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STRAYEBí _jL jfOiijM'' 7 'i' the stibseriber, in ln;IBfflfflraïr' - liaiii Cuuniy, about llie lirsi dee, iwi, wiiu lioms pnchinji fnrward and duwn, wiih a bell on, ihe oilu-r ü p.ilu ruit. NIneer will lakcup the uxen, ur give iiilbrmiition where they can be found, will be IíIm rally rewarded. Address JULIl'S GARDNER, 333-3w Williams 1'. O. lnghani Co., Mich. STATE OF MICHIGAN-WashtenawCoun ty, 88 - Noiiee id heieby givcn, tlia; th undersigned, on llie :ilst day ut' August. A. D. 1847, presentad a paiilion lo ilie Juilge of Pro. bate of said county, prayinf ml nppciintcd administrator on tlie esiaie of Solomon Bucfc. late ot said coonty, deceased - and ilmt ihe oonaide.'a. tion of 8-iid peülion was posiponed t ihe I4.h day of Ociober next. ai olie o'clock P. M. ol said day, at the Probate Office ol' said county, tn the end ibat all persons interesled niay tlien and there appear and show ouse. il nny they have, why the prayer of the suid peliliuner shuuld nut be eranied. JOHN BÜCK, Daied August 31. A. D. 1847. 332-4w_ NOTICE. THE FIRM heretofore existing under the name oí J. Gibson & Co. il ibia day, by mutunl, consent dissolved, ind uil persons inilübted to the late firin ol J. Gths ñi & o. are requesicd t.i rill and setile the s .me wiih J. Gibson, who s duly authorize 1 10 setile all com pnnv debts. btfore the Ist day of 'November next, or they will find ilitir accounts lolt wiiï i JttStice for collection. The business hereufter will üeconducted by Gibson. JAMES OirtSON, K. BOTTSFOROi Ann Albor, Sept. 4 h, 1847. ftXWSlñ TÍIE FARMER'S C00K STOTE! Something NewTHE subscriber would respectCully cnl llie aueii'.ion of thuiM about purchasin cook stoven to an emirely new natlcr'ti - a Büpply of whieh lie is now raceiving They are AIR TIGHT, and have a Surunur Arrangement by whiclt most of the lulinary operaliona can be perfornied wiih the smnllest amouni offuel, and withoul Ibe neeessity ol heating the room. TIn; fornitura is perfect and complete, emprisin" nenrly evcry kuchen mensil. The patent was procured the past winter, and alrearly il has beuouie ilie most popular stove in the Kasiern Siatos. A lull morimeat ol the Premiiini Cook, Bo. Bnd Air Tight S;oves, kepi on sa e. Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron VOKK, in all ita branches, done to order, and supplics of ware consianily on hand. HKN'RY V. WELLS. Anvil Store. Upper Town, 34lh July. '47. S 356 FlllE! FIREÜ THE subscriber continúes to net as Agent for llie Hartlord f'ire Insuiance Company. of Hartforii, Connecticut. This Cotnpüny has been in busine-s lor tlie ldt TUI UT Y S1X YEARS, and prumpily paid all losses during ihat tima, amounting to many Milliöna o( Dollars. Applications by mail. (post paid) or lo the suhscriber at :he Post Offief, pronipily attendcd to. F. J. B. CRANE, A2ent. Ann Arbor, luly 30, Iri47. 33t-Jy THEOLDDYE-WOOO WAREHÍIUSEI TO CLOTHIERS, M NOFA-CTÜREKS, & MERCHiiKfTS. THE subscriber is now receivingal his Store, 4PÖ .ind 190 Jeflerson Avenue Detroit, ihe following carelullv aitfl welis-lecred of DYE WOODS, DYK STUFt'S, and AVooi.kv Manckactl'rkr's Machikery : J5 ton.s Fusiir. Cubi, l'ubasco; Tampico, and Carthagena. }0 tons L igwood, Campeacliy, St. Domingo, ami Hondurus. 6 tons Nioaraugua, Bonair, Caro, Hache and Lima. 3 tons Camwood, very choice. 180 bbU. Logwoods, cut and ground. 130 do Fustic. " " .100 do lied Woods " " 12.) do Camwood. " " 10 do Querecition Bark. 47 do Aluin. 42 do Copprras. 30 do Blue Vitriol. 78 do Mad'ler. Ombro, and Dutch Crop. 3 o Creani Tunar. ti do Xutal!s. 2 cases Indigo. Bengal!, Manilla, and Gau tlllKlUl. 9 do Lac Dye. 20 do Extract Logwood. ÍÍ do Grnin Tin. 300 pounds Verdigris. lö Carboys Oil Vitriol, Spirits Öea-Saha, and Nitric Acid. ALSO, Copper Kottles and Cloihier's Screws. Tenter Hookö. Jacke. and lirushes, l'ress Papers. Card Cleaners, Woavers' Sliears. Nippera anti Burdina Irons. Comb Piules, Pieken and Bobbins, Wire, Worsted aud Cotton Harnean, Steel and Cane Reeds, Broad Power, Hand Loom and Fly Shutiers, Steel and Copper Mails, Emery, &c. Parson's Slienrinj Machines, 4. 6. nnd !) blades. Allen's doublé and single Curding Machines. Machine Cardê, Lciccster. The above goods ha--e been recenily pnrchased. direr-ily from thejmporters nnd nianufaclurers. v.xii.vsivKi.Y kik cash, and will be aold at New York Jobbers' prices. ndding transportation only ; anl in consequence of tiie decline c.n many of the American manufacturad anielip, will in many cases be soM al Jiftien par ctjtl Irss than formcr prires. The subscriber's experience in the Dye-Wood nade enables him tosiy to his cusiomers that he is prepared at all times to warrant his goods of superior qnalitv. TfirO. H. EATON, Dye-Wood nnd Dye stuif Wnrehouse, 328. 