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The Russian soldier is a mere machine, nnil luis not a iliouglit bbyond his church and the Kuiper r ; and for botli lie believes it his duty lo live or die. Mest of the arm y is compasad of serfs or slaves, nnd the pay of the soldier is only nbout three Holhrsjiw annum. II e is fed irpon acoarse bread and a kind of soap, nnd upon some great f et e day he is given mea; as a tuxury. The pay of ihe Russian ofTicers isalso verv small. A lieotenant gets but five hundred rubíes per annum, whtch is a little more than a hundred dollars ; a captain seven liuiidred rublos, nnd a colonel two thousnnd rubíes. You ask how tliey live ? The officers generally have a competeney beyond their pay ; some few there ure who havo not. and llieir condition is worse than the soldier's, for the latte r is provided wiili a uniform, and is fcd at the expense of the Etnperor. The funeral services for the repose of the soul of O'Connell was cclebrated ra Rome with grent pomp on the 28ih ui1., had been nnnounced. So eailyas 80'clock A. M., the Church of Si. AnJiew della Valla was nvadod by an immense crowd. The son of O'Connell, Rev Dr. Miley, and all llie Irish then at Rome were present, together with a number of Cardinal, Bishope, Roman Prinee, and ihe elilc. of the French Clergy nnd ti-avelers, who are nlways numerous in Rome. A proposal has been made in England 10 Üght all the raihvays by means of gas lamps placed at intervale not exceeding forty-flve yards. Exprkssive Laxguagb. - The Bostnn Chronoiype saysihat Orestes A. Biownpon alvrays writes readily, stirnng uu lhoiights n tl. e reader as witli a m'ghty pudding-stiek. Anothku Di'acovpKY. - A learnedBergin, M. Maiiiplc, has recenily discovered a verv simple means oí distinguishing bel ween ren] and Bppareittdeatb. It consibts n creating ; small burn ; if there is llfe, a bloter nlvas s lonneJ, oven in the absence ofu!! appárent sêhsibilhy. - 11" deai li hns ah cady inlervened, noihing of tlio kind occurs. A young Shoemuker, a prggcd worknmn, of Qulncy, saileii onSainrday froiu Boston n the packet ship Washington Irving, for Liverpool, hoving conlractrd for one year, to take charge of a shoe iactory in Liverpool, to mslruct ilie Qperatives in the making of p egge d shoes and buols - an art tliey do nut uuderstand in England yet. Johnny Buil w ill iiexl be afier sorae of our Cunneoticut boys, lo leerá hiui bow to make woodên r.ulmegs. The precocious genius of' the Yankee is yet destined to iule the world. Uxiox pok. Si.avery. - A meeting friondly the to claims of Gen. Taylor fu tl-.e Presidency, was held in Augusta or Wednesday evenmg. Whigs and Dein ocrnts minglcd togcther on the occasion llrsobtions wee pa.sed, and a com mittee appointed to make arrangemeni.for n Mas Convcntion. - Mainr. Paper Slave Mledku. - Soine finíale slaves min foufld enjoying thcnselves upon tk premises of a Mr. Tootner in i harleston on the night of lhe4ili of'Ju'y. Meseized them rmd orde red one of his ulavcs lo inilict fify lashes upon each. One of the victims dicd from the effecta of the cruelty. Tlie niuman wretch infürmed the owner of tlie poor creature that bf had flogged her " to his .satisfaction." Bread in a Baïbsl ofFloue. - To enable all to know how muel) bread cin be made in a barrel offlour, tlie fullowing extract from a New York paper will show - "190 lbs. offlour, 11 gallons 01 90 lbs. of water, 2 gallons or 10 pints of yeast and 3 lbs. ofsalt, make 305 lbs. of dough, wbich evaporates in kneadfng, baking, &c, about 40lbs. leaving ibout '262 lbs. net of bread." Tuf. Wii.mot Proviso. - All the Democratie papers in Cuyuga county have been merged in onr, and a new paper called the New Era. estabüsbed ns the organ of the party. The new paper has the following in its opening number : " Wc shall stand by the principies of the Wilrnot Pro vso, and claim with all zeal that, while we would not in the least impair the rights guaranteed by the Constitution to the slaveholding States, we can never willingly assen to plant the institution of slavcry in terrilory ocquired by this Union. ' It will be our endeavor to promote the presenlalion of the name of tíilns Wright to the next Democratie National Convention, and his nomination as the candidato for the Presidency, while at the same time we shall hold ourselves ready to abide by the conclusión of that body." Ciieat Ridixgï- Tho faro from Boston to Portland, Mail.; ' only fifty cents, cheapêr than being at home. WeundorsMnJthat Hou. Augustus S. Portee, is about taking lip his residence at Niágara Falis, where he has alarga peciiniary interest. Mr. P. is an old resident óf this city, and has represenled the State in the United States Senate.