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The Washington Union calis for a more violent prosectiiion of ihe war uport Mexico, whereupon ilie New York Tribune reríinrks : "While the bodios o f three lhouand of ourown gallan! counfrymen are fepring n ghnstly death, wriihíiig in horrible ngony rithrit sifrt of the Mexic-rírj Capítol, while the shrieks c,{ the crowds of thc Mexicnn women and chilcliea torn nnd fnangled by dwi' sheíís and shot ye! rake the general ear - while t s eren doubtful whether our gallnnt Army ís not enrelopedin fearful perib nnd i'eciinnleJ by fresher confliets - The. Union set up is wolfishhowl fbr blood. Mexco refuses to cede m a ihird of her entire terrilory. thinking wc ought to be content wilh Texas and an eighth of the balance ; and rm this solegfoand of dííTérence hosfilities have been resumed, and thousands hare alreaciy bit the dust. But the President's organ is siilf insaliate. It conríplains that we have been too lenient and mercifjl (hus far towards Mexico, and indícales that new regimenis must be raised, new loans be m.ide, ner injuries inflicted. We must confíscate, plunder, ravage, burn and waste as well as kil!. We must make Mexico pay the expenses of ihe war henceforlh fto the great relief of Secretary VValkpr.J In we have been at plaj thus far, nnd now must go to work to mike thfi Me.xicans drfad, hate, abhor us. Wemusl make ourselves widfly abhorred in order tospcure Juslice and - and this is tho Nineieenih Centurv ! Is t possible that the history of Bonnparte's operntions in Spnin is unknown to our rnlers ' That htniggle commenced like this - in wenkness, indecission, distraction, discotnforture, on the part of Spain, met by power, energy, unity and victory - on that of Nipoteon. But 'contributioiis,' 'relalialions,' &c. were nfter a time resorled to, so that Spain should feel the evils of war. The issue is written on the soil of Spnin in tlie blood of Six Hundreil Thousand Frenchmen. - The Mexicana are in part the sime blood, wilh a country scarcely different in natural peculiariiies and war-like resources. Shull we not beed the leson ? The Edinbíirg was kiNed in a braw], Inle'y, nnd lhe lown conncil refused to eleot a successor !o so disgi-nceful and unpopular a situstion s that of public xeeotioner.


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