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, .NEW ' " r nRpn'5 LA DUE & ELDRED, (Successors to Eldred &, Co.) N O. 8 4 W 0 O I) W A R D A V E N U E, Birectly Opposite íhc Episcopal Churcli, STfv Tg ara rrs f ra ra ARE hnppy ui inform ifcn liwe eiMMmen of Eldred t Co. and i!-e pf!,!.c g nerall, iBat ihey now on hand, ai.d afe onsiamly ínaoatiicturing, a Bupíriuf Brtiel Xieather, An" aro SKSS rliiB8 a Findings, AMOXG THEIR ASSORT.MENT MAY BE FOI NI) Spanish and Slaughter Sole LEATHER, Dofr, Gont nnd Lamb Binding, Ilemlock ond Oak Upper do. Moroeco of all kinds, Uu mess and Bridle do. Shoe TVead, Tacks, Sparnbles, Sftïwing and Russet Bridle do. Shoe Km'veer, Pincera, Hatnmei-s, Belt, Band and Welt do. BootCofd ftod Webbiog, Hom and String do. Awls nnd firisiles, AlVican and Slaughter KIP SKINS, Lasts, lïoot Tre8 nnrl Crimps, Oak and Hemlook CALF do. Lastinp and Sen] Skins, Frenóh Calf Skins, Bank, Shore and Strails Oil, &c. &c. White, Russet and Colnred linings, All of whicli they cilTer on very roasonable terms. MERCHANTS &MANÜFACTÜRERS Will ünd t to Hier aúvaniage to cnl) and examine onr stuck bef re purohaeing elsewbefe. CASH PAID POR Ï2ID2S ASÏD SKNS. DETROIT, 1847. 3!7-ly NEW ARRIVAL ! ZKERS. BUFFXXTCTOH, WOULD respectmily inform htr uld custom ers and the public al lart!", tliiu fche hag ■fMirneH to Ann Arbor, at the oíd stand, a linie 'ova the depot, between Upper and Lower !. where she has reccived dom New York, a Ifirge assortn ent of TZillinery and Fancy Bry G-oods, Consisting n part of i Pearl Slraw Bennets, Tuscan, Velvct, Soii.n, very other faehiou uf lim n."t that 'he IVew Vor k iinirket could fnitor'. We hnv on m.iim! a ge Bssorttnem of nll of iMü.i IN. R,V CiOOJDS. We will supply ihese MiUinarswiih Uooda who fIi m boy. anil w ril! setl :s cheapoa they ca-i tmy in town. We hive áiiks. .Satins. R:bbnns. P.umea, Flowara, Capes. Col - lars. Silks n o e for Muorning Honnets, Borders, Hi-nd-Dresirs. Shoes. Gloves. Muts. Lür. Muslin de Laines, and olher anieles too únater ma tii mcniioo Wo would say to tlie ladies. mariied r eingíí, they wish 10 learn the art 't CUTTING LADIES1 DRESSES BY RULE, ■v'o nre rendy to Icíirn in frum three t; six hours to cut to n hair's dreadth, nr no pay. Theorein mili insuuctionsgiven lor THRKK DOLLAhS .VJRS. C. BUFFINGTON. Ann Arbor, Oct. 12, IÖ47, 33Stl STRAYED, aSS A ieep red cnw inciined 10 brinHjïr die all over, bul mos' so on the - u4nLv Any person iing any nu.inoii as to the wliere abouts ot the ill !e amply remunera'ed by ihea-'bscriber. 5-3w W. LAMBERT. ÏLLIAM A. RAYMOND, OF THE ,D MANHATTAN STORE, ER OF JEFF'N AVE. AND BATES ST. DETROIT, jist received large and complete asi i. suriment of JKY GOODS Broacteloths, Sheetings, Cahneres, Drilhngs, Satinets, Tickings, Ful] Clolhs, Bnggings, Twced's Cloths, Flannels, Kcntucky Jeans, Linseys, nd ot'icr anieles in the line of Heivy Guods, ,00 nuiiierous 10 mention. lio & Fancy d'Laines. I Prints, '■■jshineres, Ginghams. i'isin J Fancy Alpacas, l,yonese Cloths, Orejón Piaids, Orleans Clo li-? Indeed h's assortmfint of Dress Goode comprises all t'io vaneiy wliich busincs3 deinauds. SHAWLS. Of every virieiy. Irom splendd Brochas aod )ssbmerea 10 heuvy, comfortable blankal Shawls. LIVE GEESE FEATHERS, '■y the pound or hundred weight. Paper Ha tiíiíi?r Of all qunütics and priccs. PAPER W1ND0VV CURTAINS, Of the nuwest patterns, at wholesnle or ret ill. With a siock as well calculated for the country as the city trade. it is confi lently e.xpeeied that lbo rcputation of 'lie "Oíd M mliattnn" lor good Gondfl at cheap rntes will be íully susained. As to that F'jur and sixpknny tka. we -ild ao tnuny years. it is rraoeswry sty a word ; bul i tli:s sfiould meet the eye of ne who lias nol tried it. ho almultf bjr all na maUe the experiment, and eee liow greal nu may be iniic by the Man.11 Store. i)truit, Sfit. 38, 1847. 