- He has been a useful citizen and his chnnge of residence will be legrctted by all. - Frcc Press. Oma. - Public meetings without distinction of party are being lield n i'Ilorent parts of Ohio in view oftlie approaching crisis on the slavery qirtstion. A lnrgo and cnthusiastic meeting was held at Medina on the 3d uit , and the citizens of Stock and Porluge connties met ai Marlboro on the 27th of .Tune. These meetings' were componed of all porties. nnd rasoJulMHl Hke the following were passed: Rcst.h-ed, '''Thnt inour opposition to slavery and ils cneroachinenls, we know no party ; but wil] be all Democrnts. nll Whigs. and all Liberty men, as the eircumst anees maij rrquire.-Lib. Press. The Soulhern Literary Messenger domntizeá on the iubject of slavery as füllows : "Iftho South c'oose to hold Slaves, rfre will do so without deigning to fissign any otber rrteün Ihua her own jik-asui-e to meddling (nnnlics ahroad." " Lt;t all such whining, canling, tnockphilanthrftpists know, llmt Slavery is an iostitution with whichihcy have no concern, anj with whicli Ihey shall nol nterfeie." More than 50,000 bo.ves of Strawberries, were sold n Faneuil mnrkei, Bosinn, on Saturday, 3d July. llpwards cf $10,000 must have been rsceived for tlicin. RathER Steange. - At a recent fire in Dayton, tliere weresome three thousand bushels of ilax sced in one of the consumed houses, of which Hot more than two hundred bushels were desiroyed, though exposed, of course, to great heat. The surfnee was baked into a hard coat, V'hile nll witliin tliis covering was saved. The same flaxseed w;s in the collar ut the titrm of the groat fiood in Daylon a few months sinec, and after the subsiding of ihe water, was found uninjured, aslimy coat Imving formed over t, effect ually preventingthe entrance of the water. Thus ït seoms flnxseed is fire and water proof. The cstimnted loss bv the above mentioned fire is set down ai about 615,000.- Cin. Coru. We sliould like to see a newspaper that wouldsuit everybody. It would be a curO8Íty. Such a thing never did nor never can have a place amung the things dfearth, yel tbousondsare dady aston'shed that the [aporto wbich tbey are a subscriber, does not contain such articles as they like to read best. One expecls moral essays ; another love tales and liiiscellany ; anolhor miith and anecdotes ; - another looks for a sermón, while all wondr that their particular taste is not suited - never for niument supposing that an editor caters for the mental appetite of thousa'id.s. - Rusiford Era, A Foot Race ag.unst Time. - John Sieeprock the " fast Indian, run a race offive miles, at lialavia, on Tuesday last, against lime - the lime being limited to :3Ü minutes. Me performed the distance in 28 minutes 31 seconds. The last rnile was run in four minutes ond# thírty seconds. He lost nearly a rninnta ín holding up to kick a dog that look part in the exercisej by biiing al liis heel as oporlunity oflered. John made this time without any training. - Buff. Ex. I.NTKRESTIXO SlC.HT. To see )'OUllg Iridies promenading t!ie s! reets dressed in the ton of fiiaiiion, whila their motliers are taking in washings nnd. ironing to support thein. ASTOMSIIING AeiIIEVEMEXT IN A UT. - Mr. T. M. Easterio, at Si. Louis, afier repented experiments, has actually succeeded in Daguerreotyping a slreak of lighiitng ! - a genuine,ant-play ing streak of tlie real snakö order. So perfect and instantaneous was the operation, says the St. Louis llepublican, that inyraids ofinfervening drcips of ruin were translerred with wonderful dislinctness to the plate, every drop retnining its globular form, showing that no nppreciable upace of time was consumed in the operation. The same paper remarks thnt visitors to Mr. Easterly's rooms will be amply r6paid lor their pains by examining this plate, in connection with a numlicr of views of' clouds, &c. Gambung. - The law for the suppression of gaml)ling in Pennsylvania, went into operation on the first of July, and its provisions nre of the most rigorous aud searching character, well calculated to put an end to all gambling in ihe State. By this law keepers of gambling apart. ments areliable toa fine offrom 800 to S6ÜÜ. Persons engage.l in gambling ns a means of living, or fuund wit) g'timbling mplemenis, may be iflnprisoned in the penilentiary frora one to five years, and reqnircd to pay a fine of $500. ■ The Wind Siiip. - Our cntorprising felluw citizen, Mr. Wm. Thomas, has List returnoc1 from a trip of twelvc dnys on the prairies, with liis wind ship, and says it works wol], and lie is now willing to make a tour to the buflalo country il' a suflicient number of passengers can be aised to juttify him in tlie expedilion.