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Ks'1't.KN l.O'IHI.Vt; JEJBKFOMUlllD3TB.OITi' VV lia w r.riv.-l ihfit entire etack .t odsnndarefully pn f tui olJ cus:omeri nnl the public willi .. , ,„l iKshioiMlrfe ' Slvariy i?l:idc Clottaing, CuniUiin evoiy vnrieiy n l d Utriiii-iil . I" i.ü.i.ei.-us n. meüüon: All 01 ir diD 'sed :o II n'. 2B'j3c.3c cv BftnO, BROABCLÓTUBASfaBIERBa. VES tiyua, CA SM HA R ETT8, Tl' E I i DS, SU M M E R i. ■ L 0 TUS, PUIN AND PLAID LIN E S, &c. &.c. &c, . in n.iike i i ordr up ihf nu ios nu I niosl tuhUmobla iihuuhjf, o t ,. Hel! !::■ ll "Ciothing Emporium" 3VOO T. r(nVrnf.l i ■' Huodwurd avenüq. . H47. jij. li Two or throe first rtm Tnilors m ■' ■' e"!'!'1;.:s cor. Jtffa bod and Woo jnin !l I.O K - ll M'M IS N ) Z2 c ft f r f iir, -"'1 in Mrrk..t. t ! nn io ..r. r ;.■. Farsniag For . . i 1 1 ; II i ' i ■ GREAT BARGAINS, ■T.Ií. FLANNELá: RAT1 jy--. UU TUS, and in hurt ncar„r D?Y GOCLS % GROCERIES, EY WAT OF EI OH K OÍ! FIB W o o li ; 'i (i Ciimlrj Prody -e. ;N F ' ! ü Cl itnotel in thi.. 'lei; 'Ssi-ss'iin, nd I in '" ... ,.; ds .i w nel: i iit-y ar. I U.B ( - I.i ] (ÏW RS. ■ ■ li ■ ■■ Kuiniy. T 0 3 i F 0 1 3 0 T T E N .. . h IJKi Gouds t Miu ■ . ,,i. or piocluce of nny kiml :i ilie áausuribers beloie .i '!e w lif '6. .. ING &.CLOTH DRESSING theshortest possiblj n.Mice. C all and ii I xr.CVS & THOMAS. Lmver Tiwn. M ivi). '1?. iíiD PROPDSAL! ;.::.. ' .: u IXD ni h suiím uullai.s I ! O ■(■: 'V '! HE F1NFST FARMS n Wtfshteanw Couruy for sale at only @20 per acre. SaicJ í'irtn ii lineo niües fi'om Ann Aihor. on the Snline ■ 'i nni eonsinso! -':rís ut'ilu I ín V' n-liunaw Criimv. 60 neies ol .no 'jmfor a cattiviltioli. Tlie leninipdcr ;s heVily o.ivieJ 'ÍlIi yilt'nl)le limber. ;ñ ;e.' aere in Cisli us pnid'Tor ibis p;npeny , hotí tíms nucí, nnd íinca ihen h !nrg ■ (.iccttJ. welis u. oiid uddiiiono: gif i n :■ i -u'O. of lile purcljaee moncy will be reduwn. i;. :.; .'c .' O. H. Mills. orofS. Mili o j 'ining, "i tt A' n A i !■ r oi MAPI v PAIÍMELEÉ. Ann Arbor, June 17. 1847. LOG, C We, Traca nnd ll.iier CHAfKS . :''■,- Ye I.i'í. nnd Tu-;% II ■ linrjév. in..! Mííillrn FOiíKS ' . -- .-;' ' V l'i) ■ S. L mis íii'í niirl ('ir'i. i li :ihi] Ct'B'llen, Ivn arni Cau Pieei ■ . - imi S i-i 'i's. L).;:_' '"' i!)'. C'niw Bik Cho'(jing Axe. Cruss Cm S .!, H iy [likes. iind ill ntVv !nr the Fimor iuü;ii l i' the 'i-jvil Rt'ire, U.per :.. ii::.iy w. WELt.Ks Aii i v r, -9! Mjy. 47. 2:13 ly C' .(U:i'T AXi) TLi-:Dá A heami'u! ;v:t:a fur (ri":T!e;neii'.-i sirinip e .-..I nnd w II hu Liii'-iilTcliued in .' ■ ii i ;!!■■ p sibla iiianner, ai ihi' :' ,Vt tr.i Ci'Hlime EripoMiiiii " UALLOCK &. RAYMOXD. : OKTIiOIT. rir, .'ff iind WnoHvv irH Mvcnnrg. Slc-i'J CiiSlivaior Tceth. T! :" iil-tfcriber is i' i Tor the Patent Stsel it t Tofih. :in I Ins jus' rccfivcd u -. wlliah lie Wltl feil :,i l4 ninnlll'icu s i.-i Tin nriic'e is cuiniiig into ({!' rul use wlierever'!"ce I, nnd Ins receiverl olmtion of rba RrM nriculiii'istg in the United Ö:;.ie3. Anvil S oto. l'iier Tnwn. riENftY W. WELI.KS. An-s Ubor, 9Q1 M:iy, -47. -29. ]y 3faildingr Materials. O' KVERY KIND. Nuil. Glns. Wbit , Linteed Oih Lnckn, Iji'clies. wr nd -i Trnninins. ISrmls. Biitif. Finishing Nails. And I nr tic les ñecetfl iBtitig n hnii iiii'. c.ti de bnght m Deuoit prices at ihn Anvil Snuf. l,:nper T.iwn. IfESRY V. VVELLKS. Ann i) ir, Í2 ! Miy. '47. 89a ly COOPER'S TOOLS. JJ3T naiifii Hl ilic AiiïiI Sui'p, Uioe Tcwu. .1 cumplen mfrunin; of h ■ ce'i L'ickp rt To-.l. riv-de by Wrii. nn Min ' m.i Citv m vla hy Wali.. whksli will bi W"i MieJ iiid S'iM -it ■■! : rpijtieefl p:;r-p "i.;Ry i.v. Vi:i.LI'. Ann Arlior, -J2d May. 18 7. 202 y Al. A 119 ti clrtl Ir.m kM!le nle hv ÜCCKUEYS& THOMAS. .") All o , L ''er Tuvii. 3jf OAK BARK! Tl K Mib-cribcr is prepere'l 10 piy Three Dol■ c ird Í.M Vcll,.w O-ik Hnrk. nnri f 2. il (at White Otth Hirk. rfeliverad KI ihe Tan nciv ormerly ocuupiccj by Hnnry Monn. in the Up.ier ill k.'O ni A..'n Arbor, nenr ihe Red fir.-iv rv. Ons hnirCash and one hall Barter w.l bo iccl fnr tlie snnm. H ■ will nlwj pnyCASH for any quaniiiy ol SI 1.3)133 'leliverftd ns nbuve. ÜENÜY KRAT7SE. Ann Arbor, June 1, 1317. 3 9-8w New Good& HAVE BEEN ItECEIVED BY Propfiet ir of ilie MANHATTAN STO E, Cor. ol JoH'fison Avenue and Batea Si. Dctioit. LF.T every hody cnll utfd loj'sai ilie stoek ui liry Gouds whicli iimy bt band ai FaUl'K'.S OLD MANHATTAN S'WRË. The qnirtmty is hreer, tlie siylo prer.icr, and the prtceti loiccr than it:r ! B0HNIT8, mm TS! A vorj1 .uce nsfnitihitiil ol all kbil. Tüsfin, Sii;iu. Pedul Üiai '. Ó-n Work. Rn(iHi4i üiíiil. At;eninu. átu. &C, Itoill llit1 corsi-M 10 t ie Gnest. AUti n ffcat asa-rtinünt ui libbottï, LAWSS, BARAGOS, MUSLIN DELAINS, Balzorines! anl all otl'er sorts Dress Goods. BE A UTIFUL DRESS SlLKS, FA'AASOLS N SKAWIjS, y A i í s ! ra cas tas %jm pea jm PA.TAEiOOV STUFF, COTTO.N GOODS. COITOS YARN, b-y t-lt-B c-ii-r-l !