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TflE FAR MEII'S C O O K STOVË! Somcthing NewrjMIE subscnber wouU respectfully cali the suen'.ion of lbosj ibuut purcüatinf cook etovcy to an onlirc'y uew pnttcrn - a suppl) ofwhieh lic isnuw receiving. Thcy arè AIR TIGIIT, rnd have a Summcr AmHgèmiM ly which mosl ol the oulmary oporatiülis Culi Itè perforinfd wilh the Binntletii amomu of iuet, und wuliuut tlu neccsíiiy oí heating ihe room. The furniiura ii perfect nd cnniploie, COBipiiaing ncnrly evcrj k tchen utensil. 'J'liü patent ns procured th .hit. nnti alresdy ii has b come tlic moai pnpu!;ir stoV6 ia tho K:istern Stiltes. A íwll a.yortrnent oí ilie Pienwum Cook, Box and Air 'f'ight Sloves, kepl on ea'e. Coppcr, Tin and Sheet Iron WORK, in all its branche, donu tu ouder, umi supplies of ware constan iy on ïaud. HENJtY W. Wixns. Anvil S'ore, Dppfi Towo, í v4tl .'i'iv. ' tr. ' OVR ADVERTISERS. Under tliis head, wo puldish, freo of charge the name, rc3dence, and business, of lhoe who .idvenise in the S'íml of Libf.rty. II. Krausc, OaliBark, Ann Arbur, Maynakds. Druggism, Ann Arbor. T. A.'. Machinist, Ann Arlior, VV. Wit.KiMscm, TniNir, Ann Arbor. 9. VV. FusTEit &. Co. ManofóenirrM, Scio. E. H. Grove. Real F.siate. Ann Afbor. VVm., Merchoht Tailor, Ano Arbor. C. PiouiTÍí, Quid Pena, Detroit. D' M'Imïrk, fnsurahce, Ann Arbor. V. VV. Dextkr&Co-, Jewtleis, DeJiter. 'I'. fl. ArühtRonq, liiis, &c, Uetroit. l!i.( itlets & Thomas, Merchani, Ann Arbor. R. B. Ui. izif.ii, farm tor Sale. Ánn Arbor. S. VV. FosTKK, Threshing Machines. 8cio. Cojistock & BktMovr, Mercliants, Jaekson. 'I'. II. Arm.trono, Hat Store, Detroit. J. Giusof & Co., Merclnnts, Ann Afbor, C. Ci.ark, Law Office, Ann Arbor, G. F. Lewis, Broker, Detroit. E. G. liurtoKii. Deniist, Ann Arbor. C. Btin, Jeweler, Ann Arbor. F. J. IJ. Okask. Insnrnnpe Otfice.Ann Arbor W. I1'. SpaOldino. Maible Yard, Ann Afbor. D. BakkST, Temperance House, Detroit. Cook & Hobinson, Harness Makers, Ánn Arl'of. VV. A. Ravuoxu, Merdiant, Detroit. J. M. BiiowN, Stoves, Vpsilanti. M., Mercliant, Ann Arbor. H. W. WiLLKs, Hardware, Ann Arbofi S. I). BtiRSKT, Dentist, Ann Arbor. Stf.vess & Zuü,, Uphulsterers, Detroit. Wm. S. Brovvh, Attorner 'it Laar. Ann Arbof. S, Shoe Store( Ann Arbor. J. W. Tii.LuvN. Cibinet Ware, Detroit. ffütocK &. Ravmjnu, Cloiliing Storet Öbtroil. ixGAi.t=. Lamb, & FtsHER, Steani Mili, Ann Arbor. ATTS3NTION (}{ DOZ. Blood'sCiadleScythes, yj 20 " VVadswonh's ■' '" 30 ;' Bioud's Graas " Ij " Jenii's " " 10') Burnett'e, Rogers' &Curtiss' Cradles, 100 Lamson's Grass tícythea, 10 Tower's Hoes, I00Ü Ibs. Coil Chain from 3-16 to 6 8 tti. 40 Los Chains. Hay Kiiive-i. Utish Hooks, Hay, lïar!ey. and Manure Forks. and al! other Partning Utensils, just receivedahd for sale at Detroit priees at the Anvil Stdre, ÜjtperTown. HEMIY VV. WELLES. July l?t, 1847. 39Í 5TONS "Swedes" IRON, 10 " 'Juniaiu" do. 3 '" "Peru" ,'.). Togelher with a full and complete assorthient of hou, Stoel, Garríale Trimminga. Blacksnílth's and Wiiggon Maker's ToOls, just received at tlio Anvil Slore, Upper Town. HE.MIY W. VVELLEá. July 1, '47. 325 Cali and Settle ! TH1S is to notify all persons indebterJ to the late tirina ol Harris, Partridge öi Co., nnd H. B. Harris ifc Co., that tbeir notes are lelt in the handsol James B. Gott, Esq., Juslice of the Peace, for collection. As tïiese fitina are nov lii-.solvèJ. it is absoltltely necessary that dieir outstanding matterssliould be eetiled ns soon aa practicable. H. B. HARRIS. Ann Arbor, July I2th, 1ñJ7. 