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Mr. Buchanan's Letter

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The National Erathus exhibits the logie of tlie Secretary of State, in the leiter we published last weck: "The leiter isfull of contradictions. - Let u.s leave lhe que.slion "whi'ie the conslitulion has left t, to the Sta;es where Slavery exists" - thercfore, use the power of the General Government to extend ii to il does nul exisl ! We compromised the Missouri queslion, by allowing slavery to continue whero i nlready e.i.-ted in thu United Status territory, south of 36 J degrees - tlierefore, let us allow it to be introduced into new territory, where it is nnir jrrohililed ! We admiited a sovereign State applying for admission into the Union, vith Slaverjr eslablished underher Constitutioii - thereforc, let us anticípate State o cl ion, and under the sanction of the General Government, introduce slavery iuto dependent terrilory, over vvhicli Congress will have exclusive jurisdiction! Slavery, in all probability, cannot exit in New Mexico and California - therefore, tlm'South will establish itthere, or ciissolvci the Union, and so we hnd beiter let lier d the former! "The question s not one o( prac tical irnportance" - tlierefore, the Di-mocratic party is in dangor of being divided. if not destroyed by it, and the Union is in danger of being disolved! These dreadful results are threatened froni a mere difTerence of opinión on a "question of no practical mportance!" Read the letter of Mr. Piuchannn and see how these glaring contradictior.s will stare _you in the face."


Signal of Liberty
Old News