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Military Heroes.

Military Heroes. image
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When t wns the interest of ihe Wh!g pnrly to d-fe it the election of Gen. Jacksnn, ils leader, Mr. Clny, uttered the following noble piece of eloquence : "Regardles of all impuiations, and proud of the npportuniiy oi free and unrestrsined intercourse with nll my fellowcitizens, if it were physically possible nnd compatible vvith my officiul duties, I slould visit every Stnte, go to every town nd hamlet, address every man in the Union, nnd entreat them, by thoir loveof rountry, by tlieir love of liberly, Cor the salie of themselvcs nnd their postciity, - in (he name of the humnu family, deeply interested in the fuifilment of tlm trust committed to their hands - by all the past glory we havo won - by sll that awaits 113 is a nation if we nre true and fuithful in gratituria to Elini who has hiiherto so signally blessed ui;,to pnuse - üolemnly pause - and contémplate the precipice wliich yawns before us. If, indeed, we have incurred the Divine dispísasure, - and if it 33 necfssary to chastise this people with n rod of vpnpennre, I would hiimbly rost rale myself hefore Him,and implore flim, in his mercy, to visit our favored and with war, wit'n pestilencp, with ne, wilh any niher scourge lhan military rule, or a bl'nd and heedloss cnthusiasm 'or merely military renown." Was ho earnpst and sincere ! or was it a mere rhetoricnl flourish t VVhit should e said of those, who applaud ing the. statement llien, now svvell the cry for General


Signal of Liberty
Old News