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Detroit Correspondence

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Detroit, Nov. 9lh, 1847. Friend Foster : - Our election passe J ofF very quielly- so much so llinl a stranger n the city would hardly have known f rom any oppea ranee aroimd llio polis thnt such a scène was transpiring. The Liberty vote on tlie Gubernatorial ticket wos 38 - being aii inOrOe of oight totes oTef laat year. If other parts of tlie Stato have done as well, it will be encouraging for the future prosecution of our cause. Our city continúes to be disgraced by [he sound of the shril] fife and ratiling :irum, beating up for the "brave and pairiotic volunteers" for Mexico. Judging from tlie earnest and nlmost desperate ef. forls of the would-be oflïcers to fill up tha rank and file, it must be an uphül business ; fur as yet I believe not a singla company has been filled, although the greotest efforts have been mnde for weeks, and in one insiance twj of our uniform companies Jiave joined teams to expedita the matter. And yet I suppose after long contir.ued drumming, lying, and deceit, the object will be accomplished, nnd our brave Michigan regiment, (as they wilt doubtless be styled,) marched off liko sheep to tlie slaughter, and if the war is continued, more than half of them leavo their bones to bleach üpon the fields of Mexico. Doublle?s many who are caught enlisting will do it when under tlie influencie of the maddening cup, over-persuaded by some fiend-like harpy, who, to ecure the fee of two, five, or ten dollars, (which I perceive some of the company officers in their hot liaste to obtain victims have offered per hend,) and awake from the nfluenes of tlie intoxicniing rlraughr too laie lo makfi repentance available for his relief. Others guilty of the silly act, mny be partially induced to do it by tho íissurances of ihe "Advertiseí" of litis city, that the land to which they would be entitled fsomeof it al leastj will beworth in a few years (ivo dollars an acre! If inte, vvhat avail will ít be to him who long ere that tim arrivés tony be slaiu and lie unburied upon íoreign soil, or return m-iimcd nnd balt, wilhn constituí i&n o imp.iireü ihat a few months of Hngering sorrow will lny him Leneath the sod ? Alas-, these land bounties nre bul Murdbkous Qull TitAPsinto which I fearsomo of our yeomnnry mny be lelt lo fall to their utter ruin. It is also paiuful to witness tlie F 1 ! y of some of our yoting men, who amid tlie excitements of this uríholV war, nre found ready and anxious to rush from the honorable and peacefnl eni[)loymetits of ;he store or the couniing rooin to BDg.ige in such sceii'-s of blooH and carnage as have been witnessed in Mexico witliin the past few months - to tho terna! disgracc of our Chrinlian Nntioii. And in view of ihe probable hearing of such conduct upon tl.eir future hnppines and pros-erity in this ufe, if they picad Palriolism o-s t'neir motive, it furnishs but ann her sad evidence that "pntrioiiMn anJ brains do not aluays go togeiher." - ■ P.itriotism, indeed!! Il is a shaineful misnomer - an unwananted, disgracefcil use of the term lo apply 1 to such conduct. Truly, upon what strange lime' have we fallen ! And what a ho.-ri'l e.iucatlon is our nation receiving by is public presa from the manner in which rnany ofthemgive deiailed accounts ot thiso horrid st-enes, and the soyinga of their leading actors. Witness, for e.xainple, the following language'of Gen. Scott, s:iid to have been addressed to some of tho surviving men and officevs of the Rifla Regiment, after the late murderous baúles, and which is going the rounds of the secular press with approbation - " Bravo Rifles! veterans! you have been bnptized in Fire and Blood, nnd have come out Steel !" What horrid, impious language f I know not how it may grate on others' ears, or how congenial it may bc to other henrts, but for one I confess that as I rend it the conviction forced itself upon my mind, that had he substitutod "the Spirit of Heli" for "Fire and Blood," and "Demons" for "Steel," he would not have been far from the truth. Also, how has tlie familiar description of auch scènes already blunted the moral sense of this Christian Nation, and led multitudes among us to look on vVar with all its diaboücal scènes and consequences as a mere plaything. 'As if Oie soldier dieil without wound! As if the fihres of this God-like frame ■ Were gored without n pnng! as if the wretch, Who feil in botile, doing bloody deeds, Passed off to Heaven! translated, and not killed,- As though he hnd no -ife to pine for him, No God tojudge him!" In the hopo that a better day will soon dawn upon our guilty nation, and the pure and Heavenly principios of "Peacc on earth and good will to all men," be better understood and obeyed, I remain truly yours,


Signal of Liberty
Old News