317-Gin KEADYMADtiCLOTHING AT THE subscribers have now on ham ibe bedtoasoftnient of Koady ÏYS.jtlc i'JoSSïJiiy, ever offered in ihis State. Thoy 1 and manufacturad a Umo adduion lo iheir Stoel wiihin tbc pust six weeks, and me fully pi "■li seasonsdle a.'i:l Ihsjiion i lor the lall trade. Tliciinssoninent cuniprisea everydeBcripuon of gartnent hom OVER C0AT8, CLOAKS, DRES3 SUITS, gfc. %c. lo the more anbstntiiial and econurr.ieal garmpnu tur the farmer and luboiing man, -ALSOA large nssorlcnent of Furnishinj Goods, suca as Fine & Coarse Shirts, Under-Gnrmenls, Hosiery, Collars, Bosoms, Stocks, Suspenders, &c. &c. Hoving ere.-nly ncrensed their facilitiee fof nianufncturing, ihey aro betier prepaxtjd ibili heretofnio (■ r the WHOLESALE TRADE. Purohnsnrs at wholesale are nvited to camine their Stixk. Their gnnnnnts nre of goód mate- nals, well made. of sulenble sizes and gtyle?, and will boefl'orad at low retes. Thankful lor posi lavors, thay solicit a conlinuance of pulilie ptronsge. HALL.OCK & RAYMOND, 318-tt Cor. Jcll 'n & Woodwnrd Avenues. TOOLS. - Carpenter's, Gooper's and Juiner's Tools lor sale by '■''- ' B. 1{. & W. R. NOYKS .Ir. FIRE ! FÍRE ! ! THE Bubscriber cóntirues to net as Agent for tl. o Hartierd Fire Insurnnce Compnny.of Hariluni. Conhecttout. ThisCompan has been in busine s.jui the Uk THJRTY SIX YEARS, and promptly paid all lossea during iliat time, amoummg to many Millions of Dollars. Applications by muil, (post paid) or to the eubseriber ai the L'ust Office, proniplly nttinJen;..-. F. J. B GRANE, Aent. Ann Arbor, luly 30, 1847. .Til-ly NEW TIN" SHOP. TUK éubscriber has coinnieneediho nianufaclure of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper, I:i all iis vanous brjnehet, in wub ihe ''Anvit Store," ;;i tl is prepared to lurnish Couniry Me rob a nis and Farmera with every ■ tii li r B rhnl liae. JOB WORK AND REPAIRING Neatly and expediiiously done. HEMRY V. WEI.LKS, UpprTowrj, ) Ann Arbur, Ist June, U7. ". 9.Av TO RENT. THE ROOM over the More of Bokley' & Thomns. Possession given irnincdia'.ely. May 82, 18-17. Bki kmts 4 Th Caífand Settle ! THI8 is lonolify a!] persons indebled to the laie (iriiis dI Hartis, Partridge & Co.,amlll. li. Harria & Co., thát lliB'r noisa lefi in ihe hands ot Jamea I'. G ut, Ej., .lust ce of the Penco, fbr culleciion As these li me ivabaelui ,-ry tliat ibeiroufatanding mattera sfrouid bo sntilcd au practicable. II. B. I) VRRIS. Anij Arl)or, July 12ih, 1847. :ü5 3in PAINTS, OHs, Varnish, Spirits Turpentine, Brusbes, Glai .. Putty, Glnzicrs, Diamonds, fee. A huye stoc!; for sole low at 3M MAYNARDS. rjRUGS AND MEDICINES.- 'Fk -■- atock is now cornplete, among wbich mny be loand every amele winied liy lainilicsiir physicKina. Piense to rocolloct ihat cvury anicle sold by iis is warranted to be genuine. 324 MAY.VARDS. NEW COOKIKG STOVE, AND ST KS Ui' ALL KINDS! !!!!! rY1 I K Suhgcribfef wjuIJ c;i!1 tliu ultentiuti uf X liii' public i'j u !-)'s NEW lï T MR COOKIÑG BTOVK ! wfiiéli they can tforifi K-nily reeommend ;ie beins! ledly superior lo.any OJaliintf t-tovs in use ■ un, i conoitiy in fiiel.nnd 3 lor uuequulled t ikipg and. ronetmg inal meri it is iinriv:lel. T lew and importuni nu I provciiini i,iirn[!tict;il n ita onst uctioli bing ": inch na ■ ina'ire greal aiivantajja over aii uihi-i i ', kinds oi cooking stoves. I, l'hosedssirous ot genius; a gruid oooking stovt : 'i lainly use, r n {■ b i buuss, wuuld Ju wel 1 lu'cnüincr nnrl rsnniining the ftbuve siüve be!ü:tp i i purahu8ing elacwh re. li. 13. A-, W.R NOTES, .Ir'.II 1 76 Woodward Avenue Hardware. r1 HE aubacribera hive jiisi rceivod a Inrrfl ná Í dni n to iheir stock of Foreigh and Onestic SIipII Hnrdwnre, wlnuli mák es their asloptment veiy compirle. I!. B. & W. R. NOYCS JrJuly lOih, 1847. :; J 1 NAILS. - 150 keLs Enstern Nails Cor fui sal by :■ i!. B. & w. R SroTES Jr. E. G. BURGER, Denlis, FIB8T ROOM OVER C. Mi & T. W. ROOT's STORE, JRAXE & JEWETt's BLOCK, '201-tf ANN ARBOR. GEESZ3 FEATHZSI1S ! PAPER HANGINGS FIKST II TE VOUNG IIYSO.N TEA AT ONLT FOUR AND S1XPENCE VER PÜUNU ! I!y t!i" wny no ono buya this tea once bul buya ignin. and becoinrs n cus'omer. None betícr íur the price can be liad in Detroit. WILh O W WA G G ONS, T AV E L I N G B A S K E T S, AND :is well is h ts I t'.hc r goods bcaidea Dry Güod m ly be had very cheap at tlic ' Cli Mvnh.vtïan Stqrk,' Detroit. 