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F A R IERS! ATTEHTTION rw DOZ. Bluod'sCradle Scyilies, ámá3 til) WailüW.iilli'a " ad " Blood's Oriigs " I'. ■ Jenk'a 10') Burneli , Itoger1 dECuriins' Ciadlcs, 101 L i nsun's Gins S.yilies, 10 ' .7. l'nwei's Hnis. IOOÜ llw Coil Chain (rum 3-16 to 5 S in. .J I [,air ( 'Inins. I : , y KfliVUÍ, Blisll II"5, Ihiy. Marlor, and Manure Korks, n 1 aH .her K'innini! Uteqsils, just rèeeivednnd f.if jila ni Detroit priCM nl ihe Anvil Blore, l p pérTown. HKNRY W. W ELIAS. July Int. H17. 35 5TONS "SwdW' 1RON, II) ■ 'Jutii'ii i" ilo. ;i ■ "1'tMu" do. Together with fII nnd complete ajiirimonl of Iron, Si el. Ciirriaf Trimmings, Blacks'iniii'c i.i, ,1 Wnagoii Mnker's Tools,, just received at the Aliïil Suie. l'pper Town. 11K.RY W. WELU.S. Juty1.'47. 35 Cali and Settle! TUIS is tonolify all persons indebted to he Uur li.nis (.1 II. mis. i'irliï gt ft Co.,anlll. B. ll.r:is&('o. Mmf ïlie'r nu'ts nn; leli in ilic haridgot .1 unes 15 G.m. Eq., Justice ol ihe Paoee, for ciHectk)B As liiese (i ms nrp noiv ili-s.lvel il is nbsoiutily Dt-oeatcr} ihnt ilieir .ml!andin inaticrssliould l'f ectilirl ñ íoon ■apnciit Ie. H.B. HARHIS. Aun rlvr, July I2ih, H-I7. :i:.r ::n SUG RS.- Loaf, Lurap, Grustwd, l'ow'd, át. ' ioix. and l'o-i,i R:co Sugai, all nf superior nualmes, exirenífly luw ut K2 MAYNARDS. ADMINISTRA TOIIS SALE. 11 be mal ter filie sale of ihe renl o. K.lwird i. Kvi'ii si livttkted. No Mee ÍS llera l.v givsn iíku in [jursuanoe of n lioeBse to me gViinU'd ly ilie .IhiIíjc ol Pro'iaie uf the eminty ol ni ;i.' el iio oí Michigan, in ihe foreioins maner, I sh-.ll txpiisr tonlsRt publiu vcnrlue al ihe ('"un lli'nsi'. ni i ha vil lias I Aun Arhor. in liie cnuniy ■! kVnsdtennw. an I pnle aforeísid on ihc IGth d;iy ol September MU t IMÍe o'c'ock in ihe uMerii'itin, II ntir' siiioulnr. ihii land nnd lenenieius siiuiieii in lir.iwn and b'uUerj dililion lo ihe villnge of Aun Arhor a'orcsnii). desciibe'l iis follnws. lo wii : Ofvniniencíria ai ihe norih ciït i;nner ol Biock tiu'. riiniiniíi thencfi norih si-ve!) i i'i ilegiei'S. e;ist on i fie west hne ol Ponrrae Btreel lwo nuls ; thence wesierly ni righi aiml" wiih Piintiso streel sixioen rada : thence eáuthftrly totho norih wm cmnerof raid Miick fiverorts; ihcnca aalf!j to ihe place of btgin nina. Datad ibis88thd.iynf Jnfcr. D. IP47. MUN.N'IS KRNNV. jos Cw Adniinisiraior of s ii(i es'nli". ïlarrtware. T']F, subacribois hivirjim rfccived a Inree ndili'ini in ihwr stock ol Forran and l)aipaiin Shell Hnrdwnre, vvinc!i makes iheir us3oninení verv complete. R [! & W. R. NOYF.S .IrJ.i!, lll h. 1-47 334 fllOOLS. - Carpentflr'í, Cooper's and A Juiuer's T.iots i"i ale uy 34 I! ü A W R NOYES Jr. NAILS.- 150 kegs Eastern Nails for lor s.ile by ;;:i fí. fí. & W. II NOYF.S Jr. SHOVELS, -Spatjes, Hoes, Crndles mui Sc] ihfs. tlakes and Sfyihe Stnnrs.for srtleai ' :V.4 MAYNARDS. GROCER1ÊS.- W cali particular mu nii"ii io onr sinck ol Groceriea which is ihe largest nn I i'est selecK'd ever brnughl lo tfti villnee, and will be ejld al Wholesale or U.etul vei y lovv lor pay. 324 MAYNARDS. TEAS.- Oíd -tlyson, Young Hyson, Imperial ■■ nd liluck Teas, ail hno and íhsiÍbi 3 4 MAYNARDS. X M NEW COOKING STOVE, AND STOVES OF ALL KINDS! ülü TUK Siilucriber would cali the altemion o' llie pulilic lo WOOl.SOVS NEW H 'T MR COOKING STOVK, which iliey con cmiiíí lenily recooimend as beine decidcilly supcior lo anv oooktng f%oie in use Por t mplicity n opnralion, tcnno'ny in fueï.aad ( . uneo,Q:i!led bik ing and ranstmg qualities il is unrivalcd. The new and iinporiam iniprovemeni iniroducsed in it9 cinst uclion being bui 'i sa to insure srpat advaniages over all oilier r( co.kini; siiives. Thoe lieiirooa ol getiing n go id cookina stnve uily use. or a p"b in muse, woiild d.j well tiy imUhis and i x-iininiiig the above stove beloie imrchasing elsewh-re. 1!. B. & W.R. iVOYRS, Jr'Mi 7f! Woodward Avenue VVkstkun Clothing oen m o .' r n tJDa,Mxk ü) cbcuwttcivc), W'OULD ri's,)( iriiuny aive noiice tl. a' 'hoy have now receivcd entire stock ut Sfiüij nnd Slimmer t.oods nnd are fully prepured to anpply their old Cuslomert an( ihe public wilh any a imtint of new and lashionible Ready Made EIonhin, Coositlingol cvery viirieiy nnd desci ijuicin of i garmouw. loo niiinuritus o nicmion. All ol I which they are d.M"sed [o .sell at 22ïs)oïaï;ïïc ov Kctati, up m i tu? "ios! rWatombte ler'ns and prices. Als' un li i ' I ii huIi ndid ■issoiiincnt of ROABCLOTJiS, CA8SIMERÈ8, VESTJNfíS, CASMHARETT8, T WE EB S, 8 U M M E R C LO T H S, PLAIN AND PLAID L IN E IS S, &c. &c. &.c, re fully prapéred to