35 3m SUGARS.- Loaf, Lump, Crushedj Pow'd, St. ('roix, and Porto Rico Sugar all of superior qualities, extremdy ow at 391 MAYNARDS. WIN ES - And other Spirits warranted pure, a large supply tor medicine miiyat $4 MAY.NAUÜS: O LD PORT WINE- which we r conimend pnrticuiarly to invalida for its quaüty - a good supply at SU MAYNARDS DRUGS AND MEDICINES.- Tha Btock is now complete, inionc which may !e found every article wjnteJ hy families or physicians. Please io recollcdt ihat cvery article gold hy us is warramed to be genuii'i'. 324 MAYNARDS, 1 HO 0UNCES QUININËi sale -Ivfw ]ow. Ebjrsicianl can depend al ill linies on finding a sujiply üu hand at 324 MAYNARDS. PAINTS, Oiis, Varnish, Spirits Turpentine, Biushes, Glass. Pu'.lv. Glnzieis, DinTnnnfls1 A'.r.. A Ifrgf. ■ i i 1 1 k fnr -iP?iiii al MAY.NARDS. TOWNSEiWS SARSAPARILLA. We h tvo ilio Wholesale ageney uí thig ustly celebiated medicine; Tvo ross just re. ceived. 324 MAY.NARD9. SOAP, Speniiand Tallow CANÍ)LfíS ahvayson hand very eheap at 324 MAYNARDS. BUICK.- We have on hand 300.ÖÜÖ fi-siqnniiv Brick. anH preparad o lurnisli ■ i ii y quaniiiy v. aniefl, very luvv for caeh. :;l4 MAYÑAROá. IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORK. IR TIIF. PRBSS A NKW ARS EKLAROK1) F.IiniON Útf Fi-esident-9 Messages. Iu tiro handsome volumes, 8i'o-lhe wholö collecled from official documento, by j:, WILLlAMSjEsq; I. The Adilrogsi's and Measpges ot the Prfeslilcnis ol the Uniieil Suies, Troni WnshlOgioll Id Polk ; vviih íi copiuua analytícnl ihdei tu tho same. o( subjecls, nmeá and dates. '2. n account ot jlie inauguralion bf each ('resident, r.ndc brief noticc of thé principal political evcntsol liisadniinistraiioh. 3. A ftiographical sii'tch oí eaeh Presiden! 4. declaración of Ividepebdencn. 5. Anieles ot Cunfaderáiiün, with a biief liis[oí y t thc events ned cirbumstwicea whiefa led lo the Union ol'tl'.e States, andlbe formation ol ihe. Constiiuüons 0. Con-jmiiori of tlic United States, witlv notes referencA. 7. A synopsis dl the constiiutions of the 6everal Sinirs. S. Chronólogical tnble of historica! events in 'lie. United Si'uics. '.). 'I'ubles of the Members of the Ciibincts of the varions fidministratTuns, Ministerp to Fi.reign cuuntrics, and other piincipal public oiTt cers. 10: Siitstical tailles of commerce nr.U pupulation, II. Viih portraits of the I'rcsideiUs, and the seals of thc2(i Siuips. Tliis wolk is lúoNspenúble (o tlm Ainciu-ni. Sintcpinon. and evevy lover of hie coiinny.fornir ing as il does on unbrol'.eo link ui the history uf. ihis gre( lïmihiie. WANTÍ"-P iu evory town and villaje in the United States, rrtponsible men to prucmi ubscriberft, a il eiiuyc in the snlys oí thu abovn worli. to w hom a wry liberal ier centage will be i!!uVL;i. CoA'-iiiry Ntwspipeffe copyrng the whoie nl1 -ihis ndvenisrn ent. nnrl yrviii j n six insule mscrlions, shuil lm eniiili'il tu n copy of the nbove, wuiks - n 11 w rio ïitny comply wiih i lic aluvt tern &. will ptease send n cnpy of the pper, each linie ol inseruon, to the pubiinurr. AitdrcBS, K. WALK Kit. 3-.M. '.■ _ I.4. Fulton Sr. New York AI.AB.GK i' k-rl hiIc bv HI-XKI.KY.s A THOMAS AN .iio:, l.jf Tovsu. .'■H


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