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Northeast Rail Lines Club's Topic

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Northeast Rail Lines Club’s Topic

The railroads of the nation’s Northeast Corridor — the most intensely-used part of the national passenger train network — will be the subject of a slide show and talk by David Sanders at the regular monthly meeting of the Ann Arbor Train and Trolley Watchers at 8 p.m. Friday at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church parish hall.

Sander’s talk will show a wide variety of passenger train equipment and motive power, ranging from the World War I vintage electric locomotives of the former New Haven Railroad on through to the newest Metro-liner and Amfleet equipment now used between Washington, D.C. and Boston.

A slide show on the railroads of Newfoundland will also be presented by Sam Breck Jr., and other members of the organization will also screen slides and movies about railroading.

The meeting is open to the public and there is no admission charge.