- :Ie takes one six pounder, a beantiTul stand of colors, tents, &c. He will start n a few davs if he can be successful in etting a compariy. Mr. Thomas wil! ake wilh him four large iiorscs, that in .ase of a calm there will bo no detention. It is now a beautiful season of the jear for a búllalo hen!. - Indepcndcnce K.vpositar, TttI CoxVKNTION AT ISil'FA I.O. We httve heard frojn ftiends at Buffaltr, sinee the Cor.vcntiun was appoiuted, and have the assurance, of what we very wel] knew before Ihat cvcry thing ir. llieir power wili be liuno by them to make the meeting a plensant ene. Thösa who uero at the Conveir.ion of 1S43 wil] know what tha! mcnns.-Emcincipalor. The Rolhchildspay laxos on one hundred and seveuty.fiv millions of dollar,! Glass Pens. - VVonders will liever cease. Glass ís now made uto all sorls oí Ihings. There is cloth niauufacturpd in Englaiul of GlaBa, and it has even been used as the maiaspring of a chronometer, and answered well for such a purpose. But for a pen to be made of glass, who would have believed it ? Yes it is so, and most excellent vvriting pens thev are. It is well known that wilh a flux of lead in combination wilh the silicon, tn right proporlions, tliat glass can bn made very ductüe. Those pens are now becoming not uncommon, and they are perfectly anti-corrosive by the most impuro ink. - A dog of Mr. Leveren Kimball on Sunday morning while swimming in the Merrimack, caught a Salmón and broughl it on shore, which weighed between 10 and 16 pounds. This is the last way of Inking Salmón that weever heard of, and the first instance in this manner. - Ilacerhill Banncr. The house in which Maria Bickford was murdered, togrther with severa! otliers in Boston, was destroye:) by fire on Tue.iday morning weck. Sup)osed lo be the work of an incondiary. The Travel!er LtMos tliat the property has been nlmobt wortWeaa to the owner evei since the dreadful tragedy was enacted. Explicit. - The Onondnga Standard, of Syracuse, N. Y., a Democratie paper ofgreat üfluencc in that State, spenking of Col. Benton's letter, says : "While we go with him heanily thus far, we can by no meansassent to hislanguage, in reference to compromises on th subject. The North know no compromise on the slavery question. They are just where the Wilmot Proviso is,and nowhere else. Iftheycannot have free territory of Mexico, they will have none. If they have not the power to bring freo soü iiito the Ur.ion, they possesssufficient to keep outlhat wliich is cursed with servitude, and they will do t. And the North ore -ready to meet tliis questio now." Charles Kean and lady, (formerly Ellen Tree,) who recently returned to England, realized f rom their performances on the stage in this country, in the course of two yesrs - from '44 to '4G - eighly thousand dollars. That's the way some folk make money. To makg Paste that will keef. - To make a paste that will keep, without fermentatiou or becoming mouldv, disBolve about an ounce of alum in a quaw of arm water, when cold add as much floor as will make it the consistence of' cream : then strew in it as much ed FOttifl as will sland on a shilling, and two tliree cloves ; boil it to a consistenco, stü-ring all the lime. T lie editor of the-North American, to whotn we are indebted for ihc above information, says pas;e mada in this wny will keep for a iwelvemonlh, and wlien dry may be soflened with water. - Rcading (Pa.) Journal. Anti-Ceubacy. - Dr. Baird, in hls lecture on Thursday evening, mentior.ed a singular fact connecied with the Greek church, viz., tbat the priests are required to be man-ied men, and whenever a wife dies the priestly office ceases until be is marrieil ngain. f hay claim authority for this in the aoripturo, which read "a bishop must be blameless, the husband of one wife." In the Armenian church this rule is extended so as to require tbat the priest shall also be the fatlier of one chüd. Springfiet'l GazeLle. Cost of the War. - The National Wliigsiiys, tliat ifall the expenses of the war were added up at this time, Ihe aiiiount would oxceed one hundred and fifty millions. American Coixs. - The coinnge at the Mint fur the last si.x montlis (namely, from lst January to lst July, . 