_o-a-c'-!-! lí" folka from ilie country wil! only c've us n i-ui!, ui I looi roiinJ a-tuniü our nicfl gnuds. i ís ill e nik. ''he cooda iil ipenk ilie'r nwn prá'svs, and in nine cásea o. a of len secure a Fi3trnie Young H-son Tea fur four shillingl nnl aizp''Tice per (.nuid. Gree Feailiors, Piier tl.inqinjrs &c. 317 W. A. RATMOND. E. G. BURGER, Dcnlirt, FIKST R00.M OVÏÜ C. M. & T. W. KOOT'p STORE, ORINE & JEWETT'í BLOCK, '201-tf ANN ARBOR. A Last oï Books FOR SALE BY FG1VLEBS & WELLS, &t Tha Phreaological Cafoinet, 101 Nassau ttírreS, All of whicli nre niaUy liiiu'rd in chwip lonn. k.vprkfsi.y to se 11 I bybivii., attlie nn-sent I UW RITKS I1F POSTAGK, lll Ill(i [HKS I ffi.Vtd I.. eich work. Our friandsai ;i dia:nnc imiy ivow ftwl.íse ihe i!O;i-v tor eitner oí the foüowiny w irks. nd f ecsive liie.n by ihe rciurn o' he firs: m lil. PHR"NO!.OTV 1T.OVED. ILLU&TRÁi'KD & '1!JED: - :ilUlie:iii,,n. enlirgod By O. 3. Fovvlkh: runtiinmg uver 50') pagte I'Ïiiio. rUusirilcd hy 'jpwnrda ot' 40 onan vine. A "kacticl Sundard wurk üh'iIu ■■!■ nec, ;jl. M F.MO n Y IN TELLECTUX L I3IPR O VE MENT: - Nhw mli'ior-. ifieaily enlorged mul nnnrrved. íiy O. S Fowiiu. Appliw) u rslf fiiuemioi! nnd jiiveufle nctruciion. Illus'rai'i! hveiinnviiics. .A volunWe wntk fui nV nd youna. Pn. a:?0. 12:nn. Pnae 60 cents RELIGIÓN. N TUL L AXD IÏKVE LED: - Or the M.rn! Beirin-! f Phïéii.ilogy, comí. pareJ iriiii thuse fnj lined in tlie Scnpture. By O. S. Fi wi.Kii )!d' 8l ceñís. LOVE AXD P.RENT.GE: - Appüed to ti linproienrtm of Offíprrng. By O S. Fow I ■'■' hirh m-jre thnn vighweif llioi fnnd cnoics h.nve been sjld ■.liin a - Pn'i-e "25 ceñís. ÁMKTirEITESS-J- Ür iba ev!T and remeHif '■'., ïcöMÏve lid pervcrtud srxiMÜ'y. inuíudin ivarning r,nti ndvjc to thc Married nnil Binóle lieiñs i Rupiileninl lo Love n!id I'artniügc. - Pi oc I c. n:s BÍTRIMONFi Or rbrnp'tof snrfPhysInl. ry ;i,ií.I.'] io ih wlscMvri Kfronseninl eoni ni. nis lor lie ; he O. S'. Fowi.rii. Ofwhfc'i iruin thnn 30.000 copies have !e#n íi.Mm thi Unilad -i;i,(!s.lrsiili's in vinybsen re [jubllsUed in I Bglnnd. Priesas cents. N!.T7'-7.S' OF PIIRI KO'.OGV AA'D l'HY-ilOLQGY: IUiL ., enn imsii:_.i f.nil.Mis ■'! nVsrriptinn ilf)isfuiicinn o! i!:e au 1 mi:;.'; ;Jsn llm nd Jnional dis e.ivripa mndf hy ti nid of MtgjieMsin on igy. Illiisüiiteil. Price Isi CCTite. '1 RR(E: - A new enlarged ,inI 'Ved, euii.unmg .in nn-.lysis ol nll Ii Social Ore-ins. ntnoly illtistrared. Also a con cise Hishiky ol is furnw iiiüI prnniices in n! nina nd nuions. By L. N. Fowlku. Pric o7 fñlltS. PUREN :IOGWL QVfDE:- Betied f.. Sm Ii ma . l'iheir own Cllnraciérs. Most rifth organsnrcilliiüt'-.ieJ wiih IWTiengrnyngs,liow üig ttich .irïnu.lnrüe an-1 sinoll. A goud lllintl iir :.i!LM.iues. I'rue á cents. I'HREÜ )LOGY A.YZJ PHYSIOLOGY:AppiiüJ i Tenpciiince, or ihe biwsof li'è nnil lifiil II, of wliich iipwar e f tweniy ihousntn' hare Úeen sold. Koono bIiouM bo wiilioui il. P' ice 6 flents. riGIlT LlCiy,j: - Oc iho evils of cnmprre. Il ulgiiru i)f ani'nal lile, nnd thcreby enleubliiig ihii vitül fiinriions. Kvery yoimg woiiinn slmulil Ivivea eepy. Thii work luis als h ui nn "xmnsive snle. Price C cpnis. SYNOPSrS OF PHREXOLOGY, A CH ilt C : - Des-ened iIir use ni Prtdifal Plireiinli)ciif. Wiili npwsrdl oí 40 engrav iiiL's. Prii- C cents, or $1 per humlred. HE PURENOLOSICXL ALM'NC FOR M47: - Contamina th LfhenaM of man') disiiniiuished individuáis, besides a benuiiful cni'demntical liead.which shows ihe locaii.'n of nll the orgnns. Ninety ihonsnnH have nlread) heen sold. Price 6 cents, or 12 cupieë tur 5l een 's. A SOBER S? TEMPER.TE LIFE:-liy Lduis C'of.NAKD. and r iten hv hiin at the nop ol rt:$ yi-'Ts: with a likencss of ibe anilior.whn. hy hia tempentc hntriti.atinined the remmkahlia%e ui 104 yenrs. and givina Hireciions as 10 'luquinty ol fooil necessary tn life. Tlii.w,nk lias hee trinshited into neailv every la(rnge. Pp, 828. t8mo. Príccy.ñ cents. THE PUREXOLOGICM JOVHNM: - i :2 I u ae p:iïe. on good papur and Ivps. a-nply illnstrnted 'iih cncrravinüj, adnpted o nll clasi3. It will hf f.iunil very instriictrvc aml useful. Terrns One a ear ir n Ivince. aOVBtra PHYSSIOLOGY .-- From the Ins. li'linb'irili cdmon. with noies and chscivati.ins by O. S. Thig is ihe bes w..rk extant on llenhh nnd Longovity. Pp. ■■'■2 (. m. Price. 