18-iand 19 )Jfi'erson avenue Detroit. Tn?) OUNCES QÜ1NINE, for iék A x-' low. Physicians can depend at all times on fmding a supply un hai.d at 34 MAYNARDS. WINES - And other Spirits warranted pure, a larga supply lor medicine only at 3'4 MAYNARDS. O LD PORT WINE- whieh we recomineud particukirly to invalids lor tl quiility - z good supply at :4 MAYNXRDS PAINTS, Otls, Varnush, Spirits Turpentine, Brushes, Glass, Putty, Glaziers. Diatnonds, ifcc. A large stock for sale low at 34 MAYNARDS. DRUGS AND MEDICINES.- Tht stock is now complete, HmonL' whieh may be found every article wanted by families or phy sicinn8. Piense to recollect that evcry article sold by us is warranted to be genuine. 324 MAYNARDS. COUNTY ORDERST' friHE highestpricepaidin cashby G. F. Lew JL is, Exchange Broker, opposite the Insurance Bank, Detroit, for orders on nny ol ih countips in the State ol Michigan; alsolórStati ecuritics of all kinds and uncurrent funds Cal and sce. Den 1. 1845 241-if ïpïWTÏNSHOP. THE subscriber haa commencedihe manufa(ture of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper, Tn all its various hroBchea, in connection wit! the "Anvil S'ore." and is prepaied to lurnisl Coumry Merchanis and Farn.ers with every thing in that line. JOB WORK AND REPAIRING Ncatly and expediliotislv done. HENRY W. WEI.LKS. Upper T wá, { Ann Arhor, Isi Íiibp, ' 1". ) 892_Iy FARMERS! ATTEKTTION" ?íl DOZ. Blood's Oradle Scylhes, LiJ -ll ■ Wadswurth' 30 ' Blood'a Grasa " IS " Jenk's ' " 10') Burneii'a, rlutfer' & Ouriiss" Cr.idlen, lul) LnmaoD'a Oinát ScythM, 10 loz. Tower'a Hors, ItJ(M) Iba Ciil Chais f rum 3-10 ti) 5 8 in. 411 Log Cbnina, Hay Knive, Buh tlonks, 11 iv, Jï uli-y , and Mnnurc Forks, and all oilier Fanning Utensilo, just received and ur snle it Dolroit priccs al the Anvil Store, l'pperT.iwn. UEN'RY W. WELLES. July tft, 1847. :r 5"TONSSwídes" 1ROÑ , II) ' 'Juniolu" do. :i " ■Peru" do. Togfciher wlth a f'ull ánd complete nssnrtmcnt of [ion, Steel. Carriase Trjimninga, Blaclumilh'i and VV.124011 Maker's Toülê, jast received ai the Aiivil Slore, Upper Town. HENRY W. WELLES. July 1,' 17. :i-2.- Cali and Settle! TF1IS is tonotify all pei-sons ndebted 10 the late firinti of llanií, 1' irlridgo & Co., an 1 II. 15. Haris & Co . t!iat llieir notes ar lelt in ihe hands o) James 13. Gou, Esq., Jusuce o! the Pence. lor culteciioa A these fi ins are now dUsolvel it 3 absoluiely nccessury that ilieir outsiandin" mattcrs sliould be yetiled as poon au practicable. H. B. 11ARRIS. Ann Arbor, July I2th, 1847. 3-i5 3in SUGARS. - Loaf, Lump, Crushed, l'ow'd, Si. (roix. nnd Pono Rico Sugar, all of superir." qualilies, extremHy low at K21 MAYNARDS. ADM1N1STRATORS SALE. r ;he matter of ihe sale of ll"3 real estnte ol Edward R. Everest dece.ised. Nolice is herehy given ihat in pursnnrt';e of a license to me erunted !y tlie Judge ol Probate of llie county of Clinton and state ol' Michigan, in ihe foregoing matter, I slu.ll exposé 10' fale nl public vendue m the Court House, 111 tlm village ol Ann Arbor, in the connty of Wasluenaw, and state aforesaiil on the lüth (l;iy of September H3.t at one o'c'ocli in the ufternoon, all and singular, tho landa and tenemems siiuatcd in Brown and Fuller addition 10 tbc villüge of Ann Arbor aforesakl, described as follows. lu wit : Commencing at the norih east corner ol Block live, running tbence 1101 tli seventeeu degrees. east 011 thfa west line of Ponliac strest two rods ; thence westerly nl righi inla wilh Pontiao street sixteen rods : tbence aootberly to the norih vest corner of tnid block live rods ; thence easterly to the place of beginning. Uuted ihis28íhdayof July. A. D. 1847. MUNN1S KENiNY, 323 Cv Administralor of said estnie. The above sMe is adjourned tilt Friduy the24;h insl. at the saine place mid lime of the day. M. KF.NNY, Adm'r. Ann Arbor, Sept. I6th, 1847. 334 THE subscribors have jnst received a laree nddition to their stock of Foreign and !-)■'- mestic Shelf Hardware, which malies their asjortment verv complete. ' B ii. &W. R. NOYES JrJuly lOth, 1347. 324 NAILS. - 150 kegs Eastern Nails for fur sale by :jM B. B. & W. R NOYES Jr. SHOVELS, Spades, Hoes, Cradles and Scythes. and Scythe Stones.for saleat 324 MAYNARUS. GROCER1ES.