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Letter Form Gov. Wright

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W e have bceu favored wilh llie perusa] of a letter from Mr. Wright lo a gentleman of ihis place, under date of Aug. 11, only about a fortnight befo re his death- probably one of the lott ihat he eve: wrote- from whicli we are permit'.ed to make a brief extract. It is rerfe :t'y illustrativeof ihe character of the man - simple, frank, unostabtatious ', showing less of ambition for the honors ofp'jblic life than a desire for the enjoyment of private üfe, and skowing a eensitivcness to the suspicion and censure ot others, which, we think, is one of ihe characteristics of a pure mind. Canto.v, August 11,1847 # '■Jf I were to attempt to teil you how lappy we make ourselves at our retired home, I fear you would scarcely be able o credit me. I even yet realize every ay and every hour, the relief from pubic cares and perplexities, and responsiJilities ; and if any thought about al afluirs could make me more uneusy than anolher, it would be the serious thouglit that 1 was again to take upon myself, ín any capaciiy, that ever-presing load. I um not, however, troubled with any suoh thought, and &m only occasionally a lidie vexed that 1 am constnntly suspected of cherishing further vain and unreasonable ambilions. "I cannot mako my visit to you this par. I have become a farmer in eamst, though upon a very humble scale ; nd I find little leisure fur recieation. - labor steaciüy, and enjoy my food anj eep as no po'itician can. My hmd s ew and hard to fltork, so that I have not ho ploasure of show and appearance, but cali for the more vvork. Even if my usiness would percQit, I should not daré to travel this year, as I should be suspect ed of doing it for sinister purposes w! i:h would destroy to me all the pleasures ol journcying, and cause me to be received and trealed ike a moving beggar nol fur bread, which might be e.cused - bui for fnvora I do not ask. After tliis year, 1 shall be relieved f rom th is embarrassment, and ihen I hope the time rnay come when I can visit your Stnle, and yourself and famüy, and liave the p!easure of fishing witli you for coc!, without bcing suspected of beinga fishorof men."


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