7S cents. PHYSIOLOGY- ANIMAL AND MENTAÍ. : - AppMftrl 10 ihe Preservnnon and Reitor.ition ol Hcahli. By O. S. Fowler - Pnce. 51. EüUnTION: T.Sf ELENENTARY PRIN CIPl.E:-V.mnf, on lli Nntnreof Mnn. By .1 G Spurzhkim. M. D. Sixih Amerii:in. Irom ili ihird Lntidon eilition. enlnre■d mk) irnprnvr.rl hy the ouihor. Pp. 32l) ISmo. Pricc 51, Boolcs for sak at the Phrenogical Calinet, atretail prices only, allor cither o which may be ordered and xrnt by mail, al the price ajjrxed o each work. Hationai.e of (,'hiiuk. J'rice i ü2 enis Human Iíiqvti, " EO '" l'lll I.U.'I'HY Ok' 1 HK W ATF.IÏ ClIHK, ' 5 ' t'BACIICi ('F HIK WiTHill'lï, " 15 " 11 K l'll()ÜCMAI HIC Cl.ASS UouK, ' ".!7 " I HK I'miiMiCKAI H'i; 't AI'Kll, " L5 " '1 HK I DIL'-'XIMM O" MjCtMKIttilf, ;i ' 5 ' I Cl AM' (' I I ! I ■ " 1 ' '■ ,ïui Publislicd, Illii83racd BïiïiSiniD oí' FAMILIAR LE8SONH OH PHREKOLCCJY, lor ( hi.dirn and V'oulh. txjcniivtl) illusti;Hf(l by i' niimher ol wow onú orijí iivl ciiüinvu.pft. Ucfipnd fof 'lic üo ol Sr!. .H. !s mkI Famitii. liy M L R. Fowli r. Prica rl cents. FAM1MAR LE$SUNSON rilYSIOLOGY. for Schools nnd FuinlKs. Ainply ÜKSIniicd hy íi)j;'i "i): i:"' eniiravinga. I3y L. N. Fow t#r v Piice 'ö cents. THRESHiKO MACHINES, GIOYER MACÏIIKfSS AND SEPARATOJtS. Tl! E suliserüipr B'puld infnnn ilie public ihai he eonnnucs u n aiui'ncture liic nJibve 1 .-8. t iho old Ita .H üf Knnpp & I iavilniul. ni i t,B Lovier Vlllagaq Aiin Atb,.r, ne:ir the Pa: ir Mül. 'I In: Mncliine ire uf npproved moi.'e!-. bavcbesn thórouslity Iftüoil in ihii vicini'y and u ii i r.l well. They nre made ol ihe l'esi maníais nd bv cxp t cnred workmrn. 'riitj' will 1)3 ki'pt constnnily on luimi. and nlso le made u ordr ut hurle! no ce. Tlny ill (e to'd n veiy're.nsonilile irrmB lor Ca:J, or iov no:es known to he iil'Siilmrly good 'I'Iií nbuvu U'Ohinu m 'J "ed ly fuiirj six ■.r.Llii hnrses. nnd me nul Nuble u liê e.-sily broken or da-nSsarf. Tlicy nrn 'ell mlipiíH lor tlm nse of'piilier '.i i mcis r Jobbers. Thi Sepnraiora Sin be ftachod i.i any gearsd or slrapped inacliintf of ny otlmr kiud. ! fufwc-ib-r would reter uiw lóllowing ie tons wbb bave purctinsi'd nnd nserl liis Machines : Méchiel TI1.1np3.ji1, Salem, Alexnmler Onane, Jnnifü i'aikcr, ATvn Print. PitisfiMJ, M. A. Cravath, " Ch irira lexnnder, " Wm. Pons. Milord, Hinkley AVinion, Tlitford. Mnrtin'Daly., M. P. & V. D. UadU-y, Saline. Wm Bmitri, Cnntnn. Isnnc üurliins, Northtield. I'nnii'ii'Mr ni'c ïii'in wül be paid 10 HiTAins. C ;ish will he p'id r,.r Old Castings. Prsoi rlesirons nf piin-h s n mncMnfS are rp f 1 1.1 na'i imd ex:nnine lliese betoie piireii.ising'clsewliere. T. A. IIWILND Mny 17. 1847. 3!7tf GEESE'FEATHERS ! paper'hangings.' TMI !ST II TE VOUNG HYSON TKA AT J? O'I,Y FOUR AND BfXPEXCE PER POUND ! Ry til" wny no une buya ihis ten nnre bal buya icatn. anrl beeomra n Rüfoman None Lietfer fui die prici cin lip liaH in D'tmit. w1ll0w w ag gons, Trwkling ïïaskets, and T8 well ns !ims ui ofhT goods hesides Ory flonds he tnd very chenp al tliB ' C'ld Minhittan Stork ' Detroit. 317 W. A. RAT MOND. H -o J o --;= N Ir e ífSoj tljrl S.1Ü i o 5lj!i i ÍÍI Sa10' ] Í H "!íSíÍÍí íJiá Kpgs Alhany a:)d Troy Cui áxJJ ;,,i s :i.iiu 6. 211 KcEs Wroualu NuilsGilto 1 21. 5 ) Boses ■ Bül:eveiiiiu " G.ass frem 7X0 ti 10 X 14. f.0 Kcgspure Leadin Oil. .r)(ll) Ihs ' dry, 3IH) G-ill.ins Linseed Oiï 3(H(M0 'cm Pine Lnnilu r. ensañen1, otcnr stuiT. Togciher witli n lul! nñorxttíent o! Lnck?, Lniehi'S. units. Sorews. Wiiirfnw Blind Fiieten "u's. &c. r. r s:i!tí nt witnin a fracüon of Deiioii juicas, nt ilip BIG ANVHj STORE, UPPER TO WN. HKNRY W, WF.LLS. Ann Arlmr, M-vrch 13, H17. 31) 8 TO THE FAÍÜRS. aAA Lbs. Superior Wool Twine. tJJ iu duz. j5i,eo(j Slie:ir. ind -T iull a&t-otn:ent of Fiinning utetigile of n! kind. Aves. Shnve'8. Sp:iflcs Manure and Hny Fork. I.O2 !"1'1 Cnlvle Chiins. Orig Teeili Siniw Knives, Crnw Bars. Teek Axes. Hoes. A.C !w nie at ihe BIG ANVIL STORE, Ul'PKU TOVVN. HENRY VV. WELLS. Ann Arbor, Mnreh 13, 1847. 308 THE LIBERTY MINSTREL OVE HUXD1U.D COPIES of ihe fifih ei lion of ;his hiyhly popular wnrk are lor f-ale it the Bienal office ai 50 cents single, or $J,5l u-r doecn. Terms Cnh. Xow is the linie fo Uiherty clmirs to stipply themsilves. wn. s7browiY, Attorney $ Counselor at Law, ANN ARBOR, MICH. f FFfCE wiili E. Mondt, 297-1 y TO RENT. TUK ROOM over the store of Beckley's & Thomoit. l'oösessicin L'iven imine'lro'ely. May 2. 