- We cali particular attemiou to our slock ot Groeenes. which is the largest anJ best selected ever brougbt to this village. and will be sold ut Wholesale or Retul very low lor pay. 34 MAYNARDS. TEAS. - Old Hyson, Young Hyson, Imperial and Black Teas, a.l rine and fres 'i. at 3?4 MAYNARDS. NEW COOKING STOVE, AND STOVES OF ALL KINDS!!!!!! THE Sub?criber would cali the attention of the public 10 WOOLSON's .NEW H')T MR COOKI.VG STOVK, which they can confidently reconimend a beina decidedly superior 10 any cooking stove in use For simpliciiy in operaiion, economy in fue!. and for unequalled bakihg and roastirïg quaütin 11 is unrivaled. The new and important improvement iniroduced in i ts const uction hein' such as to ins'jre greal advamages over all olhei kinds of cdbking stoves. Those desirous ot getiing a gond cooking slov for faniily use, or a public house, would do wel by calima and examining the above slove befor purchasing elsewhere. B. B. tfe W. R. NOYES, Jr324 7(i Woodward Av nne WeSJEiN ClOTHING - o ' DBTaOITi WOULD rpecitully give notice that thr;. have now received their entire stock ol Spring and Stfmmer t.oodsand are lully prepiiro tosupply their old cusiomers mJ the public witl. any a'nount of new and laahtonable Keady ITIndc EIorliïng', ConstBting ol cvery variety and deacriplioa 01 garmenté, loo nunierous to inention. All 01 which they are disposed to sell ut Wtt)Qtfitit ov Mftatï, upon ihe most reasonable terms and pnces. Also on hand a splrndid assoriment ol ROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES. VESTINGS, CASMHARETTS, TWEE DS, SUMMER C L O TH 8, PLAIN AND PLAID L I N E 1 S, &c. &ic. &c, are fully prepared to make to order uion tin shoncst notice. and most fushionablcj manner, u úieir wel! known "Clolhing Emporium" DETROIT. co tier of Je'ieison and WoodwarJ avenues. Uetroi., Miy 21, 1S47. N. B. Two or three firsi rate Tailors maj find eniplfynient upon imimdiav npplicaiion t the su' e( ;V8. cor. JeSèrton an I Woodwar Avtavti, : HALiiOCK & BA'.'MCND. New íwd& HAVE BBBN RECEIVKD 1!Y Wim. a, XtaLmontt9 Proprielor of ilie MANHATTAN STORE, Dor. of JerTerson Avenue aml Batea Si. Detroit. LET pvi'iy body culi and look at the stook of I'ry Guuds whicli muy bc lound al tlie FuI1UUS OLD MANHATTAN STORE. The quantity is larcer. the slyle prcttier, and ihc trices Ivirrr than itr I B9NNHTS, BONOS! A vcry large assortment of all kinds. Tus5;in. StniM, Pedal Bruid, Open Work, Englirh Braid, Albertina, &c. Sic. frotn the coarsest 10 the liiH-si. Alsii a great auoruneat of ribbons, labs. flüwers. &c. GINGHAHES, LAWMS, BARAGES, MUSLIN DELAINS, Balzorincs! and all other soits ofDress Goods. BE A UTIFUL DRESS S1LKS, FAB.ASOLS SHAWLS, v f all ki n d s ! PRDHTS, BiuHuiffj?, PAiTALOON STUFF, COT TON GOODS, COTTON YARN, ANU - , b-y t-h-e c-a-r-t l-o-a-d-!-! If folks Irom the country will only give us n cali, and look round ainony our nicfl goods. il is ïll we ask. The guods will spenk ihe'r own raises, and in nine cases o.u of ten secure a trade. First rate Young Hyson Tea for four shilling; im! sizporu'c per pound. Geese Ftsatheis, Taper Ilnuglns Sec. 317 W. A. IIAYMOND. E. G. BURGER, Denlist, FIRST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. W. KOOT5 STORE, JRANE & JEWETT's BLOCK, 61-tf ANN ARBOR. oeesëIteathers r PAPER HANGINGS! FIRST RATE YOUNG HYSON TEA AT ONLY FOUR AND SIXPENCE PER 1JOUND ! I!y the way no one buys this tea once bul bny.ïgain. and bncomes a cus'omor. None beller (01 lie price can be had in Dotioit. W1LL0W WAGGONS, T AV E L I N G B A S K E T S, A N D MIBIO (Sül(BIS8 ib welt a ota oslf other goods husiries Dry Geodf may be had very cheap at the ' (Jld MNHATTA Si'okk,' Detroit. 17 W. A.RAYMOND. 4 il ".}■ ë i]l8;s SÍ " " S5 "SS ■ i I Lal Í ■ :s . &= W g=s iL.ii X i I!fe 11! 9AA Kegs Albany and Troy Cut LlJJ Nailsiidto 6 lü. 21) Kegs Wrouuht Nails 6d to 12d. 5J Uoxea " Bellevemiu " Giass' frota 7X9 to 10X14. 50 Kegs pure Lead in Oil. . .r)(l0 Ibs. " dry. 300 Gallons Linseed Oil "20,000 feet Pine Lumbcr, sessoned, clear stuff. Together with a fu 11 assortnient of Locks, Latches. Butts. Screws. Window Blind Fasten ngs. êz.c. for sale at witnin a fraction of Detroit prices. at the BIG ANVIL STORE, UPPER TOWN. HKNRY W. WELLS. Ann Arbor, Mnrch 18. 1-Í47. 30 8 THE LIBERTY MlTTsTREL ONE HUNDRED COPIF.S of the fifth edi tion of ihishighly popular wiirk are for snle n the Sianal office at 5fl cents single, or $4,.r)(l ner dozen. Tenns Cnsh. Now is the time foi Liberty chnirs to supply themselvea. tVIwrs. BUOWÑT Attorney &f Counselor at Law, ANN ARBOR, MICH. CFFICE with E. Munhy. Esq. Si)7-Iy TO KENT. rpHE ROOM over the store of Beckley'i) & 1. Thomas. Possession given iminedia'ely. May ti, 1847. Bkcklevs & Thomas. Dlaynards ARE IN TOWN jIGAIIí! HAVING removed to their new store, where they are receiving aneiensiveassoriniem if Drugs, Medicines, Painls, Oils and Groceries, With a 6tnall. weU-soloctsd MSortmeAt of All of which thev ofï'er to their old friends and tiew customers at unusual low prices. Any ihtngeold at their stire is warranted to be of irst qualfty. They intend hercaiier to keep alnosl every article wanted íor Family use. Ann Arbor, June 30. 1847. 