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Runaway Slaves

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The Virginia papers say that quite an unusual mimber ofslaveshave nbsconded from that Slate during the past four weeks. This seems to be the case, for we scarcely open a pnper froin the Old Dominion, that we do not observe an unusual number of rewards for a certain species of locomotive property, for vvhich of late,there seems to be but little security to its possessor. A Staunlon, Va. paper, now before us contains advertisements for four or five boy, (n!l slnves are boys, even if they have arrived at the age of fi Tty : ) for whose recovery one and two hundred dollars are freely oflered. It is curious to see the reasons some of these slaveholders give why their ' boys' have left them. One Grey, in the paper above alludedto, says he knows no cause of Snm's elonoment, unless it be to get riel of servitude, and supposes he will aim for a free State. Why, man, to be sure he will, and f bc misses his ' aim' it will only be because some pimp of the slavcholders stands tn bis way. Another advertises Adam, and says he purchased hitn in Louisa county, and he may make his way there, as his wife is in tliat county. Very likely Adam desi red to see his wife - it is natural that he shou!d,but the great probability is, that he has tnken passage on the underground rnilroad, and is ere this out of the hands of his persecutors. - Del. Co. Rcpublican. Tl. e Uichmond Times, a whig paper, whicl) was among the firstto support Gen Taylor's pretentions, says: Gen. Taylor's Posilion. - The letter of Genernl Tavlor to the editor of the Cincinnati Signa!, which we published }-esterday, seems to be intended by the writeras a more formal declaration iban any that has yet appearedof bis views in regard to the Presidency. He states, without equivocaron, that in no case can he permit himselftobe the candidate of any party. If Gen. Taylor adheres to this resohitinn, we are constrainpd to expie;s an opinión that the VVhig party cannot be e.vpected to surrender their orgnnizalion and their principies for tlie ptirDose of elevating him to the Presidoncy C0 The Cleveland Dernocrat s;.ys of Gen. Tay'or's letter to the Editor of the Cincinnati Signal : '; But the most remarkable part of this letter, is the nnnouncement by tlie writer, ihat 'in no case can he permit himself lo be the candidate of any party.' II ere a great scheme is divulgud. Upon this the action of ïhe southern slaveholders is based. Mr. C'alhoun and the leading spirits at the south, who are urging forward the movement in favor of Tavlor, know that their only hope of successdepends upon his coming up asa no party candidate, and thus wheedle the north into his support. He is lo be put up as the people's candiriate, when in fact and truth, he is tliB slaveholders' candidate, pledged to them and their institutions by every conceivnble tie,not ihe least among which is the large owneiship of slaves himself; besidesbeing opposed to the Wilmot Proviso. The Souih know their man, and no matter what he may write, or others may say, he is their man. This is the game.then, ofthe South- a game to which Ta_lor is a party - to raise the cry of no party candidate - 'the peoples' candidate" - and underthis false guisp, run him into the Presidency. It is n bold, nnd al the same time, acunningly devised game. Let the North beware, and before it he loo late, block it in its firet stages.' "


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