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Scènes at tiíe Tombs. - We copy the following from a lener written in tliis City to the Boston Chronotypë. We cnlled n at the " Tombs" this forenoon, whereour old friend and the friend of the drunkard, Colonel Larkin Snow, figures ns Clerk of llie Poüce Cou t. We were kindly conducted by him througli tlie various departments of the prison. There were sotne forty of the most miserable wreiches on the outside of the prison, who were cnlled lJiveday corners.'" all in for drunkeVir.ess - some black and sotne while, some with two legs and sotne Santa Annafied, some with eyesknocked out, and olhers wttli their faces marred all over wilh intemperance. Up by the side of ihe wall, and near the motely group mentioned, were two wretched lonking men, about 25 years oí age, pieking from each other large body-lice ! Next to thom, on a bench, was slretched the curpse of a man who wasbioughl into the prison last nighi with the delirium tremens, but who died in fifteen minutes afterwnrd. He was, but a few years sinc, a wealthy merchant! Col. Snow pointed to me a pitiful looking man seated a little distance from the rest, and asked me if I did not recognizp the countenance, I toldbiml thougl t I did, and asked htm who he was. Whereupon Col. S. related the following incident : - Last Sunday forenoon, said he, I was passing Tammany Hal', and saw, sitting upon t'ie stoop, a man with his liead buried in hislands, and covered ;ill over with flies. The poor fellow was almost nnked, suid the Colonel; 1 shook him and asked him who he was. He looked up and called me by name, saying at the same limo, thnt he only wished fora place to die ! I gnzed upon his disfigured features, added the Colonel, aud was hórror-struck at the mighty cliange ! I recognized in Lima man who, a kw ye:usng),u as editor nnd piopiietor ofono of the most respectable dail y jojrnals.f the City of Boston ! The man ho was a partner with him then is conducting the same paper, under a new hend. He wns correspondent of the National Whig Organ for some time- was at the Inauguratiori üf Harrison at Woshington, and introduccd two gentlemen lo Webstar and Cl.'iy who have sinceseen him in his present lowsituation in tlieTmnbs. Helooks bad, but the Colooel stj-s he ineans to mnke a min of him et. He had a letter in his pocket ihat he received from his wifp, who lives in Bosion - "and" M.iiumered out the sorrow si rieken man, :sbo begina as she always did!" and h,i s iiüoa flood of tears. Curo !ty calleó t!ie Colonel's at:ention to the lett r, and tbegan thus : :l My ever dear Husldii l " What a sad picture ! Last Sunday a meeting was held in the Tombs, during which time two men were (1) ing wiih the delirium tremens. - Tvveniy-six took waming and signed the plcdgn. Friend Snow lells me a man was kicked out ofa rum shop, night before last, and brought to the Tombs and died a few minutes afterward. Loss and G.un. - The account of Whig loss and gain, ir. membeis of Caogre, in the August electioüs, stands now as follows : The nft Wliig gain in these five States ij six members of Congress. In aidiüon the Whigs have gained a Governor in Tennesse?, a Legislalive and Congrossional mnjnrity in the same Stale, and a Legislative innjority in Indiana. This is quiie " glory enougli" for one month. - Rvff. Com. Infi.üe.vce of RailroAds.--A short time since we nipt a hcavily-loaded tenm a litile distan.ce f rom town carrying chestnut sleepers to the depot. Bcing of n peculiar shape, we inquired to what use thev were to be appropriated. Tlie leamsters replied that they were engaged by a contractor and were to be shipped to Havana to build a railroad in the lsland of Cuba ! Concord chestnut, once nearly worthlessj now bringinga higli price and shipped 2,000 miles to build railroads! We believe the teamsler'.s load was worth abcrut $50, all clear gain through the magie influenco of railroads. Arespectable citizen of ourtown, once resident in Springfield on the dreary height of linfl between the Merrimack and the Connecticut, near whicli the Northern railroad is to pass, lately informed us he had tried long and earnestly lo sell a lotof timber land for S4 per ar:re, but all in viin. Not long since sorne gentlemen called upon him, and ollered $10 per acre, which he accepted, though he might hnve don better by waiting. - Congregalional Journal, Concord, IS. H. Mr. Stuart, of Lexinglon, who had his arm broken on the Litile Miarni Railroad, commenced a suit for damages which he estimnted at $700. The railroad company paid ihe amount wiihout trial. Tuk Jovs op a Soldikr's Life ! - A writer in the Deutsche Schntllpost, of New York, gives nn account of thé ba'rbarnüs treatrftent to which recruits are snbjccteH on Governor's Island. í can corrobórate rfnny of his statements, as