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NEW laUATESER STORES. LA BUÈ & ELDRED, (Successors to Uldred óc Co.) N O. 8 l W OOI) W ARD AVENü E, fiHrectly Opposïte the Episcopal Churcli9 ARE hnppy !■ infonn lbo !;tie custumera of Eldred & Co. nnd i!e pilil.c cnera'.l, iliat iliey ii ive ii iw o, hand, ui;d are cjiistaiuly man ulact uring, u ettporiur orln: lieather, Alld aro ff riïiliS a Fisidings. AMONO THWR ASSORTMENT MAY BE FOUND Spauish and Slaiighier Sule LEATHliR, Deer, Gont and Lamb Binding, He:n!ocl ■ nd Oak Upper do. Morocco of a!l kinds, l!.rnesh and Bridle do. Shoe Thread, Tacks, Sparnbles, rting and Russ?t Bridle do. Shoe Knives. Pincers, Hammei's, Efe.'t, Band n'd Welt do. Boot Coid nnd VVebbing, i!i) e n d Siring do. Awls nnd Brisiles, mi nd Slangliter KIP SKINS, Last, Boot Tres and Crimps, O and UpiiVo-I; CA'LF do. Lasting and Senl Skins, Prendí CaírSkin, Bank, Shoro and Straiis Oil, &c. die. White, Ru.sset and Colorad Linings, All of' which they offer on very reasonabls terms. MERCHANTS &MANUFACTÜRERS Wil! fiid it !o ilieir atirantare to' nnd exunine onr slock bef.jro purcliasin;; eisen hero. CASH PAID FOR HSDSS .XD SKINS. PKTRO1T, IS47. 3:57-1 y EW ARRIVAL! XrpULD respectlnlly inlonn htr ulci custoin VV eis and me public ai i .-■ r Lj t , ih.iit ehe ha; reuirned to Ann Arbor. at the oíd eland, a lililí iepot, between Upper and Lowei Towhj uhvie she tus juet leceived trom Sev York, a li i-ge assortment of ESiilinery and Fancy Dry CrOOdS, Consistí ng in part of China Pearl Strnw Bannels, Tuscan, Veh-ct, Satín, .-.nd every otlter fwliion ol Bontiet that ilie New Yi.ii. laarkei could alfoM. We hnv on hond o lnre assortmenl all Uino's ui MILLINKItV GOODS. We will wpply thosa Millinefwiih Cuida win wiíh t i buy. i iüI we will st'll ns .-: rhey c.'i buy in town. We Irivo Stiks. .. Riliii na, Piumcs, Fluvieis. Capes, Colla . Silks iiio Ie for Moufn ng üonneis. Uorders, II.üiI Uros-es. Sí&ocs. '■!" ves, Miits, LiceCps, iMiis'l ii de I.:i;ih's. auJ oitiur amules too iiuiner.vis i' 'ncntion .viiuld sa y to the ladies, n ariied or single, ir' ihcy wiyii tg ienrn :he art ol CUTIIXG LAOIES' ORESSES BY RULE, n-eni's rrady tu In.irn in fruoi ihree to ttfx hours to cui to a liiiir'a dreadili. r ni piv . TUeo'em iiui nitruciions-givtn lor TIIR1.I''. DOl.LAhS MRS. C. liüFFliNGToN. Ann Albor. Oei. I _'. IS-17, :ï:i-tt STRAYED, r. ,#,„&% A BOUT the Klth of August, a ■i _ i . ,i red eii'v inclined lu hrin' L? ""y '; :1'l lif. lm! mi:-' -''ii ;!p' n't ifri é'.ii- i'":"1 "v P'iS'i' i-i'ing nny (lv)lèll ,, .,.!.) ihe uiiete atniits ! ihe nbove c cv h itl htj aiiiiiiy remunera ed l'V i'it's 'hscribc. naá-aw W. LA.MBERt. WILLIAM A. RAYM0ND. OF TUK OLD MANHATTAN STOOE, COHNER OF JEFF'n AVE. AND BATKS ST. j DETROIT, TS jist leceived a large and complete osJL 1 soii'iient of DRY GOODS Broadcloths, Slieetings, O-sirneres, Dnllings, S;it'nets, Tickings, Full Clnths, Bi'ggings, Twced's Cloilis, Flannels, Kentueky Jeans, Linsey, An'l other ameles n tlie line ol' Ueivy Goods, t0 nunterou3 to njention. Flain & Fancy d'Iaines. Prints. Cashmeres, Ging'iams, Piain & Fancy Alpacas, Lyouese Cloths, Oregon, Orleans Cloths, Itvleed h s assortmcnl of Diess GO'le comprisea nll t'ie vanely wliicli business demanda. SHAWLS. ?l every v.irie'y. Iro n splfnd d Brochas and ." ishmprea m he.'ivy, comforfible. hlitiket Shawls. LIVE GEESE FEATHERS, 3y ilie p ninil or huudred weight. Paper Hnngings, OfaM qmlitics nnd pricea. PAPER WINDOVV CURTAlNS, rf the newest pattërns. at holesIe or retrdl. With a stock as wellcnlculated for the country is the city inde. it is confilently exnectetl thai lio reputaiion of 'he "Dlil Muihattan" for good joods at cheap rntes will be fully sup ained. As to that Font (JD stxPEX.MV tea. that we lave sold st mny years. it is necessnrv o siy a word ; bur if ih:s should meet the eye of my one who Ins nol tried it, ho should by all neina make the experiment, and sea how ereai siinj may he made by patror.i.inj the Manrattin Store. Deircfif, Sspt. ?2, 18J7. 317-flm READY MADE CLOTHING ZWiMtsnlt or Betaiï, THE subscribers havo now on hanc ihe best assortment oí Ready Tladc Clothing, ever oiVcroü in iliis State. They have ivueivet ;iml miínufaefured a largé adduion (o their Siock within the past six weeks. inri nre fully preparrd wi'li seasonaMe and iaahionoble goode for the l;iil trade. Their os3irt ment cutnprises every dtsciiptiun of carinen t lVorn lire OVER CO ATS, CLOAKS, DRESS SUITS,$c.