1847,) is $8,2ÜC,'2'23- far exccedir.g the amount coined during any similar penod of time since the government was founded. Under the new insliuctions given by Mr. Walker, under the; law the constilutional treasury, all foreign coin received by the government is tronsferred to the Mint, where it is re-coined, and paid out as American com - the only forra in which it will circuíste among the leoplo. There is every reasou to believc hal neary sixly millions of dollars will he converted inlo American coi il dwing hc admi nislralion of l'rcsidcnt PolL. - Washington Union. The School-mistress Coming. - The BufFalo Coin. Advcrtiser slates that on :lie 8th uit., a party took lodgings at the Kagle Hotel, Niágara Falls, consisting of ono gentleman nndithirtyfouj; young hdies. The ladies were frojn Ihe Smies of New York, Vermunt, Massachusctts Ilew Hampábire, Cbnnecticut and Maine, coming out West as teachers, in pursuancc of the plan suggested by Miss Heccher. The gentleman accompanying them was ïlev. Mr. Ilopkins, of Milwaukie. There is only oue ihingthnt occurs !o us jtist now, thnt will be likely seriously to interfere witli Miss Bcechcr's plnn of supplying good teachers to the whole Mississippi Valley. That, however, may bo fatal to the entire scheme. We allude lo the rajiidily wilhwhict the rosy, tiili, iuduslrious and wcll educated Yankee gids that .-.omeout West, gel marrird here. In commercial pbraje, tliey " appreciate" fust ín the western matrimonial markets, and are ■' cauglit up" with " decided briskness." Thev might " remain on hand" awhile in Ohio, which now approaches somewhat the character of its eider sisters of the Enst ; bul the first destinaiion of the present " consignmentg we presume, is Milwaukie, - and Wisconsin and Iowa, we have lmrdly a doubt, will prove falal to all Miss Berchcr's hopesof education;tl " profil" from the " operaron." - Cincinnali Gazctte. More Troos. - The Washington correspondent of tha Journal afCommerce says, thnt the adim'nistration have decided to cali out the additional regiments under the act ofthe 13th of May 1848. A Lo.vo Dip. - An accident lately happened to a commercial gentleman, who, in the course of his business, had occasion to enter a soap and candle mahufuctory in Changa alley, London, whtch, as it lias been unatlended with serious consequences, may be repeated for amusement. The gentleman nlkided to was descendingsome steps ndjoining the melting vat, when his foot slipper], and lie was preoitiited nto the agreeable liquid. A workman who 'vas by, seized hitri as he aróse, but, from the unctuous nature of lus coveiing, he was agnin consigned to the vat A second pull extricated the suflerer, n the shape nf a t:emendous candle, the whole outward man being encased with Uillow. Noble Deed - A preacher in a slave State whose wliule heart is set upon vancing the cause of emancipation, but who has little of this world's goods, recent!}' redeemed a colored woman formcrly a slavo belonging to his futlier. - "ïhis woman," snys the noble-hearteed liberator, in a letter to a friend L" sjstainei to me a relat ion diffeierif from all tliers of her people. Slie had labored for my food, clothing and education from my very childhood. To redcem her was to give up some land wliich I ovvned tKat was purcliased partly by her labor. h was to give into her hands überty for lier loil for me. This I would like her to have done for me, had I as a slave lubored for her, nnd was still subjected to the wrongs of a slave. Her posterity will ever after be free also. To do it, 1 mortgagpd the last piece of land I owned. 1 ara now at the bottom of my purse, and shall still hold on to Kentucky with more hopes of iinal success, through the blcssing of God, than ever. 1 gave the woman a passport to go free immediat'ïlv, and am making arrangements to liave her recorded free at tho first sitting uf the county Court." CLr John P. Hale s lecturing ii behalf cf Liberty through the State o: Vernjont. A volunleer writing to the Lioking Ilerald, says that '-the Oliio Régimen would ask no belter i'un tlian to hang Ton Corwin at the firsttree." Shipment op Brf.adstuffs. - 15,000,000 bushels of coro, 2,700,000 busbels oí wheaf, and 2,500,000 barrels offlour- the hole valued at $33,000,000- have been shipped this season to Great Bcitain and Ireland alone. A church at York has rccently imporled a quanlity of costly carpcting, whtch, under the authority of tlie customs appraisers, has been entered as philosophical apparatus. The argument upon whicli this decisión is based