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Gerrit Smith's Nomination

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Mr. Smitli has a in the Liberly Pres?, justifying his accfptance of llie Macedón nomination. VVe extract a parngraph, illuslrative ot tlie rclation vvhich Mr. Smitli i n tenda to liold to tlie Liberty party. "Am I to turn contemptuously from the nomination, because the naw pnrty,whicli gTve it lo me, is made up, in part, of secedors from the Liberty party 1 1 answer, ihat members of tlie Liberty party have tlie right to wilhdraw from it - as good right as the members of otlier parlies liave to vvithdraw from their partías, and that 1 trust there is no element of tyranny or popery in the Liberty party to forbid the exeicise of this right. Emphatically true is it, that members ot a party have a right to sececle from it, when the object of tiie secession is to form a better pnrty Ihnn that they lefi. Now, much as I love the Liberty party, and tenactiously as [ cling to it, I ano obliged to confess, that the "Liberty League," is a better onc ; and that it is yoLir and my duty to labor to bring up the Liberly party to the high, every whers opon, and honorable groumi, oceupied by this new party. To imítate Ihis new party - not to disparnge and condemn it - is ihe appropriale work of the Liberty pnrty. And such is my persuasión of ihe discernment and integriiy of the Liberty party, that, I believe, it will promplly enter upon the work - will promptly yield to the demnndsof developing truth. By so doing, it will cfíectually cali back those wlio have left it ; - and ihey will return, accompanied by thousands of Antislavery free-trade men, peice-men, land-reformors, &c. &c..who will precede, by only a lidie space, ter.s, and, perbapi, liuniVeds of thousands of persons of like fuith. The Liberty party, if t shall be so truc to itself, as to carry out, in all justly callad for directions, its great one idea of the equal rights of all men, will be no loser, bilt on the contrary, a grcat gainerby íhe organi.ulion of tlie Liberty League. Thus true to ilself, it would fjuickly ahsorb this bold and honest little pioneer. Thus true to itself, the nominations made by the Liberty League would get no voles ; ttnd those lo be made by the Liberty party would get doublé ihe numberof votes everyet obtained by the Liberty party caudidates. The Liberty party has the power to turn to its own candidfites erery vote which now tendsto ElÜlU Burritt and myself. Happy, thrice happy, if t shal! be so wise, ns to avail tseif cf this power. Evon Bro'her Burritt and 1, clean sliorn of our honors, as we should thereby be, would, nevertheless, be quite trio joyful in the cause of oür loss, to maké the loss itself the subject o very deep or protracted sorrows."


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