f have had severaí opporliihities of observing the manner in which these poor wretches are treater1. The great majority of the recruits are Irish and Germán immigrants, who are gulled by the flattering representations of the reeruiling sergeant and his agenís. I have s?en tliese poor fi-llows absolutely devour food given iliein by compas-ionale visiters ; and, indeed, they generally look half starved. Coniplaint to the superior officers is nlways useless, ns they generally give the exarnple. The grossest abuses are constanlly practiced. Not long since, a Germán was accusedofsome trifling fault, of which, as it aflerwards appeared, he was not guilty ; thereupon, a corporal knocked him dowu with a bludgeon. - A no:her Germán, who stood near, snatchei the club from the corporal, to give it to on officer. The consequedce jri8, that he and hiscomrade were served wth one of those barbarous and inhuman punishments for which our Democratie army can boast its superiority over lhose of European despots. A wooden gag was put into their mouths, their hands were bound together and forced over their knees ; a stick passing under the knees and over the aims held them ir. this position, in which they were kept for hours. One of the delinquents suflered greatly ; blood ran from his mouth, and he cried pitifully, but in vain. VVith this punishment men are often injured. Some, says the informant of l!ie Schnellpost, are in ihe hospital from that cause ; otbers it has made cripples. There is also another inevilabla inflielion for these deluded recruits. Onlv one store is permitted on the Island, and in ihis a most disgraceful system of shavingissaid tobe carried on. The soldiers, says the writer, are compelled to pay three and four times the price in the city of the articles which they wish to purchase. Such are som of the secrels of n soldier's life, even on the shores of Governor's Mand ! New England Ice is now to be found in every warm clime of the globe. leed champaigne is common in Calcutta, Madras, Bombay, Manilla and Cantón. One hous2 in Bost n, sent 101 cargoes to Asia, the past year. A Boston bsy has gone to Paris, to open a Mint-Julep Saloon. Thero is said lo be none at present, either in England or France. The dealhs at New Orleans from Yèllovv Fever, forthe21 hours ending on the morning of the 18th, 40 - at Cliarity hospiia', uj) to the evening of the same day, 20. The New Orleans Delta of the 18th says there are no signs of the fever abating, but that it is rathcr on the increase, and may now be siid to equal the epedemies of 1837 and 1839. It is extendiog over llie surrounJing counlry, and is even worse in La Fayelte than in Orleans. The heat is intense, but somewha.l moderated by sea breezes. Outraqe on Public Decenc?.- The f'ullowing shocking outrage on public decency was perpetrated on Tuesday, in Third stieet, near ihe market. We could not ascerlain the name of the actor, or we would publish it. The man it appeared, liad caught a negro gi tl, who was a runuway. He Carried her into an open lot, and in the presence of a crowd of men and boys itripped her naked, lied herfeet and hands, and in ihis condition chastised her with a horse-whip. We have never known an act of indecency more brutal. Is ihere no city ordin.ince againt it ? - If ihere be nol, ihere should be one passeJ forlhwithi - 8. Louis Organ, ffii inst. Pünctuation. - The following example of mal-punc'.uation strongly illustrates the necessity of putting stops in their proper places :- Cucsar entcred on his headj his heimet on his feet, armed sandals upon his brow. there was a cloud in his right hand, his faithful svvord in his eye, an angry glare saying nolhing, he sat down." Conflict of Juiusdictions. - It séems that it is not yet seltled whether Texas beyond the Nueces is Texns ornot. The United Slates Quartermaster there (Mr. Easiland) insists upon the United States military law jurisdiction, and the Texas self-constituted auihorities there insist upon liaving their own jffftsdiction. Ii. this conflict of claims there hSve been se rious diíRcultieí, as we see by a correspondence in the New Orleans Bee. The Quarlermaster has razed to the ground the houses of five fishermen, and banished ihem from Point Isabel, whoseonly guilt, it is said, was ihe'ir procuring of fire arms. He imprisoned another man for beingdrunk, and then sent him, says the writer, "from his own native State to New Orleans." Finally, the Quartermaster sent the Dëputy Sheriff of Point Isabel, and his (wo Assislans, to Vera Cruz, for enforcing tlieir own Texas law, we presume. - Nat. Inlct. Lipk ín Rangoon. - The wifo of Rev. Mr. Judson. vvriting froin Rangoon to a friend ifi Utica, N. Y., givës the following account of ihe staie of things ie that city : 'It s huif past nihe, and I he'ar the cry !n íhe sfreet, 'iïi ! give us a man, give us a man, Ui!' We have expected this, and all the front of ihe house isdarkened, so they wil] not yell before our house long. The occasion of the cali is to keop up a watch in the street on account of the robbers, and if the walch were worth one straw we would gladly pay a man to go. Biit ihey get around a fire and carouse until toward midnight, then l;e down and go to sleep, and then the robbers come. The first of the.