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Whig Policy

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Tlic folio ing is an etr.ict frooi the True Ueiti"cra1, the Crwi Whig paper of Cleveland, on the No More Territory qu.isiion. "We appreciate thr nmtivp of these poliiici'ni nn ediiors. The object is to p.esene ha n egrity of ihe VVhig pnrty, lo prevent a ruptura between ihe Northern and Southern VVhigs, by hun:iing, net only ihe qufstion of Slavery, but eren that nfils extensión. Supppse the VVhigs cr.j a National Party, ndopt the principie of No inore Territory, and stake their hopos of sncces upon this liusis; nnd sirpose the Democrats, as a National pnrty adopt the principie of M'ire Territopy, and both parlies, shunning the qnestion of S'averv, fight tha Presidential conlest on these principies. Can anyone doubt the resuk? There is a natural love f mong men to enlarge ihe b'iundaries of their forma. So is thera among naiiuns a love fbr thrj enlargeinent of their borders. This love would he on the side of the Democr.icy, t igether wilh the dpsire, among mnny f ihe peo. p'p, to obt.iin compensaron in territory for the expflises ar, and ihesa would he irresis'able, i n!ess nppused bv some gre 't principie. And whai is it proponed tlia Vh:gs sh.-ill do 1 Why, smply to stand and irter tlie hollow cry of No more Terr to y. In t lis erjr t'iere is ii) principie iinolvcci, no virtue. The ndiiiiion of Teritory isa mere m, tter of p'ilicy on u I ich innnv h ive forned no opinión ,ind coim ernifig tbich ot'ieisc -e lui li i!e. 'Ihe mem t t') mikea stand j hore is fuiile. Polilicians, more pnrtv ! inoi!. rany le r;il];xl. They wHl r.-.lly arou .'1 nuy t li ing or noihing. Bnt tli ■p'a pie cnir.ol be ral tad m any six'i i-suo. Let the naktd question of Terriiorv, or No Tewitory, de'.-ide the Best ■ Presidential cjeclion, anj the Whigs will bjnui!ed wnh-iut mercy. " 'J he (ueslion ofSlnvory c;inr,ot he jshunned, If the twugmit p-ntifs i:ndertake In siiun it, (b-a pe; p 'e will break n:y IV. 'in tbflrn, riinl take the maer nt rteir own hfinils.and presèal a Pie-ide&tiíl 1 1 ket which wil! embody their i vvson ih s question. Party l'e-i arp lnopinLr. Men il] not Ie led to ; vo'e reg-irdles-; of principie. Especiallv is ilrs t:ie with the W Iiigs. We hav no to Lreak from the Southern W'lig. Nor have we any diposiiion to net wilh them, unlcss me c.un act npnn principie. It wris the atlenipt lo get Si'Uihern volrs th t lost us t!e In-t Piesien'ia! e'ectin. Itwisthe dereli'.t:on of Southern U'higj that annex"dTe.fis to the Uniorr. They havu susnined the Nitionai Cïov.'rr.meot n it-ejurts lo bjild up Shivery, nnd have coniributed tlu-ir shnre lo make it a poliiical que-tiin. Tl ey hive no r'giit üo-v to ask us to shun it. On the ontrarv, ih"y blionhJ j in witfi the VVIrgs nf the F:ee States in lak i g C"nstiiutional groui d !i;.nn this que-tio). The presprvaton rijrtts, anti the intei-ps'sof tho piity would all bs romoled by Iheir 8 Cr. i.lg. "Forour pnrt, we are in favor of the Whlg pnrty coming ai on-e up to the ; li :e of duly. Let it nserile npon its banner, No More Teiuui-ory, by conQUKSr (IH ASA COMPI NSATION" TOR TUK EXPENSES Oí' TUK WAK; CONtTTÜTIONAL EFFOHTS FOR ITS VERlHiOlV WITIIIN THE JUIUSD1CT10X OF Co.NCRKSS AND THE WIT11DRAWAL OF ALL AID OF1 THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT FROM ITS SUPPORT. On these principies we can rally the Whig party. Aivund surh a hanner, ihe lovers of freedom and the Consiituiion, of i all parties, would gnther. Our success would be complete and pnrarnount. But if the Whigs fuil to do it, the banner neverthele.-s will be raised, and they will find :io late, thr t thpy have lost thpir hirthrights, nnd h.-ive sold it for less llian a mess of putiage."


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