With The Men In Service: May 28, 1943
With The Men In Service
Injured Officer Home From Hospital
Lt. John Andrew Walsh, 24-year-old Ann Arbor naval officer who was badly injured when his destroyer was sunk in the naval Battle of Guadalcanal last Nov. 14, is coming home tonight for the week-end to visit his mother and to see his sister, Sally, receive her degree from the University at tomorrow's commencement exercises.
Lt. Walsh, who has been under treatment for a broken neck and a knee injury at the naval hospital at Mare Island, Calif., since Dec. 27, is coming here from the Great Lakes naval hospital, to which he was transferred May 17. He will be accompanied here by his wife, the former Margaret Lyons of South Bend, Ind.
At the end of his special 10 days' leave, Lt. Walsh will return to Great Lakes for further treatment.
Jack Walsh left the University in his senior year to enlist in the Naval Reserve in August of 1940, and attended the midshipman's training school at Northwestern University. Before the entry of the United States into the war he was on convoy duty in the North Atlantic before being transferred to the Pacific in December of 1941.
He was raised to lieutenant, junior grade, last August and to senior grade lieutenant in December.
Four Serving
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Staebler, 7734 Plymouth Rd., have every reason to be proud of their children, three of whom are already in the armed forces, and a fourth married to a man in the service.
Melvyn Eugene Staebler, 18, youngest son to enlist, is in the air Corps meteorology school at Bowdoin college, Brunswick, Me. A freshman at Michigan State College, Melvyn enlisted at East Lansing in January of this year, and reported for his six weeks' basic training at Atlantic City, N.J., before going on to meteorological training at Bowdoin on Aril 5.
His brother, George Russell Staebler, 26, is also in the Army Air Force meteorology school and is stationed at New York University.
George attended the University of Michigan and graduated from the forestry school in 1939.
Before his enlistment in October, 1942, he was employed by the TVA as a forester. He enlisted at Knoxville, Tenn., and was promptly sent to New York University for his meteorological training. As an army aviation cadet he will graduate from the meteorological school in July.
Helen Staebler Martin, sister of Melvin and George, who served for six months at Fort Custer as an Army nurse, is now at Camp Carson, Colo., in the Wayne Hospital Unit, Number 36, which was called to duty May 5.
She enlisted in the Army August 1, in Detroit with a commission as a second lieutenant.
Walter T. Hileman, a brother-in-law to the other Staeblers, and husband of the former Ruth Staebler, is in still another service, as he is a first lieutenant in the medical corps.
He is an X-ray assistant and has been stationed since Aug. 30 at Camp Barkeley, Tex.
Lt. Hileman graduated from the Wayne University Medical school in June, 1941, and interned both at Pontiac General hospital and at Receiving hospital in Detroit.
Married in June, 1941, Lt. Hileman has been fortunate in having his wife stationed at Abilene which is the post town of Camp Barkeley.
Melvin Staebler
George Staebler
Visits Grandparents
Corp. Harry E. (Dillie) Dildine, 21, who was a "storekeeper" in the civil service, returned May 25 to Camp McCoy Wis., after visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dildine, 204 E. Davis Ave.
Harry was born in An arbor, but lived in Newark, Ohio, for eight years previous to his induction August 8, 1942. Since that time he has been at Fort Francis E. Warren, Wyoming, Fort Crook, Nebraska, Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont, and for the past two months has been at Camp McCoy. He is in the Ordnance division and at present serves in the capacity of partsman of Ordnance material.
He helped form the company he now serves in at Camp McCoy, and is especially fortunate in having his brother, Pfc. Ed Dildine, stationed at Camp Mccoy also.
Corp. Dildine
Begins Training
Learning the ropes as a boot trainee at the Great Lakes Naval Training station is Robert Merton Franklin, 33, of 112 Collingwood, Ann Arbor.
He was inducted April 26 and reported for training May 3, which allowed him a week to make all necessary arrangements and farewells to his wife, the former Teresa Icheldinger of this city, and their 2 1/2 month old son, David Robert Franklin.
Married in August, 1940, Robert has been employed by the University as an electrician until his recent induction.
Gets Wings
Frank Mackenzie Murphy, who left the University where he was studying engineering to enlist as an aviation cadet last October, received his wings and a commission in the Marines upon graduation May 15 from the Naval Air Training Center at Corpus Christi, Tex.