17 W. A.RAYMOND. & 1Í S I" x -5Í t 2 iiíi lij ï aft L ? i! I í lüaynards ARK IN TOWNGAIJVÍ HVV"[.G removed to ihcir newstörw whero they ire ruceiving anexteiisive ansortineii Drugs, Medicines, Painls, Oils and Groceries, Ylt!l n srnnll. wc'l-.ce!ccie'l nftflprtrRent of DKY COOIM, All of which thev offer In ihoir old f'ricr.ds nnd new custumeis at unusual luw prites. Anyihing 8ild at their store is wnrrnnled to be o firet qulity. They intend beruafier to Keep alQOSI fvery article wantod íoi family use. Ann Arbor, June 30, 1847. 323-if CASHM A R KPT AND TVVKKDS. A benutiful article for Gentlemen1! dlimmar A'ear, just rece; ved and will bn riaoufaotured n ho lütesi 8iyle and lie-it possible marmer, at the Western ClolMng Emporiuro." HALLÜCK & RATMÓKD. 318-tl" DETROIT. Cor. Jcff. nnd Wooclward avenues. StccI Cul-rivaTor TcctIi. THE subreriberr ie Bgent for the Palent Steel Cultivator Tceth. and hasjiist receivtd a fbhsupiily, which he willsell al tiie inanufaclirer'a price. 1'hii itrticle s rómiiig into goite;il use wherever nirodneed, and iias receivod he approbation of tlie first agriculinrists iu the Jnited Siaies. Anvil S-nre. Upper Tmvn flP.NRY V. WELLES. Anv Arbor, 22] May, 'Í7. 8ftá.] NOTICE. THE FIRM heretofore exisiing unUer the name of J. Gibson &-Co. is ihis iv. liv mutual, contení dissolved, and all ptrons indebted 10 the late firm of J. Gtbson & Co. re requesicd to c.ill and setile tho s;.me wiih J. itbsor.. who is duly anthorizéd 10 settle nll com iriv defiis. bclore the lst doy of November ncxt. r ihey will ij 1 1 cl thiir Bccountê left wiih a Jus lice for collection. Tlie business hereafter will lie conducied by Gibson. JAMES GIBSON, i:. BOTTSFOIÍ1). Ann Arbor, Sopt. 4h, H47. 333-3m THE FARMER 'S C00K ST0VE! Somcthing ïJevvJIIE subscriber vvould respect fully cal - the attep'ion ol1 ihose aiiuui purchaiing c iok si'avef 10 an emirely new patlcrn - a supply ui vlu(jii ha is now receivin(r. They are AIR TIGHT, nd Imvp ■ Summer Arrangement by tshich ""-=' "I ihe i-ulinary oparolions enn be perfor il wi li lire sriiallfst iMoum offnel, and witboul the neccssiiy of' heating the room, The fiirniture is prfeei and conrplete, compriiing nenrly every kiicbcii iitensil. The patent was procured the pas) wintör, and almdy it has becoine the most popular siove in the Eastern States. A ful] DuortmaOt ol the Preinium Cook, Box, aml AirTigbt Stoves, kepton sa'e. Copsr, Tin and Sheet Iron V.'OKK, in all iis braacheai donï (o order, and HHi]Jiis of ivare conat;inily on hand. iii:ry to. wells. Anvil Slorp. Upper TWn, U-4ih July, '47. ( 3C6 WM. SBROffft, At lo me y ty Counselor al L aw, ANN ARBOR, MICII. "FFICE wiili E. Mumy. lisci. 1 y THRESHING MACHINES, CIOVBR MACHINES AM) SEPAEATOES. TUF. subgeriber woulcl inform tlie public iliai he eontinncs 10 manufacture the above mocliinei ut ihfl uld lia td OÍ Knapp & liaviland, ai the Lower Villageo' Áiin Arbor, neat ihc Paper Mili. 'I lio Machine tra oT nppfoved model?, havebecn thoroilgbly t'öted in ibis vicini'v and wrtrke'd wel!. Thcyare made oí' the best matcnii!s;in.l h v tp( nnrod workinrn. r''hey will be kopt constamly m hand, aml alio be innile tl) order it (he Bhorlegt no ice. Tliry will be so!d on very rertsonabls ternis tor Cash, or for notes known to bp unaotutely gobd. Tbr abovo Machines rail o nsed by four, six or eigbl hbrsee, and are not liobte to be ensily broken or daniaL'pd. Tbcy ara well adapted lor ilii' usfl ofciibor Fnrniurs or Jobbers. The Separalors can be Rttaíhod to any geared or strapped machine of any other kind. The subscribor would reter to the tollowini persons wlib have purdmsrd and uscil his Machines : Mlchtel t"hompon, Salem, Alexnnder Duntio, .lünip? Parker, " Alva I'ratt. Pitlbfi-ld, M. A. (.rnvntli. " Chirles Alexandar, " Wm. Pot la. Milord, Ilniklcy & Vinion, Thnfora. Martin Doty. Ypsilnnii, M. P. &. .' D. Oadlcy, S.iline. Win. Sniith. Cantón. Isaac lïuririM-i. Norilifiold. I'articii'nr ntientinn ill be paiJ to Uf.i'airs. ash will be pnid for Old Castingfs. Personji desirous of purchising mnrhinps nre rn("eslcd ro cali and examine these before pnreliasing elscwhere. T. A. II'WILAND. May 17, 1847. 3l7tf "KPÏSTLii No. 3. THE SUBSOItlfiEJl SENDETH GItEETING. PERilY'S BÖÖK STOUE, Oprnecl nnew at No. 2 finwkins Block. 