-e robberies occurred about a week ago, only a few doors from us. A man who lived in tiie house next to the one they were robbing, heard the noise and looked out, when they shot him ihrough the heart. Last night they ran a woman through wiih a spear, and the night before split a man's head opon. There have been four killed at as many different times, and as many wounded. - W'oarc oMigr-d to sleep with our vvindows open (tho thermometer has been at 64 to-day) uut we are not in much danger of molestation, as they could reach us only by a ladder. Our one outside door is very secure, yet when any noise awnkes me in the niglit, instead of springing from my bed, as is most natural to me, I lie without sturing nr opening my eyes but very little, unlil I assure myself that I aro not watched. It is by waking that people have lost their lives, and there is no use in giving the alarm or attempting resistance. The robbers are a dozen or fifteen armpd men. The Governor has tried ineiïectuaüy to prevent their depredaiions, and what do you think is his last resort t lie has given orders, or rather permission, to all citizenp, to shoot down any man whatever, who may be seen in the streets after ten o'clock in the evening! Is not this a wise way of managing!" The following extract from a correspondent of the Traveller is interesting as showing the resources a great city has in itself, which may be rendered avaüable to its health and prosperity from that which seems to be only a scmrce of contrary effect :- "Much has lately been done in London and other large towns, to improve the condition of their inhabitants. It is ascertained that the sevver-water of London or Liverpool, is capable of yielding a la'ge annual sum, if pre-served and sold to the farmers. Effurts are being made to do so. It is stated that the sewer-water of Liverpool, with a population of three hundrrd thousand, is upwards of e?en millions of gallons annually. Thie, it is calculdted, would fertilize four hundrel thousand acres ; and allowing that only one-half this sevver-water could be sold to the farmers, the annual revenue would be two hnndred and seventv thousand pounds. Such an important fertilizing agent ought not to be wholly lost in any large town. Il has been proved that cight tons of seweiMvaier are superior in efficacy to fifteen of farm yard compost, or three cwt. of guano ! This is a very important fact. Why thën should not the sanatory condition of all cities and towns be grently mproved when it can be done at anincome inslead of an outlay ?" "Manchester, which is crowded with opëratives and the poorer classes, is about to be thoroughly cleansed and improved by the 'Towns Improvement Company.' It is proposed to lay on pipes to every cottage, with a constant available supply of water to the extent of one hundied gallons per day to each house, for a penny a week, for houses under five pound rent; to provide every such cottage with a sink, wnsh-basin and water-closet, for another penny a1 week, and to keep the foot-pavemer.t and street clean by the sweeping machine. The seweMvater too is to be saved for purposes of agricuíture, and thus a large revenue will be obtained, where noW none is received, while the health of every class of persons will be grëatly improved." Licht on the Suiufxt. - The Capital city of Washington is to be lighted by gass by an appropriationof last Congress of #7,000. "A spruce shafl, or mast, 95 feet long, and in diameier 14 inches at the lower end and 12 at the upper end, is to be carried 75 feet above the dome of the Capital, leaving 20 feet to be fastened by the limber bracings within ihe dome, which, of course, shut the liglitout from the Rotunda below, where the greai national pictures are hung. The distance from the basement of the Capital to the mast when erect.ed, 220 feet ! On the top of this mist is to be placed a very large revolving lantern, weighing some 1500 pounds. The solar gas is to be carried up in tubes, and to be lighted at the jets within the lantern by means of electricity, forced by a galvanic battery along wires jeading to said jets. The light which this great illuminating lantern will shed over Washington city and the adjacent country will, according to the representations of it that are given out, be very great and very astonishing. But how long will it last V' Action. - VVho