323-tf fi A SUMARETT AND TWEÈDS. - H V tte;uitiful articte for Gentletnen's shmmei rfear, just reccived and w.ll bo miinufactured in he luteat atyle and Imst possible manner, at ihe : Western Clothing Emporiurn." 11 ALLOCK & RAYMOND. 318 tl" D'iTROlT. Cor. Jfff. and WooJward avenues. Si cel CuIrivaTor Tccrli. T111E sulvcriber 8 ngent for the Patent Stee Cultivator Toefh, and hns just received a :iesh stipply. which he will sell at the manul.icfurer'n pnce. 'J'his ariicfe is coming into gene ■al use wherever inirodiccd, and has receivei 'he approbation of the iirst ogricttltHrist in the United ötatej. Anvil Store. Upper Town. HENRY W. WELLES. Air. Arbor. 25d M.iy. '17. 298.1 THRESHING MACHINES, CLOVEn MACHINES AND SEPARATOKS. THE subseriber would inform the public ihat he conmines lo ir.unulacture the above macunes ;it [lic i!d eta d ot Knapp & liaviland, at Llia Lovver Villngeo' Aun Arbor, ncar lbePapr Mili. The Machines nro oi' approved model?, have heen thoroushly teücJ in tliis viciniiy and vvnrked well. Theynremntie ot ihebest materials and by e.xpurienced workmrn. Thcy svill be kept constnntly on hand. und also be made to order at the shonesi no'iee. Thcy will be sold on very reasonable lernis fr Cash, or ior noles known io be utisolutely good. The above Machines can he sed by four, six or eight horses, and are not 1 'rabia lo be eusily liroken or dainnired. They nrn well aijapted ior the use of either FarniBM or Jobbers. The Separators can be nttached to any geared or Birapped machine of any other kind. The suhscriber would re ter to the (bllowing persons wlio have parohaxod and used bis Machines : MlchsJR Thompson, Salem, Ale.xander Doane, James Parker, A Iva Pratt, Pittsfi.-ld, M. A. Cravath. " Chirles iXlexander. " Wm. Potts. Mil.'ord. Hmkley & Vinion, Tlietford. Martin Doty. Ypsilaiiti, M. P. & A. D. Hadley, Saline. Wm. Smith, , Cantón. Isaac Hurhans, ' Northtield. Pnrricntirr nitention will be paid to Repairs. Cash will be paid f-r Old Castings. Persons desirous of purchising machines are rcqnested to cali nnd examine these before purhasiníí clsewhoe. T. A. II.WILAND. May 17. 1847. 3l7tf THE SUBSCaiBER SENDET1I GREETING. PERiiYVS BÖÖK STORE, Opened anew at Ne, 2 Hnwkine Rlock, 'next door io Hill, VVhiie & Co. 's Store Aun Albor, Michigan. Let this be a sullicient notice to all persons nsing Books, Paper, Iï'ank Books, School Boaks, Slates. Quiils, Steel Pens, Pencils ind sTAïioNKiiy, of any kind, that at Perry's Uoukstore is l!e placa to buy. 1500 PIECES PAPER HANG1NGS, lïordtïring. Kire Boards, and S.inti Paper, which will be suld chenp for cush Standard and Miscellnneous 'iouks,suitub'e for District, Town ship and Kaniily School Iüspeciorö and otheis inieresied, are requested to cali and examine iiis Osortment - Also, Unión Babbatb Sciiool books, a lnre varifiy. and far superior io the $10 Library budi in binding and matter. AUo. liiblcs, Tesiameins, P rayar books nnd Hymn liooks. YOTJTHS BOOZS, Moral, llehgious, msiruclive and auiusing.such is may sa'ely le put into the lia.nds of tbc oung. GOLD PIONS, wiih Gold and Silver nases. a superior article. The subscriber bas made arrangements in New York which will ennble hini al all limes to obtuin any thiii in hi.s line direct from New York at short nolice, by EXPRESS.' It will be seen that bis facililies. or accomodating his custorners witharticles not on hand is beyond precedent, and he is teady and willin" to do every llnny to rrwke h:s establishment such nn one as fin enligbteued aml diseejrning cornmunity re 'luire, and he hopes t nierit a share of patronage. Persons wishin any article in h s me vvill do well to i'all before purchasinj; elsewhere. Il you forgei the place, enquire (or PERUY'S BOOK STORE, Anc Arbor. Upper Village. It s desiralile diat it yhould be understood that persons in the Country, sen ding cash orders, may depend 11 pon receivjng books or stationery on ns favoralde terms as tl)uugh present to niake he purcliase. VV. R. PERRY. June 2(5, 1847. 3Í3 tf. Cheïsp JeFelryioi'e 157 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. Wholesale and Retail. TFIE subscriber has just returned from New York with a large assonmeni ot Gold and Silver VVatches, jewtlry, lools, mate rials. toyy, musical Instruments and tancy oods. which he will sell at wholfisale or reuil ai fow as any estahlislunent west of New York. Couniry Watch Makers and others wanting any of the above Gouds will find it to their interest to cali,, as they will fiud ihe bett assortme:u in tbc city, and at the lowest prices. GOLD PENS. with silver holder nnd pencil $2 00. Price ReHuccd. Gold Pens. Watchts and Jewelry RRPAIIIF.D H B. MARSH. 157, JefTerson Avenue, Detroit, EÜffn of the Gold Pen. 324 C CLARK, Attorney and Counsello-, onrl Jus:ice ofi he Peac Cou.t iouse Ann rbo: '■} MUf 9ÁOZ8iaiSSr'TO.pX0. 