Ác. to the more substancio) oud económica! gnmients i'ur the farmer anj laboring man. -ALSOA large assnrtuient of Furnishing Goods, BÜCH AS Fine & Coarse Shirts, Under-Garments, Hosiery, Coilars, Bovoms, Stocks, Suspenders, &c. &c. ILiving ííreatly ncreased their facilities for nmnufuctuting. iliey are beuer prepared than lieretoforc fr ihe WHOLESALE TRADE. Turclmsois at wh'les;i!e are nvised lo examine iheir Stock. Their garmonta are if goud rn.nier:a!. '.veil iTinde. of sotefthlo sizes anti stvles. ind II l;c sfldred ii luw rules, 'ihankfui lor p:isi Invurs. ihey sóIíim'i n continunnce ol' public pnirnnago. BALLOCK et ItAYMOND, 3t8-tf Cor. Jt-ff'n & Wuudw.ird Avenues. TOOLS.- Carpenter's, Cooper's and Joiner's 'l'unia lui snit1 liy :i-'l Ji l V W II NOYTS Jr. "lïRrriRËïr" TUK subscriber continjes to act ns Agenl l'iir üie Hurllord Kire Insumnct' Cimpaiiy.or I Iniu'orii. Conneciirui. ThisCoin;Kiny Iijis heen in bnsinc-3 lor the TdHtTY SiX EAKS. and prompily jiiid all Int-ses ilufi:i? i fiat time. amofuUing to many Milliuns oC D'llarg. Applienlioiia by iWoil, (post paid) or 10 the üiibscrioer ai :he l'osi Offlcp. prompily atnn dc'tö. F. J. B CRANK, Amnt. Ann Arlor, July SO, IH47. :::i-ly "NEW TIN SHOPT T15K suhscriber lias commenced ilio manufne1UIC f Tin, Sheet Iron and C opper, I uil .ta v:mous hriinches, n cjnJiecimii mih ihe "Anvil Store," and is prevaled lo lurnisli Couiiiry Mcrchants nnd Farmers witli every ihiníí ín that line. JOB WORK AND REPAIRING Neaily and expeditiously rinne HKiKY IV. WKI.LF.S. l'pperTown, ) Ann ArNor, IstJune, '47a 293, Iy TO RENT. TUF. ROOM over the store of Becliley's & Thomas. Possession given immedia'ely. May i-i, 1647. Bkcki.kvs k Tiioms. ""Caïfand Set t Ie! THIS s tonotify all persons indebled to the late firma ol li.iriii, P'irtridgs & Cd.( nnd II. B. Har: is & Co., that ihcr no'es iro lelt in the hundsoljaines 15. Gou, Ksq., .lust.ce o! the Pfiaee. for cllection As these fi m are now dUsolvei. it is nbsolniely neceMary ilwu ilicirnulsiaiiding mattersslioulil besceiled nssoon i praciicuble. . b. HAR RIS. Ann Arbor, July I2th, 1847. 3!5 3m PAINTS, Off, Varnihh, Spirits Turpeniine, Brushes, Glass. Puity. Gl.iziers, s Uiamonds, &c. A large stock for sale luw at 31 MAYNARDS. DRUGS AND MEDICINES.- The etoek is now complete, amons wbich m.iy e tound every onicle wanted by families or phy' ucians. Pleaso to recolleei that evory article lold by na ih warrnnted lo be genuine. MAY.VARD9. NEW COOKING STOVE, AND SrOVJig OK ALL KINUS !!!!!! HMI1K Stibgcribür woulü ca!l ihe atieutioB cf JL liie [ublic lo WOOI.SONS NEW II If MR C001UNO (TOVK, .viiich they e:in iMiifi luiitiy rocoiniiirncl as heilig lecidedly superior 'o uny c.Jottinjj ttove in usu !'"nr siiiiplicny ñ perailön, cunouiy in fue!. and i'or unequutted b'king oud ruaetlHg qiialitieo il is iniiivalcd. Tuc new and (iiTjjoriant iniprnvemeii! iwroduceij in its const uction beinjj ■inch ds tu üftsuro jrest ailvnntagii oveï all otliei iiiuf.s ot co.ikim; al.)Ves. I'Iiom! ilffimus itt aiü'iii!; n gnd siovp l'or fhniily use. or n p b',;; li'iuse, wuuiil do we!' 'ir e iH nu; ;n;l i v immilig the nbuvo stovo be!u:e ,)urcha8ing elsrwhre. 1!. B. & W tl. N'OY P.S, Jr:i 7(i Woodwjirii Avenue HarïifVare. TUF' subscribios havejusi ncuivi'i! a l:irnc ;nldtiioii io tlip ir stock of Foroi2'i nnd 1) - ncsiic Shell llnrdwaie, whicli malies their islortment very compleie. B. I!. & W. R. NOYF.S Jr July lOih, 1647. 324 NAILS. - l.r)0 kegs Easlern Naüs for fur (a(c by :!M I!. 13. & VV. 11 NOYES Jr. E. G. BURGER,, FIRST ROOM OVEU C. M. Ót T. V. ROOt's STORE, JR.WK &, JEWETT'S CLOCK, 'GMf ANN ARBOR. GEBSE rEAtHERS ! PAPEÍÍ HANGINGS? FIRST RATF ÏÖÜNG RYSON 'I'KA AT QXLy FOVll AM.) S1XPENC1C FEU POUÑD ! l!v tin' wnj no une huys thia tea once bul liuys ogain. and becumi s ;i rus'oincr. fiune beller lor liie price cao be had in O i'troit. W1LL0W WAGGOiYS, T R AV E L I IV G 15 A S K E T S, AND as Ufll is luis ui o her goods btsidca Dry Göodp .ti ij' be liad very clieap it the ' Ui.ii M'.nhattan STOnü.' Detroit. 