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Oí Sí ADVERTISEKS. Under this hcad, no publish; free of cliargi the náme, residence, and btlsiness, of those wjuí adverase in the S'txal of LiIIertt. H. Krause, OakBsrk, Ann Arbor. Mavnards. Drüggisls, Ann Arbor. T. A. HavILaii). Machinist, Anri Arbdr. V. Wit.KiNsos, Tailorj Ahh Arbori S. W. Foster &. Co. Manufacturera, Scio. E. H. Grove, Real Lstaie, Ann Arbur. Wm. Wagxeji, Mercharít Tailor, Ann Arbor. C. Piquette, Öalil Pena, Detroit. M Intyük, Insurance, Anri Arbor. W. W. Dkxter Je Co-, Jewelers, Dexter. T. H. ArMstrong, Hala, &c, Detroit. & Thomas, Merchants, Ann Arlior R. B. Glazikr, Farm for Sale. Ann Arbor. S. W. Fostf.r, Threshing Machines. Scio. Comstock & SEïrtiuR, Merchdrlts, jackson T. H. Anuí trono, Hat Store, Detroit. j. Gibson & Có., Merchints, Ann Arbor. C. Clark, Law Office. Ann Arbof. Ö. F. Levvis, Broker, Detroit. E. G. Bubobr, Dentist, Ann Arbor C. BLiss, Jewélér, Ánn Arbor. F. J. B. Crank. Insurance Office, Ann Arbor W. F. SpAUi.iii.vr.. Marble Yard, Ann Arbor D. Bakney, Temperance House, Detroit. Cook & Robinsun, Uarness Makers, Ann Arhpr. W. A. Rívmiim), Merclinntj Detroit. J. M. Brow.vj Stoves, Ypsilnnti. M. Whkf.i.en, Merclmntj Ann Arbor. II. W. Wkli.ks. Hardware. Ann Arbor. S. I). Burnkt, Dentist, Ann Arbor. Stf.tess & Zi'On, Uphnlsterers, Dctrwit. Wm. S. Brown, Attornev at La. Ann Arbor. S, Shoe Storej Ahrl Arbor. j W. TilLhaDi Cbiriet Ware, Detroit. Hu.LatR & RiviiiMi, Cloiliing íStore, De troit. IircALt) Lam, & Fisher, Steam Mili, Ann Arbor. FIRE! j;jREÜ THE subs:ríber continúes lo nct ns Agent fur the Harllord Kire Insuiancí Company, of f lanforri, Connecticut. Tlve Cuín pany has been in business for the Idet TH1RTY SJX VeARS. and promptly paid nll lossts during tliat time, amotintmg to niany Millionso! Dollars. Applications by mail, (post pnid) orlo the subsorioer ai :he Post Office, pronipily litended to. F. J. B CRANE. Aaent. Ann Arbor, luly 30, 1847. 33t-ly TOWNSBND'S SAÍiSAPARILLA. We hive the Wholesale ajjfncy uf thi iustly celebrated medicine. Two rose ;ut re. ceived. 324 MAYNARDS. BRICK.- We have on hand 300,000 fi-stquality Brick. arH prepare') o l'urnis! ony quantitv -anted, voy lev for cash. 324 MAYNARDS. THE Marricd Womaa's Private Medical Companion. By Dr. A. M. Mauriceau. PROFESSOR OF D1SK.ASKS OF WOMEN. ; Third JCdilioi, It1. pp. 2 "ü Friet $1 ü( J ÍÍ",OOO COIMES SOLD IH 3 JIO.1TOS, Tlie g cal demand lor this moei important wjrk of wliich thousandg are solil) has comprlled thfl áue of anothcr liuiun. Il ia intended (peeinlly or ihe m.nrried, na it disciupes important secret! ; hid'ishould be known to them particularly.- ere every fctnale un discover the causes, symp:rn, and the most e.ü remedies and muat eitain mode of cure,in every complaint to whicli ler sex is sulj :ct. Married femules will here learn ihe art where' tliey would re'.ain tlieir youlh, vigor, beauty, isticity ol b idy, and buoyaney of spirits to an dvanced a?e, ins:end of being afflicted, as huneds and thousinda are, in o whuse hands lhi ook has nat yet fallen. It is an iinporiant question lo the married wby ia thit we bcliold so many manied lemale i-kly. dcbilitaltd, and proatraied ? as also ilie uses; nml whether they : re susceptible o' remiy. Ti.ey will here find those important matrs, connecto J with diranveries in medt:al aai ïjsiologiual science, wbich meet ibis qu.stiun. This ivork is destincd to be in the hand of very wile and tnother who has a regaid to-r ber wn health and welfare, as well as that of heïusband. 