'í A RMITAGK Mouse Hole" Anvils. " Wriglu's" do. otterel Kcyi'd Viccs. Wesi's best Bullows, '30 10 3b' incbua, Sledges, Hand Hammers. Files and Rasps f eve'y kind, can be found al tlie Iron Store, sign üf the Big Anvil. HENRT W. WELLES. nn Ari)or. Jan 10, 1847. 298-ly ROVVLAND'S best Mili Saws, 6, Gi, ünd 7 feet. iowland's best X Cut Saws, (!, Bi, and 7 feel. h'nglish C. S. Pit Saws, Hi ond 7 eet. Superior American Mili Smw Files. 10 to lt) in ches. For sale at ilie sign of the Big Anvil. Jpper Town. HF.NRY W. WLLLBB. Ann Arbnr. Jan. 10. IS-17 2!)-ly FURNITURE & UPHO LSTEUJNG WARE J1OOMS. ST13VEIVS & ZU, IN thelower end of the White lilock. direclly opposile the Michigan Ezcharoi, have on hand a large nasortnicnt of 1'UKNl'Í'UHE, of thoirown manu aeture, which they will sell very '.ow for Canh Tbey alsokeep experienced Upholstereis, and are prepared to do all kinds of Upliolsiering at the 8horlest noiice. Fornitura of all kinds made to order of the best material, and warrnniod. STKVENS & ZUG. Detroit, January, I, 1847.. 297-1 y FOR SALE CfIF.AP kok CASH, or every kind of cour. try Pioduce, Saddtcs, BridIes,Harness, Trunks, Valises, Trunk Valises, Carpct Bags, fyc. Also a üooü assortiment of Whips& Lashks which will be sold voi v low, nnd no tnistnke. ot COOK & ROBINSON'S. Ann Arbor, August 12, 1846. '77-tf " STEEL GO ODS! 3)utse aiUü and !E).'immfnfls SPLENDID FANS, and any quanlity of othor go )ds of this s ut at ib OLD MANHATTAN SI ORE, Hl 7 DttrctL T H tt E S II I N G Bfflachinesflih uiidoisiyned would inlorm the publn X that lic nimulaetures Muru Powers and i'liresliiny Machines ut Scio, ol u superior Kind invented by lnmself. TheB3 Powefs Qftd Machines are pariieularly itoapted to the ol Furmers who wish to use thcin lor threshing their uwn grain. The power, threslier and hxtui es can all be loaded into u commorj sized wagon box and drawn wilh one pair tl hoisus. Tljeyaie dcsiin?d lu bc used wilh lour horses. and are iibundarilly strong lor thai number, and niay bc salely used wilh lx or eight norses viih proper care. They vvork with léaasrrenglhol hurtes according mtlieaniuini ol' business do (10 ilimi any oihcr poucr, an(i will ibresh generally ahnut MÚO busliels vlieat per dav witli i'our horted In or,c iartaBce 156 bushels wheal were ihrc&lied in ihne hours with lour horses. Tilia Power and Machine contnin all thcndvantages necesaary to tnake tliem proliiobleto iha pnrch.iser. They are strong and durnble. - They are easily moved from one place to anotlisr. The woik of the mises is easy on these iiowen in compnrison to oiliers. and the price is IjOVVKIt llinn any oiber power and machine, have'evcr been sold in ihe Siate. according to the reil val un. The tering of payment wil] be liberal ror notes ihat ure known to beabsolutuly KOpd. I havo a nunilier of Powera and Machines now iciidy for sile and persona wishing to buy are invited to en 1 1 soon. SKPARATORS. I am pre pared to make Separa'ois for thost who inay want ihcin. The utility and advuntasfs of thi Power and Machine will oppear evident io all on esmining lie recoinnteiidntions helow. All persons are camioned against mok ing theae Powera and Machines: the undoreigned having adoptcd the necess.iry ineasiires for secu ring letters patent for the saine wilhin tbe unie required by law. S. W. FOSTER. Scio, Washtenaw Co., Mich.. June 18, ] 346 KECOMMENDATIOM3. During the year 145, eacli ol' ihe undersigned purchiised and used eilher individually or joinlly witli uthers, ore of Ö. W. Foster's newly in vented Horse Powers and threshing machines, and Iwlieve tliey are bettcr adapied to the use oí" Farmers who want Powers and Machines for iheirown use iban any otlicr power and ihresher within our knuwledyo. Tliey are calculated to be used with lour horses and are ol ampie strengih lor that number. Tliey appear to b(: consuucied in such a marnier as to render theni i very durable with liule liabiliiy of getting out ol order. Theyore ejsily moved frmn one place to another. Thcy can be worked wilh nny nuniher of hands from foiir to uyht, ai-,d will thresli abot't yüO bushets wheai per day„ J. A. POIJItMUS, Scio, Waslit3nawo. G. BLOO-D. ' T. RICIIAIIDSON, " i SAMUKL IIKALY, " " 3. P. FOSTKR, tl N. A. PHELPS, '■ ij ADAM SMITII, " il J M. BOWKX, l,ima Wil, WALKKIl. VVebsier " THOS WARREN, ei D. SMALLEY, i,odi. " I threshed last fall and winter one of S. VV. Fosler's hrsc powers. more than lilieen thousand bushels grain. The repairs bestowed upon the power aniounied to only fij cents, and it was in good otder when I had done threshing. 