17 AV. A.RAYMOND. j Is ti lUm a k JT Si =: o =: ra o x SC si wïo o è si i hS 1 p o zlï Ij! Maynards ARE IN TOWIVGAIIV! HA VING remove. 1 lo thnir new store, where ihey are receiving anextensivc assortmeni ut Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Groceries, With a smnli. we!l-pf;ietMed nssortment of 1)KY GOOD, All of which ihev offer lo tlieir old friends nnd new customers ;it uuusual Uiw prices. Anvhing sold at tlieir store is warranied to be ol . ïret quality. They int-ivi liercnfier to Keep alnost every nrticle wnnivd ínr funiily use. Arm Arbor, June 30. 1H-J7. 323-if CASWMARETT AND TWErlDS. A beiuliful article for Genilemen's thinméi ■vear, just rpcciveil ana w.ll b Manufacturad in lie latest style and be-ii p.ssilile munner, ai ilic ■ Western Clothing Einióríuíti.rt HALLOCK &. RAYIHOND. 318-11" D'-.TIiOIT. Cor. Je ff. and WootUvard avenues. StccI CulTÏvaTor TcctIi. TtHE siibiCriber s inent for the Patent Ftee! Cultivator Tceili. and bas just received a ■ l-öIi 8iiiply, which he will poll at the manufneurer's price. 'l'lns rirücle is coming into geneal uso wlierever Hil rod'iceJ, and Iiüs received lie opp'obmion of riia fust ngrieuIlurfMs in tbe Jniled States. Anvil S nte. Upper Tuwn. IIKNItY W. WELI.KS. Aj Arbor. 22d May. '47. '92. 1 NOTICE. fiIII.í FIRM heretofore exisiing un■■- dur the name of J. Gihson &,Co. is this day, by [UU'unl, consent dissolved. and all per. ?ms indelned to the late firm of .t. Gibsm & Ci. ire requeseed to c.-ill and setile the Sime wnh .1. vibgon, who is duly anilmrizel to eettle all com pnn delits. hefoie the Ist day of November nt-xt. ir tbey will fiud tluir accounts left wiili h Jus tice for collection. Tbu business heteaftcr wil! le c-nducted by Gib?on. JAMKS OIBáOIf, F. UOTTöFOKD. Ann Arbor, Sept. 4b, 1 - 1 T . 333-3m TfJE FARMËR'S COOK STOVE! Something New. rÏHE subscriber would respectfully en] ■ tlie anoN'ion ol ihose ab.)ut purcïiaeiii" coofc etoves to an entirely new paiicrn - a eupplj ol which hoisnow raceivins;. Tbey are AIR TIGHT, nnd have a Slimmer Arrangement by whieb niostot tho ''iilinary rperaii.ins can be perforined wilh tbe smallcst oniount ol'luel, and wubuut me necefsity of lionting tbe room. The f'urniture i porftd nnd cúmplete, emprising nearly evcry kuchen utensil. Tbe patent was procured ilu paat nier. and nlrendy it has become the most popular siove n the Eastern States. A uil nssorunent ol ihe Premium Cook, Box. nul Air Tight Stoves, kept on sae. Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron WOkK, in all its bianchee, done to order, and upplies of ware constanily on liand. HENRY W. WLLLS. Anvil Store. Upper Town, Ü4th July, '47. 32C IViTÏTs. IIICOV, ittorney $ Counselor at Law, ANN ARBOR, MICH. ('FFICE wiih E. Mukdy, E 297-Iy THRESHIN0 MACHINES, CX.OVER MACHINES AND SEPAEATdRS. TUF. í.ul)seril'cr woulil intoini ihe public llial he eutjiinucs to manulacture tiie above machines nt the nld ot Krrnpi & Hnvdand, at the Low Villugco' Aun Albor, uuur ibe Pupei Mili. The Macliinej nrs oi approved model, have heen ilioiotiiihly t'.'á:ed in this viciiiiiy and worked well. Thcy are made ol ihebw) matei mía árid by experienced workmen. 'rhey will de kept constantly mi liand. and iilso be ttrailo h onler at the shortest no ice. The); wlll be so!d on very rengonoble tcrme i'nr Cah, or íor notes known to bé at-solinely gomJ. The nhnve Machines can lio userl by fouï. six or fight Imrses. and ave nu! lialile to le emUy hrolicn or damngid. Thoy are well aiiapterl (of the tise of en her Knrmersor Jubbers. The Sap srators Can be anacliod t" any geKrèd or slrnppèd machine of any otbpr kind. The suhscriher would roler 10 tlifi followinj persons wbb lïftve piirchns' d nul us"d liis Machines: Michael IFIiompaoD, Salem, A lexiinder Doane, .Trunes Pat ker, - Alvn I'niit. rhir-fild, M. A. Crnvnth, " f 'hirlrs Alex.inder, " Win. Pott, Miliord, Hinkley & Vinion, Th-ilord. Mnrtin !)oiy. Vpsihm 11. M, T. & . D. Hadley, Saline. Wtri. Sniith. Cuntan. Hurhnn, Nunlilii'ld. I'.'trticii'iir ïiticvinn wil! be pniil to Rt;rAiR3. C 'iisli will be piid fir Old Castïmgs. Persons desirous [ iúrch:i8infl[ mnehinrs .-irc rffies?terl to cali and exinnine these bcfore purehasing elsewhere. T. A. II VVÍLAND. May 17. 1817. 