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Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County

Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image
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Arm Arbor, Oct. 15, 1847. Board met pursuant to adj. Present 11 the Supervisors. The journal ofyesterday was read and pproved. Mr Van Cleve, from the first com on laims, made a report, in part, accomianied by the follovving claims : 28 E Thompson, bill for services as Justice of the Peace in sundrv criminal cases, charged at $23 40, allowed by the commhtee and passed by the board at $33 40. 29 Wells and Snyder, bill for mason work done on Court House and jail, and work and matenals for building cistern al jail, allowed by committee anj passed by the board at $71 G5. 30 H W Goodrich & Co., bill for stove pipe and olher materials furnished jail and Court House, allowed bv the committee and passed by the board at $G0. 31 H Bower, bill for wood &c furnished b the order of County Clerk, allowed by the committee and passed by the board at $8 7C. 32 E M Skinner, bill for lable furnished for Probate Office, and services in laying out a road in the lownship of Freedom, allowed by the committee and passed by the board at $11. 33 A Case, bill for services as Justice of the Peacc in criminal cases, charged nt $3 26, allowed by the committee and passed by the board at $2 73. 34 J (J Rice, bill for services as constable in criminal cases-, allowed by the committee and passed by the bonrd at $15 21. 35 C H Wallnce, bill for services as deputy sheriff, in attending on circuit and county courts, &c, allowed by the commitlee and passed by the board at $43 21. 36 G Danforth, bil! for postnge on Communications received by the countv clerk, allowed by tho committee and pass ed by the board at $4 00. 37 B W Waite, bill for services as onc of the committee to examina the treasurer's books appointed by the board last year, allowed by the committee and passod by the board at $13 00. 38 T W Koot, bill for wood and er anieles furnished hy the order of tht olerk, allo wed by he eomtnitteeand pass ed by the board ut $33 80. 39 E VV W hit more, bilí Tor services as one of the committee to e.vnmine the treasurer's books, appointed by ihe board last year, allowed by the committee anc passed by the board al $11 70. 40 Peter Tumn, bill for services as constable in criminal cases, alloweJ by the committee and passed by the board at $9 71. Mr. Von Cleve olso reported the claim of C Pellier fcr services as Justice of the Peace in the eounty of VVayne, and recommended its rejnctiou for is want of certainty and a certifícale. Rejected. - Halso reportod the claim of D D V allace for temporary reüef furnibhed paupersend recomrnended its reference t ) Superintendants of Poor. Refeired accordingly. On motion, tho Board aJjourning untilli o'clock PM. AFTERN'OON Ponrd mpt porsuant to adjnurnment, and was called to order by the chairman Mr Ticknor, from Ihe board of perintendenls of the couniy Poor, submitted n report as follows : " To ilie Supervisors of the county of Washtenaw : " In obedience to the law requiiing the Suoerintendents of the Poor, to report o your body annually, all the;r doing, the undersigned submit the following : ' That the total amonnt of expensen and liabililie?, incurred on account of pauperism during the year, were, since the date of our last $814 71 ; consisting of the followincr iierns, viz : " The unúersigned are of opinión that the furthor sum of 250 should be ra'sjd for contingent expenses the ensuing year. 11 They wouid fu.ther report that the average number oí paupers supported at this institution, during the year, and since the ate ofour last report, iseighteen and one-fourth. The number of deaths, 8. The number of inmates at the present time, 16. All ofwhich ii respec'ifully submitted. IIEMANTICKNOR, NORMAN A. PHELPS, RUFUS MATTHEVVS, Superinlcndents Poor Wash. Co. County Poor House.Oct. 15, 1847." Mr Van Cleve moved that the above report be accepted, which was carried. He the-n moved to adopt the report, excepting te recommendation to raie monies for a contingent fund. The question was taken on ihe acceptance of the report and carried. On molion of Mr. Gillet, it was Resolved, That a committee of five members be appointed by the chair to visit the Poor House, on Tuesday next ai teno'clock in the forenoon, and thnt one of the Superintendents be requestek to attend with the said committee. The chair appointed as follows: Messrs Gillet, Granger, McLane, dippen and Boynton. On motion, ihe boird a Ijourned until tomorrow morning at 8 oVlock. October 16, 1847. Board met pjrsuant lo adjournment, and wascalled to order by the President. All the inembers present. The journal ofvesterday was rear! and approved. S Abel, treasurer of the county, made a verbal statement in regard to rejecter axos. Tliereupon. Mr Van Clev-j oflered the following resolution : Resolved, That the county treasurer prepare separate ists of the rejecled deünquent laxes from theseveral townships in this county, now authorized by law to ba ie assessed, tmd deh'Ver them re?pectively to the Supervisors of the proper township, with a written memorandum on eaeh, denoting which íaxesshall be re-assessed upon the proper township as the law would allow, and the several Supervisors are hereby authorized and dirccted to re-assess and levy said taxes in necordence with the lista rmd memorandum so preparad by the treasurer. Which was adopied. Mr. Whitmore suggested to the board 'hat a rnsolution was passed last yearby the board of Supervisors, appointing a committee to superinfTud the ira-,scribng the records of the trensure's office, ind appointing O W Moore, the ïhen treosurer, to perform the same, stating ihat the committee had not reported, asking some action of the board. Mr Van Cleve mved that said committee be requested to report on Wednesday next, which was carried. Mr McLane presented the petitionof A Vandemark, and 21 other citizens of the county praying the appointment of commissioners under the act of the Leg'slature, of 1S47, to provide for drainng fwimps marshes and other low rounds. Mr Van Cleve, from Ist eommittee on claims, made a report in pa,-t, accompanied hy the following claims, whicli were allowcd and passed : 41 Sanford & Brothers, fur advertiïing, $3 '20. 42 E Lawrence, lumber for jai!, per ord?r oflho Sheriff, $12 97. 43 S CMilfs, services as justice in criminal cases, 16 90. 44 C S Goodrich, services as coroner, $7 88. 45 C Clark, services as justice, charged at $25 47, allowed by :ho committee ind passed by tho board al $16 05. Some of he charges were thought to ba properly chnrgable to the town. 46 J M'Mahon, services as justice of he peacc, $6 20. 47 G Danforth, ser vicos as circuit court commissioner, $13 93. 48 C W Guest, services as constable, $11 10. 49 J M Chidesler, services as deputy heriff, S.71 13. 50 B King, services as couniy clerk jonrd of canvassers, $C8 10. 51 J B Gott, services asju-tice in crimnn] cases, $24 L3. 52 S G 6c A .1 Sontheriand, bilí fur vork at jail and court house, $3 25. 53 J Lawrence, services as juslice ín riminal cas"r, ! 2 ) 07. 54 S S Shoff, Cor acve'tising $3 80. 55 L R Slawson, for whitewasbing ourt house and eil, $8 00. 59 R Turcly, for services as associate udge of the circuit court. Upon the pasag3 of ïhis claim a question aróse whet! - r the office ofassocia'e judge had been abolished. Mr Whilmore saíd he feit bound to reist this claim. Several intelligent men n his lown had spoken to him about it, nd wished him to look to it. Therefore, o lest the question, he moved that it be c-committed to the audiling committee vith instrucíions to strike out n]] allownnces for their services after the fírst ef Marcli last, whén the refi-ed statutes carne into operation. Upon this motión ie requesled the veas and nays. The question was taken by veas and mys, and resulled as follews : Veas- Messrs. Boynton, Conklin, Gilet. Haight, McLane, Whitmore, 6. Nays - Messrs. Becker, Carver, Cripien, Graner, Howard, Jone?, Kimberly, Moshier, Pomeroy, Salyer, Sheldon, Van Cleve, Warner, Yocum, 14. So the claim was not re-committed. The ac.oount wr.s then passed by the oa d at $tS 25. 37 O Kellogg, for services as associatejudge. This same question carne up on the patsage of this claim, by Mr Whitmore's moving to strike out a!l allowíinces for servies afler the firs-t of March last. This question was rlecided by yeas and nays - veas G, nays 14, the members voting tho same as on former question, when the claim was passed at $70. E8 W R Perry, for stationery furnished the clerk, 75 cents. 59 S Abel, services as jusüce iti criminal cases, $36 39. Several claims were referredback to the auditing committee for further investigation. On nintion the board adj.iurned until Moñday moming at 10 o'clock. The New York " Gazetié & Times," the only avowed of " Nativeism" in that city, expired some two weekt since.


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