1847. Bkcki.ets & Thomas. BRASS CLOCKS. A largo lol of Hu huur nnd 8 d.iy Itrass Clucks tor salu. t tU nnd 2- by the case. 30-2-t f J. W. TIL LM A N TVVO liarse Wagaons nnd a Rn (rey fot snle by BECKLEYS &. THOMAS. Statk of Michigan, I XV 1SHTF.NAW CoUNTY. $ SS' T'OTICE il herehy given, :h-n ihe umier .1 si gncd on the 24ih day of Mny nst., preemeil a pctíiion lo ilio Judi; of Prubnte o' idOounty. prnying ihnt D.iiins Pieree bc np inied Administmior on ihe eslnte of Lester !oo)er. Inio ofsaid couniy decensed, and ilint ie conskternïioii of Buid petiiion wüs prstponid ) theiilst day of June next at oneo'clock PM. t ihe Probaie office of snid Couniy. lo the end ml all persons imerested may ihen (inri ihere npenr nnd Bhow cauae. if any they havo why i Prnycr of iho said Petitioner shouidnot be ranted. SARAH COOPER. Mny24, ?47. 318-3 NEW GOODS. BY EXPRESS FROM FEW YORK. Spring' Fashions T11R eul'BCribor liai just rccpivcil n fresh ns-' FOitn ent ol Spring nntl Simin er Go.ids, and offers ihcni lor sale cbcap, euch ns Broadcloths of all dfscriplinn ; Satinéis and Cassimeres, and eoery thhig in ihePÁNTALOON mid VESTING line, nnd eveiy artiule i:su.illy lownd in n Mercluint TAILOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. He is now piep-irfd to ti.nUe nnd fi1 nll Uinde of pmtlemrii's parmenls. nnd imuld onder Irs ili ■ n'sa to liis old ciutomere oud lite puMic grnernlly. nnd vitlicili.lheir fnvors. ff?" G ARMENT S cut to order ai all times. WM. WAGNER, Duin and 'J'aii.or, Huron Strett, South of ilie PtJIil.lC SQUARK. Ann Albor, April S8, 1847. 5 w - ' ' - CLOril, CLOTHl ! Tlli F. uniirrHiened would inform the public tlint 1 1 1 e; v wilt con'.inue tü manufacture Pi, lied Cloth, Cnssiiniere mul Fliintiel, al llieir Fiiclnry. ttt'o nnd n half mi lel wel Irom Ann Arbur, on Uurnn Rin-r gw ilie Ilailroud. TEKMS 'The price of rriiiUinc; c!oih will be for Cnssime e. 44 cis. per yart) ; 'nr Fulled ololb, 37J cl. neb yirH : for white Flannel, SOaM. per ynrrl - We wili alsi) PNclinnïf? cloih for woul nu rensim :ilile terma. WihI sent hy rnilrond ancompnnied willl irmrnciion bc p.mnplly niiendcd I". 'Vc have tui ex'iiisive business in innnuficinrini doih for rusoniers tor eevpral yesr, iinH liflipve wo .rivr ns eood Faiisljiction ;is nnv F.siablihhméfil in ilie State. We tlieiefne inviltour old cusiüiners to coutitHie. and nevv ones 10 come. Letters sliould bc nrldrcssed to S. VV. Fostf.r & Co., Scio. S. W. FOSTFR & CO. Scio, April. 1847. 313-t f. Kew Establishment clocks, WATCHES, AND TU F. subscribir would respectfully nnnounce to ihe ciiizens of Dexlcr nnd viciniiy llinl he has oponed n shop in the abova place, in the corner slorp, foimerlv knoin aa " ShoperdV; where lie is prepnred to d.) alt. KINI's ol repair dg 11 the line of clocks. wnielies. jeweliy &c-, n tho rwliee. Huving linH nlioul iwulve years expnit'in'e in srmie of the best Kosiern sli.ips. lie fl Hters hiniselt thnt lie can give eitirr snit fictwn to all iliose who niy fï(W him wiih lieir wmk He lins nnii isoinwn'ly raceiyinj!, clucks. walclies. nndjfweiry ol alt rk;:?r;jii jn-, wlsich tic will seli is cheap ns ihe cheipeít. W. V. DRXTER. A L S O GROCERIES ■ if all kimls: s'H-li ns. Tens, Siiüirs. M.ilnsses. Rii-ins. Coir.-e. Peppers. Spie". Fisli. Carüürs. Tubacco. Cignrs &cj iVc And in lart evkrything nsn:illy kapt in sncli nn pst;ib!ialunont( fl i uur excei'ted) oonsiontly on hand nnd lor sale clieap. VV. W. DEXTKR & Co. Dezter. Marcli f, I8t7 318 tf Haf, fap, GENTLEMEN' S FURNISHING EMPORIIIM. T. H. ARMSTRONG, H AVINO tnken llie Staud No 5, Woodard Avenue. 3 doors nonh of Doiv's Aucnon Room, recenily occupied by J. G. Crnni;, as n Hul Sioie ; nnd added llie stock of the hmer t" mis own, nnd also engnged ia mflnulncturinc every dcstriplion of HATS ? CAP?, He is now prepTred to nffer to llie Pnl.lir ever' nrticle in his line. eilher of his own or cMstern mjinnliicuire. Iwenty fivc per cent les ihan Inve been fffeieil in ninrket. In hi. siock will be fonnd Fine ívuirn. Satín Henver. Renver. Otter. Bi .ish nn ' SpOTting Ilnis, Fiik Cliitfl. Slik. Plus1,. Oil Silk and Velvet OiPs : nlso. Ricli Silk Cravai?. Scans. Hnndkercheifa :! Buokskin Gloves Col lars, Bosoins, Walkinix Canes. Uinhrellas, &c. T A I L O R I N G . The Subscribir hns nlso secureH tho servicpf nf n fiiBt rnte Prnoiicnl Cntter, l)y w'nich he will lie eiiHLled to fnrnish gnrmentt of evny styloan 'ieseripiinn, nnd in Ke most npprnveri an'ï fnnhlonnhle inanner. He ia coiif&mtty reofivins llie fmest fnsliions, nnH, öinphyiiiL the best of workmen. be is confinen t ihnt hc will j:ive ihe bci uf sruÍ4ficiion lo nll thst inny Cnvor lii'n with ilieir patronage in this branch of his busii ess. 310-tf on Hand A ga in! THE Subscriber would respeclfullv noiify ilio public, iliat iie is lucnieH onct more in ihe village of Ann Albor, nnd 13 piep.'irod to ncconiinofime 1 lic comrnunity wtiii 1 olioice and