3l7lf KPISTBTiC lo. 3,"" THE SünscRIBER SENDETH GREETING. PERRY'S BOOK STORE, Oponed nnew at No. 2 rïawktna Bleek, nexi door lo llill, Whiifl &. Cü.'s Store Aun Albor, Micliian. Let this be a suílicient noiice to all per?ons uaing B'wiKSi Peper, B!nnk Booki Síchóel Ü'Htks. SI a tes. QnÜIs. Stftíl Pena, IVdcíic und sTAnoNKüv. of any kimJ. tliat at Pecry'a Rooksfiire is the lilnca to huy. 1500 PIECES PAPER HANGING', I! irduring. t'iro ttonrJs, and Sufid l'.iper. whicli wi! lm solil ebeag ñtt-emh, Swrtdafd nml Miscellaneous Konlis.suitatí'.e lor Distiici. Tovrn áhip and Fíi'ndy 5chool Iiispccurs nnf! odiéis íu o t estecl, air requetftod '.ocill nnd examine bis n.-sorimeni. - Alsa, Umon Salibruli Sc:ioo) book'e, a la-rgs varieiy. nnJ Oír superior to thel'l Libr.iry hoili in bínding and maller. Also. BÍbies, Testamcnis. Prayer hnokí nnd lívmn bokg, ' TOTJTHS BOOZS, M'irnl. KftiígioUd. ifisnuctive und iiiiusiiii;.siirli :a may sVely be pnt into (lie Iki;m!s of thf . oun' GOLI) 1M-1XS. wiili Gol.l iind Silvcr , esees, a superior artielc. 'Vhfí subscribe]' fías } m.idn arráagemejits i tr New York which Will en & ble him at all tintes to obtatn any Aing ift his line direct from New York at short noiice, by KXPRKSS. It will he eeen thftLhisfiiciüiies. or nccomotUting hia cutomers wijli niliclPS not oo Ivind is beyond precedent, nnd In' Ís reo'iíy and wiïïïng t do every tbtng : ib'e to mike h:s estib!isbinent sucli nn one as ' nn enlichtened nnd discerrung cniniminiíy ro ' 'inirc. and Iip hApea t merít n sliftre 61 p'tt ronage. Persona wieiiinfii nny nititb in h 8 Une will rio well to tn 1 1 befo re puchistfig elsewhere. l( yon forget the plice. enqnire f"r PfcRRY'S BOOK STORE, ni; Arbur. Upper Villaje. It is desi rabie that it yhouM be uniiersiood thn'. pp reúne in iho Country, sending cash orders, mny depend upon receivino; books or staiionery on rb favorable tenus as thuugli present to makc :he purchase. VV. R. PERRY. June 20, 1847. ::i tí". Cíieap Jeweíry Store 157 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. Wholesale and üctail. THE subscriber has just returned from New York wiih a Inige assortment vi GoM and Silver Woiclies, jewelry, tools, mate rinls, toyy, musicnl Instruments nnd fancy goodj, which ha will sell al whelftMla or reuil as U)W as :my establishment wesi of New York. Country Watcli Makers nnd infiera wnntmg .inv ot' i he above Gouds will ñn it tu their interest lo cali,. ;is they will fiml ihe lieít assortnie'it n the city, Lt'i'J at the lnvvest prices. GOLD PKWS, wiih silver holder and pencil $- 00. l'iice Reluced. üuld Pea,Watchend Jewelry RF.PAIRKD H ü. MAUSH. 157, Jeíiersnn Avenue, Detroit, Sign ot' the Gold Pen. ( 321 C CLARK, Attorney and Counsellor, and Jus:ice ofl he l'eacf. Ou, ie. Couh House Aun rbo." y Hhí FURN1TURE & UPHOLSTERING WAREROOMS. STI5VENS fc Zl'G, ÍN tliilower eml of ilic White lilock. direotly opposile llie Michigan F.XCBinqn, bave on hand a Fargo aes.vtincm of l t'H.XI'iVUE. of iheirown mmio at-iure, wliich tliey will teil very .ow for Cash. They also keep experiencod Upholsterers. nnd are prepared 10 do all kinds of Upiiolstering at the shortcst noiiee. Fnrniiurc ol'all kinds mnd to order of the lest material, and warraniod. STEVENS & ZUG. Deiroit, Janunry, 1. 1SJ7. y!)7-ly FOR SALE CIIEAT fok CASH, or every kind of cour try Produce, Badales, Bridlesjíarness, Trunks, Valtses, Trunk Valies, Carpct Bags, $c Also a üooil assortineni ol V hip iV 1. lïtrR. wliich will be sold very low, and no nii-tnkc. at ('OOK & ROBINSOIVS. Ann Arbor, Aüfpmlü, 1846. Vi77-tl STEEL GO 0 DS! SutjiSIIlij a n (t ÜT v f m ut f n jj s SPLENDID FANS, and any quantily of oili.r goods of this sort at he OLD MANHATTAN STOIIE. :il7 Detroit. OAA Kgs Albauy and Troy Cut LiJJ fííii, 3dM 6ld. 20 Kegs Wroughl Nmls6dto 1'2d. 60 Uoxes " Delleveiniu " Gias from 7X9 to 10 X 1-1. HO Kespure Leod in Oi). 500 Ibs. " dry. S60 Gallons Linseed OÍ1 20.000 .'eet Pine Lumlu r, seasoned, clcar stuff. Together with n ful! nssortinent of Lock, Latche8. Uutte. Screws. VVindow Blind Kasten ng. Sic. for sale al witnin a fraction ol Detroit pricos. at lbo BIG ANVIL STORE, UPPER TOWN. HENRY W. WELLS. Ann Arbor, March 18, 1-517. 30 8 T 11 K E S H ING XKEachines. 