ever became a innn of influêncc by sïtting u'nder fh'e harrow of despondency ? Whnf slow-poke everbenefilted the world, hisfriends o f hiinseli'? - There is nothing like aciion, coupled witli cheerfulness. We see it every where. Who is lipj siiling on tliEtf empiy barrel on the vvlmif? A man with no energy - a prey to grief. He dóesn'nl know whal to do and how fo start. Wlio isiliat man willi folded arma s'aiding in the inarkut place 1 A lazy do-liltle sort of a vagabonr1, wlio hardly earns his bread andbutter. Do you not wish to beorae sucli u character ? Then arouse yourself ? away from the arm chair - up froni tiie gutterout of the tlowny be1. Move your arms, kick your feet, and stir about ! give the blood a chance to circuíate through your veins, and the airs of heaven to enter your lungs. Seize the job pretented and despatch it a', once - up for the pay and get another forthwith. You'll soon earn enough to purchase a whell barrow or a hand-caat, and tlien you'll begin tolive. Who kiiows wliat you may become? Energy is half omnipotent. - Small beginnings end in large gains I a penny well turned brings a fortune. Resolve tben to do something, and our word for it, you will bles-i us !o your dying day for preaching thus failhfully to you. - New-York Organ. A Man in a Well. - Last week, a! Franklinton, near Columbus, a colored man, who was engaged in diggirg a well, was nearly buried alive by the earth caving in, his head and part of his shoulders cnjy being out of the ground. It was a gravelly soil, and although the papers state thnt the utmost dilligence was used, by as many persons as could work about him, he remained in that condition 50 hours before he could be released! - The earth caved in ns fast as it could be removed ; and he was only rescued after so long a time, by d'gging an opening by the side of the well, protecting the sides as they dug, tnd literally undermining him, so that by loosening his legs he could be drawn out. It is not stated that he received any injury ihai is likely to prove faial. Disgusting Affair. - Four light coloured negro wenches were yestero'ay in the doek of the Second Muaicipality, who were arrested for living in a house of illfama in Gravier near Phillipa street. They were also complained of for ofiensive language and conduct upon the banquette. These women are the slaves of Matilda Raymond, who keeps them at her house for the vilest purposes. This woman is out of town and could not be ar rested, but Josephine Tanner, who bas charge of the house in her absence, was brought up and will be examinec" on Tuesday next. The four negro women were remanded to jail, and will take their examination under the Black Code, before Judge Df'ght - N. O. Picayune. The Strawberry Market. - The Goshen Whig states that the dwcllcrs along the line of the Erie railway have received $20,000 for stráwbe.-rieá sent this season to New York. The whole number of baskets of this fruit sent lo New York over this road is 602,640, being an increase of 212,223 baskets over last season, or about 54 per-ceiit. The vSlttê, on an average, is 3} cents a basket ; the cuantity 6,277 bushels ; the weight 2G0 tons. Dëath Of Freman. - This wretched man, wliose vhoJcsale murder of the Van Ness family, in Crtyuga county, about a year ago, excited an ünu-ual feeling of horror, died in the' county Jail at Auburn on Saturday morning, 21st uit. The Retort Surgical. - At a late examination of the collpge of surgeons, candidate wasasked by Abernethy, 'vvhat he would do if a man was blown up with gunpowder V 'Whyi' answered the tyro, 'vvait till he came down again.' 'True,' said Abernethy, 'and suppose I kickèd you for such an impertinent reply, what musclcs should I put in motion V 'Why,' replied the young man, 'the flexors and e.xtensors of niy arms, for I should floor you dircctly.' Banks. - There are now in New York state 159 banks, 80 of whieh have been organizsd under the general law,while 79 aro chartered institutions. A New Si'Eculation. - Col. Carrol], of Iloward county, Va., bas reeently purchased n large island in the Chesapeake Bay, which he has stocked with black cats. A very large number bas been purchaseel and sent to their .sèclüded homes. The object is to raise them for their fur, vvhicll is quite valuable. A Göod StiüOESTioi. - A correspondent of the Boston Transcript suggests the sub-titution of nu octave or so of musical pipes in place of the steam whistle. The engineèr, he says, might then entertain the pnssengers and the surrounding country with favorite airs. "Oid Dan Tucker" is suggested for road-cfossings and passages tlirough populated distric'.s, on account of the appropriateness of the chorus, 'get out of the way." The Rothchilds pay taxoa on S175,C00,000.


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