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Nolwithstanding the ill succes of slave liunters nn the soil of Pennsylvanis, they continue to follow the hopeless business. Kennedy 's fate does not restrain them. The Indiana Clarion informe us hat two citizens of Hollidsysburg lateiy undertook tohelp some slavehunler--,surround the house of a colored man, in the night, and deinanded admiitance. On being refused, they fired guns or pistols in'.o bis door. - They were nccompanied by five other persons. The poor man,as he had an undoubted right to, took a brick bat in one hand, nnd a emoothing i ron in the other, opened the dooi-, nnd knocked o'own the foremost ofllie two : ihen closing the door he escrtped by a back door, and ran for nssistance to save his family from being kidnapped. When lie carne back, he found his two murder ons assaitants dead ! We lenrn, nlso, from the Indiana ('Pa. ) papers, thnt threeslnvps, belonging lo the Van Meter estale, of Ilardv county, Virginia, recently passrd throngli that place, and were shortly after followed by the hunters. It appears that after Van Meter (aürd to obtain a verdict n the U. States Court, ngüinst Dr. Mitchell, for aiding some of his slavcs to escape, he returned home, and determined tosell his rcmnining s',aves to the dealers for the Southern market. The slaves go! to of th's.nnd, preferring to emigraleliorth to going soutli-, three of them starled off the night before their inlended brIr, and made for Ganada. Aboüt the 30:h. oí July, they reachéd Indiana, and next day the young Van Meters were thcre ir. ■earéh of them. The hunters were nine in i umber, and they otTered -SöOO to any one who would point out the iiiding place of the fugitives. To the honor ol'thelndianians be it spoken, no one coulu be found bnse enough to plny the traitor, and aller loonging arnund fur 'evóriil days, they turned home with a heavy beart, and the slaves püshed on to the north. The slave catc:hers will ]parn by and by tlint wheh a fugitive slave reaciie this


Signal of Liberty
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