'JMUI-. Unüersiifned wuuld mfurfn int) pui. lic JL iliat he iiianulaciuri's Jlorsc l'owers aad lhreahríg' Mádiinea al Sciy, ol a tu.ierior kind invenietl by ïimiself. Tliesj l'uwora and Machine! are pxrikQlarl) idopted in the ol Farmers lio wisli tu ufí ihem lor tlifefcbibg ibeir uttri gntfi. The pnwttr, thiesher and lixiurcs all be loaded in: a iMimmort si.od w.igóri hui and drown wiili one ■ air (il horses. They are deaittUed o he uscd .viih lour horses. nnd are airtm.'.-Miily ettnu g ful hal ninnlicr. and rnay he safely uscd wiih. tix ot ■■glit horsrs 'ilh propor care. Tfiey work uiili lessaireiiïih t hursea arcording to the airtouni of bnsiness none than anyoihcr power, nnci wil ihresli L'enerally a!ont V(lü liüshela In al per Iny wrili fopt hortes. In or.o Hilante 158 biishels whenl wcie tlireshed in three hours wil h lour horsec. This Power nnd MacTiifte conlnin all thendkantaite necésnry to mak a tliein piolltobleto ilin in.-ri.-h ior. 'i'liey are sirung nnd durable. Th'-y me enailjr irmy..,) i,,,,,, one p;,ce tl) anol,_ ■r. 'l'lin work of ihe jWgea i', easy on iIh'pí iiower in ron parison ro oiiers. and ihê pnce ie LOWHR nny mher power and mnetune. 'live ever heen soW in ihe Siaie. nccOrdintf to ihe real valus. The ternu of pnyinent will hs libernl for noles ihat ure knöwn tu beahsoluiely lío td. I hnvn ,i nirrnlier of I'owers aml Maclitnes :iow lendv for snle nnd persons wilbing lo bny ire in vited to cali ?o.mi. r ira pre p-ired lo nuke Scparators for Ihosi vlio m.iy want ihem. The uiility and advanlnt'es t:f ihis Power and M.K.-hine will appcar evidc! lo t on examininü 'he r(?c.inniend.-ilions helow. All persons are f.-jni ii,m-rl aninst ma!inr iIipsp Powci and Mnclunts: the nmic-efgnec! hnvtng ndopteil the necefenry meaenrea lor secu riiig lettert pn'ent fur [lie saine within the time required by Imv. S. W. FOSTKR. Scio, Washienaw Co., Midi., .knielt-', IÖ4fi R EC O M iM E N O A T I O X S. D.iritT the year I.-Í46, eaeh of ;he nndertigned purchnSAiJ and used eitlier individually or oinily with oiliers. ore of S. W. Fosier's newly in (ated Horse Powers and ihrcshing mchifles. inil believe ihcv ars huiior ndnjited m the use ot Phriners wbo want Powers and Machines foi ■hrirnwn use i lian any other power and Itneih■r wiiliin our'kno-wledeó. They are cale. li.-ited io Ie ns"l wiih loiir horses and are ol ampie ro.ngih for Ihnt nu-nher. They appear to h( innBiriirterl iii guch n as in render thetn very wmIi linie liahiliiy of jetiitig out ol irder. They are e isily moved Iro'm ohe plncf io ano-her. They can lie workcd wih nnv niiiii■ er ol In.ids from fonr lo liüln. ai-.d will ihrcsli iliori 20!) bus'ielfl whe-it p.T d.iy 3. A. P()l.fl!:M!;s. Seio1, Washtinawco. G. BI)0D. ' 'i T (tlfli RDSO, " il SAMUEL HKA.LY, " " Í P. FOSTKI!. " i N. K. PflRLPS, ■ " ADAM SM1TII, " (i .1 .Af ÜOWKN. Lima WM. W M.KKIl. Webster, " THOS WAI{RKi, I). SMALLKY, Lodi. " I threslied last fa!l ïnd winter w.'th one of S W. Fouei-'s powers. more ihan fifi een bousnnd bushela grain The repairs bestowed ipon ihe pnwèr nmounted to only (i cents, and t was in oo..d order when I had done threshing. 1 mvariably ued si.x horses. AAROX YOUXGLOVE. Marión, June G. lSKi. I purdnsed one of S. W. Fosier's l-ors ïoweis last fall and have used it for j'.bhinir. I mve used many diiTcrent kiniis of powers an.) lelieve ihis is the best rniinine power I hav ;V(; UW Ü. S. liENNET. Hamburg. June, 18 IC. We p'irehi.spd nnp of S. W. Foster's [Tor-e Powers Insi Ihll, and have used itand ihink il ie i fust late Power. JF.SSR HALL, DANIEL S. HALL, UF.UBKN S. ?JAi,L. Hnrhburg, June. 18-1G. 209 tl TEETH! TEETIIf TEEThTü MASTICATION and Articulaiion, warranled by their being properlv re jlaced. S. D. BURNFTT, will continue tbe prociice ol DF.NÏ1STHY in ill iis vnrious branche, viz : Scaling. f'illin. nhd Insertingon gold plites or pivots. Irom om loan eninesett. Oíd pintes or misñts lemodleil. nd made equnl 10 new. OFFICE over C. B. Thompson & Co.'s Shoe Store, Lidies who request t. ean bc waited un ■it f liri'r dve!lins. r-.-!""'"5 llnlISU!lII7 low. ond a'1 kinds ut 1 KUJLCK inken. Ann Arhor. Dec. 5. 1846, ?!)."?