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Mr. Hale In Wisconsin

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The Frcetnan, ilie Liberty paper cf Wisconsin, is edited by Ruv. Icliabod Godding, onnof the old veterans in llie antislavery cause, nncl a superior man. He sympathises wilh GerritSmith in liis views of Ihe proper policyofthe Liberty party; and Mr. Smitli voted for him (Mr. Codding) ns hischoice for cundidme for Vice President. Mr. C, in lus paper, speaks of Mr. Hale's nomination ihus: "We briefly noticed, in our last paper, the recent Litierly convention at BuiFalo. We have sinoe had more ennversaiion wilh some of' the delegales who were in attendance. The impression Itfi npon thcir mindK, and llie one lliey have inndo upon ours, is, that it was a very strong and entliusiaslic meeting. In regards the nomination of J. 1'. Hale, we should probably have heartily concurred in t, had ivo heen a mpmber ol ' the conventi'.n, but we mini be allowod to say tluit we have been slow to believe it wise or exptitfient to leive, i:i selcctir.g a candictatp, thnt cirele of noble mpn whnl have borne the burden nnil beat o( lliej day, whoso integrity bas been re;e;ited!y te.sted in nameless triaJsjand whose talent will not suflT'M' in conipariflnn witli Ihoss of John P. Mule. " Wc b:ivt! admire 1 as much ns ony one, the nobla & heroio sland wbich Mr. j líale has taken; ihe maniy strengib, tho robust virtue, thf Bonapartean address [ and brnvery by which be lias vindicatedj hiinself, nnd turned the hattle Dgainst his enemies. VVo knovv notliing againstl him, we only need to know more ai bis favor. " We want to 'oe (ssufed l'iat ha is a man of 'principie, thoí bo wil! bow to its demands as soon in ono directiou, wiien discovered. as in anolher. VVo do not mean to speak disrespectfully, for we are assured by eastern friends of gieat ir.lelligence, (and we expect to gain new evidencp to the same enclly) tiiat he is qiipstionnbly atnie man. '■We have sufiicient confidencfi to induce us lo put bis name at the head of 1 c;ir column?, and we shall wnieh tho movementí of the time with g'-eal cnro. But we do not wish lo bc considered [)lerlged, let whai mny ha)pen, to vole for 'iim at all hazards." !V'r. Codding feels l!ic snme GMculty that Lcsct many ofihs delegntes fiom tho West to the National Convention. They did not know enongh nbout Mr. Hule to be fuliy salisiied in their own minds. They did not know but he was t!.e ver.y man they wished for as a candidute foT the Presideney; but then they werc not sure tlinl he was such a man. Tlie nssurancea ot the entire body of Liberty men at the Eaet, ns well ai Mr. Hale's own c'eclaraiions, will go as far as any declaralions can go, in dispelling the doubls of Liberty men nt ilie West. But hiscoursp in Congress 'must, and we béliere will give the final nhd conclusivo cvidence sough! for. The F reeman adds : " As regnrda Leicfsler King, we have long ftll au ititt-rest in I i m from his wriiings and reported speeclies. As far as we cari gather, lie has provea himself a sincere and honest advocate of our great painciples, as Ke is most nssuredly a very able one. His communication inforrnng Mr. Birney of his nominaiin in IS il, was a very able and finished duction. We think ttiia nomination a ucliciuus one."


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