mako to order upon thf Blioriest noiice. and most tashionablu marnier, a l'.eir wel! known "d&thing Emporium," DETROIT. romer of JelFoison end VVoodward avenues. Detroú, ftlay ar, 1847. N. B. Two or three first rale Tailors may find einpl' wnent upon imntediaie anplicaliou lo the su'ipj: "ei's, cor. Jefi'erson and Woodwdrci Avenii HALLOCK & RA Y i MOND. New &&d& HAVE BEEN RBCBtVRJ BY Propr ietnr of ilie MANHATTAN STORE, Cor. of Jeflóraon Avenue and Butrs St. Deiroii. LET every body culi and look at lbo slock of l'r Gouda ivhich niay bc lound at ihe FaI110US OLD MANHA TTAN SI ORE. The qnnntity s Inrcer, tlie alyle prctlier, nnd the pricea lowrr tlian r r I B9KN:';S, BOHNITS! A very largo amoriment ol nll kindB. Tiise in, Straw, IVdal Jïraiif. Open Work. Enylih Bruid, Albcriine, &c. iVc., lïoni ihe coarsesl 10 t'if iirit'si. Al a greai assurtiuciu of ribbons, labs, tl iwors, Ac. OSE CSTAHES , LAWKfS, BARAGES, MUSLIN DELAINS, Balzorines! and all otlier soits of D r e s s G o o d s. DEA UTIFUL DRESS S1LKS, PAEASOLS p SHAWLS, o ƒ all Kin d s ! PRINTS, 2UiIUitff0, PAiTALON STUFF, COTTON GOODS, COTTON YAKN, - tiro - b-y :-h-e c-a-i-t l-o-a-d-!-! If folks from the country will only givp ns n eall. .-itid look round miiotrg our nice anods, il it tl! ira aék. he ynods will snpük tlic r own prataeSi and in nine casefl o.u of ten secure a trilde. First rate Young Hyson Tea for four shillings ■int] aizptMicc; per pobñd. C iNe Featlieis, P.iper ffnnL;ings &c. 317 w. AtMOND. E. G. BURGER, Dentist, FIRST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. V. ROOT's STORE, JRANE & JEWETT's BLOCK, 291-tf ANN ARBOR. GËESE FEATHEHSr PAPER HANGINGSi FliiST RATE FOUNG HVSON TF.A AT ONLY FOUR AND S1XPEXCE PER I'OI'NI) ! Uy th" wny no one buys ibis tea once bul buys ng.iin. nd bccoiius : cns'onier. None butler lor the ptice cm be hail in Düniit. W1LL0W W AG GONS, T IÍ AV E LI N G I? A S K E T S, AND IB1IBID (gáOS. .ib well as lote Of olhr good btwMea Dry Goods Tiuy be had very clieap al the ' Old Mvmiattín Stobk,' Detroit. 17 W. A.RAYJIOND. " v ?"? 9)A Rpgs Alhanv and Troy Cui W VVf .,,is:!di.. 6hi. ■!) Kpcts Wronithl NorlsödW 12d. 5 ) Boxea " Iielieveniiti " G.asu from 7X9 tolOXIl. ri0 Kegspure Leati in Oil. 500 Ihi. ■' Hrv. " i) Gallón Linsená Oi'l 0.000 ei-t l'ine Ijiimbi r. seneTned. clear stuff. T'iiji'ther wiih n fhll Maortmeni of l,orks. Lniches. Bino. Screws. Window IJlind Fusten ings. ifcc. lor sile at witnin n fraction of Detroi' pnces, ni the BIG ANVIL STORE, UPPER TOWN. II : NRY W. WELLS. Ann Arlior, Mirch ft l-f47. 30 H THE LIBERTY MINSTREL O.E m;!)ai;l) COPIE8 of the fiflh on tion ol :his hiyhlv popular wrk nre lor sli it i'ie Sian.-ii dice at 5n cii'ts stiirlr. or$)..r) rter dolen. Terms Cntb Now is the time I01 Liberiy chpir3 to supply ihemsjvcs. W TI. 6. BROW1V, Attorney 8f Counselor at Lato, ANN ÁR8OR, MtCH. OFFICE with E. Muni;y. I'sq. 2!)7-ly TO RUNT. THE ROOM ovrr ihe store of Bcckley's & Thomas. Pústession ziven immedi.Tely. Mayïi,lÖ47. . Bkcki.kis & Thomas. BRASS CLOCKS. A large lol of .'in hotir mil n diy Brast docks for sale, (I I4 and $'2 by the chec. 302-u J. W. TILLMAN Maynards ARE IJV TOWIVGAIIV! H.WING rernovetl tí) their new store, where they ure receivinjj anexiensive assortinent ol Drugs, Medicines, Painls, Oils and Groccries, AVith a sninll. well-ae'erted nssorttnent of' IÍE1V OO, All of which thev offer to their old friends and new custoiiierp 111 unusua! low priect. Anything sold at their store is wam n led to be ol (irt quality. Thoy iotend herrafter to Keep altnost every article wanted lor fainily use. Ann Arbor, June 30. 1847. 323-tf THE CIRCUIT COURTfor tlils county i mljourned to the 95ih day of AiiL'Ust lext. at one o'clock in the aftornoon, at which time the petil jnrors will he reqnired to nppear. CA8SIÜS SWJFT. C!erk. I5y J M, WiLtcorsos. Deputy. Dated Ann Arber, June 2tst, IH47. í9.3w TWO Horse Waalton nnd n Buasjy for sale by BECKLEYS &. THOMAS. A LARGE clialdron ket;le for sale by Ü1XKLEYS & THOMAS. Ann Arbor, Lower Town. 310 i THRESHING MACÍ INX CLOVER BSACHINES AND SEPARATORS. TUF. subseriher wmild nform tile pilgüe ihni he continúes 10 niqftutncture theibove itinc inesut ih: oíd sta il ot Knupp & llnvilnnd. a: the Lowet Vilhigeo1 Ann Arbnr, ttmt i lio Pat Mili. The Machines ira of npprovcd modejf, have heen ihoronghty t's'eil in lilis viciniíy and enrked wett. Theynra made ol' ih hem material and by experienced worlinirn. fbey wili be teept constanily on liand, nnd alio be made (u order ot ihe shortest no ice. They wm he mU on ve.ry reatnnftble lerms tor Cash, or for note known to be