1 invariubly used six horses. A A RON YOUNGL0VE. Marión, June f, ISlü. I purchnsed one of S. W. Foster's horst powers last In II and have used it for jobbrn 1 liavefcsed many different kinds ol puwers and believe this is the best running power I havt ever sean. u. S. BENAET. Hamburg. June, 1810. We purchased one of S. W. Foster's Hor Powers last lall, and have used tand tliink it i ■ first rate Power. JESSR HALL. DANIELS. HALL, REUBEN S. HALL. Mamlnirg. June. 1846. SJ()!)ií TEETñf TEETHü.' IVF ASTJCATION and Articuln.ion, 1TX wannnted by their being propcrly re S. D. BURNFTT, will continue the practice of DEN TJNTR Y in all iis varioiis branches, viz : Scalirg. fillirg indlnseriingon gold pl.nes or pivotF. from one a„ entiresett. Old plates or misStg remodled. and made equal io new. OFFICE'over C. B. Thompson & Co.'8 Shoe Store. Ladies who request it, can be waited on ut their dwellings. )-,,feS 'inueually low, and all kinds ut rKUüUCK laken. Ann Arbor, Dec. 5. 1 Mfí. S9."?- tl Dealers in Fancy and Staple Bry Goods, Boots AND SHOES, HARDWARE, Crockery A' Groceries, al No. 3, Porler's Block, South side of the Public Square, 308 JACKSON, MIC II. Itcturned. TAiiiOxiraa. THE Subscnber ia desirous of informing Mold cusuimers aml ihe public eiiernll yT tluii ie lias Kic.itcd hiimelf on Carrier's Corner, Nortli side of ihe squere, where all kinds of T A I L 0 R I N G in the present fasht on can be done in a lespectnble and prompt manier 1'. B. CUTTIiNG done on the shorlest noice and warranied to iit if properly mode up VV. WILKINSON. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. 317 Goïil PêüsT" PRICE REPUCED. IT is ndmitted bv all who nee ihcm, that Piquatie' Gold Pens are equal Lf noi superioi loany everoflered in iliis rnarket, price$8,50. Por sale wholemle, ntid reiftil at the mnnumot . ry, Corner oi Jefferson Avenuo A Griewolo St., Detroit. 314-lyr Also for sale by C. BLISS, Ann Arhor. NEW "GÖÖDST"" BY EXPRESS FROM KEW YORK. Spring Fashions. TUK subscribir hns just received a fresli asForttnent of Spring and Batanar Goods and offera ihem fpr sale clieup, such as Broadcloths of all descriplion ; Salinets and Cassimeres, and evenj thing in thePANTALOON nnd VESTING line, and every orticle usuilly iound in a Mercliant TAILOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. He ia now prepored t make and fii all lunds of gcndemen'8 gannenis, nnd would landn his thailkl to nis old customers and the public acnerally. and soli'jits their favor. ff? QARMENTS cut to order al all limes. WM. WAGNER, Drapeh ami Taii.oh. IIiuüii Strtx-t, South'bl the PUBLIC SQUARE. Ann Arbor, April ',8, 1 &-17. 3w the lUarried Womnn's Private Medical 'om pun ion. By Dr. A. M. Mauriccau. ritOPKSSOR OF DI8EASES OF WOMtN. [Tliird Edition, lfcW. pp. 250 l'rict $1 00.] 25,OOO COriESSOLD IN 3 MONTHS. Thegreat demnnd lor this most important wori (of wliich thousanda are sulil) has compelled the issue of anollier eililion. Il is intended nopeeiolly fur ihe marñsd] as it discloses important secrete ; which should be known lo tlicm particulariy.- Here evcry female discover the causes. syniptoms, nnd tlie most elfiaent remedies nnd mosi certain mode of every complaim to whicb her sex is subject. Married te-malea will here leurn the art whereby they woald retain their yotilh, vigor, beauty, ehisticity ol body, and buoyancy of spirits to an advanced nue, ins:ead of being afflicied, as hun dreds an! tliou9;inds ore, ino vvhusu hands ibis book h.ns not ycl fallen. Itis an important question lo the married vvhy it is that we behold so many married females sickly, dtibilitati'd. and prostrnted ? as Iso ihe causes; and -.vhether they are susceptible of rem edy. They wiil here find those important mat ters, connected wiih difcuveries in medical and phyciological science, which meet this question. This work is destined to bp in the hands o! every wiie and mother who has a regard for her 'iwu lieallli and welfare, as well as that of he husband. T ie reve!;itinns contained in lts pages have already provcd n bl( esing to ihousand?. To those yet unmarned, buc conteinplatini marnage, or, peihnps, hesit-uing asto the pro prieiy of incurring the responsibilities atteodooi upon it, the iinpurtance ol being possetsed of the reve!atioi;s eontamcd in these pages. so intimately involving their future happiness, cannot be appieciated. Jt is of ciuirse impossible to convey more fnlly . in a public journal, the various suhjucls treuled ol. as they are of a naiure strictly intended for ih. married or tlio.