- H penis rocK4TËYniouK, Dealers in Fanaj and Staple Dry Goods, Boots AND SÏIOES, HARDWARE, Crockery Y Groccries, al No. 3, Porler's Block, South side of the Public Square, 308 JACKSON, M1CIL lïctiirned TAIIiORINO. THE Sibscrlbcr is desirous of inforniing li uld cusiumers and tbe public feaet&Wy, thul ie lns lociiiéd him-elf on Carner'a Corner, Xorilieiiieuf ilio squnre, where nll kindsol' T A I L 0 R I N G in the present fas h ion can bo done in a respecubie and prompt man uer. P. S. CUTTING done on the shortest nolico and warramed to fit f prcipeily madu lip. W. WUjKINSON-. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. 'l'lf GoId"Pcïis PRICE EEDÜCED, II' ia ndmiited bv all who nso tin m. thai Piqiieltc's Gold I'ens nre equnl il not superior lonnj evernffered in iliis ninrkt-t. priic $2,511. Pof s;iV whulfs.ile. atad letfiil nt the nmnu'.-.ctn. y. Corner ji Jerierson Avenuo & (ïnswold ál., Deiioit. 314-lyr Also lor saln bv C. B[,1SS, Ann Arhor. NEW GOÖDST" BY EXPRESS FROM NEW YORK. Spring Fashions. THE subsonber hns just received a fresh nsFortiiient f Spring nn I Sumnior Guudj nul ollera iliem lir aale cheip. such as Broadcloths of all description ; Sainets and Cassimeres, and evcry hing in ihePANTALOOX and VESTING line, and every article usunlly lound in a Merchnnt TAILOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. He is now prepnrpd to make ond fit nll kinds of gentlemen' garments, and would 'ender his tha.Mis to bis old ciifloniers and the public senernlly. nn'l roIíímis their favors. G ARM ENT 8 cut to order at. all times. WM. WAGNER, Draper ano Taii.or, Hurón Sireet, South ol the PUBLIC SQUARE. Ann Arbor. April 38, 1P47 3?w ■nu: Mnrried Woman's Private Medical oiii:iiiiou. fij l)r. A. M. Muuriccau. rKOFESSOR Oí' DISEASKS OF WOMENj ['iliinl Eáilkn, iBikn. . ."u l'ricc $1 (;U.] 2,000 coimes soLd ín 3 mOnths. The e;real deninníl forthis most importa '11 worl: (of which thousands are soíri) has comp&ileJ ihe isstift of nnotlier edition. Il is míended f-epeeinlh f it the rnanied, rrs it (figelovea importan! secroia : wliich shuulil be knovtn lo iliem particulnrly.- Here every female Can diacover the causes, sy niptoma, and tlie motít cfrinent remedies and tuosi certain mode of cure, ín every complaint to which lier erx is fni!'j'cf. iMiirrieil feínatea will here lenrn ilie nri wliereby ihey would rcMÍn tlieir youih, vi;ur. benuty, elnsl icity ol body. and buoynncy of spirits fo nü advoricod :ic, insíead of being aítlicted, as liund'eds sfrii.' fftmwnmlj are, ir'o wbose Kimds (hia bonk baa yei fnllert. It Í3 an impnnant questinn lo ihe marriod hy it la tliut we beliold eo rnuny ntairiod fcmalct sifkly, debiütatid, and prpstrBled .' ñt also ihe causes! nnd wheiher tfieyhre sueoeplibíe of fèm dy They 'il here find iMte ihiportá'nt mal tera, connBCled iili diteirtet il) medicnl and phycialogiciil (cictice, liich mcot ihis juííIÍ(iti. This work is dcsiinod to be in tlie hnnds ni everjí wile nnd muilipr wh'ihaa a regnrd ípr her 'MU liealth and welfare, as ell a3 ihotof he luifsband. 1 he revelatiiins contained in Ks pnzes have al icady proved i bdi ssiriii i ihuueandf. T6 ihose yet urinmiied, ban coolemptalinp márriage, or. peilnps, hcsítining ai to iba pío prieiy o!' incurring tlie responsibili'tiea mtrndaril upon' ir. the rioorrnrrrï of heinir pospessod o' tl revu'.iuiois" onfHfted in ihesó page, so imininti ly involving tlieír fuiureli.ippi:iies, cannoi be appie eiaied. It 5 of course fnipossiúíe to roníey rriore fnlly. i in a public journal. ihe various sul'jecta treated ol. ns tlicy are of,a nniure Htrictly imendi il for thí married or those contemjilatin? mairiaí. : r.ei ther s it necessarv, since it ia ev;ry one'a límy n become poasessetj of knnwledge, rhereoy the mfte.-ings to which a wift, a mother. or a sisiei may le subjpcf. can [p otiviaied. Copies will be sent hy mailfrec nfpnslairc. Üvcr ten thmis.ind copies hrive Been s,m b niiiil within tirie inon'.hs, wiili perent ea!'ct and ccitiinty. In no case has n reiniltnncf faüed to reach tlie piiblisher, or the book lliuse tu wlmm it has been directed. On the rectipi of One Dollnr. ihe Married Womnn'a Prívale Medical C'o:npnnioii" wü! !., spnt free of postare to any poit ol ilio 6n1ed Siates. All letters masl be additsseil (íkwi p.