appears to be, that the Christian religión isasystem of philosophy, that n meeting-house is necessary to its promulgation, and. that a earpet is necessary to the meetinghouse; therefore, the carpct is philosophical! Sin against Democrrcy. - Aiken, a Democratie member of the Illinois Uonstitutional Cor.vention, introduced into ihal body the following resolutions : - Wherea?, Mr. Hall in .i sermón on the llih day of July, in the second Presbyterian church, Denounced the existing wnr with Mexico as being tmjust and wliereas, sucli Declaration ought not to be tolerateii, more cspcciallij in a republlcan government. Anti, whereás, it s unhccoming n minister of ilic Gospel to u-e auoh Laogunge in n Gospel Sermón, or before ll)e young nnd rising Gennration, Thereíore, Resolved, That said Mr. Hall be excused frorn holding prnyer in ihis convention for tlio fuiure. Chinese Notions of Enulisii Carriaííes. - The two elegant carriages mode hy Hatcheit were objects of grea: aiiiiiiration. Dut it was a pÜzzHug rjuestion fbr the Chinese to decide which part was inteuded for the Ernperor's seat. The neat and comrnodious seals with their cushioiis insidc, wiili the windows and the blinds, and every pa 1 1 within, were elegruitly filfed for the reception of none b'it the monarch. But then a queslion arose who was to occupy ihe elevated position, wilh itssplemlid hnmmer-cloth, edged with gtId ond dccorated with ientoons of roses? To determine the clisputed point, the old eunuch, who had a particular affeetion of the carriapes, applied to me, and when told the Emperor's place w;is within, and that the elevated seat was for the man Ui;it drove the ïorses, wilh líie usual ejaculation of surprise, hai ya! he asked me if I suptosod [ would suil'er any man to sit abovo him, and to turn !is back upon him? "That," he taid, "will ncver do," and asked if tho splendid coacli-box could not bo substituled for the sent within the enrriage or placed behind i? - Sir John Barrow's Antobigrtt■phij. Nkwspai-ers in Rome. - With almos miraeulous speed the Press is planting ït standard over the world. We have be fore us the " Roman Advertiser," a weekly paper publislied in Englinli a Rome, the Kternal city. Tho prediction ofsucli an event acentury since, woulc have fallen as a Cable on the ear. On the 'Seven hills,' the eradle and gravo of the Caísars, whose ancient bulletins were scrolled in parchinent or written wiib Practorion nvords, who so impious as to have prophesied the regular issue of a newspapr, printed in the language of a race once ihe barbarous vassal of Rome. [Jut tlius il is. The glorious spirit of ■ïrogress, wliuse mightiest agenls are Snxon lnnguage and enterprise, aim at conquesls mighlier than the Cicsars ! - Mocking the barrier of th,e Alps, it bridges the Pontine marshea, and ihunders ils voice in the Imperial Capital, at the very gatci of the Valicin. - JV. Y. Sun. A portion of one of the streets in Fayetteville, North Carolina, is actually paved with solid rosin. A correspondent of the Boston Postsnysthat hü had ridden a horse and driven a carringe over this novel pnvement several times, and a capital road it tnakes. - It has a beautiful clear look, presenting a smoot 1, hard s ui'face, and it uever tots. The manufaclurer means to cast t into blocks of the right shnpe and size for aqueducts and sewers. Queen Victoria has lately been paying royal respect lo the claims of literature and tnerit, by directing the following pensions to be paid from the civil list. JE200 to the widow and daughtors of Dr. Chalmers - and the same aniount to Leigh Hunt. One hundred to the children of Thomas Hoot!, and three hundred to Fatlier Mathew. A Model of a Spkech. - The Charles ton Southern Patriot gives the following vs'n model ofan address of welcome for those ingenious gentlemen ivho imagine they can distinguían the President from Mr. Polk:- 'lllutrious Mr. President, and detestable Mr. Polk! In the former capacity we owe you tbe most profound respect in the latter we feel for you the most sovereign contempt. As the Cliief Magistrale of the Nation, we bid you we'come to the classic shores of the Atliens of as an individual, we wish you a ihousaiK miles oflf. Having tlius given you dis linctly to tindersland the rather doubtfu and doublé posilion in which you are placed, if Mr. Polk will slay away, we sliall be happy if llie President will diñe witli ihe corporation at Paneuil Hall.' A Novel Invextion. - The hangers on around tbc wharves on Delaware, were not a Hule astonished this tnorning on seeing