-e COUtemplalmg mairiaye; nei tlier is it necessarv, siiue t is ev;ry one's duij to become posseased of knowledge. whereby tl snllerings to which ■ yife, a motlier, or a sistci may be subject, can b" obviatud. Copies will be sent by mail f ree ofposlage. Over ten tlious:nid copies Irave been sent b mail within thito monüis, witli perfect safety ind certninty. In no ca6e has a remittanci lïiiied lo reacli the piibhsher, or llie book those t whoin it has been direeted. On the rectipt nf One Dallar, ihe "Marriei Woman's Private Medical Compnnio'i" will b sent free of postage to any part of 1 lic Unitei Siatcs. All lettersmust be addressed (post paid lo Dr. A. Kt. Maameas, Box 24, New Yorl City. Publislniig Office 12S) Liberty street, N York. i'uv sale by all the principal Booksellers in the United States. Agents in C. MORSr eVSOtfi Ypsilanti, E. SAMSON; Ann Ar hor. W R. PERRY, Perry's Bookstore. 227-3.H. w s s 3 w sT& a'ï CLOTII, CLOTIIl ! TH F, un.inrsigned would inform the puMi' I ha t thev will continue to manufactur Fi.lled Cloih, Caniwiere an.J Flannel, ui ihei Factory, two and a hnlf milis west irom Aai Arbor, on Huron Iliver uoar the Railroad. TERMS : The price of Mukittg c:uih wil bt for Cnssi mee. 44 cis. per yard"; for Kullcd cloih. 37J cis ner yard ; for while Flannel. 20 cl, per ynrd - We wül ilso e.xchange cloih for wool on rensnn ahle ternis. Wool sent by railrund accumpanie' with nsiruciions will be p.nmptly anended to. We liave done an exiensive D1I8ÍI1P88 in inanufictnring cloih for cusiomers for Bcvrral Vfar. irid ht-lieve we yive as ood saiisfiicMoñ ts am F.siablithment in the Staie. We rbecrfnr invit. our old cuslomcrs to coutinue, and new ones u come. Letters should be addressed to S. W. Fostei & Co., Scio. S. VV. FOSTKR ft CO. Scio, April. 18. 3 I3-i f. New Establishmentclocks, WATCHE?, AND ■ W W Wv vvvv' PP tv THE subscriber would respetilully onnoume (o the cilizens of Dextcr and viciniiy tliüt he has opened a shop in the abuve place, n tl, t. córner store, fortnerly known as " Sheperd's"; where he is prrpured lo do ai.l kisiis of repairidg in the line of docks. watclirs. jeweliy fcc. in the shortesi notice. Having ImH about iwelví years experience in sonie oi lile béat K.isien shops, lie rlatter hinisclf that he can give tntílti suti f.i-tion to all ihose who nia favor him wiil. their work. He has and is cons'aTvdy recemntí. docks, watt lies, andjewelry ot all descriptijns. which lie will sell us cheap as the ehevpest. W. VV. DEXTER. A L S O GROCERIES of all kinds: S'teh ns. Teas. Sugnrs, Molasscs. Riiina, Cotfee. Peppers. Spice, Fish. Camíieg. Tobacco. Ciars Src. &c. And in lact everything usnally kept in sucb an ee tab! ish ment ( I.i'i uor exceípteu) constonily on hand and Cor sah clieap. w. vv. i)t:.Ti:R Co. Dextkr. March 6, 18 7 3 1 a tf Hat, Cap, A N I) GENTLEMEN' S FURNISHINQ EMPORIUM. T. f I. ARMSTRONG, HAVINn tnken tlie Staud No 5S, Woodaid Avenue. 3 doors nonh of Doty's Aucuun Rooin, recemly occupied by J. G. Cranu. as o Hat Siore ; and added llie stock of tlie latter tu his own. and also enguged iu nianufacturinc cvery dcscription of HATS $■ CAPS, He is now prepared lo ofi'er lo llie Publ c ever'" anide in his line, either of his own cr eastern manufacture, (weiity five per cent less than have been cli'ered in tl'.is niarkct. In bis stock will be found Fine Nutra, Satín Beaver. Bsaver, Otter. Bijsh an'l SporliriK fíau, Fine Cloth. Slik. l'liisl,.-Oil Slik and Velvet Caps ; ulso. Rich Silk Cravatf, Scart, HnmlkercheifR : Kid, Tbread, Bilk, añil Buckskin Gloves ; ColarB, Boaotna, VValkiiig Cunes, Unibrel'os, &c. T A 1 L O R I N G . The Subscribir has nlso eecm'ed the services of a lirst rale Practical Cuiter, by which he will he enablcd tofurnish garments of every stylr and ilescripiion, and in ihe most approved and faahionahla nmnner. liéis constnntly receiving lh( latest fashions, and, employing the best of vvorkmen. he is confidcnt that he will the be of satislaction to all that may favor bilfl with their pauonage in ibis brancb of his business. ;10-tf SOA P, Sperm and Tallow C ANDLES alwayson hand very obatp at 2I MAYNARDS .1 nu Jtrbor 'iriflrniTJi -I 'É? '■'? TÍ? Ja. vtjl'wm irírTl Tlll k)LlUsClllHJl llilVlllg J li I LiltiOi LUG llilCt esiB o J, M. Rockwell n ilie Maride Business, would iiifiirm 'lie inhabiíants ol ilii ntl adjoinine connties. thiu lie will conttniie the liusine s ni ilie ulil stand, in tlie Upper 'J'own, r.ear ihe Presbylerian Cbuich. and manufacture 'o order : Monumenls, Grive Slones Painí Slone, Tablels,Sfc. 4-c. Those wishiiif! lo uhiain nny urticle n hisline f business will íind by calliug tliat lie has an aortmenl of White and Varieyoled Mirble from ihe Kasicrn Marble Qnarries, whith will be wroucht i n Modern si y le, and sold ai easiern primes, sdiling tranaporlauon only. Cali and get iheproof. W. V. SPAULDING. Aun Arhnr. M. 1M47. 