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Judy Borgerson and Chucky Johnson Dress-Up at West Side Methodist Church Bazaar, November 1959

Judy Borgerson and Chucky Johnson Dress-Up at West Side Methodist Church Bazaar, November 1959 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, November 18, 1959
Dress-Ups From Mom's Attic: Children attending the bazaar Friday will entertain themselves (while Mom shops) by trying on costumes found in bazaar worker's attics. Here Miss Judy Borgerson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Borgerson, becomes a razzle-dazzle flapper, while Chucky Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson, isn't sure what he wants to be in the over-sized coat. The women helping them are Mrs. Clyde Johnson (left) and Mrs. H. Vaughn Whited, wife of the church minister. Shown in the background are other "attic" booth items, a dress form, a trunk, and costume jewelry.

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