wel] selecte) RMortriteni of NEW GOOÍ2S, consistir):: "f Duv Goons, Gkockiiiic, Harpware, Boots asd Shoks. CnocKutT. &c. &c.. which he will sell for RE AD Y l'AY as cheni na ibe saine qualiiy of Goods can be liad at au; otlier fctore in town. Persons who ifli tn tnnke purclinsesfor Cnsh. at Cash Trices, will do well te cali before purchnsing olaewhere. By keepiii!; tho firft qunliiy of anieles, by sell ing nt em.'i)l proilts, and by a fair and lionomhli course in businres. he expectti to tiierit a liberal sliare of public palronas. Most kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE will he t'tken in payrnent for Giods. O" Don't forgr.t the place, - on the Easl Side f Main elret. a few ('o irs sontli of the Pulilic Square, in the same store with C. üliss, Jeweler. M. WHfcELER. Anu Arbor. Nov. 24, 1S46. 292-tf M0T1CE. THE co-partnersliip lieretofnre exislintr between Gaki.and & Le F'f.vhk, islhisdny deso!ved by mutual consent. Eiiher partner is nuthorized to use the name of the 6rm in sel'ling U[i the ontstnnding business. Ali persen indebted 10 said firm are c.vpecied to mnke m. mediale payment, as by so dumg they will sav cost. C. J. GA R LAND. B. D. LE FF.VRE. Ann Arbor, May 1, 1847. o'w TEW TIN SHOP. Till'1 subscriber has comtnenced the manufaciue of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper, ín all i's miiiiia branches, in oonnsclhin w tl' fhe "Anvil Store." and is prepnred to (urnish Country Mnrr.hants and Farmera wiih every hins in 'hm line. JOB WORK AND REPAIRING ciitly and expeditiously done. HËNRY W. WELLES. Upper Town, Í Ann Arbor, )st June, '47. 202 ly .un .Frhor TUI. öutwcnber Uiiviii imrchoscu lnu ntoresis of J. M. Rockwell in ilie Afarhlc [iusinets. would infoini 'he nbabi'snti oí tni aml ndjninina cooatle. ilin hewill coniiniieth liusine 8 ni ilie old and. n tiio UpperTown. i.e.u ilie Prcsbylerian Cliiucli. and in:inul;iclurc in order : Monwnents, Grire Stoncs Painl Slone, Talhls, 8(C. Sc. Thrse wisfaing In iliinin nny i n it-lc in tiif linf of liusiiicss will linl by raüiiii.' llml hn an nss.innicni ofVhii nd V.nir'u'nicMl-Mubie fron ihc Knstcrn M.uble Quarrics. wind) ili bi wrouslu in Modern piy.le. and snlil arenstopn pri ces. nriding trdlMporiBtion on'y f "f nd ye' the' proef. W. F. Sl'U'LDINO. Atiii Arlnir. Jnn. 30, 1847. 'Tl 'y NEW GOODS! Chcap for Cash!! TH !; Subscríbela bcg Wave lu inforin llieii old ciisioiiit'rs. íhhI ihe puiílic fttnêrnUy. Hint iliev ore now rereivinj-'a lar ge nnd spkndid issurimeni ol Englislt, American nnd IVcsi Mm. noon". Crockcry, SheJf Hardware, Paiiüê, Oüs, Dycstuffs, Drugs and Medicines. Also n general BMuittnrlit ol llUl. ititflbJe fpr Ironing YVazgontnnd Btigjie, Nuil Ro. Is. Horse Si-.ocs. and Morse Naili, 8heci Iron, Tin Ware nnd Tin Piale - üls.i a general assurtmeni of BOOTS % 8H0E8, ilrcU nnci tliin sale woik. and custom. work te snit purchnaers. All of wliipli 1I117 will teil or ilie luWeW pupsible lernis fur Cash or Bap.tkh Feclina conlident "s di, Ilmt we con mfci it for ilie inierfsi of all ibose wishiiiR to purolíase ony of the above mrnlioned Gomls. w do most earnestly lulicit ntli-asi lui inveiiigsii'" ofour Guodi and piiccs beiore purchasinc e!sewhere. JAMES GIBSON & CO. .71o. 3. Exchange iïllock. Arm Albor. Luwer Town, Öept. 14, 46. Sf-2-if CLOCKS AND WATQSESÍ! 6JC5 rjill K Subscni'f.has ju? &-'- - J_ reicivüd. (and is cueJy% ".O3 '"'"'y receivuig) froni fír'S. JwK Ü6 Voikan eleaantard r "jB? wt" se'-'ctec' asiortmeni Jcwt-Iry, Cloclis, Walches, iC &,c liiuh lu' inieiids to ticll as lw :it ai m ) othei ealatilubinem ibis .-idc 01 Biifliilu for rerf; [tfi onlij ani'Mig wKicn niav b '""imd ilu'fo!lw in;: a ifuod SMOrilMCRI G.ill Kinaer liing. n . ■ 1 1 ! lirmv pin? . Vi isilet C Fard Cliauia and Keys. FiTver tSptjns. Germán Silver T"a and Tnble Spuous (firs1 quality.) Silverami (.uinnn do Sëgar Tongs Silvar Snlt,Munard nnd ('lenm iiinon, liniter Knives. Gold and Silvei Pencil Cases Gol,) Pen, ■ ' l'.-ncüs. Silver and Germán Silver ThinMes. Sil ver Sppclaclrs. Gc-nnan nnd Sirol do. Ooggles, CJotlu . Ilair nnd To' 1I1 I! roshei, Ijitiher Bfushfs, rtnsurènnd Pookfi Knivep. Fins Shcars and Scisors, Kiiivcf mul Fnrks Drittartnia Ten Pot ard Castora. PlnteH, Br iss. nn'l Brfttania Candlcstu Us. Bouflen & Trays Sbnvine lioxofi and So;ps. Chipmau's Bi-si ilnziir Strop, Calfand Moroec VVallets. Silli anrl Cnnun pulses. Violins an Bawa, Violin nnd B.iss Vio) Strines, Flutps Tiles. Claiionets. Aecotdiorif - Muf ie Bonk for llie gnne. Mrttlo Penis. Steel Pens nnt Tweczers, Pencases. PnufTwul Tobacco hoxes [vory Drcssinp Oorobs. Sidi nnd Bnck and l'uck ei Conibp. Needlecases. Sieleiiorp, Vnit-iP;iini and 15 tisiie?. Toy Walehes. ïi cieai variety o Dolls. in short tho rrpniest vnripty of ('ys eve bronaht to il, is market, Faney wntk boxes. oiii! dren's tea sens. Cologne finir Oils. Pmeilin; Palts. Couri IMaP'pr. Ten lïolle. Thpminnintcs Oerman Pipes. Wnoil Peneil. 