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From The War

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Aícording to accounts by way of Vera Ci uz, extensive preparations were making for the defence of the Capital, and it was the intention to altnck Gen. Scott at three points, between Puebla and the City of Mexico. Alvarez, vviih 5,000 men, and more conslantly nrriving, is said to be this side of Puebla, with the design of attacking the train under the escort of Gen. Cadwallader. Gen. C. will probably bejoined by Gen. Pillow, so that he will have over 3000 mento meet Alvnrez. The defeat of the Guerillas by the troops under Cadwallader and Piüow is confirmed. Cadwallader is said to have killed 50 and wounded 40, and taken severa! prisonprs. The guerillas are growing bolder every dny. Kendall saysthat tlifi prospect? of peace ara farther off than ever. The New Orlenns look on board at Vera Cruz 176 sick soldiers; 7 of tliem dicdon the passage. From Mr. Armstrong, who carné over in the Orleans, the Delta learnsthat news had been reccived at Vera Cruz on the 24lh, which was positivo in its nature, ihat the large train which had left that city on the 18th, strongly guarded,"and under the command of Gen. Pillow, was suddenly attacked on the 21st by a largo party of lancheros, who lay in ambnsh awaiting their approach, about 15 miles bevond the National Bridge. The attacki Ihough suddnn, did not disconcert the command. Gen. Pillow immediatelv ordered the dr.ngoons in bis party to charge the nssnilants. The order was promptly and gallantlv executed, which cnusfd the enemy to make n precipítate retros) leaving thirly of their assassin compnnions dcad on the field. and some fifty wouiv'ed. Thcir strehgtri is not known, as thcy made their attack from an nmbush. It is to be regrettod that seven or nine Americans lost ihei lives in theencounter - some twenty were wounded. The figh'over, Gen. Pillow ordered forward the train, au 1 had the wounded men conveyed back to the city. The energetic and nblo rntnner in which lie conduele.! the whole aflair, is the theme of universal conimcndntion in Vera Cruz. We also learn tint Gen. Scotl was within 25 miles of llie Capítol. The roorse pureued by Cnpt. Walker towards tlioso desperndoes ho feil into hia hands, is said to have been higlily approved ofby Gen. Scott. We have been asked if Gen. Cadwallndor odopted Walker"s plan and shot those who feil into his hands, but we are unable to answer.


Signal of Liberty
Old News