'ncxi door lo Ihll. While & Vo.'a Siore Aun Albur, Lel lilis be a su.'licicnl notice to all persons using Books, Pnpcr, Blnnk Ronks, htrtofcs, SI atea, QuiUs, Sicel Pens, Pencüs -inri vi ationkky, of' any kind, tliat ai Perry's üiioksioio is ilie iluca to bny. 1500 PIECES PAPER IIANG1NGS, BrderDg. Fire Boards, and S:ind Paper, which wül be soltl chsap f-ir cash. SianJarrl and Miscellaneoua liouks,8uitable lor Dislrici, Town ghip nnd Fnmily School Inspectora nnd oiliers in:eresied. are requeeted o cali and examine hís assortment. - AU'O, Union Snbbath School books, u larye variciy. and far superior t the $10 Library burh in binding and matter. AIso, Bibles, Testamenta, Piayer tookfl ;tnri Ifymn honks. 7OTJTHS' EOOZS,, ííul igioui, insiructivc and ;unusing,sucli is tnny salely be pnt inro the hnnds of the roung; GOLD-PENS, wiih Gold oikT Silver cases, i superior art iele. The subscriber has modo arrangement in New York which will en ibk htm it all times lo obtain any lliing in his line direct from iVevv York al shori nolice, liv EXPRESS. It will be seen that bis facilitics. or accomod.iting hs cuMomcrs wttta arlides noten band is bevond precedent, nnd he is 't;i ly nnd wiHing to do every thing rensunb'e to m-iko h:s establishment such an one as an enlightened nnd diacurning community rerjoire, and lie hopes t merit o slmre of patronage. Persons wishins; any articb in n s 'ini: will do well to enll before piuchasin" elsewhere. II you forget the pbice, enquire for PLRRY'S BOOK STORE, nr. Arbor. Upper Villnge. It is desirnble lint il shoull be undersiood tha1. persons in the Country, setidini cvsh orders, nmy depend upon recojviojg books or staiioneryon ae favorable terins as tliough pre3ent to make the purebase. W. R. PERRY. Jane 2G, IS 17. 823 tf. Cheiip .ïevelry Store 157 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. Wholesale and Retail. THE subscriber has just returned from New York with a larpe assortmeni of Gold and Silver VVatches, jewtlry, tools, mate nnli, mys, musical instrumenta and fancy goodi. which ho will eell at whoksale or retail as ow as any estahlislinunt west of New York. Country Watcli Makers and others wnnting any ol' ihe above Gooda will find it (ii iheir interest to cali., ns ibey will find the best assortme'.it in the ciiy, and at the lowest pnces. GOLD PKNS. with silver holder and pencil $3 00. Trice Reluced. Gold Pens. and Jewelry REPA1RF.D 11 li. MARSH. 157, JelTersnn Avenue, Detroit, } n of the Gold Pen. -)24 C CLARK, Attorney and Counsellor, MdJuKicfl uft he Peaci'. Couri House Ann Vrbor 3 Mltf FURNITÜRE & UPHOLSTER1NG WAREROOMS. STEVENS & ZUG, ÍN thislower end of the Wniie Ulock. directly opposite the Michigan Exchanck. have on liand a large assortment of fUKNITUHE, of iheirown manufacture, which they will eell very '.ow for Cash They also keep experiencod Upholsterers, and are preparcd to do all kinds of Upholstering at the shorlest notice. Fnrniture of. all kinds made to order of the best material, and warranied. STKVENS & ZUG. Detroit, Janunry, 1, 1847. í.'í)7-ly FOR SALE CHF.AP kor CASH, or every kind ofcoun try Produce, Saddcs, liridlesjlarness, Trunks, Valises, Trunlc Valises, Carpet Bags,$c. Also a eoou assortment of Whips At Lashf.s, which will be sold vcry low, nnd no mistnkn, at ('OOK & ROBINSON'S. Ann Arbor, August 12, 1846. 277-tf STEEL GO 0 DS? ï)ttteS(Us nntf S r I m m t n a SPLENDID FANS, md any qttantity of othor goodsof this soit at he OLD MANHATTAN STORE. 317 Detroit. OAA Kegs Albany and Troy Cut d JJ Nnilslïdto 61.1. 20 Kega Wrougbt Nailsfidto lid. 5) oxes " Beilevemin " Giass from 7X9 lo 10 X 11. ri0 Kegs pure Leadin Oil. r(H) Ibs. " dry. 3D0 Gallons Linseed Oil. 20,000 ,'eet Pine Lumbtr. sensnned, clear stuff. Togcther with a ful! asaortment of Locks, i Lalches. liuits. Scrcws. Window Blind Fasten , ngs. Ac. lor sale at witnin a fraction of Detroit ricps, at the BIG A N VIL STORE, UPPER ' TOWN. , HKNRY W. WELLS. t Ann Arbor, March 18, H17. 39 8 T II R E S H I N G Blachines 'lUlK undersigued would lulorm ihe public X. tlint he mu,nulecluret llurse Power a,ic ('liresliing Machines ui Seio, ol a fuperior kim invemed by biiustll. 'l'hese Powera and Machines are particularly idapted to ihe use of Farmers who wieh to use them lor threshing tlieir on grüin. 