'I5RABS Al WOOD ri.OCKS. &c. in fcel alniost ev?.r thing to piense the fnncy. Iariics nnd Gentle men, cali and examine for yotnselvrs. Ciockp. Watc'ies and jewelry repnired an' wnrranled on short nolice. Shop at his o!'1 tand. opposite M. Becker's hrick Sioro. in tin Store occupied liy 3I. Wheeier CALVIN BIJSS. N. B. - Cash paid for old Gold Ac üih-er. Ann Arbor, July lst, 1846. 271-1 v THE SÜBSCRIBER hasreceived his wiiiici siuck. litli hcuilèts lur C'cii. at grcatly reduceil prices. The Public are invited to cali, examine, and judefor theni6clvee. Now en hond, umi daily ad'in.g SoFS of every variety nnd psmrta. ind the luiest fa&hion. prires tioni $ÍO oi)d upwrd, DIVANS. OTTOMANS. LOUNGtS. 1HJKEAUS, of all kinds, from $1 and lip. Centre. Card, Tea, Dresa, l'ier, Dining, atu! Nest Tables. Waêh. Cnndle, and Toilet Stands. Bedsieads - Muhogany, Muplt, and VVilnut, Irom $2 and up. Piano Forte ; Piano Covers ; Piano Stools. Onuble and single Mnresses ol hair, shuck, palm leaf, or stiaw. Doublé and single Col Bedsieads. rio do Wnimg Desks. CHAIRS. - The bcft nssoinnent ibnt can bf found west of New York nnd tlio clieapest in inis eiiy. Windsor Chnirs, a good article, at $2 50 thr sett. Mnliogany Frencli Chnirs. linirsent, n firsl rale anide, nnd well finished for $!? 50. Cnsh only. Mahognny Rock ing Chairs. hítir ent and biiclï. warrnnied good, at the luw price of $12, for tbt ooftfa onlv. Finí; nnd Cnne Sent from Os. and np. Iiird Cügcs, plnin nnd snllery : Bird Glusses. Hobby Horses. nnd Toy Wbcelb.nrrows, forohil dti'ii ; I'alent Shower and Hi Bathp ; Dostnn Bnth Ians, Camp SíooIp. Utnbrelln and IIíii Stands. Fnncj Beünws. Fooi Scrapers, Can' Seat Counter and üoat StooU, (urtain material. Table covers, Poten' Post-O(Tlce Flnl.inces. Pie inte Frames. Willow Wagons. Cradles, Chnirs Clock. ond Biiskets ; Brittannia Table Castors, very chenp. Mnhoyany and Rospwood Veneers : Vnrnish Tiid Japan: Bronze. Mnhi2nny Kncbs, Loclis. Gluf. Curled Hair, and Cañe Seats. Also. a hree assortinent ni American Castors. expre.iely for Cnhinet Makers, very chenp. Cash nnd ih lughcsl market paid for any quantity of Walnul nnd Cherry Lumber. I wtll also coivrnet for any qiuniity of drs' rate Wnlnnt i'jUtnber. lo be aawed to order, and ilolivcred by thc Istof June next. J. W. TiJLLMAN, No. 87. JeflV on Avenue. Detroit, Jarmary 1, 1847. 297-ly FIRX2! FIRBü FJ. B. CIIAKË uouW rrspcctfully notifv the citizens of Ann Arlior. and theButrotiiidinpceuairy, tbui ba cunnnues 10 aci nizi:ni of the HARTFORD FIKE INSURANCE COMPANY, atid wil! nsnre Propeny nuainst 'üsgcs by Fire. il lhe:iiwes' rare?, and wiih despaicb onri accnrncy. Thé Hare ford Inwunvt Cocnpnny is om )f tlic olilcst and mosi Kiniilc in ihe counny. an ill luiei (uatainod l.y ihcm will bo - ns ilicy evi'i nve lucí) - rnosipTi.Y ! Fire g í. (trniger nis elenieni and nol lo le irirtod i:!i: biirefore, mike up your .iiind !o gunrd RgniiiM. it umi DO T dki.aï ! A lew Ikiuis tielny may le your ruin . Mr. Crakk'i Oiüce is in Crone's neiv Kloek. cor;ier ol tlio Public Sqnurc, Ann Aibor. i28O-if TEETH! TEETH!' TEETHÜ! MASTICATION nnd Articulniion, warranted liy iheir bcinc; properly re (ibxed. S. D. BüHNFTT, vill continue the praclice if DFNTISTRY in uil i's vnriom braaiiher, viz : BealiBg. Filline. :int In.nni[!ix n goïH pi tes or pivotv Trom on' [o un entile sen. Oír] pintes or ínisñis reniodled. nn.l mnda in ne.iv. OFFICE ovor C. D. Thompson & Co.'k 8hoo Store. IjTflis who requeet it. enn c waiied on it tlieir dwi'l'inos. N. B Charses unusually lovv, nnd uil kinds ijfPRODÜCE 'nken. Ann Arhor, Dee. 5. '8'lfi. 293- il THE PROTIÍCT1ON INSURANCE COMPANY, HAKT FORD, CONK, CONTINÚES to insure upon the most tiivi'j'i.h'o icrms. [Iwclliig;. b:trn. toerLhnndifl6. milis, ntuck in milis, and o:lier kindf ol inBuraHtc pri i pr-f y. Applytothe dlfi'.'p of ilipir Agincy ui Anti rlior. in he pnst office building, sppoflta ih( Bmk of Wasliu naw. O. M'I.VIIRE, AenL April, 21, 1847. 