iihsolutely good The aboya Machines can he used !y four, six or cight horses. and ave not linble to lie eiisily brokeq or damaged, Tliey are wcll adaptad for the use of cnlicr Karrncr or Jobberii The Bp aratois enn he attnchcd to any senrLd or strapped machine of any other kind. The ■ jbacnber woutd retor lo the fellowing persons wlib llave purcl'asrd and wad liis Machines : Mlchnel Tnompjcrn, Salem, Alex.indor Doane, Jaiaef Parker, "' Alva Prnit, ritlífi.'ld, M. A. Crnvath, " Chirles !exander, VVm. Poltí. Mil ""', Hinkley A Vinion, Thetford. Mnrtin Doiy, Vpsilunii, M. P.A t D. Iladley, Saline, Win Sniitli, Cantón. Isaac Buriléis, Nortlificld. l'artu'u'nr ntte-ition will be paid to Repairs. Cash will be pnid for Oíd Castins. Persnit' desiroóa of purch:ismg macliines ore reiiiested t. cali nnd examine these before purelusing elsewhere. T. A. HWILAMD. Sfty 17, J847. 31 7tt "EPISTÍJ3lo. 3. THE SUBSCRIBER SENDETH GREET1NG. PERÍiY'S BÖÖK STORE, Opened anew at No. 8 HawUins Hlnck, 'next door lo Hill, White & Cu. 'a Siore Aun Albor, Michigan. Let tliis be euflicient notice to al! peronp 'i6in Books. Pnper, B!nnk Iïooks, School Uookf, Simes. Quilín. Steel Pens, PsncH ind stationery, of any kinJ, tliat at Perry's Bookstore is the plac to huy. 1500 PIECES PAPER HANG1NGS, lí trdering. Pire lioirds. nnd Sind P:tper. which will be sold cheap fur casli, Standard and Miscelloneous hooks,?uitable í'or District, Town ship and Knm'lv Scliooi I.ispccior and oiliers i ni erosie tí. are requeeied to cali and (ilumine Ins a.-suriment. - Aleo, Union Sabbaih Sc:iool books, ü Urge variety, and far superior lo the $H) L'ünary boih D binding and matier. Aleo, BiMeft, TttdtQAïenis, Pruyer booka nnd Kymn beekf. 7OTJTHS 2C0SS, Moral, ileligioua, insiruciive and ainusinr,8Uch ns niay enlely be pui into the ha.'uls of the voun. GOLD PENS, wi.h Gold and Silver cases, a superior article. The ubscribtir has mda arráncemelas in New York whicb will miable him ut all times to olitain nny ihin in úi line direct frotn Xfw York at siiort notice, iy EXPRKSS. It will be peen tliat liis liicilitiea. or occomodating li;s customers wiili arlides not on hand is beyond precedent, nnd he is leady nnd willing to do every tlnng reasun:)b!e to mnke his establishment siieh an one as an enliglitened and discerning corninunilyre quire. and he bopes t nierit a slmre o pat ronage. Peraonj wúhing nny articlu in li g ine will do well to cali before pu'chneing elsewhere. If voti forget the plice, enquire lor PERRY'S BOOK STORE, ni; Arbor. Upper Vi lia ge. It is desiral'!tinit ít shoul'l be umlerstood that poreons in t he Country, eend ing cash orders, mny fepend upon receivin booka or stationery on Rl tavorahle tenns as thuugh present to mnke the purcíiase. VV. R. PERRY. June 26, 1817. 843 tf. IS NO ÜQbêeÈ9! T']F. Suhscrihers n1 s'i! in Ma'icet. :ind are pretmred fo otfur liia FanSlittg1 POF" tÍOH ')f 'fie coiiiiunniiy GREAT BARGAINS, n PULLED CLOTIIS. FLAN.VELS. SATI NETS. BROAD CLOTIIS, and in hort neary all k-ndd of DRY G00DS Sf GROCERIES, BY WAY OF EXCUAKGK 'ÜE W O O L ind most kinds of Country Produce. The VVOOLEN FACTORY siuinted in thw illage is now in (heit potstaeion, nnd is in èiic jessmJ operatibn, by rneans oí which they are jbie " elft-r lieiter inducements to W80L GHOWIRS, than any oiher estebHsfinieni in the coiinty. NOT TO BE FORGOTTEN Pilóse who wis!i C.uh Dkv Coons or Gni-. it.i:i:.s íor iher Wonl, or produce ol' nny kind BQould be surc to cill on the Subscribers betore iiurchnsing elie whete. WOOL CARDING & CLOTII DRESSING done to order on the shortest possible notice. Ca.ll and set! 3l8:f UECKLEYS &. THOMAS. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, May 20, '47. CASHMARETT AND TWEKDS. A beautilul article for Gentlemen' t-limme' .vear, just receivcd and w.ll be riiniiulnctured in the latest style and best possible nianner, ai the " Western Cinthing Eipporium." HALLOCK & RAYMOND. DSTKOIT. Cor. Jcff. and Woodward avenues. StccI CulTivaTor TcctIi. fTWIE sufscriber is agent for the Patent Steel JL Cultivator Teeth. and has just receivud a hfsli supply, which he will sell at the nianufnclurer's pnce. '1 his nrticle is comino into general use wtierevcr inirodoced, nnd bas received the approbiiiion of the first agriculiurists in the United Siatcs. Anvi! S ore. Upper Tnwn. MKNRY W. VVELLKS. Arbor, 22d May, '47. 