'Jlie power, tliresher and lixtuns can uil be loaded imu ti common sized wagon box and drnwn with om pair of horses. Tliey are derfgocd iu he used wiili four horse8. imd are bundamly stro(u kir tliit nuniber, and niay he iafelj uscd wiih sTx 01 eigln norses viih proper care. Thry work with leesstrengih ol horses according to the of husiness done thnn any oiher power, and will ihresh gcnurully ahoui '(it) hiibliela w heat per day with four horses. In or.e inptance 156 iiushels wheat were threshed in thrte hours wiih iour horses. TIlis Power and Machine contain all theodvantnges neecssary to mak e them proliioble to the purch iser. 'l'hey are etrong and durable. Thry are easüy moved from one place to another. The work of the imses is easy on these rtowen in cotüparison to others. and the price is LOWKR than nny other power and machine. haya ever been sold in the State, acoording to the real valué. The terms of pnyment will be libe. rnl for notes that t're known to beabsolutely wood. F havo n numlier of Powers and MarMnct now ready for snle and pereons wiehing to buy nre inviled to cali boud. SEPARATORS. I am pre pared to make Separntors for ihose wlio tnay want ihein. The utility and advantairrs nf this Power and Machine will appear evident to all on e'xmimog 'he recommendatiuns below. All persons are camioned ajainst makina these Powers and Machine; the undersigned Inving adopted the neeessary nieasures for secu ''J'S letters patent for the same wiibin the time required by law. _ . _; ' W. FOSTER. Scio, Washienaw Co., Midi.. June 18, I34(i REOOMMKNDATIONS. During die yenr lr45, encli of ;hc undersirned purchated nnd used ether individually oriointW with othera. one of S. W. Fusier's ncwly invented Horee Powere and ihreshing machines, ind hclieve they nre beller adaptcd [o the use of I' armera who wunt Powers and Mncliines for ilieirown use than any other power and ih.cshr wnhin our knowledgo. They are calculaied (O be used with four horses nnd are oí ampie strength for tiiat number. Tliey oppeaf to b conructed in sueh a manner as to render them vury durable with linie iiability of getting out of order. They are ejsily moved frmn one place to another. They can be workad with any number of hands from four to tighl, ai-,d will ihresli .■ibui't 200 bushels when; pi-r l,-iy 3A POI-riEMUS, Scio, Washtenaw co. G. BLOOD. " ii T. RÍCHARDSON, " " SAMURL HKALY " n 8. P. FOSTER, " i N. A. PF1ELPS, (i ADAM SMITH, " .. J M. BOWCN, Ljma. W.M. WALKF.fl. Webster, " TIIOS WARREN, " D. SMALLEY, J,od, .i I threshed last feil snd winter w.'th one of S W. ïosters h.,rse powers. more than lideen ihouannd bushels grain. The repairs bestowed upon the pnwer amounted to only 0.{ cents, and it was ingood order when I had done Éhresíiing. 1 tnvariably used six horses. . A A RON YOUNGLOVE. Manon, June C, 1846. I purchased one of S. W. Foster's horee powers last fall and have used it for j.,bbing ] have used many difieren! kinds of powers" and believe this is the best running power I have everseen. D. S. BENNET. Hamburg. June, 1840. We purchased one of S. W. Foster's More Powers hm Mi and have used tand think i, if a nrst rate rower. JESSE HALL. DANIEL S. HALL, „ , , REUBEN S. HALL. Hamburg. June. 1846. 2(0 tf TEETH.' TEETH!! TEETH!!! ]T ASTICATION and Articulalion, placed Warrar"ed "'e'r being i"0?"1 reS. D. BURNFTT, wül continue the practice of DENTISTRY in all Mi vanous branches, viz : Scalmg. Filline ind Insert.ngon g„M pu,es or pivoti, from om 10 an entira sett. Oíd plates or misSis ren.odled. and made equal lo new. OFFICE over C. B. Thompson & Co.'s Shoe Store, who rtqucst it, can be waited on it iheir dwellings. nnnn-M?nrSeï unusuil"y low. and all kinds ol I RODUCE laken. Ann Arbor, Dec. 5. 1H46. SÖH-tf CÖMSTOC K STSÈYMÖVH , Dealers in Fancij and Staple Dry Geods, Boots AND SHOES, HARDWARE, Crockery Groccries, at No. 3, Porteras Block, South side of the Public Square 308 JACKSON. M1CII. Ileturned TAELORim. rrUIE SMbscriber is desirous of informing hi A oM ctistomers and the public fenerally, that he hns locnted hi.nself on Carrier's Corner ilorthsideoi the squere, where all kinds of T A I L 0 R I N G in the present fas h ion can be done in a respectable and prompt manP. S. CUTTÍNG done on the shortest nouce and warranted to fit if properiy made up a a 7 W' WILKINSON. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. 317 OoTdTPeïïsT PRICE REDUCED. TT is admitted bv all who use them, thni Í P.q.iette s Go d Pens are equal ifnot superior toany ever ollered in ih.s market. price $2,50 V or ea!e wholesale, and retail at the manumcto. ry. Corner of Jefferson Avenue & Griswold bt., Detroit. 314-lyr Also for sale by C. BLISS, Ann Arbor. NEWÖODST" BY EXPRESS FliOM KEW YORK. Spring Fashiong. THE subscriber has just received a fresh asporrment or Spring and Summer Gouds and offers them for sale cheap, such as Broadcloths of all description ; Satinéis and Casshneres, and every thing in thePANTALOON and VESTING line, and every article usually foiind in a Merchant TAILOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. He is now prepared to make and fit all kinds of gentlemen's garments, and would tender bis thaiiks to his old ctietomers and the public gcnerally. and sollcits tlicir fovors. (t? GARMENTS cut io order al all times. WM. WAGNER, Drater and Taii.or, lluron Streel, South of the PUBLIC SQUARE. Ann Arbor, Apri] i.'8, 1847 3?w THE Marricel Wuniaii's Private iTlcdical Coinpanioii. Bij Dr. A. M. Mauricenu. PROFESSOR OF M1SEASK8 OF WÖMEN. [Tiird Edüion, IPia. pp. :,{) l'rice $1 UU.] 25,WOO COPIES SOLD IN 3 MOMHS. The great demand forthit niosi imporlanl work (of which ihousanda are solcl) has compelled the issue of onothcr edition. Il isintcndcd oapeeially lor ihe ni.mied, ns it disclosea niportnnl secreis ; which should be kiiown lo [hem pnriiculu ly. - Here evtry fernale can discover the cnuseg.syinptom8, aml the most efficiënt remedies and most certain mode of cure,in every romplaint to hicli hor sex s Bulijoct. Marricd fumóles wili here learn the art whciehy they would rctain their youth, vigor, beauty. elasticily ol body, and buoyancy of spirits to an advancèd nrrp, nsreüd of being ailliciei, as hundrefls an! thousnmls are, n'O whose hands this bo6k iias not yet i'iüen. Jt ia an iinpjnani qnesiion lo ihe manied why it is we behold so tnany manied fosadles siekly, debilitaied, and prosnaied ? as ulso the causes; .-íncl wlifther they re susceptible of rem edy. They wü! here find those mporttnt matters, connected wiih dipccveries in nvdical and phyciological cienoe, whioh meet ihis qut-siion. Thie work is desiined to be in die hands ol every wüè and mother whu has a regard for her 'iwn hnahh and welfare, as well as ihot of heuisband. T he revelntions contained in 1(9 pajes have olready proved a bit ssing to ihoutands. ! To tliose yet unmarried, but conteinplatinp marriage, or, perhips, hcsitaiing nsto ihe pro prieiyof incurring the responsibilities aitendani upon it, the importance of beina possetsed of the reve!atior.s eonrained in iliese intiman ly nvolvinj; their future happiness, cannoi be appteciaied. It is of courso mpossible to ronvey more fnliy, n a public Journal, ihc various suhjecls (realed of. s they are of ;i nniure striclly intenilcd for ihr uarried or those couiemplating miriaL nei her is it necessary, sime U is ev?ry one's iliity o becotne possessed of' knowledge. whereby the ufferings to wliicli a wife, a moilier, or a sister may be subject, can bp obviaied. Copies will Ie sent by mail f ree qfposlage. Over ten tbu.uwnd copies have been sent b} mail within thrto inomhs, wiih perfect safety and certointy. In no case has a remittnnci fniled to reach the pubüslier, or the book (hom tu wliom it lias been direettd. On the recciptofOne Dollnr. the "Marricri Woman'a Private Medical Cotnpnmon" ili b, sent free of poslaLe to any pari oi ihe United States. All letters must be addrfgeed (;,r,s, padj :o Dr. A. M'. Mnuriceau, Jïo.i :4. New York City. Publifliiiig Office 109 Liberty streel N York. For ule by all the principal Rosellers in At ünited States. Agents in Detroit. C. MORSE & SON ; T'pailaati, E. SAMSO.V; Ann Ar ''Or lV„ 1 raftY. Perry's Bookswre. WID'3 "W ■O 22 2 CLOTH, CLOTIl ! 