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Ypsilanti Schools Open For 4,800 Children, 181 Teachers

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Ypsilanti Schools Open For 4,800 Children, 181 Teachers

YPSILANTI—Today marked the first day of classes for some 4,800 children and 181 teachers in Ypsilanti public schools. Included in the teaching staff are some 30 newcomers to the local system.

Last night, school personnel and their families attended the annual all-school staff picnic, held in the Chapelle School gymnasium.

Supt. Evart W. Ardis announced the calendar for the 1954-55 school year, which began officially with pupil registrations yesterday and will continue . through June 17, 1955.

Under the tentative calendar, the first semester, which started yesterday, will end Jan. 28. 1955. Special dates already set aside include the annual regional teachers' conference Oct. 21-22; Thanksgiving recess, Nov. 25 and 26; and the annual holiday vacation, Dec. 17 to Jan. 3.

The 19-week second semester, with time out for spring vacation April 11-15, will extend through June 17, when all public schools will close for the summer.

The list of new staff members and their respective teaching assignments include Mrs. Richard C. Kerr, Mrs. Dorothy Brian, Mrs. Arlene Cohen and Ronald Graham, all at Chapelle School; Mrs. Julie Knode and Mrs. Robert Matthews. Prospect School; Mrs. Patricia Otto, Roy R. Friday, Richard Skodack and James Curlett, Central Elementary; Sarah Ann McVaugh. Mrs. Marie Mooar and Leo Clark, Ypsilanti High School.

Other new staff members are Mrs. Carol Rasmussen, Mrs. Loretta Gardner. Mrs. Mary Jane Filsinger and Audrey Long, George School; Mrs. Gretchen Erwin, Mrs. Regina Patton and Mrs. Ida Shepard, Harriet School; Mrs. David Gauntlett and Mrs. Joanne Hertler, Begole School; Mrs. Mildred Hughes and Charles Meyers, Estabrook School.

New staff members with special assignments include Mrs. Gretchen Dresser, speech correctionist; Mrs. Ruth Opem, child accounting (records) ; Mrs. Ann Torrey, school nurse; and Mrs. Wanita Murphy and Robert Wagner, elementary physical education instructors.

All the new teachers were to be guests at a 4 p.m. tea today sponsored by the Ypsilanti Federation of Teachers (AFL) in the high school homemaking department.

Classes began officially today for some 4,800 school children enrolled in Ypsilanti’s public schools. Yesterday, prospective pupils left their bikes handy (top) for a quick return trip home as they registered at Central School. Among the first bus passengers to arrive at Chapelle School today (left, above) were Carol Hall (left) of 3974 Golfside Rd. and Daren Otis of 5715 Ellis Rd., both in Ypsilanti township. Meanwhile (right), two freshly-scrubbed second graders—Charles Lynch (left) and David Greenway of 1206 S. Congress St.—sit calmly on the Chapelle steps talking over the coming school year as they await the first bell.