89i.]y Cheap Jewelry Sfoi'e 157 Jcfferson Avenue, DETROIT. Wholesale and SLctail. THE subscriber has just relurned from New York wit h a large assorlineni ot Gold and Silver Walcties. jcwelry, toids, niale ri.ds. toy, musical Instruments nnd fancy good. which bt; will sell at whoh'sale or retail as !ovv as iiny esinldishment west of New York. Country Wiitcli Makers and others wanting nny oí the above Goodswill find it til their inttrest to cali,, is they will find ilio bett nsaortment in the city, and nt the lowest [irices. GOLD PENS. itb Btlver holder and pencil 2 00. Pitee Reluced. Gold Pen. and Jewelry RF.PAI RED H. B. MARSH. 157, JeflTerson Avenue. Detroit, } Sien ol' the Gold Pen. { 324 NEW GOODS. BY EXPRESS FKOM NEW YORK. Snmiiits Fashions. Til E suhscriber has jnst received a fresh a3fortmem I Spring and Slimmer Giud-i, and u fiera theni fur sale chenp, smli as Broadchths of all description ; Salinets and Casswieres, and evenj (hing in thePANTALOON and VESTING line, and cvery anide usually lound ia a Merclnint TAILOU'S ESTABLISHMENT. FJe is now prepared ta. maUe and fit al! kind-" of gehllémëfi1 gsrmenti, and would tender mis ilin.iks to his o ld cuelomere and tlie pulic generalij, and olicitslhitir favor. GARMENTS eul (o order at all times. WAGNER, Draver and Taii.or, Huron Ötreot, Souiliof tbs PUBLIC SQUARE. Ann Arbor, April 8, 1847. 3w CLOTIT, CLOTIIl ! TUK. uadfttigned would infonn ilie public thnt t hev will continue lo mnnuíacturc Piilled Cloth, Cassimiere and Kluunt!, ut their Factoy. two and a half miles west Iroin Ann Arbor, uil lluron River near ihe Railroad. T ERKIS : The priee of miking cioih will be for Cnsaimere, 4-1 ets. per yard; for rulled clotfa, 37 J ms. D6t yard for white Flannel. ÍQctS. per yard. - We will ilso axchange cloih for woul on reaannahle terms. Woo! sent by rjilroad aaobfneeniad with ntructiooi will be p.ompily attended to. We have done au ex'entive buaiacsa in manufiicturin; clotli for nisiomers for cvitíI years, and Mievc we give ns pod MtUfaetion as any Establishment in the Pinte. We invite our old custüintis to coutinue, and new ones to come. Letters shonld be addressed to S. W. Foster & Co., Scio. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April, 1847. 313-i.f. New EstablIsSiamesit. ci.ocks, WATÖHE3, AMD THE 8ubscriber would respectfully announce u the oitizens o( Dextcr and viciniiy that he has opened a shop in the above plnce. in ij corner atore, formérly knswn na "8bperd'a_' where he is prepared to do aix kinds of ri'p:"r idg in the line of docks, watdies, jewelty &c, on the shortesi nutice. Maving had aboutlwclve yenrs experience in some of the best Kastern shops, he fl uters himself thai he can give mure satiifactwn to all those w+io inay favor him wilh iheir woik. He has and conManlly receiying, docks, watcliea. and jewelry ot all descriptijns, whicli he will sell ae cheap as the che'ipest. VV. VV. DEXTEft. A L S O GROCERIES ■f all kinds: S'tch as. Tens, Su?nrs, Molssses, Rii"ins, Coffee, l'eppers. Siice. Fish. Candirá, Tobacco, Ctgnrs &c. &.■■ And in tact kvkkvthing usnnlly keptin suchan e9lab!ishmont(l.i luor kxcettkd) oonstonlly on lnnd and fur sale cheap. W. VV. DEATER & Co. Dextkr, March 6, 1847 312 tf Hat, Cap. GENTLEMEN' S FURNISHING EMPORIÜM. T. II. ARMSTRONG, HAVING (aken the Stand No 5-t, Woodard Avenue. 3 d.iois nonh of Doiy's Auetion Room. recenily occupied by J. G. Cram;. as B Hat Siore ; and added ihe stock of the laiter to his own. and also eng'igeil in manulacturin" every dcstriptin of II ATS Sf CAPS. He is niw prepared to effer to tlie Public . vi-r artic'.e in his line. eilher of his own r eis'crn manntneture, twenty five per cent les.' ihnn Inve been "ll'ciod in il. is market. In bie -lurk will be foimd Fine Nutra. Satín Baaver, Beavsr, Otter, Bi.ish nu' Sportine Hals, Fine Cloth. Siik. flueh. Oil 81k and VeiVílOiipá : nlso. Ri;h Silk CrivaM, Scarfs. llandken-lK -ifs : Kid. Thfesd. Silk. aini Buckskin Gloves; Col lars, Bosjins. WalklngGanéa, Unibrellas, &c. T A I L O R I N G . The Pubíoriber luis alao secrd the services of n iirs' rata Pracncal Cuner. by wliich hn will he ennblèd tofurnish garmenta of evrry styleand escription. and in 'he mos) approved and faah lomble mnnner. He ia eoiwUHitíy recelvmg ihc latest fshiont, and, employini! the best of work men. he is confWent ifcil he will tive the be=t of Mtitfaclion to all that may favor him wilh theii patronage in this branch of his busi' ess. 310-tf on Hand Again! HJIIE Sul)scriber would respeclfullv JL nolify ilie public, that lie is locaied once inore in ilie village of Ann Arbor, and is prepared to acconini'idaie the conmiunity with a choice and wi'll snede! aaaortniftnf of NEW GOODSv oonsistinc ol Diiv Gtuous, ÜKuchHJn, IIaruwark, Boots nu Shoks. Crockiry. &c. &e.. wiiic-li hu will sell (or RF.ADY PAY as otieap as the same qualiiy ol Goods can be had at anj othcr etore in town. Persons who wish to make purHiasosfor Cash. at Cash l'riees, will do well tu cali bi;l'orepuichasuis flsrwhere. By keepin the first qualiiy of anieles, by sellin Li at smal! profits, and by a fair and honoiabU course in business, he expects to meril a liberal share of public patron&fle. Mt kinds ol' COUNTRY rRODUCE will be tiken in payment for Goods. O" Don' t fur gat the jiliuc. - on ilie East Si'!