-iidj lo Dr. A. M. Maurieeau, L'ox 'f'4, New York City. Publbhing Office 129 Libeny streel, N York. For sale by all ihe Booksfflter m tlie United Statea. Agents in Detroit. C. MORSK &SON; Ypsilanti. E. SAMSOX; AnrtArbor. W R. PERRY. Terry's Iiooks;ore. 2r-3.,i. C LO TI I, CLOTHl ! rPIir. iin.i-rsi:t)cd would inform the pulilií J. I rat thev will enntinue to ninnuiaclini Fidled C'loth. Caasimicre and Flmnel. al thei Factary, tw and a half milis est IVorq Aon Arbor, on Hurón River near I he Railioad. T E K M S The price of making cioili will be for Cassimeie. 44 cis. per ynn1 ; fui Fulled cloih. 37J o.-s. er yard ; fot white Flan nel. -Jdcrs. per yid - We will also evelinnue cluib for wool oh rena n ttfile terms. Wuol sein by railroacl nrconipnniei! wiih initrueiions will lie p.ntnptly nnended u. We hne done nn e.X'ensive busincsR in n m ufjeturm cloth fitr cuetomers for aeVrrál yenr., and helieve we ivn ns soud MiiUfnciiori na nn Rstnblirhmrni in the State. We tbeieíife inviti our old cuslotncrs to continue, and new ones n come. I.ftters should be addrcssed to S. W. Fostïf &. Co.; Seio. S. W. FOSTF.R & CO. Scio. April. 1S47. 313-if. New Establishment. clocks, WATCHES, AND TI1F. subscriber would respeciiufly announc-e 'u the citizeua f Dexter ntid viciul'y thnt lie lias opened a shop in the above piwe, in tin corner itore, formerly known as "SheperdV'j where he is prepnred 10 do iu kinus of rÉpairiHg n the line ol clocki. v;ielics. jeweliy &c, n ihe shnrtesr ruiiice. Hoving bad bout t wei ve yenrs experience in gome o! the bes Kasiern i'i"I. lie fl;itters hiniself thal he can give enlin stiti futhon to nll tiiose who nmy fnvor htm witli thtir wurk I Ie h,ns nnd iacoRPtantly receivina. clockt. wuti hei. andjewelry 01 nll descriptijns. wliicli he will stil as cheop as the ehenpest. w. w. df;xti:r. A L S O GROCERIES f all kinda: sich as. Tena. Suirrs. Mnlnssrs. Riiina, Coffee, Pppera. Spir'f. Kish. Candies. TuboccQ, Ciaara Ac . Vc. And in'fnct ÉvkbtTHiiVr, uannlly kept n surli an est:ib!ishnuni(l.n tMK f.aCEPted) c-oiistant!y on linnd and U,r salt cheap. v. W, DEXTER Co. Dkxtkr. Ha'reh 0. lf 17 :il2tf Hat, Cap, - n n - GENTLEMEN' S FURNISHING EMPORIÏM. T. H. ARMSTRONG, HAVING taken the Slaud No 5-1, W.mrlaid Avenue. 3 door n.órih of Doiv's Aucnoi Itoom, recently occupied by J. G. Crfmu. as ■; Hm Store; and added the stock of the Ulier I' hts own, nnd nlso engaged in manufacturir.E every destription of HATS . CAP $, He is now prepared to offer to the PtiWir ever article in his line, eilher of his own nr easlern manufacture, twenty five per cent less than have been cílered in this market. Jn his stock will be found Fine Nmra. Sotin ficavei. Beaver, Otter. Bush an Sporeini Hals, Finr Gloth. Slik. l'lnsh. Oil Bilk and Velvet Cups : also. Ricli Silk Crava.s, Scarfs. Hsndkercheif : Kid, Thrend, Silk. nmt Fiuckskin Gloves ; Col ars, Bosorns, Walkiiig Cones, Unibrellas, &c. T A I L O R I N G . The Subscriber has also secured the services of a first rate l'raclical ('ulier, by which he will be enubled to furnisb garments of every styleand lescription, and in the most approved nnd iaali onnble mnnner. He is constantly receiyinpr the alest fashions, and, cmployin the best of worknen. he is confident thal he will jive the lie't of ntiafaotion 10 nll thnt niay fnvor hiin wiih their jatronage in this branch of his busiiess. :!10-tf SOAP Spermand failow CANDLES ■lwayson hand very cheap at MAYNARDS Jtnti Jtrbor JL bis ol J. M. Rocirwell in ilie Machia BOsrnem, wonld nfortt the inliabiiams ol iliia lid adjoinins counlies. i lia ' !e wili continue the husine s ni the old dtRntf, in ne Upper 7'uft'n, near ilie l'resbyterian Ciimtli. and manufacture "i owlpr : Monumenís, Grsre Sones Paint 8lonef TabtetSiSfc.qc. Tbosé visliini tn obtain Hiiy :irtic!e in li i ff nO .if business wili iiniJ by palüng that he hu án asorrrrent of W'hitr nnd V. Trie go f é'! M'irbJp from Uie Ivistrrn M.irblc Quirrics. vfaich wili be wroui_'!n in iMnildrn sivU'. ïintl j=o!d ni rastern pritT8. ndiüng triinspoi latKirt orttv. Cn and gel iha'pwof. VV. F. SP'AULDING. Aun Arhnr. Jan. ütt. }',7. 879 ïf CL0CKJ3 AND WATCHE8.'.' feri rTIl E Subscrilíti has jufl 6-Sw v retei v);ii, (ïind 8 conJi% "tWMJjJsiantly receiving) froiif ff) N "jf Njw York iin Icgnia nrcf Jewt'lrj, EHocks, lVatches Ac &■ : wltich !u' ntend tu 8ell asífivaiBi a y otbei establishment ilits öide oi lintliilo lur rtuötp aij onhj 8111'ing wl.icli n;ov bfl r"tinl lh iollow in: :i ü'jod aseoriueni Bi -Gold KinnF-r Kings. Gold Brens' pine.Wristlels Griiaf iCtfltïAè and Keys. k-iI ver Spoi'ns. Gefinan Silver 'la and Tablc Spoor (fifs: (jiinIm y. ) SiIvm nml GuTinnn dn Sugar Tonga, StiVfic iS i tl. Al n ti. 