Formerly of Ann Arbor, Lt. Murphy is the son of Thomas J, Murphy of Wellsboro, Pa. He was graduated from high school there in 1940. Lt. Murphy began his training to be a naval aviator last October at the Naval Air Station, Glenview, Ill.
Home on Furlough
Corp. Delbert F. Seybold ahs returned home on a 15-day furlough from Camp. Carson, Colo., to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seybold, of Dexter Rd.
Two Sons In Army
A lot has happened to W. J. Conlin's two sons during the last year. Both Joseph and Henry have received their commissions as officers, while Henry has been promoted to first lieutenant, married and sent overseas.
In North Africa since the first part of April, Henry is on duty with a tank destroyer division and got overseas in time to chase the Germans out of Tunisia. He received his commission from officer candidate school at Fort Sill, Okla., after having served in the Army since his induction in June, 1941.
His promotion to the rank of first lieutenant came last December while he was stationed at Camp Edwards, Mass. Lt. Conlin was married to Dorothy Love of Detroit last August after receiving his commission. Mrs. Conlin is now living in Detroit.
Before he entered the Army he was an attorney and a fourth ward alderman.
Joseph N. Conlin, who enlisted in the coastal anti-aircraft artillery last June, is stationed as an instructor at the anti-aircraft artillery school at Camp Davis, N.C. His wife, the former Mary K. Pray of Jackson, is living near the post in Wilmington, N.C.
Lt. Conlin received his commission from the school in December, after receiving basic training at Camp Wallace, Tex. A graduate of the University School of Music in 1933, he was assistant musical director of the St. Paul, Minn., Civic Opera before his enlistment.
The lieutenants' father lives at 513 N. Division St.
Henry Conlin
Joe Conlin
Attending School
Karl F. (Spick) Emery, 36, former grinder at the American Broach & Macine Co., is in training at the Army quartermaster training school at For Francis E. Warren, Wyo.
Karl enlisted May 11, 1943, volunteering before his draft number was called, and this basic training at Fort Francis E. Warren will be his first taste of Army life.
He has lived in Ann Arbor for the past five years, having formerly lived in Sayre, Pa., Detroit, and Buffalo. He was a member of the Ann Arbor Junior Chamber of Commerce and served on the board of directors for the last two years.
His wife, Charline, and son Charles, 14, reside at 745 Miner St.
In The Marines
John Wares, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Wares, 1026 Green St., who left the bomber plant to join the Marines last August, is stationed at Camp Matthews, Calif., where is is an instructor on the rifle range.
He was appointed acting corporal while he was in recruit training at San Diego, at which time he was awarded a certificate for being the "most outstanding member" of his platoon. A graduate of Ann Arbor High school in 1940, he played baseball for the Blue Front cigar store.
Alex P. Wares, John's younger brother, joined the Navy April 26 and is now getting his boot training at Great Lakes. Both boys have lived in Ann Arbor all their lives.
John Wares
On West Coast
Richard R. Bertoni, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Bertoni, 420 Felch St., who was a tool and die maker at the bomber plant before his enlistment last November in the Marines, is stationed at Camp Pendleton, Calif. in the telephone corps.
A first class private as of May 5, Dick is training to set up communications in the filed under all sorts of conditions. He reported to San Diego for his basic training on Thanksgiving day.
A graduate of St. Thomas High school in 1941, he played on the championship basketball team as well as holding down the position of center on the football team. Versatile when it comes to sports, Dick also played for the CYO for three years. He has lived in Ann Arbor all his life.
Dick Bertoni
By a new process liver may now be reduced to a fine brown powder which will keep indefinitely without refrigeration and occupies about a fifth of its original space.
World War II
Military Personnel
Armed Forces
Old News
Ann Arbor News
John Andrew Walsh
Melvyn Eugene Staebler
George Russell Staebler
Harry E. 'Dillie' Dildine
Robert Merton Franklin
Frank Mackenzie Murphy
Richard R. Bertoni
John Wares
Karl F. 'Spick' Emery
Joseph N. Conlin
Henry T. Conlin
Delbert F. Seybold
Alex 'Snap' Wares
Nicholas Wares
1026 Greene St