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Headquarters, Jalapa, Aug. 26ih, '47. To (ov. Wihon, Vera Cruz : My command renched this place on the morning of the 20th instant. We have fought our way triumphantly every inch of the route, but have had severe contests, nay, bnttles - witli the gueril)as; on the lOtli, at Paso Ovejas, (as before reponed) on the 12th August at lhe Nalional bridge, on the 15th August, nt Cerro Cordo, and on the 19th, nt Lag Animas, only one mile and n half from this cily. Not a wagon has fallen hito the hands of the enemy. We have been opposed by al least 1200 or 1500 guerrillns on these occasions - perhaps less ot the Iti t-t, for they were badly whippedat Cerro Gordo, where their loss was so largo that they could not reorganiza. - Father Jaralua commanded hem. Our loss is great. During the entire march - 7 officers wounded; 12 of rank and lile killed ; five mortally wounded ; 66 wounded. Ofthis number, 4 killed and 1 wounded were at places elsewliere thau the four actions named above. I regret to say, tliat at tlie National Bridge, Mr. George D. Twiggs ('expected a commission and to be A. D. C. to Gen. T.) was killed wliile gallan'.ly serving in my slafF; Capt. J. [-1. Culwell, of volligenrs, and Captain A. C. Cuimnings, llth infanlry, were wounded on the lOih (as before reporled) hut are doing well noiv, At N-ttional B., Lieut. James A. Winder.of voltigeurs, and Lt. Geo. A. Adam', of marine corps; were dangeronsly wounded ; nlso on the same day, Capt. W. J. Clark. 12lh ofantry, in the thigh ; 2] Chnrfs M. Crearer, 12th infanlry, not sevei-ply, in the !eg. At Las Animas, on the 19ti), Major F. T. Lnlly. 9th infantry, commanding ofticer, ".voundfid in iho nef:k, nol teverly, but has for a few days been disabled froin commanH. A lnrge number ofsick have accuinulaied, beside our wnundrd; and we shall be compelíO;! to remain here meny days to rfcrui'. In ihe bndle of Kings Mili TOO of tl:o 8th, Gen. Wortli's división, were lost and nbout 600 in ihe battle of the 13th in st. inning Chapullepec and nttack on ihe Cit'ulel. Quiimsi's división lost 200- Twigg's, 203- Pillow's, 142 - Worth's, 143, rrmking 84S in all. - Woith had scarcely l;000 men in thij aclion. Our entire loss since lenving Puebla, in killed, ounded and missing, Kendall eM i mates at full 3000. Another authority makes it 4000. Ainong the killed are Cols. Macintnsli nnd Cranston, Li. Cul. Martín Scoit, Lt. Col. Grabam. Lt. Col. Baxter, N. Y. regiment, and Lt. Col. Dickin-ion, S. ('. regiment, Maj. Tiggs, Cipt. Van Olnida, nnd Captain Mernll. Amongthe woundd are Major Corvaine, Brevet Maj. J. Wrighl, A Monïgomery, Captains R. Anderson, A. Carey, W. II. S. Walker. Lieuis. Thomas Glenns, W. H. Cownns, P. V. GuiAre, S. VVilliam?, J.imes Miller, Jarvis Caldwell, Major II. Glnddom, Assisnnt Ajntant Gjn. W.VV. Markell, Volun'.eer Aid de Camp George Wilkins Kendnll. Lieut. Col. Garl.-.nd, Mnjor W. V. Loring, Brevet Col. J. E. Johnson, Capt. J.H. Williams, James Barclay, C. H. Pierson, J. Hungerford, Miriclielle,Mangerouplv, ü. R..M'Phial. J.S. Simmon. J. P. Backinstos, S. S. Tucker George Newman, Silas Cnrey, J.B. Macgurder, J.M. Scantland, R. G. Gale, Mores J. Barnard, S. S. Truesdale. Kendall sums upthe loss of the different divisions in the great battle of Mol ino del Rey, or Kings Mili, tluis : Gen. Worth's División. The grand total, rece i ved anH not recited above, is killed, wounded and missing, 16a3 WEM! Kendall gives a list of the wounded ofilcers. and adds, "The above list is complete and perfect. There has been much difiïcully in oblaining it, as nearly all the orderly sergeant and executiveoflicers have been wounded or killed. Tl.e conduct of all the non-commissioned qfficers has been gallnnt and most conspicuous, while several of lliem behaved so nobly that they have been recommended for immediata promotion to Gen. Scott. More than half the ofïïeers of Gen. Worth's división have been slruck down eilher killed or wounded, in the nctions of Chubusco and El Meline del Rey, and many of tlie companies have absolutely no one to command them. "Ofour wounded officers, 1 cannot learn tha'. one of them lias received mortal injiirVjBlthougli three or four nre in a dangeious siluaiion. Tlie wound uf Maj.


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