( of Main Street, a few doors souih of the Public Square, in thesame store with C. ïïliss, Jcweler. M. WHEFXER. Anu Arbor. Nov. 24, 1946. i?i)d-tf N0T1CE THE co-pari nership herexofore existinj between Garland & Le Fkvrk, is thisday desolved by mutual consent. EiKicr partner if auihorized to use the name of the finn in setilini up the outstanding business. Ali person.indebteil to said i'r in are expected to make im. mediale payment, as by so dulitg they will sav. cost. C. J. GARLAND, B. D. LE FKVRE. Ann Arbor, May 1, 1847. öw NEW TIN SHOP. T!1K subsenber bas commenced ilie manufacture of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper, In all its various branches, in conneuuon with the "Anvil Store," and is prepared to iurnish Country Merchants and Farmers wilh cvery thing in thnt line. JOB WORK AND REPAIRING Neutly and expeditiously done. IIÉNRY W. WELLKS. Upper Te wn, Ann Arbor, Jet June, M7. J 292 I y fii .írbor 'i . rijit, ñulioii i!'i-r Ii.v.iíl; iiii ii.i-ii itlt'fJL esis o J, M. Rockwell in ilie' Uu si neos, would nfofm -lie inhnbitnnte of thi and ndjoioine coiiniies. iha he will continue tbe busine s ai the lii stand. ín tiie UpperTown. nenr ihe Presbyterian Church. and fláanufaoture to order : Monumcnts, Grme Slovcs Paint Slone,, #c. Sfc. Those wisbing tu obtaín ny a rucie in hislim1 of business wil I lintl by culling ihni he haft an aaBortmem uf White nuil VanciíHted Mirb! frotn the Eaatern Maride Quinie. whtch will be wrought m Modern siylc nndaoldateaaterflptiees. adding transportalion only Cali nd gci dio proof. IV. F. SPAULDING. Ann Arbnr. Jan. 30. IH-17. 278 f_ ÑEW GOODS! Chcap for Cashü THE Suliscribers bef! leave lo iiiionn their oíd customers, and tlie public fcsnernlly. ihiit ihey oro now rcceivinga large and aplendid MmrtmeBI ( l'.niílish, American and West india. good-?. Crockery, Shclf Hardware, Paints, Oils, Dyestuffs, Drugs and Medicines. Alio ;i jolltttal üsMorlinrnt o) IKON. sintnMe for Ironing VVaaiíons nnd Bugpie, Nail Rods. Heuse Simes, and HoríB Natis, t-'lite' Iroo. Tin Ware and Tin l'lale - aleo a generul assortment of BOOTS SU OES, iluck and ihin sjIo wr, i u. . -inri cuslorn worfc lo xuit puirhiisprB. A II oí .nchihty will all on the luwett pt.ssilile lerms fur Cash or I!u;t ::. Feclins conlident ;s ve do, that we enn mak it for ilie nierestof all those wishing t.i purcliase any of ibe above inentioned Goods, wt do mosi earnestly loliiii ai K-;ibi an ifour Goodsand pricos beluri; puri-liasini; elseJAMES CxIBSON & CO. Amo. 3. Exchange fílork. Ann Aruor, Lower 'J'uwn, Üept. 14, IH4G. 2S-2-if C L O CK8ÁÑDWA TCHES ! ! Jj3 rTTIJE Subscriberhae jiisi fc ■■ I rct'Ci ved. (and is con'asTj8:an!ly receiviBf) frun. JK Kcw Yuikan eleaiil ai fi í '"iíKsSÍ wc" 8e'ccte( assortment Jewclry, Clocks, Waichcs, Vc. Sse. hutii ho imeiitis lo el I iisíi.itasni any oihei Bsiabliehinent ihis side oí Buffalo tur rearfj l"U! onlij aiiiong whieb mav be found thelolliiw ;irr; i (;ood aesoriinent r Gold Kinger Rings. Gold Ureaslpins.Wristleh Gmiid Chaina and Kt-ys. Silver Spoana, Germán Si I ver Tea and TnMe BpooM (firíi qualiiy,) Süvtr and Germán do ?uf;.ir Tongt Silver Salt,Mugurrinnd Crenm 6pl)'l. Butler Knives, Gold :md tíilveí Pencil Cases Gold Pens, ' ' l'encil, Silver and Germán Silver Thni'bles. Silver Speelaclcs. Germán nuil Sueldo. Gomales, Ciothe. Unir and To-mIi Rrushes, Lather Brñshcs. Razorpand Pookel Knirar, Fine Sbcars and Scíissurs, Knivesaod Furks. Briliannia Tea Pols ai d ('t;orí. Plated, Brnss. nnd Bntianin CandleMicks. t-nufí'ers & Trays, Sliavins boxee nnd &eop. Chipman t Hpst Rn.or Strop, Cal land Moroeco Watlftls. Silk and Cotion pure(, Violins and Bows, Violin and Bwí Viol S:rinre, Flmes, Files. Clüiioneis. Acroniíoiif - R]i:ir Bunka lor the nnme. Mono Sea!. Steel Pens aml Tweeze.r, Pen cases. Snuffunfl Tohncci bnxes. Ivory Drefin(tCombs, Side and Bek and Pool; el Combo. NcpUpcnsps. Piefettoe, W aierPaintí ■i n ! 1! ushea, Toy Wmcnea, a L'icni v.-iriety o'" Dolls. in short ;hp npaicsi vnriely n( loyg evpt ■iro;i!