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The National Convention

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Tlie last Emnncipfitor briJigj us tho correspondencc of Mr. Leavitt witli Alv;in Stewart, of New York, Schuvler Hoes of N. Jersey, Titus Hutchinsnn of Verrnont, Samuel Fessendpn of Maine, F. J. Lcinoynn of Pa., and Francis Gillette of Conno.cticut, all members of the nationul Liberty Cornmitlcö. It nppears bylhfl corresponden ce ihnt thev are all unanimous for hnving the Convention held this fall eiiher at Cleveland or Bufialo, - a mnss meeting, but the norniiiatiuns; to be made by a number of delégalos from each Stale equal to its Congressonal representatiorj. As ihese gentlemen conslilute a majority of the coraminee, so rnuch may be regarded ns settled. Five members of lhe cemmittee yct lemain to be heard from. (Cf The Detroit Advertíser no assumes the attitude and language of nn avowed advocate of the nomina'ion of Gen. Taylor to the Prosidency. In this vo presumo it will be soon fuHowed by all the whig pross of thü Stite. Bui for what purpose ? It s not at all probable that he can cnrry ihis Siate in the Presidential canvasS, although he may be elected. True, by his success the Advertiser may bocomo the pubüslier of the hational laws and advertisercfénls, instend of the Freo Pre : but ue see not what will be ; ftine'd hy the smaller Whig papers and poliiicians. The pirty, in the Slaie, on its preáfllt basis, will doubllesa continue lo be in a hfipeless miiiority, for years to. come, ns it iiasbeen f r six yenrs part. - Whnt cncoiiragemenl llien. have they to labor Ccv the cloetiön ol' this slav-!iolder ?


Signal of Liberty
Old News