a man going down the rivei witli the lieie, seated upon a trunk. Upon inquiry it was oscertained that an individual has hnd aianufactured a trunk which answers two purposes, a receptacle Ibr clolhing and a life preserver. The Irunk consists of India rubber, and he is seated iu the centre with a large pole in his hand, witli which the frailcral't is steered. Me arrived f rom VVilmington a day orlwo sirice. nnd t lie trunk was examined at Thumley's in Chcsnut street, and his clothing, papers, &c, were found in perfect order, not the least da nip or soüed. It s n valuable invention and may be the niear.s of saving many uves and valuable property. - Pkiladelphia Bulletin. Deatm krom a S.nake díte - Mr. Ilenry King, of Cranston, was bilten yesterday ne'ar his residence, by a rattlesnake and died before he reached home. Providencc Transcript. The Martiiisburg (Yá.) Gazetle, says hut witliin a fortniglit not less Iban tweny slaves have abscondetl, or been deleccd in llie Bltetfipt to escape frotn llicir nasters n that vicinity. The Richmond VVhig hopea that the pcop!e of tlio free stales will inlci'pose to pre ent this growng evil. We hope not. The LovisvfLLB Journal, in a comnendatary no'.ice of llie Bxaminer.' the nti-slavery paper in that plnce, snys il ïas 4000 sultscribers to begin with, 2000 f whom are in Kentucky. IIe.nry Clay was not baptized by immersion, as has been reported. The rite was performed :'n a parlor at Ashland. The correction is not very important ; but every incident in tha history of the. Malesruan, is worth tellii.g correctly if it be told at all. Bl-ï a Droom. - Afcwut a year ago, a cargo of 500 broo.m-stieltx arjived at Liverpool from n port in Gor:nany, andi not being rlnimed by the coasigneO, were conveyed to tlie Queen's warehousfi attactted to tlm Custnin-liouse. Last week one of the aiicki was accidentally broken ; when lo ! it wns found to be partíy hollow, snd to contain a considorable quantity of manufacturad tobaoo. Field of Wiikat WO lenrn that on Saturday last, as the morning train of cars west fioni this city wns passing a field of wheat near Bergen, some sparks from tho engine were carried by the wind ntq a partían olready cut, ting the wheat op firr, md huraing tho entire field, between threeand four gcis, befo re it stopped. The grain wns so perfeotly dry and pircheri, that the flames spread vit!i woni-'erful rnpidity. - Roch. Dai. Adv, It is neitlier good last? or sound polioy for Anti-Slavery men lo be blazoning every pelty insult ihey receive, every pri. valion they suflbr, every danger they meet. Let thom'senk to record all the good they can of their opponenls, rather tiian lo mafce a public parade oí their own grievances. - Nul. Era, Louis Chitii, Comrnis ioner of tlie Belgian Ouveinmenl, publishes a circular in the columns of the New York Evening Post, invitTng the poütica,l economists and enlightened citizens ofthe United States to attend a Convenlion of the partisans and opponents of F ree Tratle. to be held nt Brussels, on the IGtli day of September, 1847. The most remarkable cnse of the Le, iheon, is that of a rich man in New Yorkwho, while under its influence had"cxtracted from liim fifty dollars for a chari table purpose, without expeirencing the east pain or regret." A Pnoi'HET. - The Cincinnati Com mercial siates that the re s a prophet in that city, who is very rich, nnd says, he lolds the property in trust l'or the Lord, and uses t for his benefit. Among other things which he has been commnnded to do, ('and it is complinientary to the eraftj is, to print and publisli a paper which is distributed gi atuitously. It is called "The Standard of the Supreme ! and the pouring out of His Spirit," and is dated, Cincinnati U. S. Zion, 6005. He never uses the letter X because it is the exact iorm of the mark upon the forehead fff the baast spoken of in the Revelations. ExTRAORDIXARY LoXGEVJTY. The ie s living at present in Baronscourt, within seven miles of Omagh, a man named James Tuggart, who has arriveil at the pntriarchal nge of 121 vears. He is ahle to walk into Onriagh, and transad business ; and what is equally astonishing, liis son, whe resides in Omngh bas been a commercial traveller for seveniy years and is now in the ninety-ninth year of bis age. He retains all his faculties, and has not a gray hair on his head, He visits this town on business once a month. - Em Packct. True to the Last. - A Jfew weeks ago, a woraan in Cincinnati was seen taking her diunken husband home on a wheel-barrow.


Signal of Liberty
Old News