-lii io ninrkei. Faney work boxes. ohil Iren's ten setis. Co!onp Unir Oito. Snitllitu' Silts. Coun Plnp'rr. Tea Belts. Tbermomet8re fíerninn Pipes. W'oor! PpmcíIh. BRASS ANI' WOOD CI.OCKS. A-c in fací almost svery thine to piense the fnney. Ladrea and Genlle "en, cnll and examine for yourpelvrs. Clockg. Wstcheg and .fewelrv rèp!ird ann wjirmoted on snort notice Shop u his oír' ■tand. nppositi II. líec brick Store, n th Store occupied by M. Whepler CALVIU B'.IPS. N. B. - Cash pniil for olrl Gold A, Silver. Ann Arbor. July lsl. 1 84fi. 271-1. THE SÜBSCRIBER hasieceived his winter stock, wliich heolkis lur Uush. .it yretitly reduceil primes. The Public are invited to cali, eximirte, and judge for themselvVs. Now un band, and doítj ■iddii.g. BOFAS of every variety ai.d putero. md the laical faihioD. prirea Irom $30 and upwartí. DlVAItS, OTTOMANS, LOÜNöfcS. UUKKAUS. of all kinds, froni $1 and up. Ceñiré. Card, Tea, Uress, I'ter, Uining, ani' Nest Tablea. Wnsh. (;nt:(!lc. and Toilet Stands. Bclsieads- Mnhogany, Mnple, and Wilnut. i rom 9 n "d up. Piano Fories : Piano Covers ; Piano Stool. Doublé and tingle Muicsscs ol hair, sbuck, palm leaf, or straw. Doublé nnd (ingle Cot Bedsteads. do do Writiñg Desks. CHA1RS. - The beít assortment tliat can bi round west of New York and the cheapest in mis ciiy. WinJsjr Chars, a good nrticle, al $'2 50 thi sett. Mohognny French Chaira, hajrMat, a first rate article, and well linisbed for $3 50. Cnsh only. Mahogaoy Rock ing CIkiíis. hair mat and back. warmn'ed good, al ibe luw price of $112. íor ihe csih onlv. Fliif nnd Cañe Sent fronj (is. and up. Biid Cagfea, plain nnd íxnllery: Bird Glasses. Hobby Moisés, and 'l'oy Wheelhnrrows, forchildten ; Patent Shower and Hip B:iths ; Boston Balh Pans, Camp Stools. Umbrella and Hai Stands. Fanej Bellovis. Foot Scrapers, Cañe Seat Counter and Boat StooU-. Curtain material, Table covers, Patent Post-Office Balarles, Pietura Frame, VVillow Wasons. Crarlles. Chaira. Cíocks. and Baskets ; Brittannia Table Castora, very cheap. J. V. TILLMAN, No. H7. Jeil'j' onAvenue. Detroit. Jannnry 1. M47. 2!)7-ly STEEL GOODS? JJ u r s c S f l it s a n rt K r f ni m f n fl s SPLENDID FANS, nnd any qiinntily of other goods of thia sort at the OLD MANHATTAN STORE, "17 Detroit. TUK Marricd Woman's Private Medical ('osaipaiiiou. Bij Dr. A. M. Mauricnau. PROFESSOR OF DISEASES OF WOMEN. Th.rl r.ili:ioT,!mn. ,,, ".0 l'rire .-$ 1 OU] 25,000 COI'IESSOLD IN 3 MONTHS. The great (Iemand lor this inosl importint woik 'of wliicli thousands are sold) hns couipi-lled ilu s?uc of anolher edilion. Il is imended npeeiall) or the mfirrisd) as t disclose iniportani secrets : ivliicli slmuld be knnwn to lliem particulirly.- Here evcry feniale c.m discover the causes. symplomp, and the mom c'ï'r leut remedies nnd nmsi certain mode of cure, in every comphiint to whici' her 8PX is subject. Marriad femules II here learn the art wlierly ihey would retain their yoinh, vigor, beauty. c.-laslicity of body, and buoynncy of spirits to an Ti'lvmcod n;e, iriri'ead of being nillicted, aB hun d'els and thouaan.Is are, inn wbose hands ihis book has n 't yel lullen. It ia an important queatinn to tho married why it is tli ir we hchold so iimiy m.-irried femóles su-kly, rirbilita'ed, and prosnaied ? ns also ihe ciuses; tmd vvheiher t!y ure susceptible o! rem edy They will here find tliose iinpurtant mat Iers, connecte-l wiih dtecoveries in medical and phynologicni sek-nce, vrhich meet this qu-fctijn. This work is destined tu bi in the hands ot everv wifis and mother who his a regard lor her ■wil hcalth and welfare, aa well as ihat of he huabnnd. T fit revel;;tiins contined in lts pages have .'ilready preved a blissing to ihouannds. To llioíe yet utiniarrterl, bur cnnteïnplntiny mamage, or, pcihipa, hciitjiing as to the pio priety ol incurring the reaponsibilitret atimdnni upon it. the itnperlance of lieing pussefsed of the revclations ontnined in these pages, sj intimatelj invotiing their future haprjinsiiai cannot be appre ciated. It is of cour8e impossible to ronvey more fn!ly. in a public Journal, the variouasubjecis treatcd ei, n.s they are of a nature snictly intendid for the 'narried or thoe contemplating mariaie: net ther is it necessary, smee t is evjry one's duty to becotne posesed of knowledye. whereby the Mtfr rings tu whicli a wife, a tnoiher, or a sister nnv be uhjOiM. cíiii b" obvirred. Copies wül bc sent hy mail f ree ofpostage. Over ien tlwmsind copies h.ive been sent bji mn:l within thrte möniha, wich parfeot sift-ty and certüinty. In no rase has a reniittance failed to reach the pnblisher, or the book Ilio6e (o wbom it hns been directed. Ou the recejpl .