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Mrs. Harold W. Held, Mrs. Clement B. Budinger, and Mrs. Clair Nicholson Prepare for National Council of Catholic Women, November 1962

Mrs. Harold W. Held, Mrs. Clement B. Budinger, and Mrs. Clair Nicholson Prepare for National Council of Catholic Women, November 1962 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, November 1, 1962
Catholic Convention: Discussing the five-day convention of the National Council of Catholic Women to begin Saturday in Cobo Hall, Detroit, are Mrs. Harold W. Held, past president of the Washtenaw County Deanery of Detroit Archdiocese Council of Catholic Women (DACCW); Mrs. Clement B. Budinger, president of the Washtenaw County Deanery of DACCW; and Mrs. Clair W. Nicholson, past president of the Washtenaw County Deanery.

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