Local Ukranians Celebrate St. Nicholas Day, December 1966

Published In
Ann Arbor News, December 19, 1966
Local residents of Ukranian descent carry on their traditions here, one of the annual highlights being an observance of St. Nicholas Day. "Old St. Nick" was portrayed by Michael Tansky, while 9-year-old Halyna Szewczuk was the "angel," and Doria Chapelsky, 6, the "devil." The celebration of the special day took place Saturday.
Ann Arbor News, December 19, 1966
Local residents of Ukranian descent carry on their traditions here, one of the annual highlights being an observance of St. Nicholas Day. "Old St. Nick" was portrayed by Michael Tansky, while 9-year-old Halyna Szewczuk was the "angel," and Doria Chapelsky, 6, the "devil." The celebration of the special day took place Saturday.
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