■f One Dollar, the ':Married Woninn'í Priyaie Medical Corupnnion'1 will b sent free of poataLe to any part of the United Suites. All letters must be addressed (post paid) m Dr. A. M. M.iurice.iu, Box i 24, New Yoik Citv. rubüsfiiiig Office 189 Libeny streel. N. Y. rk. For sale, by all ihe principil Rooksellprs in the Cnited States. Ayents n C. MORSK & SON : Ypsilinii. E. SAMSO.X ; Ann Ar bor. VV R PEB&t, Perry's Bookstorc. '■■r-'iu. TE E TH.' TEETH.' ! TEE TH !!! MASTICATION and Articulaiion, warranted by tlieir beinjj proptrlv ruplaccd. S. D. BUHMFTT, will condone ,r.,,Mt:e ... DENTISTKIf in ill iis v'iirious brunches, viz : Si'uJmg, Fillint;. iod lusertin on goW piules or pivotn. frotn on to n entne sett. Old ploteg or misSta reniodK'd. nnrl rfrnda equál to new. OFFICE'ov.-r C. Í!. Thmnpsmi & Co.'a Shof Store. Lidies who roquest it, can be wailed un I ,it iheir dwetlinsa. !V. R. Cliaix'ns itnnsu;illy low, and al! kind? ofPRODUOE taken. Ann Arbor. Dec. 5. IP!6. C91 - tl Peacc Dcclared, A.N'i) A TESAÏY FO1MZ3, WHEREBY S. FELCH cax hold ''"llKK II; MU. AMI Ci.ilMKI'.CK IN BO?T, SMOES, LFITHr, and Fittdiiigs of all lunlí. wiih all persons, Forei mer, un the i'ollowing jnei end equnl term. viz: Gunit Ait i es - Luw Prices - Jtcaihj I'ui, - ii nd A'. Tuist. '!'hi' sii.'nciilier lio ing fiilly tep'e I the Credíi System tu his graal kw. lioih of (■ and ensh, nnd huvirjg Huffcred mncn loa by ,v. ,,, . i-.s-.ny compela hiiñ t. collecl his j„iy -Irjr.e liarreat." as "íiti;i; mtivisr and seitku.l" very diten come up "missiko," IsoVing him smlbj in the Boot hule. He has ronje to the eainf roneltision that certain sensible i:ts ihd on late orc:ision. total or niliusbund, rtuuly mii or n Sh.otmaklng ) All persons tla'. rnnform to the above tr#aty will áó well tu cali on S. Felch. Ann Ar. b r, Lowei Town. N.i I Hurun üluck. where they will not be for otliers' work who nnver py. N, 1?. All persons i ndebted in any way to the B'ibscriber, h,i:l better culi and pay if they arp hnnest at)1' mean to keep so. 29 6m s. VV.LCU. Ann Arbor, Lower Tonn, Jan. , 147 COKSTOCK & SEIIWOUK Dealers in Fancy and Stuple Dry Goorfs, Boots AND SHOKS, HARDWARE, Crockcry V Groccrics, al A'o. 3, Porler's Blnck, South side of the Public Square, 308 JACKSON. M1CH. JlctnriicdT!IK Subscriber is deairou of informing hi6 old uustomeis and the public ;eneralty. thal lul haa looated him elf on Mmn st.,neir WHdta Grociry itore. on the corner ol ilain and lluron atreets, where all kindi af T A I L 0 R I N G in the present fashion can be done in a íespectable and prompt manuer. P. S. CUTT.G d,ine on the shortest notice and warranted to fit if propeily made up. W. WILKINBON. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. 31tf Gold Pens, P R I C E REDUCED. IT is ad.riitteil bv all who usé ihem. thal Piquetie's Gold Pens are equnl ifnot superior to any everollered in this market. piitp .f 2,.rll. For siV wholt-s.ile. nnd retnil at the lurnirncto ry. Corner ol Jeflerson & Gnawold St., Detroit. 314-lyj Also for sale bv C. BL1SS. Ann Arhor. S( A P, Sperm and Tallow CANDLES alwayson hand very cheap at 32 MAYXARDS T II K E 8 HING Machines. Iiill. uiiiieiiDt'd woílld i ij ni i ín iíic public ihat he BiiniitMturM JlorEe Power ;id ihreshing Mnchim ai Bcio, oí a tuptrior kind nveninl bj himeelf. 'l'hes j Puwefi and Machines are purticularly dnpti'd Ín ■ he Lee ol Formera wfao with lo un hein lor llueshing their own m.jii. 1 he pcwr tbiesher niui ííxiukr ciin all be loflíltd imu a ommon sized tragón box and drawn with one ■air ol horses. 'J hey ale ;. mwh il [o be Ufd vilh four ii'i'M's. nnd nre abundiintly strong lur hai ni. nil'i! . nnd rnay be ealcly Ufvd with six or ight norses wiih proper enre. 'J hey ork with essstrength ol horses according lo the nniotnt of tuaineaa done iban ;jny oiher power, and will hrcsh eenerally about VdO huehela heat ptr liry wiili fnur horses. in ore inftonce ]L8 jusliels whent were tliiolud in thrte hüura wiih tour horses. Tliia Power und Machine conlnin all the adaninues necessaty to innke tliem prolitable to h' purrh.iser. Tlipy are sirong and durable. - Thí'y nre t'.isüy moved l'iom one plsce lo onoth■t The work of ihe ni'ites is easy on ihi'i lowcrs in con parison to oihers, ond i lie price il ,OVKI tban nny oihor power and machine, lave ever been f-old in the Sime, according to the t:iI v.ilue. Tlie terms oí payment will be libeal fir nuies that üre knoMi to le ubeolutely good, I have. a nuniher of Powers and Machines 10í lendy for sile and persons wialiing to huy ne inviied to cali so.n. SKPAHATORS. I am propniedto moke Stpara'or for lhoe ■lio mny wam ihem. TIip iilility and ariviiningfa