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EMU Students Examine Skeleton They Found at Killins Gravel Pit, May 1963

EMU Students Examine Skeleton They Found at Killins Gravel Pit, May 1963 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 23, 1963
BONES AND GRAVEL: Members of a geology class at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti check a human skeleton found yesterday at the top of a pit in Killins Gravel Co. at 3305 W. Liberty Rd. in Scio township. Two EMU students, Kay Volkmar and Elaine Pero, found a skull and minutes later discovered the bones while on a field trip with Prof. Norbert W. O'Hara's class. Sheriff's deputies turned the bones over to medical experts at the University of Michigan who said a preliminary examination indicated the remains are those of an American Indian buried several hundred years ago.

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