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The Signal Of Liberty

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Is publishcd every Saturday morning by THEODORE FOSTER Terms of the Paper Two Dollars a year. payïWa as nearly in ndvance os mny le. All siibscriptions inust be paid w.thin il.e year. Pipen w.ll. nol be conlinucd 10 those who oc for one yearor more l'aymcnts in bank bilis mny be remitted by Mail at out risk and expense ; bui in case oi loss, prnof must be mude (bat ibe money was octuolly and properly muiled. Ratcs of Advertising cach line ol'brcvier, (the smaUcsHype.) the firat insertion, 3 cems. Foreachsubacuentinsertion, cents. For ihrce monihs, 7 cents. Forsixmontlu, 10 cenia. For one year, lócente. Orders by mail wil be.promptly attemled to. Iegnl Advertising byihe lolio. AH ailveriisoinems musí be acconipamed hy wiuttk.n dircctionsfonlietimeofinseriion; otherwis tliey will be chnrgcd for uil ordercd oui. ET All RemitUnces and Communications ■hnuld beaddressed, Post paid, (CTSicnalof Liberty; Ann ArboriMich-XD LOCAL AGENTS. The following persons are üuihorised and re quealed 10 act os ogents for the Signal in their rrepective vicini'ies. S. D. Moksk, Eaton Rnpidf. T. T. Stkbbiss, Carióle. A. ArmsTüong. Verinoniviüe. .Ioel Burercs. Lyons. Fhakcis Wat, Portland. K. S. Ingkrsoli., Delta. Rodkbt PoiSTr.i;, F.ngle.


Signal of Liberty
Old News