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New Presbyterian Church

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We liavc oiniiicd to noiice hilherto the prepitratory steps to the fonnaiion of n new Gci:c:nl AfseiïiLly tü Cin:i :. nat', 0:1 aniislovery principies. The Convention met M.iy 27. Itev. Juha Kniikin was elected President. Uc.-oluti 'lis were pnssed, ndopting substantlüHy thci t-ODVession ot' Faith, Ca'echi-.m, Forrti of 'Government and Book of Discipline ol the Prcsbyleran Clwrch of 1621. The following declarotion of Human l'ights, ivnsorderad io bc prefixed to the Fotm ol 'CJavcj-ameni: DECLARATION. J. C-.d ha$B nr'e of er e Lkod .-.II twiioce f mfn,conif(jücrii],!ill bumw b.eings!do.vod wit!) ratioailiiy . an ejjua! l4ght tr freedom. 'z. TheboWíiig human beings os prrtpenv, is deílmcljve of ;;11 ihe end.x for which 'innn wns ere.iieH, und en dowed wifh rationnl powers, and coiiiequently one of the grentesl evils ihat culi he inflícted upoo human nature, highly iminf.ial, entiroly ineoneisierrt witfc chrütJanhafctef:nd prof'essiiin. III. No person holding s1vcí, or a1!vocaiing the rightfulness of slaveholdiug can bc a member f ihisfendjr. 4V. Tliat ro Cliurch, Pres'.ytery or Synod, Jolerating iil.-ivcnoldprs, or the advocates of slavcholding in its comrnnnion, can be a constituent part ofthis Kcv. Mr. G'ilrrfcr ofibred also ll.o Ibllowing resokrtion: Resolved, That the following article be added to the Fortn of Government, to be enforced so long as shall bo ne■cessary to complete a general organization. Any Synod, Prosbytery or ühurch by adopting the Confession ofFaith, and tiiis Form of Government shall be a constituent part of the Pres'jyteries Choren of America. Any three regularly ordained ministers in good nnd regular standing, may constitüte themselves irito a Pri'sbytery, by adopting this Constitution, and so become a part jf this cliurch. Any three Presbyterian, or more, may consiiiuie ihemelves into a Synod. The Presbvteries, when they shall have increased to the number of fourteen, may constitute a General As scmbly. (L? A respected friend has sent us an article from anothcr paper, entnled, ;'S!ill I go tothe Circus," witli a reqursl to publish. It s a stiisonáble artielif, just now, but its fu!l tenor ve could not efldörse. Our opinión ofCuvusss ve havtí publishej hprc;ofore. So far as ve are acquninted With their clmrcter, we know oí' no permanent good llia! they do, whilsiheir exhihitions, ve bnlievc !o be n many respects productivo of evil. Stil!, they are an incident of society as it now px:íV.s. The performances are Par preferablc to the bear and dogfighis prevnlentln England a hundrfed years ago, or to thfe pugüistic encounter now n vogjo n that country, or to thé bull-fights of Mexico and Spain, or even ilie liorse races so generally phfronizec] by nll classes at tiie South. Peoplc must have amusements adaplod to thcir nalures, as tiiey aiv; and ifyou woujd improve and elévate tho grade must rake ihem, morally and in;cl!cc!ually. as individuals. We know of no o'her way. t5 Sometime sinco we copied Trom anoiher papar a statement that accordiog to the Revised Statuiös, Clinttcl Mórtjnges are iovaltd unies recorded n the books of ilic lownship clsrk. We luve since looked nt ilic St;itule ai)d iliid ihat they must bo filcd, an.l !hc Dames of ihe parties rcgistered in the clerks office. TJnless tliis be rlone, thoy are not v.'ilid. Tiie fees amount to 19? cpnts. They are found to be a good socurity for t!ie creiitor who takes tiiem, nd are getíing inore n!o use. ff? The State Journal, the Whig pn per of t'n is villngp, has been discontinuad. During the tirst years, of ts estabfis'.imeu!, under the caro of Mr. Sawyei', t was quite efficiënt is a mere pmiizin pnper, and contributed much to the trííi.ispíi of 'he Whigs in 1839. - Süiüe ysa)S since, ït feH inio the hands of Mr. Corsei'us a Editor, nud basbeed known as the aiU-coate of Legal Reform, and other measures Oi" p'ülanlliropy displeasing lo ihe leading [.ortirtn of tho Whig party. In support of ihese principies, l::st fa II it opposed the elo.ction of tho wliig noiriinees for Senators: anH fiar ilie.e rra-ons every cftit has beeil ! made by ihe O!d Hunkcrs of tl.e porty to siarvE" il to death. Tliey have been suceessful. AnOld Hunker Whig u-;nadvoentirg, Taylo,' paper will probably toon fi'l ii.s place.


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