old Wilkinson and hi? wife and Morris's wife ere srresied and examined before Squire Sanders, wlio commiited them to prison. Charles Aïexander bailed the women,and Wilkinson was laken out by a writ of haleas corpus before the Probate Judge, fjrsicr, and set at liberty. He was afraid to !eavc the houff during the day, as iliere were persons determined on killing him. During the night he escnped on Morri&'j horse, which Morris brought ;o him. Eight persons are in pursuit of bim, who have sworn to kill him on sight. Morriss is Wilkinson's ngent; he was ordered to leavp, or ha would first be wbipped and then hung;. tTe refijfc lo go, and we juay thprefore exprct tliat he will be made short Work of. I wrole you in my last that the ne groes were suspected ofhaving been hire-J lo poison ihe food. Suc i is not thc case, ns ihe neeroes were all poisoned, they not belonging to W'ilkinson. At ibe Inst accounts the pursuers were but a few miles behind Wilkinson, headed by' Mr. Cnstflbery, who was one of the poisoned.nnd loít bis sister; he swore lie would follow him to the end of the v.orlJ, being bent on tnking his life. I have secn some of the survivors; they are blnck under the eyes, and their finger nails nnd the ends ofiheir fingers are black; thoy look lik wnlking ghoets. Thcy nll think thnt hsnlth aml sirongth arp gonp, being everyone UnabU todo any laborious work. Poor oul"s! S. In rel; t'on'to the above cae the Houston Te!egrap.h. snys that Wilkinson confesed fhot be had given the nrsenlc to the cook purposely to be mixed in the cake, and he cautioned the bride nnd other members of the family not to eat the cake. He bplonged to the Moderator patty ofSnbine.and he siated that he took this opportunity to destroy ns many Regilatorsas possil)le, to avenge himsolf for thoiuui's tl ey h.dinflictcS upon him and lis fiirr.r'r. DeLíBERATíTChOICE OF A ÜEATH.-Olie of the rri'tst delibérate cases of suicido that wo rrme.Tihprto hfive recorded, occurrcd very recently in New York, and is no ticed in some of the journals. A man who hal ofien snid that he was weary of üfe, nnd who had also threatened self-destruction without being believed, waltod off coolly on the Harlem Railroad as Hir as 42 street, wliere he divested himolfofall his cloihing, savehis shirt. He mnde a bundie ofthem, and placed his boots on ihe top, and ihen lefi them in tha ceutre of one track. He then laid bis bodv ocrosa the rails on the other track, where it was found in the morning severcd in two. - Transcript. A charter wasgranted by the State of Connscticut, to a company in Norwich with a cnpital of 200,000, for the purposo of insuiing the health of men, and bv paying S5 per nnnum, tho insured ob tuins $4 ench wnek he m.iy bo unnble to altend business by illness or acciden',in addition to becoming a stockholder and enjoying a proportior of the dividend. Suoh n c'tipiny mit benefit gratly the min who toils for a living. If he have health, hecnr. ensiïy nfTord his S5, and s'iould health fail.our dollars per week must greaily comfort himself and fatnily, if hehave one.


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