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What The Slaveholders Demand

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In a recent address by Col. Jeflbrson Davis, the newly cliosen U. S. Senator, from Mississippi,on the subject of the VV Imut Proviso, ña snys, referring to a Nn tiona! Convention : On theq'iestions of Foulhern institutions anü Southern right., t is true ihat extensive defectinns have uccurred omong Northern Democrats ; hut enough of good feeling is stil] exhibited lo sustnin the hope tliat a a party tlicy will show ïhemselves vvorthy of tl.ejii tncient appellation, the natural allics of the South, and will meet us upon ju-t constitutiona! ground. At least 1 consider il due to former as-ociations ihat we shoulJ gie the fairest opportunily to do bo, and furnh no cause fbr failure by seeming distrust or aversión. I would sny, then. let our delega'es meet those from the Nort'i, not witli the paromount objec; to nomínate ostididiites lor the Presidency and Vice Picsdency, but, bofore eiitering upon such selection. to demanrl of their political brelhren of the Norh, a disúvoieul of the principies of the Wilnol Proviso, an odinis-ijn of the tíoulh wilh ihe North to the territory held as the cornmon properly of the Unied States, and adecliiation in iavor of exteaaing the Missouri Compromise to all States to bö hereafier admitled i Uto our Confederacy. If the Noithern .Democrats will, as Ie requires, mnke a fcrmn! disHvowiti oíthe principies of freedom, then the conven vention mny prnceedto s-elect caüdidaies ; if not, he recommends tho Satrthern Delegates to withdrew from th Cunvetvion. The Missiuri Compromise lino, to which he refers, is ihe parallel of 33 deg. 30 min., South of w'aich, by that Compcomisf, shuery is permitted. Ás all the teritory that we may acquire of Mexico, wilh the exeeption of a narrow nnd comparatively vorth!e-s strip, lies south of that line, l.Ls proposilion is nolhing more nor less than that the whole of such territory, now free, shall Le dclivereJ over to slavery. This is the entertainment lo which Northern Democrats, " the natura! allies of the south," ore invited. In South Carolina it is proposed to al;ov noteven the grace that Senator Davis is willing to concede. At a recent meeting of the inhabitants of Barnwel! District, resoluiions were adopted, recommending that ihe Legislatuie of South Carolina - At its next session, instruct nnd request the Senators nnd Representatives of this siate, in the Congress of lbo United States, in the event of the VVilmot Proviso, or any other proposition afllrming 'he sama or similar principies shoúld pasa thnt body, :o retire fonhwitli from their seats, and return to l hei r consliluenls, to consult on the mensures proper to be adopted lor the protecUon of the slaveholding slates. And a correspondent of the Charleston Mercury, the ieading paper of the state, recommends that ihe Lcgislature, at ilsnext session appoint a Commissioner to ench of the slaveholding slates, who, on the Proclamation ol' ihe Governor convening the Legislalure of this state, shnll proceed forthwith lo ihe Executives oí the sevei-al slaveholding slates, reques-ting that thcy do convent Ihe Legislatuies of iheir respective states, to rnake common cause wit h South Caro, lina, against an outrage upon her and their insiitutions. Here we have Ihe prog.-ammeof southern operaiions. All that is asked of the North is to do precisely what the South may choose lo demand, in which case ihe South will kindly consent lo hokl fellowship with iheir natural allies, and relieve the North of all care and responsibility in adminislering ihe government, of shaping its policy or distributing ils patronage and offices, 'f hs late Locofoco Convention at Syracuse did not wait for the biJding of its Southern masters, but refused even to entertain a resolution in favor of freedom. How many Northern men are ready lo follow that lend in' tho couise so insolently rnarkod out 1 -


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