Teenagers Participating in World Day of Prayer, February 1969
Published In
Ann Arbor News, March 2, 1969
Contemporary Worship A contemporary worship service, initiated by young people from Ann Arbor churches, will be given Friday for the World Day of Prayer. Among those students who planned the 8 p.m. service at Newman Center are Jim Blythe on the guitar, Kathy Rickard (left), Connie Corona, Ric Lipon and Rick Platte. (News Photo by Eck Stanger)
Ann Arbor News, March 2, 1969
Contemporary Worship A contemporary worship service, initiated by young people from Ann Arbor churches, will be given Friday for the World Day of Prayer. Among those students who planned the 8 p.m. service at Newman Center are Jim Blythe on the guitar, Kathy Rickard (left), Connie Corona, Ric Lipon and Rick Platte. (News Photo by Eck Stanger)
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