3!2-tf Pcacc Decía red, ANJ) A WJIEKEBY S. FELCII can iiold BOOTS, SHOFjM, IF.ATIter, ottd Fïtidiitgs f all kin Js. wilii uil persons, Nntives m ï'or■■Eners, on llie following jnsi nnd o(im [eims. vi. : Gnml Artitlea - Low I'iiccs - Reqdy Ptiy - ii nd A'o 'l ast.. The giiiisci'ilivr btvlng fully teeicil the Credit Ssicin Ki faia ureat Idss. both ol' lence and eath, and hnting sulliicci mucb lot i.y fire. nn oi'fsiijr eompels hitn tp eulleet liis pxy ■' Inj rr, !iarvest, ns "afieu Bi vest nnd m;j r fall." vciy uiten eome lip ' missing." Iraving hioi snl l-l in 'lic Hooilivle. I le luis come in the nimf iMinchision ihfll Wftain sensible giils Hid on n 'ne oecfitinn. (tcc to tal or n Imsbund. ready un nr n' ffhocmvking ) All persons tla' cvn conform In iho filiove will do well lo cnll on S. Felch. Ann Ar. mr, [.-wei Tok n. No. 4 ijuron Block, wl.ce ■licy will njl be laxed for oihers' woik who ■ipvpr pny. N. B. All persons inrlebieil in any wny lo he S'il'frriber. lind heiier pall and .ay if ihey tic lifnest aii'1 mean to keci so. :or r,.n s. i-rr.n. Ann Arbor, )_over Town. Jan. i. IH47. Temper anee House! 184. 1847. STEAMBOAT HOTEL. DtcTRQiT, m:c:i. DANIEL BAR.EY, hnng laken ihis wN kii'iwn Smid. nnd ilu 'iHjfhl' ri-pniifil it ihmuffhout. is now cjtcisive y propnred 10 i.cRnmnioHnte hi friends nnd 1 1 1 Pravelling Public wiili nll 'hose convcninces nlpulaird 1.1 nia-eihem comlüruible. and wiih ricps tn snir fi.p tiniep ! Meah, 2,1 Csnlt. Easlern and Southern Stage Ofice kept at this House. ÏÏT O il.iH nn'l BigïHg Wagon ;il;ivs on mil lo convey P.isiongurs tO a ui from ilie ll..nsc :rce of clnive. ynfi-iim COJIKTOCK & KFTülOUtt, Dealers ín Fancy and Stapte Dry Goods, Boots AND S f-ï O S, H A R D WA Iï E, Ci'ockery V Grocerics, al A'o. 3, Porer's Blnck, South side of the Public Square, 308 JACKSOJV, M1C& Ilf tnrnedTAIIiORING. Tiï'. Subsenber is diairoua of inforroinc his old cuglomsn and ilie pulilic genemllv. thm 'i'l lias locaied liini elf on Mini si.,nnnr Wrtdls fïrowry Slorc. nn ihcornerof Main and Hurun streeia, where nll kinds of T A I L 0 R I N G in the present fas h ion (;nn be done ig a espectable and pronipi manMM. P. S. CUTTING done on ihe shoriest nolice and nurramed to fil f pmppilv mde tip. w wiuojïsor. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. 317 HOUSE & LOTFOR SALË. THE subscrUicr oBèn to eell lier DwoJIinp H.msB and I,nt m Ihe Lower "illg! o Ann Arbor. sittiated bui H few rods Ironi t. ie een ire of business, nnd Iront-n'i on Bri);i'lwny. li will be (omvl a convenient residence for a fiünilv. AUrt. on Ihe same lor. a dwelling house uell ndapred u n 8'nall taniily. The prrperty will be snld on vrry raásnnahle erin?. Possesíion cm be given by the first ot September, if desi ed. ELIZA H. GROVR. Mav 22, I84T. 3l7.3m STEEL 600DS! JPutscSflfes aní 2T v f ik m f n a s SPLENDID FANS, and any qunntiiy of oih.r goods of tlus son at ihe OLD MANHATTAN STORE, Hl 7 Detroit. GoUl Pens, PRICE REDUCED. IT is nilmiiieil bv all wlio use thtm. that Piquette'ti Gold Pens ore equnl ií not superior 10 nny ever nfTered n lilis mniket. pritc $2,r(l For sale wholesale. nnd remil ni the manu rolo ry. Comer o! Jefierson Avenuo & Gnswold St.. Detroit. 314-lyr Aleo for sale by C. BLISS, Ann Arbor. COUNTY ORDERS. TFIE bigliestprice paid in catli liy G. F. Lewis, Exchangc Broker, opposite the Insurnce li-ink, Detroit, for orders on nny ol iho ounticsin the State of Mich.gan; als') lor St.ite uurities of all kinds and uncurrent funds Cali and see. Dcc 1. 1645 241-tl T II K ES HING machines. 'Itjjh midaufignod Muuld rnlorin ihe pullic I ihnt he mnnulactiirèi Jlorse Powera and riiieshing Marhinn at tirio, ol a superior kind i)v'nioi] by bimvcHi Thesj Powers nnil Aíncliines are pnrticularly idnpnd loihe uae ol Furmera lio wih to use hem tor (hreshinc iheir uwn gr."in. The power, tliresher nnd nzturrt con nll ,r Icnc'i d inm a oimmon sized wnpon box nnd dmv, :i wilh one pnir ol Iioisis. 'i hcy me designrd 10 be usrd ■viih íoui liorspp. íind me ahundünlly stronp for liai numbíT. nnd moy he snfely ueed wilh 8x or "iL'hi norsrs vith proper core. Thf y work wiih Icssslrcnjrih ol horses nrcording to the of business done, iban nnyoiber poucr, nnd will iliresh genernlly nliout VdO huí-hcls hfal per l:iv with Tour lioríe. In or.c inpinnre J58 busliels hcnt ere threshed in three kours wiih Cour horés. Tliii Power nnd Mnchine conlnin al! l!rC ndvantage neeessary to ninke tlifm proliinhle to rho purchjvr. Tliey are sirong nnd duinble.- They nre eneily moved froni one plnce lo nnolhcr. Tlie work of ihe lulin is easy on ihi'je nowetB in ron j)ítrison lo o'hrrs. nnd ihe príre ís LOVVKK thnn nnv oihfr power nnd nmchine, have evur Iieen fold in f lie Siale. necordine tn il:e renl vn!ue. The lermp of pnymont will he liï.erul Tor ootea ilint ore known tu be ubsoíotcíjr !.'Oiid. I liavn n mimtier of Power nml IWncMnes now ipnily for sn)e nnd persona wisliing lo buy ■lie ínviled to cnll ?oon. BKPARATORS. I am pre pared to nnike Srparn'ors for those vvlio m.'ry want (lien). The iitiliiy nnd ndvantnips ,-í ibis Power end Mnchine -11 Bppcnr evident lo all un tjnnnning ■lie recorrí nienriaiions helow. All p"iins are ctrttiuned ncainst mniing hr;p Powerp nuil Marhint-s: rhe undo"pigfied ijíiving nrluptnl tlie ner-res.