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Hon. John P. Hale

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This gentleman is áoing good work in Vermont. He has nddresed the friends of Liberty at sorne ol'their large Convention and in some of their principal towns. VVlieiever Iir goes the fors of Freedoin 1 He was fntroduced to a convenlion at Woodslock by Mr. Polnnd and was afterwards welcorr.ed to tlie State by Judge Hutchinson. In onwer to Ihe question, " what lias the Noith to do wiib slnvery V' Mr. Hale read and commented upon the notice of the Marsliall's sale of two women in the District of Columbia fr $500, vvho were sold by order of the govern ment and the moncy put into the Unhed States treastiry. The Genius of Liberty says : " Healluded to the war and said it was wnged and carried on to extend the area of slavery. This called out a cerlain Doctor of VV'oodstock, (we do not know his name,) who at the close of the tneeling asked Mr. H. what evidence he Imd that the war was for tlie extensión of slavery ? Mr. [I. replied that when Congress was called on to say that slavery fehouid not exist in nny newly acqaired territory, they refused to say so - henee he concluded they wanted it for slavtry ortheywould be willing to say they did not. But, said the doctor, the war is to deend our country, and you would try to prevent men from cnlisling to drfcndour country. Why, said Mr. II., is Mexico our country 1 The war is in Mexico.' fApplause.J Well, said tlie Doctor, Mexico has trampled upon our rights, and invaded our country. Re.illy, said Mr. H. I did not know ihat ; I did not know that Mexico had invaded our country ! ! (Greal cheering.) We have not room in this paper for extending remarks upon his nddress. Suffige il to say, that we doubt r.of, a good impression was made in favor of the cause of Freedom. Mr. II. is a handsome speaker, nnd is well calculated for the station he is soon to occupy in the Senate. Bold and energetic, he will not cower down at the behest of slavery. Let Freedom rejoice that she is to have so able a defender in the highest body


Signal of Liberty
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