ni ihis Power and Machiné will inpoar evide ni to all on exsmining he rcc.iiiiniel.'rl.itinns hi'lnw. All perone are cninioned ;it'nii:fi nnkiiij; hfsf Powera and Machtot;-: the undcfignid lavÍDC ftdopted the necep?;iry nif iiíiuics t'or secu - rin [itera pfttehl lor the gome wntirn ihe tima i-quiíed by law. S. W. FOSTER. Scio, Washtrnaw Co., Mich.. June 18, 1346 RECOMMENDAT.'ONS. During the year 1HJ5, eiich ol [he undersigned uircha&iu] and xiísed eithrr individunüy or jointly Aiih pthera. ore of S. V. F.otter's newly invented llorse Powers rnid thirehing inchinrs, ind hclieve they are butier adripted to ihe use of harinera lio iraní Powera and Muchini for huir own nse than any oiher power and thirfhr wílhin our Unuwlcdgo. Thcy are calculnted 0 he used nith lour horses nnd are oí ampie trrngih lor thnt iiiimbej-. Thtf ñapear lo bo ■onetructed in auefa n ninnner ae to rt nder ti em vury durnble with liule liabiliiy of griiing ont ol irder. 7hcynre eieily moved froin one place lo anoiher. They can he wurked wiih si y numcr of hands from íour lo tighi, and will ihrecli ibot't 201) Imeliels whenj per day. .1. A. Í'OI.IIKMLS, Scio, Waehtenaw eo. G. EI-OOD. " ' T. RTCIIARDSON, " " SAMUEL HEALT, " S. P. FOSTER, " " N. A. PI1FLPS, " " ADM SMITH, " " .1 M 11OWKN, Kirva, " WM. VVALKKn. Wtbíter, " TIIOS WARREN, " " 1). SMALLKY, J.odi. " I threehed last fall and winter w.'ih one of S. V. Fo8(er'i horas powera. mure than filtern thous:ind busliele gra:n. The repairs beatowí-d upon tlic p'iwcr nmonnied to only (i cení. luid a waa in anod onler when I hnd done ihrcthing. 1 invaiijh!y ut-ed six hnrppa. A A RON YOUNGLOVE. Marión, June C, 1S4(. I piirch.ieed one of 8. V. Fofter'is horte powers Iri8t fail and have uped it for jubliinp. 1 nave used many iliflerent kind of poweis and iclieve iliis is ihe best runoing power I hnve svirfien. D. S. BENNET. Hoyiburg. June, 18!T. We iu cli.isfd oiie of S. W. Fostir'f Horro Powers iasi IhH, and have used ii and think it ia 1 fnai late Power. JESSE HAI.I,. DANIEL S. HALf,, REUBEN S. HAI I.. Hamburg. June. 1PA6. üfiü tf COEJN, RYE & WÍIKAT. WANTED by the subscribiré, 10.C00 Kiwhelf ol o u - MUM 0 hmht-JxH llir, nid 0.(0 1 liiishch, ol hv.-n. ilcl'ninl at the Steani Mili, for whieh Ciifh will be p.-ud JNGAI.LS. LAMB, & F1SIITR. Ann Arbor, Jan. 4, 18-17. 2Jtí-:f. FOR SALE CU RAT ron CASH, or eieiy kiiul ofeonr; Iry Pi.uhicp. Saddcs, BrUHcsJIarncss, Trunls, Yaises, Trunk Vaisrs, Carpe! Bags, Sc. Air. i a uooirssairimem ol Vhifs& LjuWta, which will be suld vny low, and no t ('OOK & HOBliNfcOlN'S. Ana Arhnr. Augusí 12. IS4G. 'J?7-tf CHEAP STOVES AT YTSlLANTl! 1 9Íl COOKKNO & PAR LOR STOVi:?, -t'J jusí recefved, hy ihe Stóíeiiher, (irosily from Allmny) making a good ataortment of ihe latcst and best paiteins. winch wili bf fold nt Low P,ices! not to be undersuld this dide Lake Ene! AUo, Copper Furniiure, CatiliTron Ke::lff, Flollovv Wure of all a zes, Stove Pipe, Sl.eel ron, Zink, Ac. TIN WARE.' ManufSieiured, and cöpatantly kept on hnd which will .ilso h tolo very lov. P. S. - Ptirrhnspi!, .:... do well to cnll and examine for their own safikfflctinn. J. M. BROWN. Ypsilanti. J:ne20. 1S.;i. Si? J t FURNITURE & ÜPIIOLSTERJNG WAREJROOMS. STEVETí & ZIG, r thelower (Tul ni iho Whid Ulerft. dircfily onposite ihf 'lCIll.. FÍCHAtn. luive on Imnd a lare osirtmenl ol FURNJTUflE, of iheirown manu acture, which they will fell very ow for Ca.-h Thfy .nlso kepp f.tperiencd Upholsiprers. and are prepared to do all kinds of Upholstering al the slwriest noiice. öf all kinds matte to order of ihs best material, and warrnn'pH. STEVENS & ZVG. Detroit. January, 1, 1847. 297-!y CCLARI,Attorney and Counsellor, and Jus:ice ofi he Peaor. On r. Court floue Ann r!jr Miti' BAOZSMITHS' TOOLS. '4 4 RM1TAGK Mouse Hole" Anvils. jj l_ 'i WrightV' do. Cntterel Keyed Vices. West'shest Bellows. 30 to 3(i nchtes. Sledges, Hand Hammers. Files and Rasps of eveiy kind, can be found at the Iron Store, iicn of the Big Anvil. HENRT W. WF.LLF.S. nn Arior. Jan 10, 7,-'47. 2!)8-ly BRIGHT and Black Log Chains, 5l(), 6 16. 7 IG. & 8-l(i wrapping do. Straight ond tivistcd link Trace do. Halter do. f r snle very cheap at the sign of ihe Big Anvil, Uppor Town. HENftT W. WEr,r,ES. Ann Arbor, Jan. 10. 1847. 2!)8-ly ROWLAND'S bestMül Saws, 6, 6i, and 7 leut. Rowland'i best X Cut Saws, (i, fij. and 7 fcet. Knsliah C. S. Pit Saws. fij and 7 (eet. Superior American Mili Sñw Files, 10 to IG ineheé. For sale at the sign of the Big Anvil, Upper Town. HENRY W. WELLES. Ann Arbor. 10, 1(7 IW-Jy


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Old News