The Montrells Audition for the Ann Arbor Community Center's Talent Night, December 1966

Published In
Ann Arbor News, December 19, 1966
The Montrells, the group of six youths at the left, audition for the Community Center Talent Night to be held at 8 p.m. Thursday at the center. Members of the Montrells are John Ashford (seated left) and Tony Taylor (seated right) and (left t right standing) Richard Benon, Leslie Clay, Phil Anderson and Steve Dixon. Observing the audition are (left to right) Sandy Harris, Pam Howard, Leonard Joplin, Harry Churchill and Al Casey. Tickets are $1.
Ann Arbor News, December 19, 1966
The Montrells, the group of six youths at the left, audition for the Community Center Talent Night to be held at 8 p.m. Thursday at the center. Members of the Montrells are John Ashford (seated left) and Tony Taylor (seated right) and (left t right standing) Richard Benon, Leslie Clay, Phil Anderson and Steve Dixon. Observing the audition are (left to right) Sandy Harris, Pam Howard, Leonard Joplin, Harry Churchill and Al Casey. Tickets are $1.
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