'ir (hi nd ( 'i en ii, spoutif. Hut ter Knivcs, Gold anct Silver fencil Coes, Gold l'in-. ' ' Prncüs, Silvt-r and Cïenn;:n Silvir Tlnn hles. Siivcr t'pcctficirö. CriMí"1 .vori Sieo! do. (JuL'les, Clntlics. liair and Tonth Prushe, Lalliei Kii--!uh. Uazmsand Pu.-kci Kniv. Fine iSlioars and Sciesor, Knivi'sand Fork,Brittnnnia 'ÍVn lJi.w;ir.(i ('rreiirp. [ kiled. TtrWp an-1 i!'i[tania CfindleMM ks. Knuflcrs & Tray, Shavinu Imxes and Soap. Chapm(jit'e H.'si Bimói Slrop, Calfand A'orocco Wnlle::1. S;!k and Conun puitip. Viulii api lïinvs. Viollfl and Bas? Vrol Stiincp) Fluleif", Files. Clarfo,Vei,j. Accordeone - Sliific l'oi kfor I li e same. Mntto Seals. Sifel Prns and TwMWt, I'i'n eafps. Smtfl Miil Tobacco boxr, ï vory Trssin ï Comba, í3 híp ;iiif! ]!.-rk and Prcket ComliK, NecilleeaWB, b'trli uo ?. Vi au i P.iinti md 15 nshf?. Tiiy Wffchee. a iri eni variciy of Dolls. in slmrf ;hc ffieaipt v:irit nf.lora fvpr Itronjlhl to tl, is niarket. Fancy ttnrk Vaxit. cl i1Irpn's tin sfïTt8. Cöfoirfl Mail Cí i Ie. Prtell'n 'itte. Cntiri Pbig'pr. Tca lielU. Thprrmn:tpts, Oprmnn Pipes. WomlPiPCÜn. BTJAt'S iXÖ WOOD f'I.Ol'KS. e. in f=ct nlmucl erry tliinc to plenjo the fajicy. fcadirt and Grnt!cnen. c'ill nnd pnnine for yoiirM-ïvr, Cloelí?. Walehes and Jewelry rppairrd arif wnrrnntpd nn ■ shorf nolicp ?liip nt hip altf 4(nnd. nppocpp [. )ïef I; hrick Srore. in t1i Store occnpied by M. Wheoler CALVIN BLIPP. ,. B - Pash pairl for oíd Gold A Silver. Ann Arbor, July lst.1840. 5i7l-ly ■if hpüE SUBSCRÍEER has receivcd hi Ja. winter stock, whielv heulieia lur CuA. ■1 ureruly reduued prices. ''lie Public are iivited to calt, etamine, and judge for themsehes. Suw un liand. and daiiy id'ling. SuFAS of every varieiy iwwl pauein, ind ihe laicsl íashion. pnces Ironi }3T) ;d up- ivurds. DIVANS, OTTOMANS. LOUNGES, BUKEAUS, of uil kinds, fromrl and wp. Ceñiré. Jard, Tea, Dress, Pter, Dming, and1 Xi si 'l'abli-s. Wasli. r.indlo. nnd I'uilef Siandf. Bedítendí - MahoganV, Maple, and Vi!nut, Iroiü S'2 and up. Piano Fortes ; Piano Covers : Piano Stool. Doublé and single Miiresses of huir, ehuck, palm Icaf. r siraw. Doublc and single Cot Bec's'eads. do do Writing Deeks. CHAÍRS. - The best nssoitmrnt lliot can b found west of New York and the cheapest i ihis ei iy. Windsjr CUa.'rs, a good nrticle, at $2 50 the set'. Mahognny Frencfa ('liairs. hnirsrat. o first rat9 anide, and well (inished for $3 50. Cash onljr. AI;i!]nany Rockiny C'haire:. h;iir .enl "ïtid back, varrnated good, at the low price of $12. for th cash onlv. Fla2 and Cnne Seat from Ca. and up. Hird Cag69t plain and gailery : Bird Glassef, Hobby Hordes, and Toy Wbrelbarrows. for childjen ; Palent Showet and Hip Baths Botton' Bath Pnns. Camp S;ools. Umbrclla and Hat tand?. Fane_ BoHdVSi Foot Scrapers, Canc Sent Connier nnd Hoai SiooU. Curtain material, Tfllile rovers. Palent Post-Ofllce BüUncf. I'ic"ne Krnnies. Willow Vayons. Cradls. Chüira, Clocks. and Batkets Brittannia Table Castora very clieap. J. W. TiLLMAN, No. 7. Jeí)' on Avenue. Detroit. Jnnnary 1. 1817. 2!I7-Iy rpOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. JL We h i. o the, Wholesxle ngeney ol thi ;ti st!y celebiaied medicine. Twn grus jntt rtctived. .1-24 MAY.NARDS. BRICK. - We have on hnnd 300,000 fi n: qualiy Brick. nnd prepaied o lurniatk my quamiiy wanted, very low for caph. 324 MAYNAHDS. FARMERST ATTENTION 9fk DOZ. Blood'sCradlcScyibes, 30 ' Blood's Grass " 18 " Jenk'a " " 100 Durneit's, lloaers' & Curiins' Cradlm, 100 LnmS'in'8 Gruss Scyihes, 10 doz. Tower'a Hoes, IU00 Iba. Coil Chuin from 3-16 to 5 8 in. 40 Lr.: Cliains. Hay Knives, Biish Hooks. Hay, Bnrley. and Manure Forkg, and all other Farming Utensils, jusl receivodiinii lor sale ai Detroit prices at ihe Anvil Store, Upper Town. HENIIV W. WELLES. July Ist, 1847. 325 5TONS "Swfides" IRON, 10 " -Juniaia" do. 3 " "Peru" do. Toceiher with a fnll and complete assortment of Iron, Steel, Cnmase Trimmings, Blackemith' and Waggon Maker's Tools, just receivedal tba Anvil Store, Upper Town. HENRY W. WELLES. July 1, '47. 3


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Old News