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Rum and Povertv. - -Last Sundny I was distribntirg rny tricis f r the motifh, and crime upon one of the rnst wretched cases of pover'y I have ever known. ' In tlie iliird story ufa house, I fotind a woman without a ppark of fire Of a morse' of bread. On the heartli were a few dried weeds for fue!, and these sle was protutbly keeping for an hour of ibfulute npcrssily. The furniture of ;he ro'un eonwsted of one chail', wliich she said, and probnblv snid Iruly, as bm roued- for tvhrn I cal led ilie nest dny it wns gnne - to cus and soucprs - a gifi of chariiy - and one or two old pnils. " Bed, thpre was none," "I will show you," said sl.e. "where we slüep" - for she wei tnynieH. She opened a lilile side door atïd thete upon the bare floor was spread a pieco of rag carpet abouti th ree or four feet square,and on lilis In y i a more rng of cotton clotli - at one end of the piece of carpei, which was j ly as gnod ns you tvould give a dog to 1 e un, were a few more rngu which servcd as a pïltow. " And here these people livcd, or ratlier s'ayed: for you could liardly cali j it living. " And vet iliis roman told me that lier j fniher was on Engüsh Bishop, and she now had a broiher a minisier n Philadelphia. But she would not Iet him know lier condiiiun. Whyl Eccause - and hei'e came the secre :. of more than hnlf the suffering in tlie city - " it all en me of hard drink." The husband it seems liad a gooi) business, and coiild earn as s!e said, from iwo to three dollars r. ciny, but it "ent for liquor and she had to starve. She was very orixjous lo have me cali and see hïm ibe nex'. d-'iy, which I did, and fuund liiii. quitP an titelligent gentleinanly man. I inducid him to sign the plpdgf, and hope lie will stand by il. Wtien I came mj, !he grasped my hand, wiih tears in her eyes, and bggel me lo come ngain and bring them a Bib!", wli'ch I in end to do soon." - Springüed IVashingfonianIIolsc's PiiNting Tkleorath - We have been shown a specimen of a Telegrnphic D 'Spatcli, as printed by Houte's new and Qgeuioua inveniion. Tho resjlt3 are truly wonderful. The letters ure clear and distinct, and can be renú with pfirfect eae by the merest child. In brief, by thi.s plan, lelegrnph c de)atches are rendeivd far clenrer than epislol.ny currespondence. The im)rovement is a great one, and cannot but be of immense importanco. - Pennsyvaniau. On the Sloningion railroad they carry a "Sprinkler" fur lhe purpoe of watering the irack nnd ruad bed, theieby diminishing the friclion of the cmrê upon the truck, preventing the boxesand journals from being hea.'ed, by keeping iway the dut, preserving the paini and'varnish by nut having 10 clean the cara so of en, relieving the passengers from great annoyonce, and taking from the brakemen a l:irge share of their labor at ihe through stations. This improvement has been fully tested lor the past tvo monihs U)on the road, nnd found lo be very popular with traveliers. It requiies two ihousand gallons of wulerlur the Slonington road, (fjrty-sever. and a half miles.) The machine is aitached to the train, behind lhe usual water tank, and is under the control of the etiginenian, hy a rope, atiaclied to a valve, whKh he shuis and opens at pleasure. When it is in operation, n-it a partiële of dustappears inside ar outside of the cars. In warm nnd dry weather, the car windows can be left open


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