'TIME undprsitned wnuld inform the public -L that thev will continue lo manufactura Piilled Cloth, Cassiniiere an.l Flanntl. at thei' fnctory, two and a half mi Ie west from Ann rbor, on Huron River near the Railroad. TES3VÏS : The price of' makidg cioih will be for Cassimeie, 44 cis. per yard ; lor Fulled cloih. 37i cis ner yard ; for wliile Flannel. ÜOcis. per yaid - We will also e.vchange cloiti for wool nB renson able terms. Wool sent by rnilroad uccompnnicii wilh instruciions will be p.omptly airended to. We have done nn exrensive business in manufacturiag cloih for custoniers for seve.-al year?, and believe we give ns gopd eatisl.ictinn ns anj Establishment in ihe Stni'e. We iherefi re nviú our oíd cusloniers 10 cuuiinue, und new ones ie come. Letters should be addressed to S. W. Fcstip & Co., Scio. S. VV. FOSTF.R A CO. Scio, April. 1847. 313-if. Ñew Establishment. clocks, WATCNES, AND TH D would reïpeutlully announre (o ihe ciiiziiis of Dextcr and vicini'y thal lie has opened a shop in ihe above place, in the corner slore, formerly known as " Sheperd's" ; wlure he is prepared lo do all kinds of' repairidg in the line of clocks, Watches, jeweliy &c., n the shortesi nolice. Having had about twelve yenrB experience in sonie of the best Kaeiern shops, he flauers himself that liu can give enfir sati-foctwn to nll those vlu majr favor hiin with their work. He bas and isconptanily receivina. clocks, watrhei. andjewelry ot all deseriptbns! which he will stil as che.ip as ihe chenpest. VV. W. DEXTER. ALSO GROCERIES of all kinds: such as, Teas, Sugars, Molasses. Raisina, C'offee, Peppers, Spice. Fish. Candies. Tobacco, Cigars &c. tic. And in fact kvkrvthixg usnally keptin 6uch an esinb:ishmenl(I.iri do kxceptkii) oonstantly on hand and for sak cheap. W. W. DEATER & Co. Dextkk. March G, 18.7 312-tf Hat, Cap, A N I) GENTLEMEN' S FURNISHING EMPORIUSf. T. II. ARMSTRONG, HAVING taken the Staud No 5S, Woodard Avenue, 3 doors nonh of Doty's Auction Room, recemly occupied by J. G. Grane, as a Hat Slore ; and added ihe stock of the latier to hts own, and also engaged in luanulacttirinü every description of HA'VS % CáPSí He is now prepared to offer to the Public everv article in bis line. either of his own or eastern manufacture, twenty five per ernt les? tlinn havo beun cll'ered in tl. is niarket. In his stock will be foiMid Fine Nutra, Satín Reaver. Beaver, Otter. Bi.isb nn Bporring Hats, Fine Cloih. Siik. Plus!.. Oil Bilh and Velvet CaM : also, Rich Silk Cravart, Scarfs. Handkercheifa ; Kid, Thread, Silk. an.t liuckskin Gloves ; Collars, Bosoins, VValking Canos, Uuibreilas, Ac. T A I L O R I N G . The Subscriber bas nlso spcureil the services of a first rate Practical Cutttr, by which he will be enabled to farniah garnienis of every siyleand (lescription, and in ihe most approved and la.iliionable nmnner. Ileis constnntly recciving the latest fashions, and, employlng the best of workmen, he is confident that he will ive the best of satisfaction to all that may favor biln with their patronage in this branch of his business. :!I-lf SOAP, Sperm and Tallow CANDLES alwayson hand very cheap at i 4 MAYNARDS ,'ínn Jirbor TUt Bubsciiber havinp purchase me imresis of J, Al. K, ckwell 111 il. e JVIarMw business, woulil 11 f, rm !he inliabi'ants ol il. is and ailjmninu coimiies. ilia hewill coniim.e the businati al ihe ulj siand, in il, e Upper Town, near ihe Prcsbyierian Cburcli. and manufacture 10 order : Monuments, Orive Sones Paint Stone, Tablels, 8fc. $c. Those wishing to obtain any nrticlc in hif lino nf business wül find by cslling tlim he hns an as8ortinent ui White and Varie!uted IHarble Trom the Eastern Marbie Quirriee. Inch will be wrousrlit in Modern style, and sold at pastern prices, adiiing irunspoi laiion only. Coll and gel ihe proof. W. F. SPAULDING. Ann Arhnr. Jan. !0. I8j7. 272 ]y CLOCKS AND WATCHES! 1 LC? nf"l[K Subecriberhas jusl 9J' ÍV,"" -- received, (and is cotff mé) 8lanll' rectivin'g) Oom l'fa SBR New York an elegant at d We UmÉR wt;ll eelected assorinibiil Jcwclry, Clock, Watt-hes, !te. &c. wluch huimenda 10 eell as U ie as at aty otbereslublisliinen! llus side ol Bufiiilu lor reudy jtay only ainong whlch may h lound ihi oüow iiiij: n L'uuil .