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Untenable Argument

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The last Tfue Democrat, of tl is village, has a labored leader ia defence of the proseoution of the war against Mexico, nnd the permanent conquest of tliat republic. It says tliat " it seems decreed by the 'God of baúles' tliat this wicked and unruly people siiall be subjected to our government !" Indeed ! How do you know what the "decrees" of :he "God of battles" are 1 low can you sliow that the Mexicans, as people, are any more "ivicked" than the people of the United States ? Their depravity may take a different form, hut we have yct seen no evidencc that it is any greater in amount. But the Democrat gives a long table frofn the Pí, Y. Ilerald, of the batlles and fights in this war, and winds oiF most curiously as follows : " Sucli a series of baltles and victories, ays the Heiald, are almost without a parallel in the history oi" military aflaii's. - What nn a.slounding spectncle is here presented ! No less tlian thirty-five pituhed attles fought ngainst an enemy generaüy bur or fivfi limes our nuinber, together wilh strong places and fortresses, and eities taken by storm in the teeth of superior numbere, both of men and cannon ! f # Herc, tifn, we have the highest and most practicable cvidcnce of the, juslice of the American cause, i;s rival success, approval and smiles of a God tha( works by means and "executes jusLce and judgmer.t in the earth." But whatever inny be the extent cf territory acquired under those nnspices, LET 1T BE A FREE TERRITORY." So, then, according lo the logic of this article.the victory of a party in fight is the liighest and njost practicable evidence of the justice of his cause ! Such an argument would do very well for Peter the Hermit, when getting up tlie hellish passions of Christendom against the unoilending Saiacens ; but t is untvortliy of the philosophical of the True Democrat. It would sound far botter in the mouths of the hireling heathen soothsayersuf Alexander or Julius Csesar, than it does coming from a (Jliristian advócale of justicc and good will to men. A quotaüon frorn the National Era, in reference to the assertion of a clergyman that the conquest of Mexico was the fulfillmerjt of a design of Providence for "reforming the reügion :uid moralsof that country," will be perf2Ctly_in pointJiuJ tho Ti .. . ... [. The Era snys : "This is genuine fanaiicism. Satan is never so dnngerous as when clothed like an angel of light. Man is never so teri-ible in liis wickedne.s, as when he invests Self wiili Divinity - imagines the Almighty a partner in his schemes of avarice or ambition. It is then that the energies of rank and desiructive Appctite or Passion become exalted to their highest intensity by the religious sentiment. No law is then deemed sacred, for the Fannlic claims alliance wilh God, and a Divine Commission, which is higher iban all positive statute. No plea of Justice or Humanity is listened to ; to hesitato or soru.ple at the most monstrous deeds, is hut weaknessor impiety. This reverend fanatic should have known that it is impious to pry into the secret counsels of God ; that human sajjacity is too shorsight.',d to fatbom Divine Providence ; that whnt God plans, purposes, or accomplishes, is not the rule of our nctions ; thalour duty is to do justice and love mercy, leaving Him to manage the affairs of the world, and control all acls for the ncccmplisliment of glorious ends. How doesthis man know that our mission is to rcfirm the religión and moráis of the Me.xican Republic? Or that Fire and Sword are the best instruments in such a wnrk ? Or that, should Providence make ;he miserable ambition of an aggressive nation subservient to good, he will not overwhelm that nalion wilh fiery retribution, because, as Q the case of the conquering Persian, it was not in i'.s heart to oley God, but gratify its own lust?"


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