'Ti ly CLOCKS AND WATCHES! ! Eoí ff J J K Subscriberhüfl jual O-w - J_ receivud. (and is eonJfjfê yiuJ atant'y receiving) (ruin K Jí&éiy New Yori an eleaniard I líR Wü" btl(;Ctl-t' íortiuent Jcwelry, Clocks, Wra1chcs, c. &c. whicli lio imendb lo sel I as Uto oí at any ther establishinenti liis side ol Jiuilalu tur rtudy latj only uiuong wKicli niay be íound iJitiollowDf: ■ izuod usortmeni Guld Finger Rings, (oldlireasi pins,WrtIets Guard Chains and Keys. Silver Spoons, Germán Silver Tea nnd Talle Spuons (firit qualiiy.) Silver and Germán do Sugar Tong, Silver SnIt.Mu&tardflhd Cieam spoon-. Butler Knivts, Gold and Silver Pencil Cini, Gold Pena, ' ' Tenci Ís, Silver and Germán Silver Thmbles. Silver Speeluelcs. Gemían nnd Sieol rio. (ïogles, Cloihe. Iiair and Tootfa Brushe, Ijalhei linishes. Knzorsand Pookel Knive, Fine Shears and Sciss.irs. Knivesand Forki, Brilla u nia Ten Pots aid ('agiors. Flated, líram, and Britiíinia Caniltesticks. Snuffers S Trayi, Shüviii" Imxes and Sonps, wliapman'a Best Kazur Strop. Calland Morocco Valléis. Silk and Cotlon pulses. Violiii8 and {nwi, Violin and Bass Viol Strings, f'lutet, "i les. Clarionetp. AccordiotiF- Mupic Uooks or the sanie. Mono Scala. Sieel Pens ar.d, Twee7' rü. Pen capes. Smifl'-nd T(bacei boxei, 1 vmy Dressing Conibs, Side ai:d Bi ck and l'ock■i ('oinbe. Nceillecases. Sieletiois. Waiti Painta nd B usIicf. Toy Waiciies. a great voricty of '■■:.-. II trílOl I vne. greUltfM VU ir I 1 I IllJ Cri ■roueht to lliis niarkel. Fancy work Loxc s. el ilIren'e ten sous. Colocne Hnir Oils. Sintlline ■ilts. Court IMas'er. Ten Iíells. Thermometers, TeriTinn Pine. W.-.od lVncils. BRAÍ5S Aül) VOOD CI.OCKS. Ae in fací nlmnst rvcry liing to piense the fancy. Ladies and (i nllencn. cali and examine lor yourseive. Ciocks. Watehea and jewetry repaired and varmnted on short noitce. ÉShop at hifl oM tnnd. oppuHiir H. Recker's brick Store, in the iiore uccupied by M. Whrelcr CALVIN BL1SS. N. B. - Cash pniH Tor olH Gold A. Silver. Ann Arhor. ,'uly lst.1846. 271-lv npHE SUBSCRIBKU has received his JL wmier sinck. wbich heollcrs for C'sA. a greiiily reduced prices. The Public are invued lo cali, examine, and udge lor ihentflelvës. Now on hand, und áaiy d'Jir.g Soí'A o' eyery varieiyand paiten), nd ttie hntisi f.ishioti. pi ir-es Irom $;ÍO und up- atd. DIVANri. ÖTTOMAN8, LOUMtík.S, BUKEAlTS, of nll kinds, frotn $1 and up. Centro. Jurd, Tea, üress, l'ier, Diuing, and i eU Tables. Waah. Candle, and Puilet Stands. BedsteaiU - Muhogany, Maplt, und WiIrui, rom $2 ünd up. Piano Furies ; Pinno Cover ; Piano Stool. Doublé Riid single Mitressct ol liair. shuok, ■aim leal', or slraw. Doubte and tingle Cot Bedsíeads. do do Wrllirig De&ks. CHAIRS. - The best QSsortmeni ihnt can he bund west of New York and ilie cbenpecl in nis t-iiy . Wiodsjr Chairs, a good ariicle, at $2 50 the -Llt. Mahoganv French Chairs. hairseat. a firsl rate ariicle, and well Gnished for $i! 50. Cash only. Mahogany Rocking Chairs. hnir ítai and back, warranttd good, at the low f.rice of $12, for ih ra.h only. Flnw and Cano Seat Trom Ce. drill up. BirdCages, plnin and snllery : 3ird Glaseo, Hobby H ornes. nndToy Wlutlbarrows, for children ; Patent Shower and Hip Bntlis ; Boston Balh Puns. Catnp Slnols. Umbrella and Ht Stands. Fancj IioHiiws. Fool Scrapers, Cañe Seat Counler andJ?oai Stoolf . Curtnin nirucrial. Table covers, Pntení PostOlílce Balance. Picture Frames. Willow Wagons. Cradle, Chaira, Ciocks. and Baskets ; Brittannia Table Caetort, very cheap. }. Vi, TiLLMAíf, No. f-7. JeflV on Avenue. Detroit, January 1, 1847. 2!)7-ly on Hand Aain! npHE Subscriber would respeclfulíy A nolify iba public. Ihat he is located once more in ihe viltage of Aun Arbor, and is prepared to acconimodalc ihe community with a clioice und well elected assortineut of NEW GOODS, consisiini." ol Drv Goous, Gkockriks, Hardwark, BouiSíKu Shoks, Cbockkrt. &c. &c, which he will sell for READY PAY as cheap us ilic same quality of Goods can be had at any other stoie in town. Persons who wish to m: ke purchosesfor Coih, at Cash Piices, will do well tu cali beforepurchasinü: elsewhere. By keeping ihe first qualiiy of anieles, by sell. ng at stnall profits, and by a fair and honorable courso in business, he expecis lo rnerit a liberal tíliarc of public patronage. Most kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE will he tnken in pnyment for Goods. ttJ" Don't f orgel the place, - on the East SifTe of Main strem, a few doors souih of the Public Square, in the saine store with Bliss, Jcweler M. WHKELKR. Anu Arbor. Nov. 24, 186. 2U2-tf nnOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. JL We have the Wholesale agency of ihta ust'y celebraled medicine, 'l'wo gross u-treceied. :i4 MAY.NARDS. TRICK. - We have on hand 300,000 .IJ ü si tiuuljiy Brick. and prepured io lurnith any quantiiy WkBttd, vcry low or ranh. '" MAYNAnns.


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Old News