1 in: revelations contained in lts pages have aleady proved a blissing to ihousand?. To those yet unmarned, buc contemplating ornage, or, perlnps, hcsitiüng as lo tbe ( riety of the responsibilities attendant pon it, the importunce of being possetsed f the evülations eontained in these pages, so imimmely nvolving tlieir future happinens, cannut be appreïated. H is of courso impossible to convey more fnlly, n a public journal, the varioussubjeeis lieated of, as they a;e of a nature strictly intended for the married or those conieinplaiing mairiaee ; neither is it necessa y, since it is evtry one's duty to become possessed o( knowledge, whereby the ufl' r.ngs lo which a wife, a mother, or a sister may be subject , can bp obviated. Copies will be sent by mail f ree ofpostage. Over ten thousand copies have been sent by mail within thno inuiuhs, with perfect safety and certainty. In no case has n rmitt;mce fuüed to reach the publisher, or the book those u whom it has been directed. On the receipt of One Dollar, the "Married Womnn'a Priva e Medical Compmirori" will bo sent free of poslaje to any part of the United S'.atrs. All letters must be addressed (post paidj o Dn A. M. Mauriceau, Box ''4, New York. Cuy. Publishing Oflice 129 Liberiy streel, N. Y.rk. For sale by all the principa! Booksellers ín tlie Cnited Slates. Agents in Detroit, C. MORSE & SON ; Ypailaoli. E. SAMSON ; Ann Arbor, W. R. PERRY. Perry's Dookstore. 27-3.n. THE FARMER'S COOK STOVE! Something IMew THE subscribcr would respectfullv cali the atter.'.ion of those about purcli.-ieinij cook stuveü to nn enürely new - n upply of whieh he ia now receiving. T hcy are AIR TIGHT, rind havc a Summer Arrangement liy wíiicli mol of the oulmary operalions can be pcrfornifd wiih the smallest amount olfuel, and wnliout the nec(8.ity ol hnting the room. Th Éurniiure ia perfect nnd compele. cimprsng nonrly every kuchen utensil. The palent was procure the past winter, and atrendy il bas becoine ilie must popular stove in the Eastern States. A tull atsortment ol the Premium Cook, Box, and Air Tiglit Stoves, kiptun sa e. Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron VVOKKi in all ts branchi 8, done to order, and supplics of wate consluntly on 'naud. HENRY W. WELL3. Anvit Store, Upper Town, ( '-40i July, '4?. Cl) FARMER S 1" ATTENTION Tr DOZ. Blootl'sCradleSovthe.s, jUJ 21) li Wadswortb'a ■' 30 " Blood's ürass " 15 " Jenk's " 10) Burneit's. Rogcrs' & Curlixs' Cradles, 100 Lamson'e Orass Öcythui, 10 doz Tower's Hoes, I OU Iba. Cciil Chain ftotn 3-16 to 5 8 in. 40 Log Chnins. Hay KniVes. Bnsh fltjoks. llay. BnHey, aiul Monlire Korks. und üll dllier Farming Uterisils, jnsi received nnd for sale at Detroit prieea at the Anvil Store, UyperTown. HENK Y IV. VVELLLS. July iet, 1S4?. 325 5TONS "Swedes" IRON, II) " 'Juniata" do. 3 " "Përtt" do. Togfcther witli n full and complete irasortmont ui Iron, Steel, Carriage Trimmings, Blücksmilh'a and VV'aggorj Maker's Tools, jus) ftfceived ui ïliu Anvil Stbre, Upper Town. HKNRY W. WELLES. July I, '47. 3ü." Cali and Settlc ! TUIS is io nolify al] persons indebled to the late firuiH ol Harria, l'iriridg Ac Co., and H. B. Fíarrie Se Co., that their notes are lelt in the hutidsol James B. Gott, Esq., Juticeof the Peace, for cillection As tliese fi ma are non ili-s.ile I. it is absolutely necetsnij s tiat' llieir outs'.Qliding inattersslioulil ie sctili d us soou hb practicable. H.B. HARRIS.. Ann Arbor, July 12th, ,OJ7. a,'5 3ln SUGARS.- LoaC, Lump, Crushed, Pow'rl, St. i roix. nnd Pono Rico Silgar all of 6Up riur quolitte, cxltemcly low nt :'3l MAT PI AR DS. WINES- And other Spirits wnrranled pure, a sup[)ly for medicine nnlyat ffi4 MAVNARDS. O LD PORT WINE- whick we recoinnmnd parfcieiilajiy to invalida toe im quality - 2 good supf I at 3iJ4 " MAYiXARD? DRUGS AND MEDICINES.- Tho slock in now complete, umong wliich mav lïe louud every article Winted by families Oï physicians. Please to recolleut that uvciy anide solri hy os is warranteci io b genuino. :!24 MAYNARDS. 1 Í1O 0UNCK9 QUININE, snjj -l-yjv „w. Physicians enn ikjiend at uil linies on lïndtug a suppfy uu hand at 324 MAYNARDS. PAINTS, Oüs, Varnib, Spiritu Turpentine, Brmhes, Glia.s. Puiry. Gh.ziuii,' Di.-mori'U, tc. A large 6touk lor a'e low nt :!M MAYNAKDS. SOAP, Sperm and Ta!!ov CANDLES alwayton haru vti y cheon ut 32 HAYNARDS.


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