Karl Hafner

Karl F. Hafner, 62, a retired serviceman for Michigan Consolidated Gas Co., died Friday night at his home, 1341 Newport Rd., Ann Arbor, following a long illness.
He was born in Hamburg, Mich., Feb. 11, 1898, the son of Charles and Hattie Harrison Hafner.
He had lived in Ann Arbor for the past 50 years.
Mr. Hafner had been employed by the McCalla Dairy for many years prior to World War I.
He served in the Army with the 126th Infantry, 32nd Division, overseas during World War I.
Michigan Consolidated Gas Co.
McCalla Dairy
World War I
VFW Auxiliary No. 423
Graf O'Hara Auxiliary VFW
Disabled American Veterans (DAV)
Elks Lodge No. 325
Muehlig Funeral Chapel
Bethlehem Cemetery
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Karl F. Hafner
Charles Hafner
Hattie Harrison Hafner
Helen Scherdt Hafner
Rev. Orville H. Schroer
1341 Newport Rd