-iry nienfnree tor fwurin: leiifrg p".!eiu fur the ramo wiiliin ihe time ri'quiíod by tasv. S. W. FOPTF.RScio, W.-isl'irnnw Co., Micli.. June 18, 1346 T. ECO JIM END ATI ON6. Diirina ilie yrar H4.r). cach nf lie íindersígncd liurchmefl and used eiilier indiriilimlly or ji-inily wnli others, ote of 8. W. FoMrr'a rcwfy invested Rnrre Puwers nnd ilncfliinp ichinr, ind hclievr thcv nre [iriicr Ddnpred to ihe ute of Fnrmers wlio wnni Powere ard Mdrlimn for iheirnwn íifc llinnany oilier pouer nnd ibtfthe.r wiiliin our knuwlerlfro, Tliey are cnleu'otcd io be used wlih fonr (misos nnd are of atti) itrrngih (or ihnt mimlier. Tliey npprar to be :onsi meter! in fiicIi a mnnner as to render them verj dvrnnte uiih lin'e linhüiiy of griting out ei prder. They nre eisily niovpd fiom ore fifntt lo annihrr. Thpy úc (nked iin ony nmlierofhn.ids fnmi foui to ií;ht. ar.á wíll Ihrctü abol't 200 fitroheT w henr prr fíny J. A. l'fM.flKMUS, Scio. Waslitenaw co. o. ni on. " " T. KTCHARDSON, " ■ SAMÜFX HFALT, " " 5. p. pnstr.R, N. a. " ADAjM SMITFI, . .1 M BOVF. j,i,rn , VVM. WAl.KHn. Wcbler, ' THOS WARHTN. " " I). SMALU.Y. J.odi. " I [hrehea !nsi Mi -! Ínter .'ti, ore oí P. W. Fosif-r's hnree poï.fis. mnrp il.nn fiftfrn rlinusnnd hushel gran Tlie rcpnir h-iowpd npmi tle powi-r nmnnmerl to onTy C,l cenrs. and it ras in pnr.d onler when I had done ilircsliing. 1 invoriflbly uted hn-ypj.. A A I ON YOUKGLOVE. Marión. .Tune (i. 194fi. I purphnied ore nf S. W. Foster' horft nowers Inst fil an.l ,.nlc userl ir for I hnvé used mrny difl'erem kiicís of puwcre ond htlieve ihis is ilie bcsl riinnintr power I l.;te everfpen. l;. s. BKNNET. [liiiíilnrg. Jnnp, ]8',C. We pnroli:isi-d onr of S. W. Foslrr's fTor? P.iwer !j si fnll. nnd kue iistd ii nnd tliiuk it ia nrat rale Power. JFSST HALL. 8. KAM., RF.CBF.N S. HM.U Flnnilnirff. June. 1946. KB-lf COItlr, RÍE A: WHEAT 1,1 "ANTED by ihe subscribers, 10.000 " " iH.-hi-l w i o u_ I fl.dl 0 bus li. Is l Hv-, uiH I bnshel ,,) Whi."'i1elv.rfd al th ■Sieam Mili, fur wliicli Oiifh II be pnid INGAf.ES, LAME, & F1SHFR. Ann Aiiior, Jim, 4. ISI7. 2J8-:f. FOR SALE CHTAPfor CASH, or eiery kiniTofcoun irv PlOilirp. Saddlcs, Br'.dh'sJTarncss, Trunks, Yalises, Trun; Yaliirs, Carpet Bogs,fyc. Also n iíooü rsaorimem ol W mu &, I.jhk, whicb w.ll be suld vriy low, nnd no rni-tike. nt (■(ios a lu)ül'so's. Aun Arlmr. Aueíl.l 12. l?46. '2T7-if CHEAP STOVES AT YPSILANTl! 1 9ñ COOKIlVG &l'AHI.OJl STORES, "-' just recrivcd. ly i lie Subfciiber. (rrosl- !y frnm Albnny) ntnUipp a gfmd assorui-ent of ihe laiesi md besi pniierns. hich ill tic f?d il Low Pnces! not tü be undersuld iliie side Lat,e Erie! Also, Topper Fuinilure. Cati'i'ron Kc::le?, Ware of all sizes. Sloie Tipe, Slicet Iiuii. Zink. &c. TIN WARE.' Mnufe(iirB(f. nml consmnily lept on hand vvlirb will -ílsn - pold very loi". S.-PorctMiMi ......Ji well 10 colt and examine for iheirown snlieíncii' n. J. M. BKOWN. Tpsilnnti. J-ne SO. lfíi. ?7J, FURN1TURE & ITHOLSTERING WAREJIOOMS. STEVENS & ZU, rff thelo-er end ol tlic Whiie lilouk. direciljr opposile ihe Michigan Exchangf. hnve on liand a large assKrtnicm of FUHN1TUBE, oí ilieir own manu acure, whicli they will eell vety '.ovv for Cash They also keep 6xpericnc;d Upholsterer. ana are prepnred io do all kinds of Upholelering at, rlir shnrtrst nolii'e. Fniiiiture ol'nll kinds made to order of ih lest nuilcrin!, nnd wnrrntitrrl. STEVENS & ZV&. De'roit. January, I, 18-17. 297-ljr C CLARK, Attorney arui Cwunsellor, and Jus ice ofc he Pead', ( Court Ann riw ?"Otf B AOZSK1THS TOOLS. " 4 RMÍTAGE Mouae Hole" Anvils. J . " WriabtV do. Cmterel Kej'ed Vices. Wesi'sbest Uellows, 30 to .16 inchcss. SledP5, Han-! Hammers, Files and Rasps of evo'y kind, can be found at the Iron Store, siga nf the Big Anvil. HENRT W. WELI,ES. nn r,ior..Ian 10, 1847. 293-ly BRIGHT and Black vLog Chains, 5I(!. tí 16, 7-IG. & 8 l(i wrapping do. tSnright and iwisied link Traco do. Halter do. Fr snle very cheap at (he sign of the Big Anvil, Uppor Tonn. HE.VRY VV. WELLES. Ann Arbor, Jan. 10, 1847. 298-ly ROWLAND'S best Mül Saws, 6, 6i, and 7 leet. Rnwlnnd's host X Cut Saws, fi, (IJ. and 7 feet. Kns;lish C. S. Pit Snws. fij and 7 fect. Snperio' American Mili Saw Files, 10 to IC in. ches For sale at the sign of the Big Anvil, Upper Town. UENRY W. WELLES. Ann Arbor, Jan. 10, 1847. 398-Jy


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