-liMininin a', Guld Kingcr Rings, GuU! Breas' pins.'Wristlcij Giiard Chüins and Keys. Silvci tipnni , Germán Sflverl'n arij Tnt(e Spopi (fir?! quality,) Silvei and Germán do Sushi Tougs, Silvor S.ill.Mijalnrrfnnd Oéom ipnunï. Butler Knivoa, Ui;ld md t-ilver l'encil f aei, Gold i'ens. ;.4 ■ IVi.cüa, Silver and Germnn Silver Thtmliles. Silver Specmclc 6. Grrni". ;,id Slee! do. Goggles, Cloilies. iiair and Tonib üniïl.c. Laiher Brushës, Rnz.orsand Puokei Knivr. Fine Sfaesn and Siwnrá, Xnivcpíind ForXs, Iiriti.uinia'f'ea Pot and Cusiors. J laled, Brnfis, nml Brittanin Canillesticks. Snufiers &. Tray, Sli.Tvinir buxt-s and 8onp, Clwpmnii 'a Best Rnzot Strop. Ca'iand Xoroeca Wallets. Slik and Cotion pune. Viotiní and Bons, Viulin and Bnft Viol tiiiinns., Kluirp, Piits. Clariiinets. Areardcors- Music I'o. Is lor the sanie. Motto Penis. (Sttel J'eng ard Twee ra, Pen r;:Pl;s. Pnoffund Tobncro ftotri., tvory l)restit!gCü Sido nnd B;rk ;,nd Pirk. BI Cömba, Needli Css=(i. Siclf üote, nm Tain! iri'1 ÜMislic?. Tov Walcbes, n rent vnricty uf !)ol!s. in Bhnrt ;1ie itremest variety T Ima evrr Honen! to il, ig mnrhet, Fxntj vork I tXrk. -l i'. Iren's ten setts. Colint flair (ülf. M-cilini; Satlg. Court Plasier. Ten Belig, Thermnn pteis" rïermon Pipec. Wi.'orf Pcncils. liU.M'S AND WOOD CI.OCKS. Ac. in facl almosi rv,ry hin? to piense llie fancy. Ladirs and Gtntlenen. cnll and examine fbr yonrselvcp. Ciocks. Vatche8 and .ïewelrv repirpcl and .varrnnifd on short noiice. Shop at his o'd uand. opposiip il. Berkrr's brick Slore. n llie Store occupicd by M. Wheeler. (■■W.YIN BT.IPS. X. B.- Cnsli paid for n!d Gold A. Si!vr. Ann Arbor. July Ut, 1846. 27I-I,v THE SÜBSCRIBER has receivcd his winter stock, wlnch he ulitis tor t'A. it premly reduced p.-ises. The iJn blic are nviU'd to calí, examine, and iidge tbr ilietPseUts. fiw oo haud, and daily id'ln.g. Sui'AS ot every vuriety nd patteil), ind the laiesi taeht'on. nups trom $:!( nd upwi.rd. DIVANS, OTTOMANS. LOUKGKS, BUREAUS, oí all kinda. l'rom $1 and p. Centre, Cari, Tea, Uress. l'ier, Dwing, and -Vest Tablrs. Wash", Cnndle, ond PoiJet Stands. Berlsteads - Mahógany, Maplt, and WíIbui, txoni ígá nnd up. Piano Funes: Piinn Covers ; Piano SiodIh. Doublé and sii!l(j .M.nresses ol liair. sl.lick, palm leaf. or sti iw. Doublé nnd single Co; Rciístenfís. do do Vrmn Depks. CHAIRS. - The hei assoitmeni (it enn be found weet of New York and the clieancsi in tnis city. indsjr Cha.'rs. a good anide, ai $'2 50 the sett. Mnbogmy Frenoh Ghnir. Imir spat. a íirsi rnte irliele, oud ell finiehed tbr $3 50. Cash pul;. Mahogany Rockiug Chairs. hnireat nnd buck, warranted good, at the low rice oí $lá. lor ihe cash only. Flair nnd Cane Seat from Cs. and np. Iürd C'ükps, plain and callery : Sird Glnssfs, Hobby Horses. and Tuy W'Ih illiarrows, i'orchildren ; Palent Shower and Hip Bathp ; IWton Baih Pana, Camp Stools. Umbrella and Hat Stands. Fanej BoIImws, Fuoi Serapers, Cane Sent Counter and Bont Slonlp. Curtain Table covers, Patent Post-Offico Baliinces. Picture Frames. Wil low Wagons, Cradles. Chairs, Cloclis. and Baskets ; BrittannLa Tabie Castor, very cheap. .7. W. T[LLMA, No. f-7. onAverue. Detroit, Jamiary 1. Iri47. 297-Iy TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. We have the Wholesale agency of ihis justly celebrated medicine. Two niss insi received. 334 MAY.NARDS. BRICK. - We have on hand 300000 first qualiiy Brick. and prepared ■ furnish any quaniity wanled, very low or t-ash. :i'-'4 MAYNARDS. FARMËRST ATT2SS7TION i}( DOZ. Blood'sCradleScythes, i%J {) '■ Wndswonh'a ' M 30 " Blood's Grnss " 19 " Jenk'e ' 10') Burneti's, Rogers' & Curtiss' Cradlee, 101) Lamson'? Graas Seythcs, 10 noz. 'I'ower's Hoes, IOOo Ib. Cil Chain from 3-1 G to 5 S in. 41) Lna Chaies, Hny Knives, liush Ilooks. Jl.iy. Barley, and Manut'e Korkg, and all other Karming Ulensils, just received and tor sale at Detroit prices in the Anvil Store Uuper 'IWn. IIK.NRY W. WKLLKS July Ist, 1847. J25 5TONS "Swfides" 1RON, 10 " '-.hiniaia" do. X " "Peru" d0. Together with a full and complete nssorlmentof Iron, Steel, Carriage Trimming, Blacksmith's and Wiggon Maker's Tools, juet received al tho Anvil Store, Upper Town. HENRY W. WELLES July I, '17. 305


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